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转载 利器系列-----利用墨刀来制作产品原型


2019-06-19 23:54:13 2093

转载 SpringBoot的自动配置原理过程解析


2019-06-16 22:25:04 526

转载 AOP 实现方式有三种

cglib库实现,对 Java字节码进行重新编译,将切面插入宇节码的某些点和面上 。 ·定制类加载器,在类加载时对字节码进行补充,在字节码中插入切面,增加了除业务逻 辑外的功能, JVM 自身提供的 Java Agent 机制就是在加载类的宇节码时,通过增加切 面来实现 AOP 的。JVM本身提供了动态代理组件,可以通过它实现任意对象的代理模式,在代理的过程中可 以插入切面的逻辑。可以使用...

2019-06-16 21:49:08 4551

原创 Linux中重命名失败原因

背景运营小姐姐小哥哥万众期待的智能系统终于经过在本地严格测试来到了测试环境,一个大幅提高生产力的时代即将开启。BUT在这美好的时刻,在经过本地开发完美的的测试和验证,来到测试环境,结果却不那么美好了:与预期的结果有了偏差。一套庞大的系统,经过各阶段的测试、排查、Log定位,最终锁定一段最不起眼的代码身上,一段非常简单的逻辑。目前代码import org.apache.comm...

2019-06-14 01:55:19 2655

转载 架构系列---利用zookeeper 分布式锁解决缓存重建冲突实战

上一篇 分布式缓存重建并发冲突问题以及zookeeper分布式锁解决方案, 主要讲解了分布式缓存重建冲突原因及利用zookeeper分布式锁解决缓存重建冲突问题,本篇接着上篇,实现上篇思路,带你利用zookeeper代码实现分布式锁解决重建缓存冲突问题。缓存重建分析图从上图我们可以看出:缓存主动更新 我们监听kafka中的缓存操作消息队列,当接收到一个商品变更消息后,我们会立即根...

2019-06-13 00:01:30 872

转载 架构系列---分布式缓存重建并发冲突问题以及zookeeper分布式锁解决方案

本篇讲解分布式缓存重建冲突原因及利用zookeeper分布式锁解决缓存重建冲突问题。缓存重建什么意思呢? 比如应用跑了一段时间,缓存(redis cluster)实例中的部分数据由于被LRU等算法或者其他手段清理了,这时候就需要重新到数据源中拉取数据,然后重新设置到缓存中。 分布式缓存重建又是什么意思呢? 比如在多个node节点上部署了相同的服务实例,对外提供服务,就会出现多个node分...

2019-06-12 23:58:54 730

转载 架构系列---蚂蚁金服面对亿级并发场景的组件体系设计


2019-06-05 01:39:37 976

原创 Mysql中的笔试和面试---Mysql进行数据分布统计经典专用SQL

1. 数据库建表语句CREATE TABLE `start_duration` ( `id` bigint(13) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增id', `name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '事件名称', `devic...

2019-06-04 00:58:17 3744 1

原创 连接Mysql 报2013 lost connection to MYSQL server during query 错误问题解决方案

排查过程梳理如下1.MySQL 服务宕了判断是否属于这个原因的方法很简单,进入mysql控制台,查看mysql的运行时长mysql> show global status like 'uptime';+---------------+---------+| Variable_name | Value |+---------------+---------+| ...

2019-06-04 00:45:52 30285 2

转载 架构系列---Redis缓存雪崩、缓存穿透、缓存与数据库双写一致

阅读:数据库和缓存双写一致性方案解析https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32534441/article/details/89681281一、缓存雪崩1.1 什么是缓存雪崩回顾一下我们为什么要用缓存(redis):现在有个问题,如果我们的缓存挂掉了,这意味着我们的全部请求都跑去数据库了。在前面学习我们都知道redis不可能把所有的数据都缓存起来(内存昂贵且...

2019-06-02 22:29:42 328

Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning CS224N/Ling284

1.The foundations of the effective modern methods for deep learning applied to NLP • Basics first: Word vectors, feed-forward networks, recurrent networks, attention • Then key methods used in NLP in 2024: transformers, encoder-decoder models, pretraining, post-training (RLHF, SFT), efficient adaptation, model interpretability, language model agents, etc. 2. A big picture understanding of human languages and the difficulties in understanding and producing them via computers 3. An understandin


RFC9220 - HTTP Datagrams and the Capsule Protocol

This document describes HTTP Datagrams, a convention for conveying multiplexed, potentially unreliable datagrams inside an HTTP connection. In HTTP/3, HTTP Datagrams can be sent unreliably using the QUIC DATAGRAM extension. When the QUIC DATAGRAM frame is unavailable or undesirable, HTTP Datagrams can be sent using the Capsule Protocol, which is a more general convention for conveying data in HTTP connections.


RFC9297 - Bootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/3

The mechanism for running the WebSocket Protocol over a single stream of an HTTP/2 connection is equally applicable to HTTP/3, but the HTTP-version-specific details need to be specified. This document describes how the mechanism is adapted for HTTP/3.


RFC9114 - HTTP/3

The QUIC transport protocol has several features that are desirable in a transport for HTTP, such as stream multiplexing, per-stream flow control, and low-latency connection establishment. This document describes a mapping of HTTP semantics over QUIC. This document also identifies HTTP/2 features that are subsumed by QUIC and describes how HTTP/2 extensions can be ported to HTTP/3.


RFC9000 - QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport

This document defines the core of the QUIC transport protocol. QUIC provides applications with flow-controlled streams for structured communication, low-latency connection establishment, and network path migration. QUIC includes security measures that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability in a range of deployment circumstances. Accompanying documents describe the integration of TLS for key negotiation, loss detection, and an exemplary congestion control algorithm.


RFC8446 -The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3

Abstract This document specifies version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS allows client/server applications to communicate over the Internet in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. This document updates RFCs 5705 and 6066, and obsoletes RFCs 5077, 5246, and 6961. This document also specifies new requirements for TLS 1.2 implementations. Status of This Memo This is an Internet Standards Track document. This document is a product o



Storage parameter flexibility • Storage permanence • Redundancy persistence • Data transmission incentivization • Universality of storage tracking Filecoin’s tokenomics support growing the total network’s storage space. Crust’s tokenomics ensure hyper-redundancy with fast retrieval speeds. Sia is all about privacy Arweave is all about permanence Storj’s business model seems to heavily factor in their billing and payment approach. Swarm’s bonding curve model


Chainbase+Web3+APi+Data warehouse

1.Chain API Service:提供安全稳定的多链节点 JSONRPC 集群⽀持,轻松访问多链⽹络 2.Web3 API Service:⽀持多种协议索引,快速⽀持业务应⽤场景(如Token、NFT、DeFi、Domain...)数据查询 3.All-In-One Dashboard:通过⼀站式控制台完成创建、调试、监控和运维 Web3 应⽤程序



1.Substreams 是 The Graph Network 的数据服务世界中即将推出的服务之一,它允许您以毫秒级的延迟查询 Solana 历史数据和实时数据。 2.The Graph 是 Web3 的核心开发者工具及中间件,作为去中心化网络的索引查询层,对区块链数据进行结构化和分类,使用户可以轻松高效地对其进行检索。



1.Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays 2.由“中继器”传输的“笔记”和“其它东西 3.不依赖于任何可信任(trusted)的中心化服务器,因此具有“韧性/可迅 速恢复性”(resilient) 4.基于公钥密码学的“密钥和签名”原理,所以它防篡改 5.不需要依赖P2P技术就能运行


GO 中 Chan 实现原理分享

本文聚焦: 1.chan是什么 2.chan的底层数据结构 3.chan的读写基本流程 4.与sync的区别


storj dcs video use case

Video Storage & Streaming


Aurora - 去中心化的以太坊 Layer2

Aurora is a L2 Network





Poly Network 技术架构

To build the next generation internet



Present-day blockchain architectures all suffer from a number of issues not least practical means of extensibility and scalability. We believe this stems from tying two very important parts of the consensus architecture, namely canonicality and validity, too closely together. This paper introduces an architecture, the heterogeneous multi-chain, which fundamentally sets the two apart.


Security audit report for imtoken wallet

This security audit is a requested service authorized by the client. The service is mainly about application penetration testing which helps to find the vulnerabilities and threats of the target. All the penetration testing items are done by simulating the real world malicious attacks against the target, which mimics human hackers’ activities by manual penetration testing with automated tools.


Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world

Decentraland is a virtual reality platform powered by the Ethereum blockchain. Users can create, experience, and monetize content and applications. Land in Decentraland is permanently owned by the community, giving them full control over their creations. Users claim ownership of virtual land on a blockchain-based ledger of parcels. Landowners control what content is published to their portion of land, which is identified by a set of cartesian coordinates (x,y). Contents can range from static 3D


The Bitcoin Standard

The Bitcoin Standard Bitcoin的表演



力场的定位是一个以公链共建挖矿为核心的社区平台以及 UGC(用户生成贡 献)平台。力场的愿景是成为公链生态第一社区,无力场,不公链。 力场的使命是赋能公链生态,以(贡献)行为挖矿为切入点,形成公链、KOL、 用户、Dapp 共生、共建、共利的区块链用户社区。


A Novel Metastable Consensus Protocol Family for Cryptocurrencie

This paper introduces a new family of leaderless Byzantine fault tolerance protocols, built on a metastable mechanism. These protocols provide a strong probabilistic safety guarantee in the presence of Byzantine adversaries, while their concurrent nature enables them to achieve high throughput and scalability.


Measuring Ethereum Network Peers

Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency valued at a peak of $138 billion in 2018, is a decentralized, Turing-complete computing platform. Although the stability and security of Ethereum—and blockchain systems in general—have been widely-studied, most analysis has focused on application level features of these systems such as cryptographic mining challenges, smart contract semantics, or block mining operators.


Firework Games White Paper

Firework Games will be the most advanced and forward-looking blockchain game platform. Our vision is to provide an open and inclusive diverse game world based on the pure blockchain technology, which will change the game industry in modern society. Everyone is freely allowed to create, to play and to enjoy his own role in the parallel world.


CS251 Final Exam 2021

You may use any (non-human) resource to answer the questions. You may not collaborate with others.


Generic Construction of Ring Signatures with Efficient

We introduce a novel generic ring signature construction, called DualRing, which can be built from several canonical identification schemes (such as Schnorr identification).DualRing differs from the classical ring signatures by its formation of two rings: a ring of commitments and a ring of challenges. It has a structural difference from the common ring signature approaches based on accumulators or zero-knowledge proofs of the signer index.


The Gridex Protocol

The Gridex Protocol is a permissionless and non-custodial trading protocol consisting of a set of persistent, non-upgradable smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike the current mainstream decentralized exchanges based on the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model, Gridex is based on order books. With our novel Grid Maker Order Book (GMOB) model, we have significantly reduced the resource consumption of running an order book based system, allowing us to deploy and run it on the Ethereum.


Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Arithmetic Circuits

We provide a zero-knowledge argument for arithmetic circuit satisfiability with a communication complexity that grows logarithmically in the size of the circuit. The round complexity is also logarithmic and for an arithmetic circuit with fan-in 2 gates the computation of the prover and verifier is linear in the size of the circuit. The soundness of our argument relies solely on the well-established discrete logarithm assumption in prime order groups.


KishuInu Whitepaper

$KISHU is an ERC20 token which started on the Ethereum blockchain April 17, 2021. The max supply is 100 quadrillion and one of its key functionalities is its decentralized usage rewards mechanism. For every active user transaction a 2% $KISHU reward is granted to holders’ decentralized wallets only, fostering a healthy distrubuted network and community usage. The more $KISHU is actively used, the more rewards are granted!


On the Instability of Bitcoin Without the Block Reward

Bitcoin provides two incentives for miners: block rewards and transaction fees. The former accounts for the vast majority of miner revenues at the beginning of the system, but it is expected to transition to the latter as the block rewards dwindle. There has been an implicit belief that whether miners are paid by block rewards or transaction fees does not affect the security of the block chain.


Shorter Proofs for Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Ledger

We present a new short zero-knowledge argument for the range proof and the arithmetic circuits without a trusted setup. In particular, the proof size of our protocol is the shortest of the category of proof systems with a trustless setup. More concretely, when proving a committed value is a positive integer less than 64 bits, except for negligible error in the 128-bit security parameter, the proof size is 576 byte long, which is of 85.7% size of the previous shortest one due to Bunzetal.


Attacking Threshold Wallets

Threshold wallets leverage threshold signature schemes (TSS) to distribute signing rights across multiple parties when issuing blockchain transactions. These provide greater assurance against insider fraud, and are sometimes seen as an alternative to methods using a trusted execution environment to issue the signature. This new class of applications motivated researchers to discover better protocols, entrepreneurs to create start-up companies, and large organizations to deploy TSS-based.


This paper provides an architectural overview of the Avalanche

Avalanche is a high-performance, scalable, customizable, and secure blockchain platform. It targets three broad use cases: 15 – Building application-specific blockchains, spanning permissioned (private) and permissionless (public) deployments. – Building and launching highly scalable and decentralized applications (Dapps). – Building arbitrarily complex digital assets with custom rules, covenants, and riders (smart assets).


Avalanche Native Token ($AVAX) Dynamics

This paper discusses the key implementation details, in particular the token economics (tokenomics), of the native token of the Avalanche platform, called 5 $AVAX. The native token secures the network, pays for fees, and provides the basic unit of account between the multiple blockchains deployed on the larger Avalanche network. For additional details on Avalanche, which serves as a versatile and universal platform, allowing anyone to launch new blockchains with their own rules, virtual machine


ZKSwap是一个基于 ZK-Rollup 的 Layer2 代币Swap协议

是一种基于 ZK-Rollup 技术的 Layer-2 AMM 去中心化交易协议 ZKSwap,在 Layer-2 上实现了 uniswap 的所有功能,在保证去中心化交易的核心 价值的同时,实现实时交易,把 Uniswap 的 TPS(每秒可以处理的交易数量) 提升了多个数量级,同时交易的过程几乎不需要消耗任何 Gas 费用。 ZKSwap 系统由链上智能合约,链下 ZKSwap Server,零知识证明系统和前端 用户界面组成。


ZEND White Paper

You agree that you are acquiring ZEND to participate in zkLend and to obtain services on the ecosystem thereon. The Company, the Distributor and their respective affiliates would develop and contribute to the underlying source code for zkLend. The Company is acting solely as an arms’ length third party in relation to the ZEND distribution, and not in the capacity as a financial advisor or fiduciary of any person with regard to the distribution of ZEND.


KZen Curv Security Audit

KZen Curv is a library written in Rust providing low-level elliptic curve cryptography functionalities (ECC), as well as higher-level protocols such as key-exchange, secret sharing, zero-knowledge, and multi-party computation. KZen Curv 是一个用 Rust 编写的库,提供低级椭圆曲线加密 功能 (ECC) 以及更高级别的协议,例如密钥交换、秘密 共享、零知识、多方计算。






元宇宙是与现实世界高度互通的虚拟世界,具有同步和拟真、开源和创 造、永续、闭环经济系统四大核心属性。元宇宙的兴起将伴随着 AR/VR、 云计算、AI、5G 等技术的进化,人类对虚拟世界的构建和发展将造就互 联网的终极形态——METAVERSE。随着 ROBLOX 上市受到追捧,元宇宙 正从概念走向现实,国内对标公司或如雨后春笋般出现,产业链发展值 得重视。


Code Assessment of Liquidations 2.0 Smart Contracts

First and foremost we would like to thank the Maker Foundation for giving us the opportunity to assess the current state of their Liquidations 2.0 system. This document outlines the findings, limitations, and methodology of our assessment. Initially, our code assessment resulted in a number of findings regarding security and correctness. After the submission of the intermediate reports all findings have been resolved. These have been marked accordingly and can be found in the Resolved Findings s


Scalable and Probabilistic Leaderless BFT Consensus through Meta

This paper introduces a family of leaderless Byzantine fault tolerance protocols, built around a metastable mechanism via network subsampling. These protocols provide a strong probabilistic safety guarantee in the presence of Byzantine adversaries while their concurrent and leaderless nature enables them to achieve high throughput and scalability. Unlike blockchains that rely on proof-of-work, they are quiesce



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