


#include <mshtml.h>   
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <oleacc.h>




CComQIPtr<IWebBrowser2> pBrowser;

 BOOL bReady;       //判断yahoo邮箱页面是否完全打开
 CString m_strURL;
 CString m_strUserName;
 CString m_strPassWord;



m_strURL = "http://cn.mail.yahoo.com/";  //URL地址
 m_strUserName = "name";      //邮箱用户名
 m_strPassWord = "password";     //用户密码
 VARIANT id, index;
 BSTR bsStatus;
 BSTR bsPW = m_strPassWord.AllocSysString();
 BSTR bsUser=m_strUserName.AllocSysString();
 CString mStr;
 hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
 hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_InternetExplorer, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  IID_IWebBrowser2, (LPVOID *)&pBrowser); //Create an Instance of web browser
  char a[1024] = {0};
  DWORD b = GetLastError();
  sprintf(a,"CoCreateInstance fail a=%d hr = 0x%x",b,hr);
 VARIANT_BOOL pBool=true;
 pBrowser->put_Visible( pBool ) ; //Commentout this line if you dont want the browser to be displayed
 COleVariant vaURL(m_strURL) ;
 COleVariant null;
 pBrowser->Navigate2(vaURL,null,null,null,null) ; //Open the URL page

 READYSTATE emReadState;
 while (READYSTATE_COMPLETE != emReadState)
//  while(!bReady)  //This while loop maks sure that the page is fully loaded before we go to the next page
//  {
//   //如果用户手动关闭IE窗口,退出循环
//   LONG hHwnd;
//   pBrowser->get_HWND(&hHwnd);
//   if (NULL == hHwnd)
//   {
//    bReady=1;
//    return;
//   }
//   //等待网页完全打开,退出循环
//   pBrowser->get_StatusText(&bsStatus);
//   mStr=bsStatus;
//   if(mStr=="完毕" || mStr=="完成" || mStr=="Done" )
//   {
//    bReady=1;
//   }
//   Sleep(200);
//  }
 CComPtr<IDispatch> pDisp;//IDispatch* pDisp;
 hr=pBrowser->get_Document(&pDisp);//Get the underlying document object of the browser
 if (pDisp == NULL )
 CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> pHTMLDocument2;
 hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLDocument2,
  (void**)&pHTMLDocument2 );//Ask for an HTMLDocument2 interface
 if (hr != S_OK)
  return ;
 CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection> pColl = NULL;//Enumerate the HTML elements
 hr = pHTMLDocument2->get_all( &pColl );
 if (hr != S_OK || pColl == NULL)
 LONG celem;
 hr = pColl->get_length( &celem );//Find the count of the elements
 if ( hr != S_OK )
 for ( int i=0; i< celem; i++ )//Loop through each elment
  CComPtr<IDispatch> pDisp2;
  V_VT(&id) = VT_I4;
  V_I4(&id) = i;
  V_VT(&index) = VT_I4;
  V_I4(&index) = 0;
  hr = pColl->item( id,index, &pDisp2 );//Get an element
  if ( hr == S_OK )
   IHTMLElement* pElem;
   //Ask for an HTMLElemnt interface
   hr = pDisp2->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement,(void **)&pElem);
   if ( hr == S_OK )
    BSTR bstr;
    IHTMLInputTextElement* pUser;//We need to check for input elemnt on login screen
    hr = pDisp2->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLInputTextElement,(void **)&pUser );
    if ( hr == S_OK )
     {//Is this a User Id frield
      pUser->put_value(bsUser);//Paste the User Id
     else if(mStr=="passwd")
     {//Or, is this a password field
      pUser->put_value(bsPW);// Paste your password into the field                
     IHTMLInputButtonElement* pButton;
     hr = pDisp2->QueryInterface(
      (void **)&pButton);
     if ( hr == S_OK )
      //pButton->get_type(&bstr);//This will send the all the information in correct format        
      if (mStr=="登 录")
 pHTMLDocument2.Release();//For the next page open a fresh document






#include <mshtml.h>   
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <oleacc.h>




IWebBrowser2 * pBrowser;
 BOOL bReady;       //判断yahoo邮箱页面是否完全打开
 CString m_strURL;
 CString m_strUserName;
 CString m_strPassWord;



m_strURL = "http://cn.mail.yahoo.com/";  //URL地址
 m_strUserName = "name";      //邮箱用户名
 m_strPassWord = "password";     //用户密码
 VARIANT id, index;
 BSTR bsStatus;
 BSTR bsPW = m_strPassWord.AllocSysString();
 BSTR bsUser=m_strUserName.AllocSysString();
 CString mStr;
 hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
 hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_InternetExplorer, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  IID_IWebBrowser2, (LPVOID *)&pBrowser); //Create an Instance of web browser
  char a[1024] = {0};
  DWORD b = GetLastError();
  sprintf(a,"CoCreateInstance fail a=%d hr = 0x%x",b,hr);
 VARIANT_BOOL pBool=true;
 pBrowser->put_Visible( pBool ) ; //Commentout this line if you dont want the browser to be displayed
 COleVariant vaURL(m_strURL) ;
 COleVariant null;
 pBrowser->Navigate2(vaURL,null,null,null,null) ; //Open the URL page

 READYSTATE emReadState;
 while (READYSTATE_COMPLETE != emReadState)
//  while(!bReady)  //This while loop maks sure that the page is fully loaded before we go to the next page
//  {
//   //如果用户手动关闭IE窗口,退出循环
//   LONG hHwnd;
//   pBrowser->get_HWND(&hHwnd);
//   if (NULL == hHwnd)
//   {
//    bReady=1;
//    return;
//   }
//   //等待网页完全打开,退出循环
//   pBrowser->get_StatusText(&bsStatus);
//   mStr=bsStatus;
//   if(mStr=="完毕" || mStr=="完成" || mStr=="Done" )
//   {
//    bReady=1;
//   }
//   Sleep(200);
//  }
 IDispatch* pDisp;
 hr=pBrowser->get_Document(&pDisp);//Get the underlying document object of the browser
 if (pDisp == NULL )
 IHTMLDocument2* pHTMLDocument2;
 hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLDocument2,
  (void**)&pHTMLDocument2 );//Ask for an HTMLDocument2 interface
 if (hr != S_OK)
  return ;
 IHTMLElementCollection* pColl = NULL;//Enumerate the HTML elements
 hr = pHTMLDocument2->get_all( &pColl );
 if (hr != S_OK || pColl == NULL)
 LONG celem;
 hr = pColl->get_length( &celem );//Find the count of the elements
 if ( hr != S_OK )
 for ( int i=0; i< celem; i++ )//Loop through each elment
  IDispatch* pDisp2;
  V_VT(&id) = VT_I4;
  V_I4(&id) = i;
  V_VT(&index) = VT_I4;
  V_I4(&index) = 0;
  hr = pColl->item( id,index, &pDisp2 );//Get an element
  if ( hr == S_OK )
   IHTMLElement* pElem;
   //Ask for an HTMLElemnt interface
   hr = pDisp2->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement,(void **)&pElem);
   if ( hr == S_OK )
    BSTR bstr;
    IHTMLInputTextElement* pUser;//We need to check for input elemnt on login screen
    hr = pDisp2->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLInputTextElement,(void **)&pUser );
    if ( hr == S_OK )
     {//Is this a User Id frield
      pUser->put_value(bsUser);//Paste the User Id
     else if(mStr=="passwd")
     {//Or, is this a password field
      pUser->put_value(bsPW);// Paste your password into the field                
     IHTMLInputButtonElement* pButton;
     hr = pDisp2->QueryInterface(
      (void **)&pButton);
     if ( hr == S_OK )
      //pButton->get_type(&bstr);//This will send the all the information in correct format        
      if (mStr=="登 录")
 pHTMLDocument2->Release();//For the next page open a fresh document






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