
This tutorial shows you the steps to follow to create a distributed version of the classic Hello World program using JavaTM Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI). While you work through this example, you will probably come up with a number of related questions. You are encouraged to look for answers in the Java RMI FAQ and the archives of the RMI-USERS mailing list. If you'd like to subscribe to the RMI-USERS mailing list, click here.
本教材将向你展示如何使用java rmi编写一个helloworld的分布式应用,当你编写这些例子的时候,可能会遇到很多相关的问题,我们鼓励你去Java RMI FAQ和RIM-USER邮件档案中寻找答案,如果你想订阅相关邮件,点击这儿。

The distributed Hello World example uses a simple client to make a remote method invocation to a server which may be running on a remote host. The client receives the "Hello, world!" message from the server.
这个分布式实例使用一个简单的客户端创建一个到远程服务器的RMI,客户端将从服务器上收到"Hello, world!"这个消息

This tutorial has the following steps:
    Define the remote interface
    Implement the server
    Implement the client
    Compile the source files
    Start the Java RMI registry, server, and client


The files needed for this tutorial are: - a remote interface - a remote object implementation that implements the remote interface - a simple client that invokes a method of the remote interface

本教程需要的文件 - 远程接口 - 远程接口的实现类 - 客户端,用于回调远程接口的方法
Note: For the remainder of this tutorial, the terms "remote object implementation" and "implementation class" are used interchangeably to refer to the class example.hello.Server, which implements a remote interface.
注意:对于本教材余下部分,"remote object implementation"和"implementation class"都是指example.hello.Server这个类,他实现了远程接口

Define the remote interface
    A remote object is an instance of a class that implements a remote interface. A remote interface extends the interface java.rmi.Remote and declares a set of remote methods. Each remote method must declare java.rmi.RemoteException (or a superclass of RemoteException) in its throws clause, in addition to any application-specific exceptions.

    Here is the interface definition for the remote interface used in this example, example.hello.Hello. It declares just one method, sayHello, which returns a string to the caller:
        package example.hello;

        import java.rmi.Remote;
        import java.rmi.RemoteException;

        public interface Hello extends Remote {
            String sayHello() throws RemoteException;

    Remote method invocations can fail in many additional ways compared to local method invocations (such as network-related communication problems and server problems), and remote methods will report such failures by throwing a java.rmi.RemoteException.  For more information about the issues of failure and recovery in distributed systems, see A Note on Distributed Computing.
Implement the server
    A "server" class, in this context, is the class which has a main method that creates an instance of the remote object implementation, exports the remote object, and then binds that instance to a name in a Java RMI registry. The class that contains this main method could be the implementation class itself, or another class entirely.
    In this example, the main method for the server is defined in the class Server which also implements the remote interface Hello. The server's main method does the following:

        package example.hello;
        import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
        import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
        import java.rmi.RemoteException;
        import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
        public class Server implements Hello {
            public Server() {}

            public String sayHello() {
                return "Hello, world!";
            public static void main(String args[]) {
                try {
                    Server obj = new Server();//创建对象
                    Hello stub = (Hello) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(obj, 0);//导出对象

                    // Bind the remote object's stub in the registry
                    Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry();//获取注册器
                    registry.bind("Hello", stub);//绑定对象

                    System.err.println("Server ready");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.err.println("Server exception: " + e.toString());

    The implementation class Server implements the remote interface Hello, providing an implementation for the remote method sayHello. The method sayHello does not need to declare that it throws any exception because the method implementation itself does not throw RemoteException nor does it throw any other checked exceptions.
    Note: A class can define methods not specified in the remote interface, but those methods can only be invoked within the virtual machine running the service and cannot be invoked remotely.
    Create and export a remote object
    The main method of the server needs to create the remote object that provides the service. Additionally, the remote object must be exported to the Java RMI runtime so that it may receive incoming remote calls. This can be done as follows:
        Server obj = new Server();
        Hello stub = (Hello) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(obj, 0);

    The static method UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject exports the supplied remote object to receive incoming remote method invocations on an anonymous TCP port and returns the stub for the remote object to pass to clients. As a result of the exportObject call, the runtime may begin to listen on a new server socket or may use a shared server socket to accept incoming remote calls for the remote object. The returned stub implements the same set of remote interfaces as the remote object's class and contains the host name and port over which the remote object can be contacted.

    Note: As of the J2SE 5.0 release, stub classes for remote objects no longer need to be pregenerated using the rmic stub compiler, unless the remote object needs to support clients running in pre-5.0 VMs. If your application needs to support such clients, you will need to generate stub classes for the remote objects used in the application and deploy those stub classes for clients to download. For details on how to generate stub classes, see the tools documentation for rmic [Solaris, Windows]. For details on how to deploy your application along with pregenerated stub classes, see the codebase tutorial.
     Register the remote object with a Java RMI registry
    在J2SE5.0以后,远程对象stub classes不需要通过rimc命令预编译,除非你需要支持5.0之前的虚拟机。如果你的应用需要支持这样的客户端,你需要在你的应用中给你的远程对象创建stub classes,并部署这些stub classes,以便客户端下载。关于产生stub classes的详细信息,参考rmic使用文档,关于如何部署stub classes的信息,请参考codebase tutorial.
    For a caller (client, peer, or applet) to be able to invoke a method on a remote object, that caller must first obtain a stub for the remote object. For bootstrapping, Java RMI provides a registry API for applications to bind a name to a remote object's stub and for clients to look up remote objects by name in order to obtain their stubs.
    对于需要调用远程对象的调用者,调用者必须先获得远程对象的stub.Java RMI给应用提供注册API用于绑定远程对象的stub,同时为客户端搜索获取stub.
    A Java RMI registry is a simplified name service that allows clients to get a reference (a stub) to a remote object. In general, a registry is used (if at all) only to locate the first remote object a client needs to use. Then, typically, that first object would in turn provide application-specific support for finding other objects. For example, the reference can be obtained as a parameter to, or a return value from, another remote method call. For a discussion on how this works, please take a look at Applying the Factory Pattern to Java RMI.
    Java RMI注册器是一个简化的命名服务,他允许客户端引用远程对象,一般情况下,只有在第一次载入远程对象的时候需要使用它,然后,第一个对象可以查找其他的对象,例如:远程方法的参数,或者返回值使用了远程对象,或者该方法调用了其他远程方法,都会导致其他远程对象的加载
    Once a remote object is registered on the server, callers can look up the object by name, obtain a remote object reference, and then invoke remote methods on the object.
    The following code in the server obtains a stub for a registry on the local host and default registry port and then uses the registry stub to bind the name "Hello" to the remote object's stub in that registry:
        Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry();
        registry.bind("Hello", stub);

    The static method LocateRegistry.getRegistry that takes no arguments returns a stub that implements the remote interface java.rmi.registry.Registry and sends invocations to the registry on server's local host on the default registry port of 1099. The bind method is then invoked on the registry stub in order to bind the remote object's stub to the name "Hello" in the registry.
    Note: The call to LocateRegistry.getRegistry simply returns an appropriate stub for a registry. The call does not check to see if a registry is actually running. If no registry is running on TCP port 1099 of the local host when the bind method is invoked, the server will fail with a RemoteException.
    调用LocateRegistry.getRegistry 只是简单的从注册器返回相关的stub,该方法并不会检查注册器是否运行,如果调用bind方法的时候本机的1099端口没有注册器,服务器会抛出RemoteException
    Implement the client
    The client program obtains a stub for the registry on the server's host, looks up the remote object's stub by name in the registry, and then invokes the sayHello method on the remote object using the stub.
    Here is the source code for the client:
        package example.hello;

        import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
        import java.rmi.registry.Registry;

        public class Client {

            private Client() {}

            public static void main(String[] args) {

                String host = (args.length < 1) ? null : args[0];
                try {
                    Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(host);
                    Hello stub = (Hello) registry.lookup("Hello");
                    String response = stub.sayHello();
                    System.out.println("response: " + response);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.err.println("Client exception: " + e.toString());

    This client first obtains the stub for the registry by invoking the static LocateRegistry.getRegistry method with the hostname specified on the command line. If no hostname is specified, then null is used as the hostname indicating that the local host address should be used.
    Next, the client invokes the remote method lookup on the registry stub to obtain the stub for the remote object from the server's registry.
    Finally, the client invokes the sayHello method on the remote object's stub, which causes the following actions to happen:
        The client-side runtime opens a connection to the server using the host and port information in the remote object's stub and then serializes the call data.
        The server-side runtime accepts the incoming call, dispatches the call to the remote object, and serializes the result (the reply string "Hello, world!") to the client.
        服务端接受进入的调用,转发到相应的远程对象,然后序列化结果(回复字符串“Hello, world!”)到客户端
        The client-side runtime receives, deserializes, and returns the result to the caller.
     The response message returned from the remote invocation on the remote object is then printed to System.out.
Compile the source files
    The source files for this example can be compiled as follows:
        javac -d destDir

    where destDir is the destination directory to put the class files in.
    Note: If the server needs to support clients running on pre-5.0 VMs, then a stub class for the remote object implementation class needs to be pregenerated using the rmic compiler, and that stub class needs to be made available for clients to download. See the codebase tutorial for more details.
    注意: 如果服务器需要支持5.0以下的客户端,stub 的类文件需要使用rmic编译器提前生成,并使该stub类文件能够被客户端下载(比如以http方式将该class文件发布),详情请参考codebase教程
Start the Java RMI registry, server, and client
启动Java RMI注册器,服务端,客户端
    To run this example, you will need to do the following:
        Start the Java RMI registry
        Start the server
        Run the client

     Start the Java RMI registry
    To start the registry, run the rmiregistry command on the server's host. This command produces no output (when successful) and is typically run in the background. For more information, see the tools documentation for rmiregistry [Solaris, Windows].
    For example, on the Solaris(tm) Operating System:
        rmiregistry &

    Or, on Windows platforms:
        start rmiregistry
    提示: 该命令必须在项目的class输出目录中执行,否则运行服务端的时候会报Hello类找不到。
     By default, the registry runs on TCP port 1099. To start a registry on a different port, specify the port number from the command line. For example, to start the registry on port 2001 on a Windows platform:
    默认情况下,注册器运行于tcp 1099端口。如果需要使用其他的端口,在命令行中指定端口号即可。如下
        start rmiregistry 2001

    If the registry will be running on a port other than 1099, you'll need to specify the port number in the calls to LocateRegistry.getRegistry in the Server and Client classes. For example, if the registry is running on port 2001 in this example, the call to getRegistry in the server would be:
    如果注册器不是运行在1099端口,LocateRegistry.getRegistry 需要指定端口
        Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(2001);
        Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(2001);
    Start the server

    To start the server, run the Server class using the java command as follows:
    On the Solaris Operating System:

        java -classpath classDir -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:classDir/ example.hello.Server &

    On Windows platforms:

        start java -classpath classDir -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:classDir/ example.hello.Server

    where classDir is the root directory of the class file tree (see destDir in the section "Compiling the source files"). Setting the java.rmi.server.codebase system property ensures that the registry can load the remote interface definition (note that the trailing slash is important); for more information about using this property, see the codebase tutorial.
    提示: 这个地方不太明白,之前不是在在class文件根目录执行rmiregistry命令,然后按如上启动服务端,会报Hello类找不到,按上面那句话的意思-Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:classDir/就是确保rmiregistry能加载Hello接口类。后来我在class文件根目录执行rmiregistry命令,再启动服务器就没有错,而且去掉java.rmi.server.codebase参数也不会有错。
    The output from the server should look like this:
        Server ready

    The server remains running until the process is terminated by the user (typically by killing the process).
     Run the client
    Once the server is ready, the client can be run as follows:
        java  -classpath classDir example.hello.Client
    where classDir is the root directory of the class file tree (see destDir in the section "Compiling the source files").

    The output from the client is the following message:
        response: Hello, world!
        Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(2001);就代替了手动到命令行中启动注册器。


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