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原创 android TextView 垂直自动滚动字幕实现

textview 垂直自动滚动字幕实现 前段时间,在网上搜到一个帖子,textview 水平自动滚动字幕的实现,今日项目需要垂直滚动字幕。其实现原理和水品一样。都是重写textview的onDraw方法。 实现垂直自动滚动字幕需要2点需要注意 1.需要根据textview的宽度和字体的大小计算滚动字幕有多少行。实现这个功能,需要重新写两个方法:1.onMeasure,2.onDraw.因

2012-02-27 08:51:56 16633 9

java 核心技术 第一卷 chm

Prentice Hall PTR - Core Java 2 Volume I 7th Edithon。这本java核心技术,是java权威书籍,本自由是第一卷:基础篇,chm ,英文。上传和大家分享。以期共同进步。 本书的目录如下: Chapter 1. An Introduction to Java Java as a Programming Platform The Java "White Paper" Buzzwords Java and the Internet A Short History of Java Common Misconceptions About Java Chapter 2. The Java Programming Environment Installing the Java Development Kit Choosing a Development Environment Using the Command-Line Tools Using an Integrated Development Environment Compiling and Running Programs from a Text Editor Running a Graphical Application Building and Running Applets Chapter 3. Fundamental Programming Structures in Java A Simple Java Program Comments Data Types Variables Operators Strings Input and Output Control Flow Big Numbers Arrays Chapter 4. Objects and Classes Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Predefined Classes Defining Your Own Classes Static Fields and Methods Method Parameters Object Construction Packages Documentation Comments Class Design Hints Chapter 5. Inheritance Classes, Superclasses, and Subclasses Object: The Cosmic Superclass Generic Array Lists Object Wrappers and Autoboxing Reflection Enumeration Classes Design Hints for Inheritance Chapter 6. Interfaces and Inner Classes Interfaces Object Cloning Interfaces and Callbacks Inner Classes Proxies Chapter 7. Graphics Programming Introducing Swing Creating a Frame Positioning a Frame Displaying Information in a Panel Working with 2D Shapes Using Color Using Special Fonts for Text Doing More with Images Chapter 8. Event Handling Basics of Event Handling The AWT Event Hierarchy Semantic and Low-Level Events in the AWT Low-Level Event Types Actions Multicasting Implementing Event Sources Chapter 9. User Interface Components with Swing The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern Introduction to Layout Management Text Input Choice Components Menus Sophisticated Layout Management Dialog Boxes Chapter 10. Deploying Applets and Applications Applet Basics The Applet HTML Tags and Attributes Multimedia The Applet Context JAR Files Application Packaging Java Web Start Storage of Application Preferences Chapter 11. Exceptions and Debugging Dealing with Errors Catching Exceptions Tips for Using Exceptions Logging Using Assertions Debugging Techniques Using a Debugger Chapter 12. Streams and Files Streams The Complete Stream Zoo ZIP File Streams Use of Streams Object Streams File Management New I/O Regular Expressions Chapter 13. Generic Programming Why Generic Programming? Definition of a Simple Generic Class Generic Methods Bounds for Type Variables Generic Code and the Virtual Machine Restrictions and Limitations Inheritance Rules for Generic Types Wildcard Types Reflection and Generics java 核心技术共两卷,为了方便大家下载,再次我给出第二卷的下载地址: http://download.csdn.net/source/3401581


java 核心技术 第二卷 高级篇chm

java核心技术 (Core Java Volume II 7th Edition) 这本书是java 的经典书籍,有两卷,本资源是第二卷,第七版。本书是chm版的,英文的,拿出来和大家分享,以期共同进步。 本书的内容目录如下: List of Code Examples Preface To the Reader About This Book Conventions Acknowledgments Chapter 1. Multithreading What Are Threads? Interrupting Threads Thread States Thread Properties Synchronization Blocking Queues Thread-Safe Collections Callables and Futures Executors Synchronizers Threads and Swing Chapter 2. Collections Collection Interfaces Concrete Collections The Collections Framework Algorithms Legacy Collections Chapter 3. Networking Connecting to a Server Implementing Servers Sending E-Mail Making URL Connections Advanced Socket Programming Chapter 4. Database Programming The Design of JDBC The Structured Query Language JDBC Installation Basic JDBC Programming Concepts Query Execution Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets Metadata Row Sets Transactions Advanced Connection Management Introduction to LDAP Chapter 5. Distributed Objects The Roles of Client and Server Remote Method Invocations Setup for Remote Method Invocation Parameter Passing in Remote Methods Server Object Activation Java IDL and CORBA Remote Method Calls with SOAP Chapter 6. Advanced Swing Lists Trees Tables Styled Text Components Progress Indicators Component Organizers Chapter 7. Advanced AWT The Rendering Pipeline Shapes Areas Strokes Paint Coordinate Transformations Clipping Transparency and Composition Rendering Hints Readers and Writers for Images Image Manipulation Printing The Clipboard Drag and Drop Chapter 8. JavaBeans Components Why Beans? The Bean-Writing Process Using Beans to Build an Application Naming Patterns for Bean Properties and Events Bean Property Types BeanInfo Classes Property Editors Customizers JavaBeans Persistence Chapter 9. Security Class Loaders Bytecode Verification Security Managers and Permissions Digital Signatures Code Signing Encryption Chapter 10. Internationalization Locales Number Formats Date and Time Collation Message Formatting Text Files and Character Sets Resource Bundles A Complete Example Chapter 11. Native Methods Calling a C Function from the Java Programming Language Numeric Parameters and Return Values String Parameters Accessing Fields Encoding Signatures Calling Java Methods Accessing Array Elements Handling Errors Using the Invocation API A Complete Example: Accessing the Windows Registry Chapter 12. XML Introducing XML Parsing an XML Document Validating XML Documents Locating Information with XPath Using Namespaces Using the SAX Parser Generating XML Documents XSL Transformations Chapter 13. Annotations Addition of Metadata to Programs An Example: Annotating Event Handlers Annotation Syntax Standard Annotations The apt Tool for Source-Level Annotation Processing Bytecode Engineering java 核心技术共两卷,第一卷为基础篇,为了方便大家下载再次我给出第一卷的下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/source/3401610


一本android的好书beginning android 2 和 源码

android好书系列,我目前找了两本,先贡献给大家。以后如果有好的资源,再上传和大家分享。 本资源是第一本。 这是一本学习android的好书,我浏览了,是老外著的,高清晰的pdf。为了方便大家学习android,我将本书所附的源码一块打包了。方便了不少,如果觉得好就顶一下吧,大家共同进步。 另外一本pro android 的下载地址: http://download.csdn.net/source/3139707 本书的目录结构如下: Chapter 1: The Big Picture Challenges of Smartphone Programming What Androids Are Made Of Stuff at Your Disposal ■Chapter 2: Projects and Targets Pieces and Parts Creating a Project Project Structure Root Contents The Sweat Off Your Brow And Now, the Rest of the Story What You Get Out of It Inside the Manifest In the Beginning, There Was the Root, And It Was Good Permissions, Instrumentations, and Applications (Oh My!) Your Application Does Something, Right? Achieving the Minimum Version=Control Emulators and Targets Virtually There Aiming at a Target ■Chapter 3: Creating a Skeleton Application Begin at the Beginning Dissecting the Activity Building and Running the Activity ■Chapter 4: Using XML-Based Layouts What Is an XML-Based Layout? Why Use XML-Based Layouts? OK, So What Does It Look Like? What’s with the @ Signs? And How Do We Attach These to the Java? The Rest of the Story ■Chapter 5: Employing Basic Widgets Assigning Labels Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button? Fleeting Images Fields of Green Or Other Colors Just Another Box to Check Turn the Radio Up It’s Quite a View Useful Properties Useful Methods Colors ■Chapter 6: Working with Containers Thinking Linearly LinearLayout Concepts and Properties LinearLayout Example All Things Are Relative RelativeLayout Concepts and Properties RelativeLayout Example Tabula Rasa TableLayout Concepts and Properties TableLayout Example Scrollwork ■Chapter 7: Using Selection Widgets Adapting to the Circumstances Lists of Naughty and Nice Spin Control Grid Your Lions (or Something Like That) Fields: Now with 35% Less Typing! Galleries, Give or Take the Art ■Chapter 8: Getting Fancy with Lists Getting to First Base A Dynamic Presentation Better Stronger Faster Using


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