







@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface HeadStyle {
    short dataFormat() default -1;
	//将使用此样式的单元格设置为隐藏 默认不使用
    BooleanEnum hidden() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;
    BooleanEnum locked() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

    BooleanEnum quotePrefix() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;
    HorizontalAlignmentEnum horizontalAlignment() default HorizontalAlignmentEnum.DEFAULT;

    BooleanEnum wrapped() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;
    VerticalAlignmentEnum verticalAlignment() default VerticalAlignmentEnum.DEFAULT;

    short rotation() default -1;

    short indent() default -1;

    BorderStyleEnum borderLeft() default BorderStyleEnum.DEFAULT;

    BorderStyleEnum borderRight() default BorderStyleEnum.DEFAULT;

    BorderStyleEnum borderTop() default BorderStyleEnum.DEFAULT;

    BorderStyleEnum borderBottom() default BorderStyleEnum.DEFAULT;

    short leftBorderColor() default -1;

    short rightBorderColor() default -1;

    short topBorderColor() default -1;

    short bottomBorderColor() default -1;

    FillPatternTypeEnum fillPatternType() default FillPatternTypeEnum.DEFAULT;

    short fillBackgroundColor() default -1;

    short fillForegroundColor() default -1;

    BooleanEnum shrinkToFit() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;



public @interface HeadRowHeight {
     * 设置表头行高,-1代表自适应
    short value() default -1;


@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface HeadFontStyle {

     * The name for the font (i.e. Arial)
    String fontName() default "";

     * Height in the familiar unit of measure - points
    short fontHeightInPoints() default -1;

     * Whether to use italics or not
    BooleanEnum italic() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Whether to use a strikeout horizontal line through the text or not
    BooleanEnum strikeout() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

     * The color for the font
     * @see Font#COLOR_NORMAL
     * @see Font#COLOR_RED
     * @see HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
     * @see IndexedColors
    short color() default -1;

     * Set normal, super or subscript.
     * @see Font#SS_NONE
     * @see Font#SS_SUPER
     * @see Font#SS_SUB
    short typeOffset() default -1;

     * set type of text underlining to use
     * @see Font#U_NONE
     * @see Font#U_SINGLE
     * @see Font#U_DOUBLE
     * @see Font#U_SINGLE_ACCOUNTING
     * @see Font#U_DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING

    byte underline() default -1;

     * Set character-set to use.
     * @see FontCharset
     * @see Font#ANSI_CHARSET
     * @see Font#DEFAULT_CHARSET
     * @see Font#SYMBOL_CHARSET
    int charset() default -1;

     * Bold
    BooleanEnum bold() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;


@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface ContentStyle {
     * Set the data format (must be a valid format). Built in formats are defined at {@link BuiltinFormats}.
    short dataFormat() default -1;

     * Set the cell's using this style to be hidden
    BooleanEnum hidden() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the cell's using this style to be locked
    BooleanEnum locked() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Turn on or off "Quote Prefix" or "123 Prefix" for the style, which is used to tell Excel that the thing which
     * looks like a number or a formula shouldn't be treated as on. Turning this on is somewhat (but not completely, see
     * {@link IgnoredErrorType}) like prefixing the cell value with a ' in Excel
    BooleanEnum quotePrefix() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the type of horizontal alignment for the cell
    HorizontalAlignmentEnum horizontalAlignment() default HorizontalAlignmentEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set whether the text should be wrapped. Setting this flag to <code>true</code> make all content visible within a
     * cell by displaying it on multiple lines
    BooleanEnum wrapped() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the type of vertical alignment for the cell
    VerticalAlignmentEnum verticalAlignment() default VerticalAlignmentEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the degree of rotation for the text in the cell.
     * Note: HSSF uses values from -90 to 90 degrees, whereas XSSF uses values from 0 to 180 degrees. The
     * implementations of this method will map between these two value-ranges accordingly, however the corresponding
     * getter is returning values in the range mandated by the current type of Excel file-format that this CellStyle is
     * applied to.
    short rotation() default -1;

     * Set the number of spaces to indent the text in the cell
    short indent() default -1;

     * Set the type of border to use for the left border of the cell
    BorderStyleEnum borderLeft() default BorderStyleEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the type of border to use for the right border of the cell
    BorderStyleEnum borderRight() default BorderStyleEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the type of border to use for the top border of the cell
    BorderStyleEnum borderTop() default BorderStyleEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the type of border to use for the bottom border of the cell
    BorderStyleEnum borderBottom() default BorderStyleEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the color to use for the left border
     * @see IndexedColors
    short leftBorderColor() default -1;

     * Set the color to use for the right border
     * @see IndexedColors
    short rightBorderColor() default -1;

     * Set the color to use for the top border
     * @see IndexedColors
    short topBorderColor() default -1;

     * Set the color to use for the bottom border
     * @see IndexedColors
    short bottomBorderColor() default -1;

     * Setting to one fills the cell with the foreground color... No idea about other values
     * @see FillPatternType#SOLID_FOREGROUND
    FillPatternTypeEnum fillPatternType() default FillPatternTypeEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Set the background fill color.
     * @see IndexedColors
    short fillBackgroundColor() default -1;

     * Set the foreground fill color <i>Note: Ensure Foreground color is set prior to background color.</i>
     * @see IndexedColors
    short fillForegroundColor() default -1;

     * Controls if the Cell should be auto-sized to shrink to fit if the text is too long
    BooleanEnum shrinkToFit() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;



@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface ContentFontStyle {

     * The name for the font (i.e. Arial)
    String fontName() default "";

     * Height in the familiar unit of measure - points
    short fontHeightInPoints() default -1;

     * Whether to use italics or not
    BooleanEnum italic() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

     * Whether to use a strikeout horizontal line through the text or not
    BooleanEnum strikeout() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;

     * The color for the font
     * @see Font#COLOR_NORMAL
     * @see Font#COLOR_RED
     * @see HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
     * @see IndexedColors
    short color() default -1;

     * Set normal, super or subscript.
     * @see Font#SS_NONE
     * @see Font#SS_SUPER
     * @see Font#SS_SUB
    short typeOffset() default -1;

     * set type of text underlining to use
     * @see Font#U_NONE
     * @see Font#U_SINGLE
     * @see Font#U_DOUBLE
     * @see Font#U_SINGLE_ACCOUNTING
     * @see Font#U_DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING

    byte underline() default -1;

     * Set character-set to use.
     * @see FontCharset
     * @see Font#ANSI_CHARSET
     * @see Font#DEFAULT_CHARSET
     * @see Font#SYMBOL_CHARSET
    int charset() default -1;

     * Bold
    BooleanEnum bold() default BooleanEnum.DEFAULT;


public @interface ContentRowHeight {

     * Set the content height
     * <p>
     * -1 mean the auto set height
     * @return Content height
    short value() default -1;


@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface ColumnWidth {

     * 列宽
     * <p>
     * -1 表示使用默认列宽
     * @return 列宽
    int value() default -1;


public @interface ExcelProperty {

     * The name of the sheet header.
     * <p>
     * write: It automatically merges when you have more than one head
     * <p>
     * read: When you have multiple heads, take the last one
     * @return The name of the sheet header
    String[] value() default {""};

     * Index of column
     * Read or write it on the index of column, If it's equal to -1, it's sorted by Java class.
     * priority: index &gt; order &gt; default sort
     * @return Index of column
    int index() default -1;

     * Defines the sort order for an column.
     * priority: index &gt; order &gt; default sort
     * @return Order of column
    int order() default Integer.MAX_VALUE;

     * Force the current field to use this converter.
     * @return Converter
    Class<? extends Converter<?>> converter() default AutoConverter.class;

     * default @see com.alibaba.excel.util.TypeUtil if default is not meet you can set format
     * @return Format string
     * @deprecated please use {@link com.alibaba.excel.annotation.format.DateTimeFormat}
    String format() default "";











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