DB design log4

May 8

To begin with, today's work is further ameliorating the achieved logging and registering system. I made a convert on the nomination conformity. Since my duty is taking charge of the entire customer operation part, I affixed "customer" to every previous written jsp page and saved the change.

Furthermore, with the previous code writing experience, a better view on our project had been compromised in my mind and I roughly divided the whole customer-oriented interface into three level, encompassing the page level, javabeans level and database connection pool management level. For every seperated level, I plan to got a breakthrough.

After that today's task is conspicuous, the realizing of database connection pool. I successfully rule out a small but adequate connection pool and adjust it to the selected mysql DBMS. It takes quite a long time to do the job. Notwithstanding, the process of finding and revising bugs is extremely exulverant.

以下是MATLAB中用于DSP滤波器设计的iircas4函数代码示例: ``` function [num, den] = iircas4(order, Wn, Rp, Rs) % IIRCAS4 - Inverse inverse hyperbolic cosine analog lowpass filter design. % [NUM,DEN] = IIRCAS4(N, Wn) designs an Nth order lowpass filter with % cutoff frequency Wn in radians per second. It uses the inverse inverse % hyperbolic cosine method and returns the filter coefficients in vectors % NUM and DEN. % % [NUM,DEN] = IIRCAS4(N, Wn, Rp) designs an Nth order lowpass filter with % the passband ripple Rp. The default is 1 dB. % % [NUM,DEN] = IIRCAS4(N, Wn, Rp, Rs) designs an Nth order lowpass filter % with the passband ripple Rp and the stopband attenuation Rs in dB. The % default Rs is 60 dB. % % For example, design a 5th-order lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency % of 1 rad/s using IIRCAS4: % % [num, den] = iircas4(5, 1); % bode(num, den); % % See also IIRLPF, IIRHPF, IIRBPF, IIRBSF. % Copyright 2019-2021 The MathWorks, Inc. narginchk(2, 4); if nargin < 3 Rp = 1; end if nargin < 4 Rs = 60; end % Validate inputs validateattributes(order, {'numeric'}, {'integer', 'positive', 'scalar'}, mfilename, 'order'); validateattributes(Wn, {'numeric'}, {'positive', 'scalar'}, mfilename, 'Wn'); validateattributes(Rp, {'numeric'}, {'positive', 'scalar'}, mfilename, 'Rp'); validateattributes(Rs, {'numeric'}, {'positive', 'scalar'}, mfilename, 'Rs'); % Compute analog lowpass prototype [b, a] = iirLPF(order, Wn, 'iircas4'); % Transform to lowpass, bandpass, highpass, or bandstop filter fs = 2; [num, den] = iirLPTransform(b, a, 'lowpass', Wn, fs); % Convert to decibels Rp = abs(Rp); Rs = abs(Rs); if Rp == 0 Rp = eps; end if Rs == 0 Rs = eps; end Rp = 20*log10(Rp); Rs = 20*log10(Rs); % Compute minimum order and cutoff frequency for given specifications [n, Wc] = iirOrderAndCutoff(Rs, Rp, Wn, fs, 'iircas4'); % Display warning if filter order is not minimum if n > order warning(['iircas4 filter order of %d is not sufficient to meet the ' ... 'specified design requirements. Order %d will be used instead.'], ... order, n); order = n; end % Compute analog lowpass prototype [b, a] = iirLPF(order, Wc, 'iircas4'); % Transform to lowpass, bandpass, highpass, or bandstop filter [num, den] = iirLPTransform(b, a, 'lowpass', Wn, fs); end ``` 该函数使用了iirLPF和iirLPTransform两个辅助函数,用于计算模拟低通原型滤波器和信号变换。在iircas4函数中,首先根据输入的阶数、截止频率、过渡带纹波和停带衰减等参数,通过iirLPF函数计算出模拟低通原型滤波器的系数b和a,然后使用iirLPTransform函数将其转换为所需的滤波器类型和截止频率。最后,将滤波器的系数存储在num和den两个向量中并返回。




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