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原创 Docker介绍

总之,Docker是一种强大而灵活的容器化平台,可以提高应用程序的开发效率、部署效率和可伸缩性。3. 微服务架构:使用Docker可以将应用程序拆分为多个独立的容器,每个容器负责一个特定的功能。2. 容器(Container):Docker容器是由镜像创建的运行实例,它是一个独立且可执行的环境。容器可以被启动、停止、重启和删除。容器可以在不同的环境中快速迁移和部署,提高了开发、测试和部署的效率。1. 开发环境一致性:使用Docker可以确保开发环境与生产环境的一致性,避免了在不同环境下配置的问题。

2024-06-07 16:48:29 270

OverbyteIcsV8Gold D7 - XE6 fullsource

完全源码,xe6 up1安装测试没有问题


raize 6.1.9 xe6

安装序列号在压缩文件里面,含源码Full Source


spcomm d4-xe6 up1 完全源码

串口通信组件最新版,完全支持xe6 up1


EurekaLog D4-XE6 full source

功能就不用我多说了吧。 full source...我稍微修改了一下,在XE6UP1下测试没有问题



TMSFMXPack_V_2_1_1_4_XE4_XE5 TMS component site license agreement ------------------------------------ TMS component license agreement between TMS software and holder of the component license. The license of the component gives you the right to : - using the component for development of applications or any type of software module in general by all developers within the company holding the license. - sell any commercial compiled application with the control, published by the company holding the license. - make modifications to the source code of component for own use. - use the component and source code on all development systems used by all developers in the company holding the license. - request future versions of the component at any time either through the web or by email for a full version cycle of the component. After expiry of the registration TMS software can no longer provide any old version of software, documentation or samples. TMS software is not a backup service and expects backups to be made by the licensed user. - access to priority email support by all developers in the company holding the license. - sell any number of applications in any quantity without any additional run-time fees required - change at any time the number of developers using the TMS software components within the company holding the license - notify TMS software at any time to allow new developers within the company to access the priority email support - allow any number of developers within the company holding the license to access the web based interface for obtaining product updates.


AlphaControls 2013 v8.41 For XE5

AlphaControls 2013 v8.41 For XE5,这个不用多说了吧,现在android是否可以用,希望测试过的兄弟留言说明


ehlib v6.2.150 for d7-xe5 .7z

EhLib 6.2 Build 6.2.150 source included version. ---------------------------------------------------- The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 7, 8 & 9 , Borland Developer Studio 2006, CodeGear Delphi 2007, RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, RAD Studio XE-XE5.


FastReport 4.14.1 D7-XE5 改版

建议先安装(如果没装的话),后覆盖。 安装版是 4.14.x ,覆盖后是 4.14 支持最新版 XE5 可以只放入 FastQB FastScript Res Lib* 等目录 使用方便: 1.直接复制并覆盖XE5自带的fastreports目录, 2.后关闭 XE5 3.recompile.exe (这个也要复制) 重新编译fastreport 注意选Enterprise 版本 4. 再开XE5就是最新版的了。


Berg Soft Next Suite 5 8.2013 (VCL) Delphi 7 - XE4

=========== Aug 25 2013 ----------- -- NextGrid v5.9.3 -- fixed: Bug fixes and internal tweaks. NextDBGrid v5.9.3 -- added: Offset property to NxDBIncrementColumn. added: OnRowVisible event. fixed: CalculateFooter method with VisibleOnly parameter set. fixed: Bug fixes and internal tweaks.





QuickReport 5.05 for XE3

QuickReport 5.05 for XE3,安装版本,可以单独安装,测试xe3没有问题,喜欢的就下吧,本人已经不用QuickReport了


Magic CDDVD Burner Pro VCL 1.21 full source ported XE3

Magic CD/DVD Burner Pro is developed to fulfill the requirement of Data CD/DVD burning needs in your Delphi/Builder program. Magic CD/DVD Burner Includes all the features required by the developers in such software plus more, offering the reliability, stability and ease of use in affordable price.


IOComp Components Full Product 4.0.4 SP2_XE3

IOComp Components Full Product 4.0.4 SP2_XE3,不用我多说了吧,所有产品集,full-source哦,嘎嘎



EhLib history Version 6.0 + Added new components to service the access through the technology DataDrivers. ConnectionProviders: TADOConnectionProviderEh - this component provides interaction between the TADODataDriver and TADOConnection in Design-Time and Run-Time. It contains a built-in TADOConnection component. It specifies the type of the SQL server for the correct operation of the extra operations on the server, such as the value of the incremental the table fields after inserting records, etc. Similar functions are performed by next components: TDBXConnectionProviderEh to services the access through the DBX Engine. TIBXConnectionProviderEh to services the access through the IBX Engine. TBDEConnectionProviderEh to services the access through the BDE Engine. + Dynamic properties of the EhLib components - DynProps. A collection of elements that implement the dynamic properties of the components and class libraries. Every control of EhLib have DynProps collection. In the DBGridEh component: + Added new sort marking images and the sort order now depends of the type of the field. + Added ability to customize colors of dividing lines and to define presence/absence of lines in different areas of the grid. + Added opportunity of flexible customizing of drawing the grid headers. + Added opportunity of flexible customizing of rendering the footer. + Added opportunity of flexible customizing of the drawing area SubtitleFilter. + Added the ability to display the image data in the cells from the Bolb fields in the various graphic formats. + Added the ability to display a graphical background Image. + Added ability of the advanced search and filtering of data. + Added an extra panel in the horizontal scroll bar. + Added opportunity of flexible adjustment of the group title (DataGrouping). + Added ability to display summing rows in groups. + Added opportunity of flexible adjustment for the HideDuplicates values. + Added a new option in display elements of the tree structure. + Added the ability to filter data in the drop-down lookup lists when typing text. In the component MemTableEh + Added an ability to change the internal structure of the array without data loss. + Added an ability to save/load data from/to a file (s). - Closed support for Delphi and C++ Builder versions lower than 7. + Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3.



一、修改EhLib - Compile_D17.bat 将dcc32修改成本机的Delphi路径 然后双击EhLib - Compile_D17.bat进行自动编译 二、在操作系统的环境变量Path中添加下列路径: E:\Program Files\Vcl\EhLib\Bin\Delphi17 根据本机修改对应的路径 三、在Delphi的Search Path(即Library Path)中加入下面路径 E:\Program Files\Vcl\Lib\Delphi17;E:\Program Files\Vcl\EhLib\Resource 五、导入reg文件 EhLib - Known Packages_D17.reg 注:Delphi17和D17表示Delphi XE3



This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.


Berg Soft Next Suite 5 1.2013Delphi 7 - XE3

=========== Jan 15 2013 ----------- -- Next Common -- fixed: Bug fixes and internal tweaks. NextGrid v5.8 -- added: Count property to InsertRow method. fixed: Bug fixes and internal tweaks. NextDBGrid v5.8 -- fixed: Bug fixes and internal tweaks. NextInspector v5.8 -- added: AutoExpand Boolean property. When set to true, item will be expanded on select. added: OnPropertyLoad event. Occur after LoadProperties method is called. added: OnPropertyLoaded event.



{ Abakus VCL } { Abakus property Editors } { } {******************************************************************************} { e-Mail: support@abaecker.de , Web: http://www.abaecker.com } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { (c) Copyright 1998..2001 A.Baecker, All rights Reserved }


Delphi Formatter Expert 2.5.6(支持XE3

DelForEx 源码格式化工具 2.5.6 修改: dingsir 增加对XE3的支持 2.5.5 修改: dingsir 增加对XE2的支持 2.5.4 修改: minyoad 发布日期: 20:35 2010-11-16 添加Delphi XE支持 2.5.3修改版 修改: minyoad 添加格式化当前文件的快捷键CTRL+ALT+TAB 2010-3-16 添加Delphi2007 的dll ----- 原始版本 修改: 风铃夜思雨 主页: Http://Www.SkyGz.Com 发布日期: 2008-10-30



You may use, change or modify the component under 4 conditions: 1. In your website, add a link to "http://www.bsalsa.com" 2. In your application, add credits to "Embedded Web Browser" 3. Mail me (bsalsa@gmail.com) any code change in the unit for the benefit of the other users. 4. Please, consider donation in our web site!



How to do some common tasks with XLSReadWriteII Define a print area // Print areas are defined as a name, with the InternalNames property. with XLS.InternalNames.Add do begin // A print area is a built in name; that is, there is no name for it. BuiltInName := bnPrintArea; // The definition area must be absolute. Definition := 'Sheet1!$A$1:$G$15'; end;


TMS Component Pack for Delphi C++Builder 5-XE4 Full Source

TMS component single developer license agreement ------------------------------------------------ TMS component license agreement between TMS software and holder of the component license. The license of the component gives you the right to: - using the component for development of applications or any type of software module in general by a single developer within the company holding the license. - sell any commercial compiled application with the control, published by the company holding the license. - make modifications to the source code of component for own use. - use the component and source code on all development systems used by the developer assigned by the company holding the license. - request future versions of the component at any time either through the web or by email for a full version cycle of the component or maximum 3 years after purchase. After expiry of the registration TMS software can no longer provide any old version of software, documentation or samples. TMS software is not a backup service and expects backups to be made by the licensed user. - access to priority email support by the single developer assigned by the company holding the license during the license period. - sell any number of applications in any quantity without any additional run-time fees required


RAD Studio XE4 Installer 源代码

RAD Studio XE4 Installer 源代码,无需多说,full-source _Main_R01 = '构建'; _Main_R02 = '安装'; _Main_R03 = '重装'; _Main_R04 = '恢复'; _Main_R05 = '激活'; _Main_R06 = '清除'; _Main_R07 = '运行'; _Main_R08 = '加载'; _Main_R09 = '请稍候'; _Main_R10 = '资源文件'; _Main_R11 = '镜像文件'; _Main_R12 = '安装垃圾'; _Main_R13 = '%s (*.iso)|*.iso|全部 (*.*)|*.*'; _Main_R14 = '计算机名称无效'; _Main_R15 = '使用 %s 作为计算机名无法激活 %s'; _Main_R16 = '请指定 %s'; _Main_R17 = '指定 %s %s'; _Main_R18 = '指定的不是 %s %s'; _Main_R19 = '可以%s了'; _Main_R20 = '正在%s%s, %s'; _Main_R21 = '正在构建安装和激活所需%s, %s'; _Main_R22 = '本机已安装并激活了 %s'; _Main_R23 = '请退出正在运行的 %s'; _Main_R24 = '程序制作: Haiq 2013年6月20日 星期四';



paxCompiler updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version: 3.1 Status: Registered. Build: 13 May, 2013. Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Alexander Baranovsky Author: Alexander Baranovsky Web site: www.paxcompiler.com



JEDI Code Library v 2.5 Installation Supported development tools versions: - Delphi XE3 (Win32 and Win64) and C++Builder XE3 (Win32 and Win64) - Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2; - Delphi XE and C++Builder XE; - Delphi 2010 and C++Builder 2010; - Delphi 2009 and C++Builder 2009; - CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 (also known as Delphi 2007 for Win32, C++Builder 2007); - Borland Developer Studio 2006 (also known as Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006); - Borland Delphi 2005; - Borland Delphi 7; - Borland Delphi 6 Update Pack #2 (including Personal Edition); - Borland C++ Builder 6; - FreePascal 2.2.


ImageEn (XE4) - v4.1.4

This software comes without express or implied warranty. In no case shall the author be liable for any damage or unwanted behavior of any computer hardware and/or software. Author grants you the right to include the compiled component in your application, whether COMMERCIAL, SHAREWARE or FREEWARE. ImageEn may not be included in any commercial, shareware or freeware "libraries" or "components". THE SOFTWARE IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION, COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, OR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OR SIMILAR ACTIVITIES IN WHICH CASE THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD LEAD TO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. No Rental. Customer may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE to someone else. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Accordingly, Customer is required to treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material, except as otherwise allowed pursuant to this LICENSE and that it may make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archive purposes.


IBDAC 5.01 full source (D5_XE4)

InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) is a library of components that provides access to InterBase and Firebird database servers. IBDAC directly uses InterBase client software to connect to server. The IBDAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner InterBase database applications. IBDAC is a complete replacement for standard InterBase connectivity solutions. It presents an efficient alternative to the Borland Database Engine for access to InterBase and InterBase Express Components.



DIRegEx Introduction DIRegEx is a library of Delphi components and procedures that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5.8, with just a few differences. This includes support for UTF-8 encoded strings and Unicode general category properties.


DevExpress VCL 12.2.6 D7-XE4 FuDevExpress VCL 12.2.6 D7-XE4 Full Sourcell Source

fullsource { Developer Express Visual Component Library } { Express Cross Platform Library classes } { } { Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Developer Express Inc. } { ALL RIGHTS RESERVED } { } { The entire contents of this file is protected by U.S. and } { International Copyright Laws. Unauthorized reproduction, } { reverse-engineering, and distribution of all or any portion of } { the code contained in this file is strictly prohibited and may } { result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be } { prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. } { } { RESTRICTIONS }


Almdev-StyleControls 5.11 For D11.3



Visual Assist X 10.8.2029.0(支持2013) 完美破解版

Visual Assist X 10.8.2029.0(支持2013) 完美破解版





VTreeView 2014-02-09 v5.3.0

V5.3.0: (04 Jan 2014) - Fix for issue #159 (Cursor missing in edit with non-standard DPI): Ensuring a minimum size of the edit control - Fixed issue #403: Declare TVTGetNodeProc as reference to procedure (for D2009+) - Fixed issue #402: TVTEdit.CNCommand discard all notification except EN_UPDATE due to missing inherited - Corrected fix for issue #376 (Incorrect selection paint when toGridExtensions is included in the MiscOptions) - Fixed issue #401: OnNodeClick event doesn't trigger in some case, coFixed set for a column - Modified #316 (concerning r498). The fix for #316 will only be applied in case toMultiSelect is set. If toMultiSelect is not set we can start a drag anywhere in the row. - ContentToHTML() and ContentToRTF() now return a string of type RawByteString. Because the generated strings are pre-encoded in UTF-8, the previous type AnsiString caused problems in Delphi 2009+ e.g. when this string was written using the VCL TStreamWriter class. The helper class TBufferedAnsiString therefore uses RywByteString now as type too. - Fixed issue #399: EditDelay not working - Fixed issue #400: AltGr+A does not behave as expected for foreign keyboard layouts in VTEdit - Fixed issue #388: VirtualStringTree with toFixedIndent causes range check error - Edit box when editing a node in a tree with toFixedIndent now has the correct indent - Fixed issue #392: Now ensuring that MeasureItemHeight() is only called from the main thread. - Fixed #383: Clear vsHasChildren for a node without children even if the children count didn't change. - Fixed #377: Wrong font (size, etc) in TargetCanvas in MeasureItem for first node - Fixed issue #398 (hoAutoResize causes DFM designer to be modified after loading) by calling TControl.Updating()/Updated() in AdjustAutoSize() - Preventing possible AV in TBaseVirtualTree.FontChanged() - Fixed 32Bit Integer overflows in Win64 build in TBufferedAnsiString.


AlphaControls 2014 xe6 full source

AlphaControls :: history 04.07.2014 AlphaControls v9.10 Stable released * Removed blinking of some components when form is activated/deactivated * Improved painting of scrolling buttons in pagecontrols * Resolved issue in work of "CloseTab" buttons in TsPageControl component * Some small bugfixes 27.06.2014 AlphaControls v9.05 Beta released * Solved problems with empty images * Improved positioning of content in the TsSpeedButton 25.06.2014 AlphaControls v9.04 Beta released * Improved loading of Bitmaps 32 to AlphaImageList * Improved pages switching in TsNoteBook * Improved resizing of TListView * Fixed error of TWebBrowser support under Delphi XE * Improved animation in TsSpeedButtons * Improved support of TDBCtrlGrid * Added new sections for TsSlider component * Solved problem with glowing hiding in TsComboBox component * Solved issue with opening of TActionList with TsAlphaImageList is design-time * Improved work TMainMenu with MDI forms * Improved drawing of TsSpeedButton with arrow without skins * Improved text painting in MessageBox * Improved work of buttons in TsPageControl tabs * Fixed error in TsSpeedButton when Action used and button is destroyed * Improved switching of the TsSlider component * TsSlider is improved in some skins


AutoUpgrader XE6

AutoUpgrader_XE6,目前支持最新的xe6 up1


TRichView 14.12, RichViewActions 4.5, ScaleRichView 5.9

October 31, 2013: Update: TRichView 14.12, RichViewActions 4.5, ScaleRichView 5.9 This update implements support of touch screen devices: •panning with finger •two finger zooming (in a print preview and a WYSIWYG editor) •selection handles



Installation Abakus VCL =================================== Copyright (C) 1998...2014 A.Baecker Update ====== If you want to update any Abakus VCL version < V2.90 -backup any private file/folder within the Abakus folders -uninstall the previous version via Control panel->Software->Abakus VCL -uninstall any manually build Abakus package in Delphi/CBuilder/Win-Searchpath


IntraWeb.v14.0.32 and Crack

IntraWeb.v14.0.32 and Crack,里面有说明帮助和demos


InfoPower FireMonkey XE6 VCL 14.0.1

InfoPower FireMonkey And InfoPower XE6 for VCL 14.0.1 Retail 大名鼎鼎的控件,放心使用吧


1stClass for RAD Studio XE6 VCL - 14.0.1 Retail

1stClass for RAD Studio XE6 VCL - 14.0.1 Retail,支持XE6 UP1



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