fvwm 5

31.2.18. HilightColor

HilightColor textcolor backgroundcolor

This command is obsoleted by the Style options HilightFore and HilightBack. Please use

Style * HilightFore textcolor, HilightBack backgroundcolor

31.2.19. HilightColorset

HilightColorset [num]

This command is obsoleted by the Style option HilightColorset. Please use

Style * HilightColorset num

31.2.20. IconFont

IconFont [fontname]

This command is obsoleted by the Style option IconFont. Please use

Style * IconFont fontname

31.2.21. IconPath

IconPath path

This command is obsolete. Please use ImagePath instead.

31.2.22. ImagePath

ImagePath path

Specifies a colon separated list of directories in which to search for images (both monochrome and pixmap). To find an image given by a relative pathname, fvwm looks into each directory listed in turn, and uses the first file found.

If a directory is given in the form "/some/dir;.ext", this means all images in this directory have the extension ".ext" that should be forced. The original image name (that may contain another extension or no extension at all) is not probed, instead ".ext" is added or replaces the original extension. This is useful, for example, if a user has some image directories with ".xpm" images and other image directories with the same names, but ".png" images.

The path may contain environment variables such as $HOME (or ${HOME}). Further, a '+' in the path is expanded to the previous value of the path, allowing appending or prepending to the path easily.

For example:

ImagePath $HOME/icons:+:/usr/include/X11/bitmaps
Note: if the FvwmM4 module is used to parse your config files, then m4 may want to mangle the word "include" which frequently shows up in the ImagePath command. To fix this one may add

prior to the ImagePath command, or better: use the -m4-prefix option to force all m4 directives to have a prefix of "m4_" (see the FvwmM4 man page).

31.2.23. LocalePath

LocalePath path

Specifies a colon separated list of "locale path" in which to search for string translations. A locale path is constituted by a directory path and a text domain separated by a semicolon (';'). As an example the default locale path is:

where install_prefix is the fvwm installation directory. With such a locale path translations are searched for in

where lang depends on the locale. If no directory is given the default directory path is assumed. If no text domain is given, fvwm is assumed. Without argument the default locale path is restored.

As for the ImagePath command, path may contain environment variables and a '+' to append or prepend the locale path easily.

For example, the fvwm-themes package uses

LocalePath ";fvwm-themes:+"
to add locale catalogs.

The default fvwm catalog contains a few strings used by the fvwm executable itself (Desk and Geometry) and strings used in some default configuration files and FvwmForm configuration. You can take a look at the po/ subdirectory of the fvwm source to get the list of the strings with a possible translation in various languages. At present, very few languages are supported.

The main use of locale catalogs is via the "$[gt.string]" parameter:

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmWindowOps "$[gt.Window Ops]" Title
+ "$[gt.&Move]"              Move
+ "$[gt.&Resize]"            Resize
+ "$[gt.R&aise]"             Raise
+ "$[gt.&Lower]"             Lower
+ "$[gt.(De)&Iconify]"       Iconify
+ "$[gt.(Un)&Stick]"         Stick
+ "$[gt.(Un)Ma&ximize]"      Maximize
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.&Close]"             Close
+ "$[gt.&Destroy]"           Destroy
gives a menu in the locale languages if translations are available.

Note that the FvwmTaskBar module has its own catalog and that the FvwmScript module has a set of special instructions for string translation. It is out of the scope of this discussion to explain how to build locale catalogs. Please refer to the GNU gettext documentation.

31.2.24. PixmapPath

PixmapPath path

This command is obsolete. Please use ImagePath instead.

31.2.25. PrintInfo

PrintInfo subject [verbose]

Print information on subject on stderr. An optional integer argument verbose defines the level of information which is given. The current valid subjects are:

Colors which prints information about the colors used by fvwm. This useful on screens which can only display 256 (or less) colors at once. If verbose is one or greater the palette used by fvwm is printed. If you have a limited color palette, and you run out of colors, this command might be helpful.

ImageCache which prints information about the images loaded by fvwm. If verbose is one or greater all images in the cache will be listed together with their respective reuse.

Locale which prints information on your locale and the fonts that fvwm used. verbose can be 1 or 2.

nls which prints information on the locale catalogs that fvwm used

style which prints information on fvwm styles. verbose can be 1.

bindings which prints information on all the bindings fvwm has: key, mouse and stroke bindings. verbose has no effect with this option.

31.2.26. Repeat


When the Repeat command is invoked, the last command that was executed by fvwm is executed again. This happens regardless of whether it was triggered by user interaction, a module or by an X event. Commands that are executed from a function defined with the Function command, from the Read or PipeRead commands or by a menu are not repeated. Instead, the function, menu or the Read or PipeRead command is executed again.

31.2.27. Schedule

Schedule [Periodic] delay_ms [command_id] command

The command is executed after about delay_ms milliseconds. This may be useful in some tricky setups. The command is executed in the same context window as the Schedule command. An optional integer argument command_id may be given in decimal, hexadecimal or octal format. This id can be used with the Deschedule command to remove the scheduled command before it is executed. If no id is given, fvwm uses negative id numbers, starting with -1 and decreasing by one with each use of the Schedule command. Note that the Schedule command and its arguments undergo the usual command line expansion, and, when command is finally executed, it is expanded again. It may therefore be necessary to quote the parts of the command that must not be expanded twice.

Note: A window's id as it is returned with $[w.id] can be used as the command_id. Example:

Current Schedule 1000 $[w.id] WindowShade
The Schedule command also supports the optional keyword Periodic which indicates that the command should be executed every delay_ms. Example:

Schedule Periodic 10000 PipeRead '[ -N "$MAIL" ] && echo \
     Echo You have mail'
Use the Deschedule command to stop periodic commands.

31.2.28. State

State state [bool]

Sets, clears or toggles one of the 32 user defined states which are associated with each window. The state is a number ranging from 0 to 31. The states have no meaning in fvwm, but they can be checked in conditional commands like Next with the State condition. The optional argument bool is a boolean argument. "True" sets the given state, while "False" clears it. Using "toggle" switches to the opposite state. If the bool argument is not given, the state is toggled.

31.2.29. WindowFont

WindowFont [fontname]

This command is obsoleted by the Style option Font. Please use

Style * Font fontname

31.2.30. WindowList

WindowList [(conditions)] [position] [options] [double-click-action]

Generates a pop-up menu (and pops it up) in which the title and geometry of each of the windows currently on the desktop are shown.

The format of the geometry part is: desk(layer): x-geometry sticky, where desk and layer are the corresponding numbers and sticky is empty or a capital S. The geometry of iconified windows is shown in parentheses. Selecting an item from the window list pop-up menu causes the interpreted function "WindowListFunc" to be run with the window id of that window passed in as $0. The default "WindowListFunc" looks like this:

AddToFunc WindowListFunc
+ I Iconify off
+ I FlipFocus
+ I Raise
+ I WarpToWindow 5p 5p
You can destroy the built-in "WindowListFunc" and create your own if these defaults do not suit you.

The window list menu uses the "WindowList" menu style if it is defined (see MenuStyle command). Otherwise the default menu style is used. To switch back to the default menu style, issue the command

DestroyMenuStyle WindowList

MenuStyle WindowList SelectOnRelease Meta_L
The conditions can be used to exclude certain windows from the window list. Please refer to the Current command for details. Only windows that match the given conditions are displayed in the window list. The options below work vice versa: windows that would otherwise not be included in the window list can be selected with them. The conditions always override the options.

The position arguments are the same as for Menu. The command double-click-action is invoked if the user double-clicks (or hits the key rapidly twice if the menu is bound to a key) when bringing the window list. The double-click-action must be quoted if it consists of more than one word.

The double-click-action is useful to define a default window if you have bound the window list to a key (or button) like this:

# Here we call an existing function, but
# it may be different.  See the default
# WindowListFunc definition earlier in this
# man page.
AddToFunc SwitchToWindow
+ I WindowListFunc

Key Tab A M WindowList "Prev SwitchToWindow"
Hitting Alt-Tab once it brings up the window list, if you hit it twice the focus is flipped between the current and the last focused window. With the proper SelectOnRelease menu style (see example above) a window is selected as soon as you release the Alt key.

The options passed to WindowList are separated by commas and can be Geometry / NoGeometry / NoGeometryWithInfo, NoDeskNum, NoLayer, NoNumInDeskTitle, NoCurrentDeskTitle, MaxLabelWidth width, TitleForAllDesks, Function funcname, Desk desknum, CurrentDesk, NoIcons / Icons / OnlyIcons, NoNormal / Normal / OnlyNormal, NoSticky / Sticky / OnlySticky, NoStickyAcrossPages / StickyAcrossPages / OnlyStickyAcrossPages, NoStickyAcrossDesks / StickyAcrossDesks / OnlyStickyAcrossDesks, NoOnTop / OnTop / OnlyOnTop, NoOnBottom / OnBottom / OnlyOnBottom, Layer m [n], UseSkipList / OnlySkipList, NoDeskSort, ReverseOrder, CurrentAtEnd, IconifiedAtEnd, UseIconName, Alphabetic / NotAlphabetic, SortByResource, SortByClass, NoHotkeys, SelectOnRelease.

(Note - normal means not iconic, sticky, or on top)

With the SortByResource option windows are alphabetically sorted first by resource class, then by resource name and then by window name (or icon name if UseIconName is specified). ReverseOrder also works in the expected manner.

With the SortByClass option windows are sorted just like with SortByResource, but the resource name is not taken into account, only the resource class.

The SelectOnRelease option works exactly like the MenuStyle option with the same name, but overrides the option given in a menu style. By default, this option is set to the left Alt key. To switch it off, use SelectOnRelease without a key name.

If you pass in a function via Function funcname, it is called within a window context of the selected window:

AddToFunc IFunc I Iconify toggle
WindowList Function IFunc, NoSticky, CurrentDesk, NoIcons
If you use the Layer m [n] option, only windows in layers between m and n are displayed. n defaults to m. With the ReverseOrder option the order of the windows in the list is reversed.

With the CurrentAtEnd option the currently focused window (if any) is shown at the bottom of the list. This is mostly intended for simulating the Alt-Tab behavior in another GUI.

IconifiedAtEnd makes iconified windows be moved to the end of the list. This is also from another GUI.

The NoGeometry option causes fvwm to not display the geometries as well as the separators which indicate the different desktops. NoGeometryWithInfo removes the geometries, but keep the desktop information and indicates iconic windows. NoDeskNum causes fvwm to not display the desktop number in the geometry or before the window title with the NoGeometryWithInfo option. NoNumInDeskTitle is only useful if a desktop name is defined with the DesktopName command. It causes fvwm to not display the desktop number before the desktop name. By default, the WindowList menu have a title which indicates the current desk or the selected desktop if the Desk condition is used. The NoCurrentDeskTitle option removes this title. TitleForAllDesks causes fvwm to add a menu title with the desk name and/or number before each group of windows on the same desk. With NoLayer, the layer of the window is not diplayed. The options ShowPage, ShowPageX and ShowPageY enable displaying the page of the window rounded multiples of the display size. With ShowScreen, the window's Xinerama screen number is displayed.

The MaxLabelWidth option takes the number of characters to print as its argument. No more than that many characters of the window name are visible.

If you wanted to use the WindowList as an icon manager, you could invoke the following:

WindowList OnlyIcons, Sticky, OnTop, Geometry
(Note - the Only options essentially wipe out all other ones... but the OnlyListSkip option which just causes WindowList to only consider the windows with WindowListSkip style.)

31.2.31. XSync


When XSync is called, the X function with the same name is used to send all pending X requests to the server. This command is intended for debugging only.

31.2.32. XSynchronize

XSynchronize [bool]

The XSynchronize command controls whether X requests are sent to the X server immediately or not. Normally, requests are sent in larger batches to save unnecessary communication. To send requests immediately, use "True" as the argument, to disable this use "False" or to toggle between both methods use "Toggle" or omit the bool argument. Fvwm defaults to synchronized requests when started with the --debug option. This command is intended for debugging only.

31.2.33. Plus


Used to continue adding to the last specified decor, function or menu. See the discussion for AddToDecor, AddToFunc, and AddToMenu.
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