
if (!window.jq || typeof jq !== "function") {
    var jq = function(g) {
        function u(a, c, b) {
            var e = h.createDocumentFragment();
            if (b) {
                for (b = a.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) e.insertBefore(a[b], e.firstChild);
                c.insertBefore(e, c.firstChild)
            } else {
                for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) e.appendChild(a[b]);
        function v(a) {
            return a in s ? s[a] : s[a] = RegExp("(^|\\s)" + a + "(\\s|$)")
        function o(a) {
            for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) a.indexOf(a[c]) != c && (a.splice(c, 1), c--);
            return a
        function w(a, c) {
            var b = [];
            if (a == f) return b;
            for (; a; a = a.nextSibling) a.nodeType == 1 && a !== c && b.push(a);
            return b
        function n() {}
        function x(a, c) {
            a.os = {};
            a.os.webkit = c.match(/WebKit\/([\d.]+)/) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.android = c.match(/(Android)\s+([\d.]+)/) || c.match(/Silk-Accelerated/) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.ipad = c.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.iphone = !a.os.ipad && c.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.webos = c.match(/(webOS|hpwOS)[\s\/]([\d.]+)/) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.touchpad = a.os.webos && c.match(/TouchPad/) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.ios = a.os.ipad || a.os.iphone;
            a.os.blackberry = c.match(/BlackBerry/) || c.match(/PlayBook/) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.opera = c.match(/Opera Mobi/) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.fennec = c.match(/fennec/i) ? !0 : !1;
            a.os.desktop = !(a.os.ios || a.os.android || a.os.blackberry || a.os.opera || a.os.fennec)
        function B(a, c, b, e) {
            c = y(c);
            if (c.ns) var d = RegExp("(?:^| )" + c.ns.replace(" ", " .* ?") + "(?: |$)");
            return (p[a._jqmid || (a._jqmid = t++)] || []).filter(function(a) {
                return a && (!c.e || a.e == c.e) && (!c.ns || d.test(a.ns)) && (!b || a.fn == b || typeof a.fn === "function" && typeof b === "function" && "" + a.fn === "" + b) && (!e || a.sel == e)
        function y(a) {
            a = ("" + a).split(".");
            return {
                e: a[0],
                ns: a.slice(1).sort().join(" ")
        function z(a, c, b) {
            d.isObject(a) ? d.each(a, b) : a.split(/\s/).forEach(function(a) {
                b(a, c)
        function q(a, c, b, e, f) {
            var i = a._jqmid || (a._jqmid = t++),
            g = p[i] || (p[i] = []);
            z(c, b,
            function(b, c) {
                var i = f && f(c, b),
                h = i || c,
                j = function(b) {
                    var c = h.apply(a, [b].concat(b.data));
                    c === !1 && b.preventDefault();
                    return c
                i = d.extend(y(b), {
                    fn: c,
                    proxy: j,
                    sel: e,
                    del: i,
                    i: g.length
                a.addEventListener(i.e, j, !1)
        function r(a, c, b, e) {
            var d = a._jqmid || (a._jqmid = t++);
            z(c || "", b,
            function(b, c) {
                B(a, b, c, e).forEach(function(b) {
                    delete p[d][b.i];
                    a.removeEventListener(b.e, b.proxy, !1)
        function C(a) {
            var c = d.extend({
                originalEvent: a
            function(b, e) {
                c[b] = function() {
                    this[e] = E;
                    return a[b].apply(a, arguments)
                c[e] = F
            return c
        var f, h = g.document,
        l = [],
        G = l.slice,
        s = [],
        H = 1,
        I = /^\s*<(\w+)[^>]*>/,
        j = {},
        m = function(a, c) {
            this.length = 0;
            if (a) if (a instanceof m && c == f) return a;
            else if (d.isFunction(a)) return d(h).ready(a);
            else if (d.isArray(a) && a.length != f) {
                for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this[this.length++] = a[b];
                return this
            } else if (d.isObject(a) && d.isObject(c)) {
                if (a.length == f) a.parentNode == c && (this[this.length++] = a);
                else for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b].parentNode == c && (this[this.length++] = a[b]);
                return this
            } else if (d.isObject(a) && c == f) return this[this.length++] = a,
            else if (c !== f) {
                if (c instanceof m) return c.find(a)
            } else c = h;
            else return this;
            if (b = this.selector(a, c)) if (d.isArray(b)) for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) this[this.length++] = b[e];
            else this[this.length++] = b;
            return this
        d = function(a, c) {
            return new m(a, c)
        d.map = function(a, c) {
            var b, e = [],
            if (d.isArray(a)) for (k = 0; k < a.length; k++) b = c(a[k], k),
            b !== f && e.push(b);
            else if (d.isObject(a)) for (k in a) a.hasOwnProperty(k) && (b = c(a[k], k), b !== f && e.push(b));
            return d([e])
        d.each = function(a, c) {
            var b;
            if (d.isArray(a)) for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
                if (c(b, a[b]) === !1) break
            } else if (d.isObject(a)) for (b in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(b) && c(b, a[b]) === !1) break;
            return a
        d.extend = function(a) {
            a == f && (a = this);
            if (arguments.length === 1) {
                for (var c in a) this[c] = a[c];
                return this
            } else G.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function(b) {
                for (var c in b) a[c] = b[c]
            return a
        d.isArray = function(a) {
            return a instanceof Array && a.push != f
        d.isFunction = function(a) {
            return typeof a === "function"
        d.isObject = function(a) {
            return typeof a === "object"
        d.fn = m.prototype = {
            constructor: m,
            forEach: l.forEach,
            reduce: l.reduce,
            push: l.push,
            indexOf: l.indexOf,
            concat: l.concat,
            selector: function(a, c) {
                var b;
                if (a[0] === "#" && a.indexOf(" ") === -1 && a.indexOf(">") === -1) return b = c == h ? c.getElementById(a.replace("#", "")) : [].slice.call(c.querySelectorAll(a));
                a = a.trim();
                a[0] === "<" && a[a.length - 1] === ">" ? (b = h.createElement("div"), b.innerHTML = a.trim(), b = [].slice.call(b.childNodes)) : b = [].slice.call(c.querySelectorAll(a));
                return b
            oldElement: f,
            slice: l.slice,
            setupOld: function(a) {
                if (a == f) return d();
                a.oldElement = this;
                return a
            map: function(a) {
                return d.map(this,
                function(c, b) {
                    return a.call(c, b, c)
            each: function(a) {
                this.forEach(function(c, b) {
                    a.call(c, b, c)
                return this
            ready: function(a) { (h.readyState === "complete" || h.readyState === "loaded") && a();
                h.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", a, !1);
                return this
            find: function(a) {
                if (this.length === 0) return f;
                for (var c = [], b, e = 0; e < this.length; e++) {
                    b = d(a, this[e]);
                    for (var k = 0; k < b.length; k++) c.push(b[k])
                return d(o(c))
            html: function(a) {
                if (this.length === 0) return f;
                if (a === f) return this[0].innerHTML;
                for (var c = 0; c < this.length; c++) this[c].innerHTML = a;
                return this
            text: function(a) {
                if (this.length === 0) return f;
                if (a === f) return this[0].textContent;
                for (var c = 0; c < this.length; c++) this[c].textContent = a;
                return this
            css: function(a, c, b) {
                b = b != f ? b: this[0];
                if (this.length === 0) return f;
                if (c == f && typeof a === "string") return g.getComputedStyle(b),
                b.style[a] ? b.style[a] : g.getComputedStyle(b)[a];
                for (b = 0; b < this.length; b++) if (d.isObject(a)) for (var e in a) this[b].style[e] = a[e];
                else this[b].style[a] = c;
                return this
            empty: function() {
                for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) this[a].innerHTML = "";
                return this
            hide: function() {
                if (this.length === 0) return this;
                for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) if (this.css("display", null, this[a]) != "none") this[a].setAttribute("jqmOldStyle", this.css("display", null, this[a])),
                this[a].style.display = "none";
                return this
            show: function() {
                if (this.length === 0) return this;
                for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) if (this.css("display", null, this[a]) == "none") this[a].style.display = this[a].getAttribute("jqmOldStyle") ? this[a].getAttribute("jqmOldStyle") : "block",
                return this
            toggle: function(a) {
                for (var c = a === !0 ? !0 : !1, b = 0; b < this.length; b++) g.getComputedStyle(this[b]).display !== "none" || a !== f && c === !1 ? (this[b].setAttribute("jqmOldStyle", this[b].style.display), this[b].style.display = "none") : (this[b].style.display = this[b].getAttribute("jqmOldStyle") != f ? this[b].getAttribute("jqmOldStyle") : "block", this[b].removeAttribute("jqmOldStyle"));
                return this
            val: function(a) {
                if (this.length === 0) return f;
                if (a == f) return this[0].value;
                for (var c = 0; c < this.length; c++) this[c].value = a;
                return this
            attr: function(a, c) {
                if (this.length === 0) return f;
                if (c === f && !d.isObject(a)) return this[0].jqmCacheId && j[this[0].jqmCacheId][a] ? this[0].jqmCacheId && j[this[0].jqmCacheId][a] : this[0].getAttribute(a);
                for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) if (d.isObject(a)) for (var e in a) d(this[b]).attr(e, a[e]);
                else if (d.isArray(c) || d.isObject(c) || d.isFunction(c)) {
                    if (!this[b].jqmCacheId) this[b].jqmCacheId = d.uuid();
                    j[this[b].jqmCacheId] || (j[this[b].jqmCacheId] = {});
                    j[this[b].jqmCacheId][a] = c
                } else c == null && c !== f ? (this[b].removeAttribute(a), this[b].jqmCacheId && j[this[b].jqmCacheId][a] && delete j[this[b].jqmCacheId][a]) : this[b].setAttribute(a, c);
                return this
            removeAttr: function(a) {
                for (var c = this,
                b = 0; b < this.length; b++) a.split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(e) {
                    c[b].jqmCacheId && j[c[b].jqmCacheId][a] && delete j[c[b].jqmCacheId][a]
                return this
            remove: function(a) {
                a = d(this).filter(a);
                if (a == f) return this;
                for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) a[c].parentNode.removeChild(a[c]);
                return this
            addClass: function(a) {
                for (var c = 0; c < this.length; c++) {
                    var b = this[c].className,
                    e = [],
                    d = this;
                    a.split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(a) {
                        d.hasClass(a, d[c]) || e.push(a)
                    this[c].className += (b ? " ": "") + e.join(" ");
                    this[c].className = this[c].className.trim()
                return this
            removeClass: function(a) {
                for (var c = 0; c < this.length; c++) {
                    if (a == f) {
                        this[c].className = "";
                    var b = this[c].className;
                    a.split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(a) {
                        b = b.replace(v(a), " ")
                    this[c].className = b.length > 0 ? b.trim() : ""
                return this
            hasClass: function(a, c) {
                if (this.length === 0) return ! 1;
                c || (c = this[0]);
                return v(a).test(c.className)
            append: function(a, c) {
                if (a && a.length != f && a.length === 0) return this;
                if (d.isArray(a) || d.isObject(a)) a = d(a);
                var b;
                for (b = 0; b < this.length; b++) if (a.length && typeof a != "string") a = d(a),
                u(a, this[b], c);
                else {
                    var e = I.test(a) ? d(a) : f;
                    if (e == f || e.length == 0) e = h.createTextNode(a);
                    e.nodeName != f && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "script" && (!e.type || e.type.toLowerCase() === "text/javascript") ? g.eval(e.innerHTML) : e instanceof m ? u(e, this[b], c) : c != f ? this[b].insertBefore(e, this[b].firstChild) : this[b].appendChild(e)
                return this
            prepend: function(a) {
                return this.append(a, 1)
            insertBefore: function(a, c) {
                if (this.length == 0) return this;
                a = d(a).get(0);
                if (!a || a.length == 0) return this;
                for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) c ? a.parentNode.insertBefore(this[b], a.nextSibling) : a.parentNode.insertBefore(this[b], a);
                return this
            insertAfter: function(a) {
                this.insertBefore(a, !0)
            get: function(a) {
                a = a == f ? 0 : a;
                a < 0 && (a += this.length);
                return this[a] ? this[a] : f
            offset: function() {
                if (this.length === 0) return f;
                var a = this[0].getBoundingClientRect();
                return {
                    left: a.left + g.pageXOffset,
                    top: a.top + g.pageYOffset,
                    width: parseInt(a.width),
                    height: parseInt(a.height)
            parent: function(a) {
                if (this.length == 0) return f;
                for (var c = [], b = 0; b < this.length; b++) this[b].parentNode && c.push(this[b].parentNode);
                return this.setupOld(d(o(c)).filter(a))
            children: function(a) {
                if (this.length == 0) return f;
                for (var c = [], b = 0; b < this.length; b++) c = c.concat(w(this[b].firstChild));
                return this.setupOld(d(c).filter(a))
            siblings: function(a) {
                if (this.length == 0) return f;
                for (var c = [], b = 0; b < this.length; b++) this[b].parentNode && (c = c.concat(w(this[b].parentNode.firstChild, this[b])));
                return this.setupOld(d(c).filter(a))
            closest: function(a, c) {
                if (this.length == 0) return f;
                var b = this[0],
                e = d(a, c);
                if (e.length == 0) return d();
                for (; b && e.indexOf(b) == -1;) b = b !== c && b !== h && b.parentNode;
                return d(b)
            filter: function(a) {
                if (this.length == 0) return f;
                if (a == f) return this;
                for (var c = [], b = 0; b < this.length; b++) {
                    var e = this[b];
                    e.parentNode && d(a, e.parentNode).indexOf(e) >= 0 && c.push(e)
                return this.setupOld(d(o(c)))
            not: function(a) {
                if (this.length == 0) return f;
                for (var c = [], b = 0; b < this.length; b++) {
                    var e = this[b];
                    e.parentNode && d(a, e.parentNode).indexOf(e) == -1 && c.push(e)
                return this.setupOld(d(o(c)))
            data: function(a, c) {
                return this.attr("data-" + a, c)
            end: function() {
                return this.oldElement != f ? this.oldElement: d()
            clone: function(a) {
                a = a === !1 ? !1 : !0;
                if (this.length == 0) return f;
                for (var c = [], b = 0; b < this.length; b++) c.push(this[b].cloneNode(a));
                return d(c)
            size: function() {
                return this.length
            serialize: function(a) {
                if (this.length == 0) return "";
                for (var c = {},
                b = 0; b < this.length; b++) this.slice.call(this[b].elements).forEach(function(a) {
                    var b = a.getAttribute("type");
                    if (a.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "fieldset" && !a.disabled && b != "submit" && b != "reset" && b != "button" && (b != "radio" && b != "checkbox" || a.checked)) c[a.getAttribute("name")] = a.value
                return d.param(c, a)
        var A = {
            type: "GET",
            beforeSend: n,
            success: n,
            error: n,
            complete: n,
            context: f,
            timeout: 0,
            crossDomain: !1
        d.jsonP = function(a) {
            var c = "jsonp_callback" + ++H,
            b = "",
            e = h.createElement("script");
            g[c] = function(f) {
                delete g[c];
                a.success.call(void 0, f)
            e.src = a.url.replace(/=\?/, "=" + c);
            if (a.error) e.onerror = function() {
                a.error.call(void 0, "", "error")
            a.timeout > 0 && (b = setTimeout(function() {
                a.error.call(void 0, "", "timeout")
            return {}
        d.ajax = function(a) {
            var c;
            try {
                c = new g.XMLHttpRequest;
                var b = a || {},
                for (e in A) b[e] || (b[e] = A[e]);
                if (!b.url) b.url = g.location;
                if (!b.contentType) b.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                if (!b.headers) b.headers = {};
                if (! ("async" in b) || b.async !== !1) b.async = !0;
                if (b.dataType) switch (b.dataType) {
                case "script":
                    b.dataType = "text/javascript, application/javascript";
                case "json":
                    b.dataType = "application/json";
                case "xml":
                    b.dataType = "application/xml, text/xml";
                case "html":
                    b.dataType = "text/html";
                case "text":
                    b.dataType = "text/plain";
                    b.dataType = "text/html";
                case "jsonp":
                    return d.jsonP(a)
                } else b.dataType = "text/html";
                if (d.isObject(b.data)) b.data = d.param(b.data);
                b.type.toLowerCase() === "get" && b.data && (b.url += b.url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" + b.data: "&" + b.data);
                if (/=\?/.test(b.url)) return d.jsonP(b);
                if (!b.crossDomain) b.crossDomain = /^([\w-]+:)?\/\/([^\/]+)/.test(b.url) && RegExp.$2 != g.location.host;
                if (!b.crossDomain) b.headers = d.extend({
                    "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"
                var f, i = b.context,
                h = /^([\w-]+:)\/\//.test(b.url) ? RegExp.$1: g.location.protocol;
                c.onreadystatechange = function() {
                    var a = b.dataType;
                    if (c.readyState === 4) {
                        var d, e = !1;
                        if (c.status >= 200 && c.status < 300 || c.status === 0 && h == "file:") {
                            if (a === "application/json" && !/^\s*$/.test(c.responseText)) try {
                                d = JSON.parse(c.responseText)
                            } catch(g) {
                                e = g
                            } else d = c.responseText;
                            c.status === 0 && d.length === 0 && (e = !0);
                            e ? b.error.call(i, c, "parsererror", e) : b.success.call(i, d, "success", c)
                        } else e = !0,
                        b.error.call(i, c, "error");
                        b.complete.call(i, c, e ? "error": "success")
                c.open(b.type, b.url, b.async);
                if (b.contentType) b.headers["Content-Type"] = b.contentType;
                for (var j in b.headers) c.setRequestHeader(j, b.headers[j]);
                if (b.beforeSend.call(i, c, b) === !1) return c.abort(),
                b.timeout > 0 && (f = setTimeout(function() {
                    c.onreadystatechange = n;
                    b.error.call(i, c, "timeout")
            } catch(l) {
            return c
        d.get = function(a, c) {
            return this.ajax({
                url: a,
                success: c
        d.post = function(a, c, b, d) {
            typeof c === "function" && (b = c, c = {});
            d === f && (d = "html");
            return this.ajax({
                url: a,
                type: "POST",
                data: c,
                dataType: d,
                success: b
        d.getJSON = function(a, c, b) {
            typeof c === "function" && (b = c, c = {});
            return this.ajax({
                url: a,
                data: c,
                success: b,
                dataType: "json"
        d.param = function(a, c) {
            var b = [];
            if (a instanceof m) a.each(function() {
                b.push((c ? c + "[]": this.id) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.value))
            else for (var e in a) {
                var f = c ? c + "[" + e + "]": e,
                g = a[e];
                b.push(d.isObject(g) ? d.param(g, f) : f + "=" + encodeURIComponent(g))
            return b.join("&")
        d.parseJSON = function(a) {
            return JSON.parse(a)
        d.parseXML = function(a) {
            return (new DOMParser).parseFromString(a, "text/xml")
        x(d, navigator.userAgent);
        d.__detectUA = x;
        if (typeof String.prototype.trim !== "function") String.prototype.trim = function() {
            this.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "");
            return this
        d.uuid = function() {
            var a = function() {
                return ((1 + Math.random()) * 65536 | 0).toString(16).substring(1)
            return a() + a() + "-" + a() + "-" + a() + "-" + a() + "-" + a() + a() + a()
        var p = {},
        t = 1,
        J = {};
        d.event = {
            add: q,
            remove: r
        d.fn.bind = function(a, c) {
            for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) q(this[b], a, c);
            return this
        d.fn.unbind = function(a, c) {
            for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) r(this[b], a, c);
            return this
        d.fn.one = function(a, c) {
            return this.each(function(b, d) {
                q(this, a, c, null,
                function(a, b) {
                    return function() {
                        var c = a.apply(d, arguments);
                        r(d, b, a);
                        return c
        var E = function() {
            return ! 0
        F = function() {
            return ! 1
        D = {
            preventDefault: "isDefaultPrevented",
            stopImmediatePropagation: "isImmediatePropagationStopped",
            stopPropagation: "isPropagationStopped"
        d.fn.delegate = function(a, c, b) {
            for (var e = 0; e < this.length; e++) {
                var f = this[e];
                q(f, c, b, a,
                function(b) {
                    return function(c) {
                        var e, g = d(c.target).closest(a, f).get(0);
                        if (g) return e = d.extend(C(c), {
                            currentTarget: g,
                            liveFired: f
                        b.apply(g, [e].concat([].slice.call(arguments, 1)))
            return this
        d.fn.undelegate = function(a, c, b) {
            for (var d = 0; d < this.length; d++) r(this[d], c, b, a);
            return this
        d.fn.on = function(a, c, b) {
            return c === f || d.isFunction(c) ? this.bind(a, c) : this.delegate(c, a, b)
        d.fn.off = function(a, c, b) {
            return c === f || d.isFunction(c) ? this.unbind(a, c) : this.undelegate(c, a, b)
        d.fn.trigger = function(a, c) {
            typeof a == "string" && (a = d.Event(a));
            a.data = c;
            for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) this[b].dispatchEvent(a);
            return this
        d.Event = function(a, c) {
            var b = h.createEvent(J[a] || "Events"),
            d = !0;
            if (c) for (var f in c) f == "bubbles" ? d = !!c[f] : b[f] = c[f];
            b.initEvent(a, d, !0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
            return b
        d.proxy = function(a, c) {
            return function(b) {
                return a.call(c, b)
        return d
    } (window);
    "$" in window || (window.$ = jq);
    if (!window.numOnly) window.numOnly = function(g) {
        isNaN(parseFloat(g)) && (g = g.replace(/[^0-9.-]/, ""));
        return parseFloat(g)


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About This Book Learn how to propagate DOM changes across the website without writing extensive jQuery callbacks code.Learn how to achieve reactivity and easily compose views with Vue.js and understand what it does behind the scenes.Explore the core features of Vue.js with small examples, learn how to build dynamic content into preexisting web applications, and build Vue.js applications from scratch. Who This Book Is For This book is perfect for novice web developer seeking to learn new technologies or frameworks and also for webdev gurus eager to enrich their experience. Whatever your level of expertise, this book is a great introduction to the wonderful world of reactive web apps. What You Will Learn Build a fully functioning reactive web application in Vue.js from scratch.The importance of the MVVM architecture and how Vue.js compares with other frameworks such as Angular.js and React.js.How to bring reactivity to an existing static application using Vue.js.How to use plugins to enrich your applications.How to develop customized plugins to meet your needs.How to use Vuex to manage global application’s state. In Detail Vue.js is one of the latest new frameworks to have piqued the interest of web developers due to its reactivity, reusable components, and ease of use. This book shows developers how to leverage its features to build high-performing, reactive web interfaces with Vue.js. From the initial structuring to full deployment, this book provides step-by-step guidance to developing an interactive web interface from scratch with Vue.js. You will start by building a simple application in Vue.js which will let you observe its features in action. Delving into more complex concepts, you will learn about reactive data binding, reusable components, plugins, filters, and state management with Vuex. This book will also teach you how to bring reactivity to an existing static application using Vue.js. By the time you finish this book you will have built, tested, and deployed a complete reactive application in Vue.js from scratch. Style and approach This book is a thorough, step-by-step guide showing readers how to build complete web apps with Vue.js. While teaching its intricacies, this book shows how to implement the MVVM architecture in the real world and build high-performing web interfaces.


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