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转载 40条PHP代码的优化技巧
<br />1. If a method can be static, declare it static. Speed improvement is by a factor of 4. <br />如果一个方法可静态化,就对它做静态声明。速率可提升至4倍。<br /><br />2. echo is faster than print. <br />echo 比 print 快。<br /><br />3. Use echo’s multiple parameters instead of string
2011-04-15 15:36:00 311
转载 PHP 兼容 Curl/Socket/Stream 的 HTTP 操作类
<br />/************************************************************ * 描述:HTTP操作类 * 作者:heiyeluren * 创建:2009/12/13 04:43 * 修改:2009/12/16 10:30 实现基本HTTP各种接口操作支持 * ************************************************************/ /** * HTTP功能工厂方法类 * * 调用示例代码: tr
2011-04-15 15:17:00 501
转载 国际汇率兑换接口
$Amount = $_GET['Amount'];$to = $_GET['to'];$url = "http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi?Amount=$Amount&From=CNY&To=$to";$content = file_get_contents($url);$regex = "/class=/"rate/" >(.+?) ".$to."/i"; //正则表达式.if(preg_match_all($regex, $content, $matches)) {ec
2011-04-15 14:53:00 1045
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