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转载 使用 Apache Lucene 和 Solr 进行位置感知搜索

原文地址:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-spatial/index.html?ca=drs-cn-0222地理位置在空间搜索中至关重要!地理位置不仅在地产中至尊为王,将其用在搜索中还能帮助位于特定位置的用户快速找到有用的信息。例如,如果您是企业名录提供商(比如一个 “黄页” 站点),当用户需要找一位水管维修员时,该站点必须返回在用户住所

2010-02-23 09:42:00 1995

转载 Google Maps API in Java ME

Here is a simple library to query Google Maps with the following features: geocode addresses to their geographic coordinates retrieve static images with given custom size, format and zoom To

2010-01-22 15:24:00 1718

原创 自己写的j2me下用的双缓冲消息队列类,不知对不对

import java.util.Vector;/*** * 双缓冲消息队列 * @author Donald * */public class MessageQueueThread extends Thread { public int capacity=50; public boolean autoIncrement=false; priv

2009-12-24 12:05:00 872

转载 Google Bookmarks API Guide

Many Web 2.0 applications are built on top of a Web API. This technology allows for rich and versatile communication between browser and web site or between two web sites. Google is a leader in the pu

2009-12-21 10:18:00 1239

转载 J2ME BUG 收集

2009年07月21日 星期二 16:01------------------------------------------------n7610系列手机屏幕:176*204大量使用2.0的翻转方法很容易死机(最好用诺基亚自带的翻转方法); -------------------------------------------------n78(n

2009-12-17 15:47:00 755

原创 UUID.java-J2ME 中javax.bluetooth里的UUID生成类

 /* * * * Portions Copyright 2000-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights * Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER *

2009-11-25 14:38:00 2018

原创 Nokia s60v5 j2me禁用softkeypad

j2me程序在s60v5上运行时会被自带的softkeypad占去半个屏幕,要禁用softkeypad需要在JAD文件中加入Nokia-MIDlet-On-Screen-Keypad: no 附JAD and JAR manifest attributes:Table: Nokia proprietary JAD/MANIFEST attributesAttri

2009-10-15 10:10:00 2128

转载 Android Animations 3D flip

Android Animations 3D flip Labels: 3D, Android, Animations, Camera, FrameLayout In this post we are going to look at how to create a 3D flip animation, with a FrameLayout. In the first few posts

2009-09-28 10:59:00 1808

转载 Android transitions- slide in and slide out

Ive recently been looking at the android platform and having some fun with writing some small apps. I wanted to do some interesting transitions between views, and decided to have a go at a transition

2009-09-28 10:46:00 1425

原创 Google Appengine 使用JSTL的问题

要在Google Appengine中使用JSTL 必须在JSP文件头上加上  

2009-07-08 10:06:00 835

原创 Google Appengine开发碰到DatastoreNeedIndexException了

更新数据库时出现错误:DatastoreNeedIndexException: no matching index found网上搜了下有的说是因为数据表正在建索引,等索引建好了就可以.到appengine后台一看,果然那张表的索引状态为Building;可怜的是appengine文档说这个建索引很神奇,可能要几个小时或几天....只有等了

2009-07-04 13:29:00 531

原创 JSP输出空白页面

今天早上一个碰一个JSP页面空白的问题,程序没有问题服务器未报错。在网上搜索了一下,有的说jsp-api包的问题,但是我的项目lib里面并没有jsp-api包。没办法了只有排除法,最后找到引起的地方了:原来是头上的 发个贴纪念一下

2009-07-02 10:58:00 850

转载 http://blog.csdn.net/aogufeixue-iphone开发者


2009-06-15 23:02:00 639

转载 程序切换橫屏的方法

Activity.getRequestedOrientation()可以获得当前屏幕状态0为竖屏 1为橫屏Activity.setRequestedOrientation(int requestedOrientation)可以改变屏幕状态例如在你的Activity里某个事件中加入以下代码就可以在橫屏和竖屏间来回切换:this .setReques

2009-06-02 11:37:00 782

原创 android sdk 9 patches 工具使用方法

左 上边是画patch的右 下边是画内容区域的

2009-05-27 12:23:00 887

原创 blackberry eJDE eclipse plugin update site


2009-05-26 22:26:00 494

原创 Android下解析xml文档,笔记一下

需要的类:import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;import org.w3c.dom.Document;import org.w3c

2009-05-20 17:54:00 1723

原创 512了

祝灾区同胞健康幸福祝奋斗在一线的,来自各地支援灾区重建的工程师农民工同志健康祝奋斗在一线的,发国难财的TG与JS长寿 希望A君们能在报应下坚强地和下来  

2009-05-12 18:55:00 443

转载 收藏一个sqlfront的SN


2008-09-01 12:00:00 479

转载 http://www.toplee.com/blog/6间房一个牛人的blog


2008-07-15 16:44:00 1634

原创 php 5.2.6释出


2008-05-04 09:47:00 470

原创 dreamweaver cs4 下载

从网上搜索到的下载地址 还没有时间试:)http://rapidshare.com/files/106219352/DWCS4_3918_Win.part1.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/106221064/DWCS4_3918_Win.part2.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/106222207/DWCS4_

2008-04-18 09:25:00 2531

原创 MVC Web Project-eclipse下的struts2插件

MVC Web Project is a generic plugin for eclipse that enables J2ee developers to organize their web project visually using MVC (Model View Controller) model.MVC Web Project currently integrates Strut

2008-04-18 09:01:00 858

转载 http://scripteka.com/

With Scripteka you can: 1) View an extensive library of Prototype and Script.aculo.us based extensions/plugins 2) Rate and use rating to find the coolest scripts out there 3) Submit

2008-01-30 12:57:00 452

转载 Improve performace: check your loops

 Improve performace: check your loops Before I startI’ve always stayed away from writing a performance topic. There seems to be a lot of performance enthusiasts, benchmarking anything they can,

2008-01-25 14:04:00 602

原创 ExtTLD -Simplifies ExtJS components for jee

Simplifies ExtJS components Enables content assist documentation Validates supported attributes Integrates Java based frameworks  http://www.exttld.com/

2008-01-22 09:50:00 719

原创 powershell1.0简体中文版下载


2007-12-29 16:52:00 3719

原创 Eclipse plugin SWT Win32 Extension

SWT Win32 Extension extends the Eclipse library SWT. It is a software development kit enabling you to work with native code from Java programs without using JNI. With SWT Extension, you dont need to

2007-12-29 14:03:00 1425

转载 http://cometdaily.com/


2007-11-08 10:40:00 589

转载 PHP学习资源网站

http://www.phpcommunity.org/PHPCommunity.org is a gathering place for the PHP community. It is a community site for people to get together and get to know one another. It is about community and frie

2007-11-08 09:34:00 630

转载 开展全面的网站评估

有时会被问到“看看XXX网站如何?”之类的问题。谈到评估,通常都是指产品级的网站,如果模式很新,了解需要花一定时间。于是,很多人又问“那么你仅从UI/UE的角度看看呢?”首先我们得达成共识,一切花里胡哨都在为功能服务,如果功能满足都成问题,其他就没必要谈了。举例分步说明,注意先后顺序。第一,没有足够应用经验,不可能了解网站的功能和结构,如何做出判断?初步印象: 是否有

2007-10-23 16:17:00 474

原创 script.aculo.us 1.8 preview放出来了

script.aculo.us网站上贴出了script.aculo.us 1.8 preview更新有:使用Prototype 1.6完全重写了Ajax.InPlaceEditor 和 Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor 等等更多更新请看:http://mir.aculo.us/2007/10/12/script-aculo-us-1-8-preview和CHANGELOG 

2007-10-16 12:16:00 595

原创 jMaki 1.0发布

https://ajax.dev.java.net/来自官方网站的介绍:jMaki is an Ajax framework that provides a lightweight model for creating JavaScript centric Ajax-enabled web applications using Java, Ruby, PHP, and Phobos. See Ab

2007-09-26 09:55:00 471

原创 开源的iis urlrewrite:IIRF

Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter  http://www.codeplex.com/IIRF codeplex 上的下载页面下载包里面的readme有比较详细的说明这里还有中文介绍

2007-08-02 10:26:00 1107

原创 jQuery 1.1.3: 速度提高800%,大小仍然 20KB

原文地址http://ajaxian.com/archives/jquery-113-800-faster-still-20kbThe jQuery team has a new release, jQuery 1.1.3. The main features are: Improved speeds, with DOM traversal over 800% faster th

2007-07-03 09:17:00 1022

转载 COMET - the next stage of AJAX

An old web technology is slowly being resurrected from the depths of history. Browser features that have gone untouched for years are once again being emplo

2007-03-05 12:26:00 789

转载 web2.0 opensource projects


2006-08-29 12:03:00 861

转载 50 Coolest Websites(time.com)

     How do we select our finalists? We evaluate hundreds of candidates—some suggested by readers, colleagues and friends, others discovered during countless

2006-08-15 11:53:00 878

转载 网址收藏

http://jtds.sourceforge.net/ jtds1.1http://www.oreillynet.com (Oreilly的网站)http://www.scriptsearch.com/ (国外的源码下载站)http://www.bugnet.com/  (看名字就知道了)http://www.programmersheaven.com/ (程序员天堂)http://www.de

2006-07-25 10:30:00 1634

转载 PHP不能适应大型应用的理由

 PHP拥有众多的开发者. PHP社区也象Java社区一样发展蓬勃.  不过, 因为先天的限制, PHP始终未能在大型应用中打开局面, PHP到底哪些方面存在问题呢?  最近, Edwin Martin, 一个有4年PHP开发经验的老手, 写了给出了PHP不适合大型应用的理由, ShiningRay翻译成了中文, 如下:  1. 对递归的不良支持  递归是一种函数调用自身的机制。这

2006-07-06 09:43:00 1368 2



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