HowTo: iOS Apps - Static analysis

In this short article I'll try to explain what are the main steps to analyze an iOS app. Since I've writen similar posts related to Android I thought I could devote some of spare time writing about the steps required to analyze iOS apps/binaries. But first of all let's start with:

What's an iOS app?

In a nutshell here are the main characteristics:

  • Objective-C / C / C++ compiled (ARM) executable
  • mostly encrypted using Apple's Fairplay DRM
  • it runs in a sandbox
  • it's installed by the user mobile
  • apps come as an IPA file which is the counterpart to Android's APK

Now that you roughly know what an iOS app is let's have a look at the most common blackboxpentesting tools out there. In this post I'll focus only on static analysisDynamic analysis (also known as runtime analysis) will be covered in a future post.

Binary Analysis Tools

Assuming you've already jailbreaked your device, you'll definitely need these tools:

  • SSH - For connecting to the device
  • ipainstaller - Install IPA files
  • otool - object file displaying tool
  • class-dump-z - Examine Mach-O files and dump segments as Objective-C declarations
  • Dump encrypted app
    • dumpdecrypted - Dumps decrypted mach-o files from encrypted iPhone applications from memory to disk
    • Clutch


ipa files are archive files which are usually encrypted using Apple's FairPlay DRM. In a nutshell an ipa file consists of:


The App binary is the target to be analyzed. It's compiled for ARM and used the Mach-O(mach object) file format. Check out next section for more detailed information.

Installing the App

Usually you can manually install apps by using ipainstaller:

# ipainstaller <ipa file>

This will install your app under /var/mobile/Applications. Just do a grep to find out to which folder your app was copied to.


The Mach-O binary consists of 3 components:

Mach-O Mach-O

The header contains basic file type information like architecture and several flags. Using otool you can have a look a the headers:

# otool -h BINARY
Mach header
      magic cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds sizeofcmds      flags
 0xfeedfacf 16777228          0  0x00          2    29       3832 0x00200085

Sometimes you'll get an application that is built for multiple architectures. These applications then consist of multiple Mach-O files and are called fat or universal binaries. Mach-O fat binaries not only group completely different CPU architectures (PowerPC, Intel) but also 32- or 64-bit versions of an architecture. Besides that you'll also get different CPU subtypes bundled in one binary. The device running the binary will choose the "part" of the binary it can best support. Also have a look at this great article.

Here is an example of a fat binary:

# otool -arch all -h PewPew 
PewPew (architecture cputype (12) cpusubtype (9)):
Mach header
      magic cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds sizeofcmds      flags
 0xfeedface      12          9  0x00          2    29       3544 0x00210085
PewPew (architecture cputype (12) cpusubtype (11)):
Mach header
      magic cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds sizeofcmds      flags
 0xfeedface      12         11  0x00          2    29       3544 0x00210085
Load commands

The load commands are located directly after the header and specify the logical structure of the binary (as a file) and it's representation in the virtual memory (using offsets). Besides that you'll be able to get:

  • the symbol table
  • shared library details

For my understanding it's pretty much the same as ELFs segments and sections:


Load commands also define whether an application is encrypted or not. To have a look at the those run:

# otool -Vl BINARY
Raw segment data

In the Mach-O file you'll also have raw data for the segments specified in the load commands. One segment can consist of multiple sections.

Runtime protection features

iOS has several mechanisms which prevent application from being compromised at runtime. In order to understand the security issues that affect iOS applications, it is important to understand and to known the security features of the platform. The main security features of iOS are:

  • Code signing

    • Ensures that all applications come from a approved source (using Apple-issued certificates)
  • Generic exploit mitigations

    • Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
      • Usually compiled using -fPIE –pie
    • Non Executable Memory (ARM's Execute Never feature)
    • Stack Smashing Protections (SSP)
      • Usually compiled with –fstack-protector-all flag
  • Sandboxing

    • run applications as non-privileged user
    • 3rd-party apps are restricted in accessing files stored by other apps
  • Memory Management

    • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) protects applications from memory coruption issues by letting the compiler do the memory management stuff

Keeping all this stuff in mind, let's pickup some binary and go for it.

Analyzing the binary

Comparing Android to iOS I must admit you'll have to overcome more (technical) challenges for a successful analysis. iOS uses binary files (instead of bytecode). Having that said I'll be using otool(which seems to be the equivalent to readelf) to inspect the binary.


Let's first determine the architecture the binary was compiled for:

# otool -f BINARY                                                                                              
Fat headers
fat_magic 0xcafebabe
nfat_arch 2
architecture 0
    cputype 12
    cpusubtype 9
    capabilities 0x0
    offset 16384
    size 2712496
    align 2^14 (16384)
architecture 1
    cputype 16777228
    cpusubtype 0
    capabilities 0x0
    offset 2736128
    size 3213664
    align 2^14 (16384)

Or using old-school file:

# file BINARY
PM: Mach-O fat file with 2 architectures

Also have a look at this cool list.


Usually the ipa file will be decrypted at runtime by the kernel's mach loader. If the binary is encrypted or not is easily found out using:

# otool -l BINARY | grep -A 4 LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO

In this case the binary file is not encrypted. Let me show an example where the binary is encrypted:

# otool -l OTHER_BINARY | grep -A 4 LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO                            
          cmd LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO
      cmdsize 20
 cryptoff  16384
 cryptsize 10502144
 cryptid   1

Runtime protections mechanisms

This time I'll show you how to extract some valuable information from the binary itself regarding some runtime protection mechanisms:

  • ASLR
    • Usually the binary is compiled using the PIE flag
# otool -Vh BINARY 
WH Quest:
Mach header
      magic cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds sizeofcmds      flags
   MH_MAGIC     ARM          9  0x00     EXECUTE    45       4684   NOUNDEFS DYLDLINK TWOLEVEL BINDS_TO_WEAK PIE

Have you noticed the PIE flag at the end of the list?

  • Stack Smashing Protection
    • iOS applications usually use stack canaries
    • therefore you should find certain symbols inside the binary (like _stack_chk_guard and _stack_chk_fail)
# otool -v -l BINARY | grep stack
  • Automatic Reference Couting
    • this option can be enabled by activating the compiler option "Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting"
    • binaries built with this option should include symbols called _objc_release_obj_autorelease_obj_storeStrong_obj_retain
# otool -v -I BINARY  | grep release
0x008b8ce4 241789 _objc_autorelease
0x008b8cf4 241790 _objc_autoreleasePoolPop
0x008b8d04 241791 _objc_autoreleasePoolPush
0x008b8d14 241792 _objc_autoreleaseReturnValue
0x008b8ea4 241817 _objc_release
0x008b8ed4 241820 _objc_retainAutorelease
0x008b8ee4 241821 _objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue
0x008b8ef4 241822 _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
0x008b9504 241439 ___cxa_guard_release
0x008b9674 241341 __Block_release
0x008b9ab4 241551 _dispatch_release
0x00a0c3f4 229369 __ZN11GPASWrapperI6GPHashE7releaseEv
0x00a12e8c 241789 _objc_autorelease
0x00a12e90 241790 _objc_autoreleasePoolPop
0x00a12e94 241791 _objc_autoreleasePoolPush
0x00a12e98 241792 _objc_autoreleaseReturnValue
0x00a12efc 241817 _objc_release
0x00a12f08 241820 _objc_retainAutorelease
0x00a12f0c 241821 _objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue
0x00a12f10 241822 _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
0x00a13094 241439 ___cxa_guard_release
0x00a130f0 241341 __Block_release
0x00a13200 241551 _dispatch_release
Dangerous functions

Beside the previosly mentioned symbols we can also seek for symbols aimed at (classical) memory management mechanisms like malloc and free. Their presence indicate that the application has its own memory management which is the opposite to ARC. While this is not always a bad thing it could easily lead to some memory related vulnerabilities if not handled properly.

# otool -v -I BINARY  | grep malloc
0x008b9f64 241776 _malloc
0x00a1332c 241776 _malloc

# otool -v -I BINARY  | grep free  
0x008b9cb4 241583 _free
0x008b9cc4 241584 _freeifaddrs
0x00a13280 241583 _free
0x00a13284 241584 _freeifaddrs

Sometimes you'll find goodies like strcpy :)

Understand the App

Now that we have examined the binary we should proceed and try to "understand" the application. This means we have to look at it from a logical perspective and identify its main components. Afterwards one can go into detail and analyze only certain parts of the application which might be of interest.

Using class-dump-z we'll dump the class information:

# class-dump-z BINARY | head -20
Warning: Part of this binary is encrypted. Usually, the result will be not meaningful. Try to provide an unencrypted version instead.
 * This header is generated by class-dump-z 0.2-0.
 * class-dump-z is Copyright (C) 2009 by KennyTM~, licensed under GPLv3.
 * Source: (null)

@protocol XXEncryptedProtocol_aff088
@property(assign) ? XXEncryptedProperty_8bd3a0;
@property(assign) ? XXEncryptedProperty_8bd383;
@property(assign) ? XXEncryptedProperty_8bd373;
@property(assign) ? XXEncryptedProperty_8bd369;

Every class name seems to be encrypted. That's a good hint you should decrypt the binary in case you haven't done so yet.

Decrypt binary

Since every application downloaded from the AppStore is encrypted using Apple's FairPlay DRM you'll have to decrypt them before starting your analysis. For this step I'll be using clutch to dump the relevant data from memory to disk.

# Clutch MyAPP
Cracking MyAPP...
Creating working directory...
Performing initial analysis...
Performing cracking preflight...
yolofat magic 4277009102
Application is a thin binary, cracking single architecture...
dumping binary: analyzing load commands
found vmaddr
dumping binary: obtaining ptrace handle
dumping binary: forking to begin tracing
dumping binary: obtaining mach port
dumping binary: preparing code resign
dumping binary: preparing to dump
dumping binary: ASLR enabled, identifying dump location dynamically
dumping binary: performing dump
dumping binary: patched cryptid
dumping binary: writing new checksum
Censoring iTunesMetadata.plist...
warning: iTunesMetadata.plist item named 'asset-info' is unrecognized
warning: iTunesMetadata.plist item named 'product-type' is unrecognized
warning: iTunesMetadata.plist item named 'bundleDisplayName' is unrecognized
Packaging IPA file...
Compressing second stage payload (2/2)...

Now that you have decrypted to binary and got a fresh new IPA file, you're ready to unpack it:

# unzip -d MyAPP MyAPP.ipa

Afterwards you can have a look at the new binary using class-dump-z:

# class-dump-z BINARY  | head -n 20
 * This header is generated by class-dump-z 0.2-0.
 * class-dump-z is Copyright (C) 2009 by KennyTM~, licensed under GPLv3.
 * Source: (null)

typedef struct _NSZone NSZone;

typedef struct CGPoint {
    float x;
    float y;
} CGPoint;

typedef struct CGSize {
    float width;
    float height;
} CGSize;

typedef struct CGRect {

Much better, isn't it? :)

Disassemble binary

I don't want to be too specific and go into too much detail. A good disassembler could save you a lotof time. I really like Hopper because it's free and easy to use. For the geeks out there feel free to throw your binary into IDA and let the bin rock. Particularly noteworthy is also radare2 which is unix-like reverse engineering framework.


Binary analysis can be a hell of a lot of fun if you have the right tools. Especially when you're not used to Apple's universe and don't have a Mac OS machine it could be useful to jailbreak your smartphone/tablet and install your tools there. Gather as much information as you can get to get a pretty precise image of what you're dealing with. Disassemble your binary to get more in "contact". Afterwards run it and do some runtime analysis.


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