


  • Pushlet白皮书
    Server-side notification to browser-clients is often implemented using
    applets with RMI, CORBA or custom TCP/IP messaging. These techniques are
    often complex to implement, have firewall restrictions, and require additional
    server development/maintenance. Also it is hard to integrate the state of the
    client-applet with the browser's page-content other than refreshing the page
    or doing all content-layout within the applet.
    Server 端向浏览器client 发送通知这种通讯模式通常采用RMI、CORBA
    或者自定义TCP/IP 信息来实现。这些技术往往由于复杂而难以实现:存在
    防火墙限制(因为需要打开非HTTP 的通讯端口)、需要额外的server 开发
    和维护。并且除了刷新整个页面或者完全采用applet 展示内容之外,很难
    找到别的方法将client 端applet 的状态和浏览器的页面内容集成在一起。
    Pushlets are a servlet-based mechanism where data is pushed directly
    from server-side Java objects to (Dynamic) HTML pages within a
    client-browser without using Java applets or plug-ins. This allows a web page
    to be periodically updated by the server. The browser client uses
    JavaScript/Dynamic HTML features available in type 4+ browsers like NS and
    MSIE. The underlying mechanism uses a servlet HTTP connection over which
    JavaScript code is pushed to the browser. Through a single generic servlet (the
    Pushlet), browser clients can subscribe to subjects from which they like to
    receive events. Whenever the server pushes an event, the clients subscribed
    to the related subject are notified. Event objects can be sent as either
    JavaScript (DHTML clients), serialized Java objects (Java clients), or as XML
    (DHTML or Java Clients). Several application examples are presented such as
    monitoring (weather, live stock feed, system status) and a multi-user
    applications (chat).
    Pushlet(一种comet 架构的实现)是基于Servlet 机制,数据从server
    端的Java 对象直接推送(push)到客户端浏览器的(动态)HTML 页面,而
    无需任何Java applet 或者插件的帮助。它使server 端可以周期性地更新
    client 的web 页面,这与传统的request/response 方式相悖。浏览器client
    为兼容JavaScript1.4 版本以上的浏览器(如Internet Explorer、FireFox),
    并使用JavaScript/Dynamic HTML特性。而低层实现使用一个servlet通过Http
    连接到JavaScript 所在的浏览器,并将数据推送到后者。使用Phushlet,客
    户端浏览器能订阅它们希望接受事件的主题,无论何时,server 推出一个事
    (DHTML clients)、序列化的Java 对象(Java clients)也可以作为XML (DHTML or
    Java Clients)而发送。几个这方面的应用的例子:例如监测(天气情况、股
    The mechanism is lightweight in the sense that uses the servlet server's
    connection management and threading facilities, the javax.servlet APIs and
    standard Java features such as producer/consumer through Object wait() and
    notify(). In principle the framework could run within any servlet-supporting
    server and behind firewalls. When JavaScript/DHTML is used on the client this
    provides a convenient way to build applications quickly through scripting and
    to integrate and layout new content with HTML/CSS features.
    这种机制是轻量级的,它使用server 端的servlet 连接管理、线程工具、
    javax.servlet API,并通过标准Java 特性中Object 的wait()和notify()实现的
    生产者/消费者机制。原则上,Pushlet 框架能够穿过防火墙运行在任何支持
    servlet 的server 上。当在client 中使用JavaScript/DHTML 时,Pushlet 提供
    了通过脚本快速建立应用、使用HTML/CSS 特性集成和布局新内容的便利方
    Now that more and more Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs) are being
    deployed on the web, there is often a need to notify and synchronize client
    web-browsers from state changes in server objects after the browser has
    loaded a page.
    目前越来越多的servlet 和JSP 用来部署web,于是便出现了在页面已
    These changes can be caused by users updating an EJB through a servlet
    or database record or by events in a multi-user application such as chat and
    shared whiteboard. These type of applications often use a distributed Model
    View Controller (MVC) pattern where the Model is on the server (with possible
    caching in clients) and the Control and View (possibly combined) reside within
    the client.
    这些状态变化的原因很复杂:可能由于用户通过访问servlet 或者修改
    数据库记录、更新EJB 造成,或是在多用户应用(比如聊天室和共享白板)
    模式:模型层位于server 上(可能缓存在client 中),控制层和视图层位于
    client 中(这两个层可能合为一体)。
    There are also applications where we would like to subcribe to dynamic
    content that is continuously pushed from the server. Examples stock feeds,
    system status, weather conditions or other monitoring applications. This
    follows an Observer (a.k.a. Publish/Subscribe) pattern where remote clients
    (Observers) register for updates from server objects (Subjects).
    当然,这里也存在需要订阅server 端动态内容的应用:那些动态内容
    不停地从server 端推送过来。例如股票实时情报、系统状态报告、天气情
    阅模板),这种模板中的远程client 注册成为关注于server 端对象变化的观
    察者。关于设计模板的知识请看Matrix Wiki 上的介绍。
    How can we notify browser-clients after their HTML page has loaded ? Or
    what to do if we would like to selectively update only parts of a page. For
    example only the stock item in an HTML TABLE whose rate has changed ?
    那么在HTML 页面已经被装载后如何通知浏览器客户端?或者如果有
    选择地更新页面中一些部分的话,那该怎么做?比如只更新在HTML Table
    3.通知解决(Notification Solutions)
    Let's assume that we have a Java web/application server from which we
    want to notify client browsers. Solutions we have can be categorized as
    "polling", "server-side callbacks" and "messaging".
    让我们对应用进行这样的假设:拥有一个Java web server 或者Java 应
    用server,我们试图从server 发送通知给client 端浏览器。这里的解决方案
    可以分为:“轮询(polling)”、“服务端回调(server-side callbacks)”和“消
    The simplest solution is a "timed page refresh". Using HTML META tags in
    the header of the HTML document, the page is automatically reloaded every N
    seconds. If in the meantime something has changed on the server we get the
    new content, otherwise we get the same stuff. But how large should we make
    the refresh interval ?
    META 标签,页面便可以每隔N 秒自动reload 一次。如果在此期间server
    3.2服务器端回调(Server-side callbacks)
    Since we are seasoned Java developers building serious applications, we
    often use "server-side callbacks". Here a server objects calls back a Java applet
    client using RMI or CORBA.
    因为我们是“身经百战”的Java 开发老手,所以经常会用到“服务端回调”。
    这种方式通过RMI或者CORBA将Server端的对象传输到Java applet客户端。
    3.3 消息(MessagingMOM)
    In this solution an applet is a client from a messaging middleware server
    that pushes messages over a TCP/IP connection (java.net.Socket) or using
    connectionless UDP messages (java.net.DatagramSocket), the latter possibly
    even with multicast (java.net.MulticastSocket). You could use a messaging
    product such as iBus (SoftWired), MQSeries (IBM) or WebLogic Events (BEA) or
    develop your own custom messaging with java.io.ObjectStream's over sockets.
    这种解决方案采用一个作为client 的applet,它使用TCP/IP 或者无连接
    的UDP、甚至多播协议来建立与消息中间键server 的通讯,然后由server
    推送消息给client。你可以从例如SoftWired 的iBus、IBM 的MQSeries、BEA
    的WebLogic Event 这些消息产品中直接挑选,或者自己使用基于socket 的
    java.io.ObjectStream 定制开发消息软件。
    Each of the above solutions has its advantages/disadvantages in
    complexity, security, performance, scalability, browser Java compatibility and
    restrictions like firewalls. The most optimal solution strongly depends on what
    your application is supposed to do. For example, when users require a direct
    interaction with the state such as in a shared whiteboard, server
    side-callbacks or messaging can be a powerful technique.
    例如,在共享白板应用中,用户需要直接与“状态”交互,那么server 端回调
    But we are still within a browser and unless the applet constitutes the
    entire client application, it is hard to integrate updates coming from the
    server with the HTML content. How can we alter this content from within the
    applet when it gets the callback or message ? One solution is to refresh the
    page by calling AppletContext.showDocument(URL) within the callback
    但在浏览器环境下,除非完全使用applet 作为整个client 应用,否则把
    来自于server 的更新信息集成到页面中并非易事。如何在applet 收到回调
    Since HTML is meant for layout, wouldn't it be nice to be able to directly
    alter parts of the HTML content with incremental data coming from the server ?
    This would be an ideal scheme for web-applications where content on the
    server is dynamically changing and the required user-to-server interaction is
    minimal, e.g. driven by HTML FORMs.
    由于HTML 代码可以直接影响页面布局,直接使用来自server 的数据更
    改HTML 部分内容不是更好吗?这是web 应用的理想方案,在server 上内
    容动态改变时,从用户到server 所需的交互是最小化的。例如;HTML 表单
    In addition to the above solutions I have developed a technique that is
    lightweight, thin on the client, requires no applets or plug-ins, directly
    integrates with scripting/HTML, uses standard HTTP connections and can be
    deployed (in theory!) in any Java servlet-server. It is certainly not meant to
    replace the above solutions. My intention is to add another option to your
    toolbox. You as Java architects/developers should determine the trade-offs
    and choose what is best for your particular application.
    作为对上面的解决方案的补充,我开发了Pushlet 这种轻量级、瘦客户
    端的技术,它无需applet 或者插件而直接与脚本/HTML 集成在一起、使用
    标准HTTP 连接、理论上可以部署到任何支持Java servlet 的server 上。但
    一种选择。作为Java 构架者/开发者,你可以自行权衡、选择、决定哪种更
    4.pushlet基础(Pushlet Basics)
    So what are these Pushlets and how do they work ? In its basic form a
    Pushlet is luckily extremely simple. Through a few examples I will show the
    basics. It is by now also time for some code !
    那么,这些Pushlets 是什么?它们又是如何工作的呢?Pushlet 的基本
    4.1HTTP流(HTTP Streaming)
    Pushlets are based on HTTP streaming, a technique that is sometimes
    used in multimedia viewing applications such as QuickTime. Instead of closing
    the HTTP connection after fetching an HTML page, the connection is kept open
    while fresh data is pushed to the client.
    Pushlets 基于HTTP 流,这种技术常常用在多媒体视频、通讯应用中,
    比如QuickTime。与装载HTTP 页面之后马上关闭HTTP 连接的做法相反,
    Pushlet 采用HTTP 流方式将新数据源源不断地推送到client,再此期间HTTP
    连接一直保持打开。有关如何在Java 中实现这种Keep-alive 的长连接请参
    看Sun 提供的《HTTP Persistent Connection》和W3C 的《HTTP1.1 规范》。
    Taking the idea of HTTP streaming we could develop a JSP (since that it
    easier to deploy, but it could be a servlet as well) that continuously sends new
    HTML content back to the client in a timer loop.
    我们利用HTTP 流开发一个JSP 页面(因为它易于部署,而且它在web
    server 中也是作为servlet 对待的),此页面在一个定时器循环中不断地发
    送新的HTML 内容给client:
    Click example 1 on the examples/basics page. This is not very useful since
    the pushed content is continuously appended to the page while we would like
    to refresh it.
    在Pushlet 源代码中提供了此页面
    是server 端更新的内容。
    Here we jump right into the Pushlet mechanics. Click on example 2 on the
    examples/basics page and see that the page is refreshed every 3 seconds. How
    the ... is this done ?
    现在让我们步入Pushlet 工作机理中一探究竟。通过运行Pushlet 的示
    例源代码(examples/basics/ push-js-stream.html),我们会看到这个每3 秒
    This example consists of three files: push-js-stream.html,
    push-js-stream-pusher.jsp and push-js-stream-display.html.
    push-js-stream.html is the main page which contains each of the two other
    files in HTML FRAMEs. Let's just follow the route of the events.
    此示例中包含了三个文件: push-js-stream.html 、
    push-js-stream-pusher.jsp 、push-js-stream-display.html 。其中
    push-js-stream.html 是主框架文件,它以HTML Frame 的形式包含其它两个
    The following lists push-js-stream-pusher.jsp. This is a JavaServer page
    that is executed on the server when requested. The main body of this file is
    listed below.
    push-js-stream-pusher.jsp 是一个JSP,它执行在server 端,此文件内
    NB there may be a problem with examples 1 and 2 when using JSPs: some
    servlet engines will "eat" the IOException when a client leaves such that the
    JSP page will never catch the exception. In that case the loop may run forever.
    This is one of the reasons that the Pushlet implementation uses a Servlet
    (where the IOException can be and is caught).
    注意在示例1 和示例2 中使用JSP 时都存在一个问题:一些servlet 引
    擎在某个client 离开时会“吃掉”IOException,以至于JSP 页面将永不抛出此
    实现采用servlet 的原因之一:可以捕获到IOException。
    Again we see a timer loop which prints (line 21) some HTML to the
    browser every three seconds. But wait, it is not pushing HTML but JavaScript !
    What does this mean ? Effectively it pushes a line like for example <script
    language=JavaScript >parent.push('Page 4')</script>. What does this mean for
    the browser ? The browser has its JavaScript engine running and obediently
    executes each next line coming in. It is calling a JavaScript function
    parent.push(). Now the parent is the parent of the FRAME it is in, which is our
    first file push-js-stream.html. Let's see what happens there.
    在上面代码的第21 行中可以看到在一个定时器循环(3 秒/周期)中打
    印了一些HTML 并将它们输出到client 浏览器。请注意,这里推送的并非
    HTML 而是Javascript!这样做的意义何在?它把类似“parent.push('Page 4')”
    的一行代码推送到浏览器;而具有JavaScript 引擎的浏览器可以直接执行收
    到的每一行代码,并调用parent.push()函数。而代码中的Parent 便是浏览
    器页面中所在Frame 的Parent,也就是push-js-stream.html。让我们看看都
    We see the push() function called from within the JSP frame
    (pushletFrame) is writing whatever it gets passed in its argument 'content'
    into the displayFrame. This is a piece of Dynamic HTML: you can refresh the
    content of a frame or window by calling 'writeln' of its 'document' object. So
    the displayFrame is the real View where the content is displayed. It is initially
    black and displaying a 'Wait...' text until the first content is pushed from the
    可以看到push-js-stream.html 中的push()函数被名为pushletFrame 的
    JSP Frame 调用:把传入的参数值写入到displayFrame(此Frame 为
    push-js-stream-display.html)。这是动态HTML 的一个小技巧:使用document
    对象的writeln 方法刷新某个Frame 或者Window 的内容。
    This is basically the whole idea of Pushlets: we just stream in lines of
    JavaScript from a Servlet (or JSP for the example). These lines get interpreted
    by the browser who may do something interesting. So effectively we have a
    callback from Java in the server to JavaScript in the browser client ! Phew, that
    was easy !
    这便是Pushlet 的基本做法:我们从servlet(或者从示例中的JSP)把
    JavaScript 代码作为HTTP 流推送到浏览器。这些代码被浏览器的JavaScript
    引擎解释并完成一些有趣的工作。于是便轻松地完成了从server 端的Java
    到浏览器中的JavaScript 的回调。
    This example showed the mechanics, but there are still a couple of issues
    to be solved and features to be added. For this reason I've built a small
    server-side Pushlet framework shown in the class diagram, plus some
    JavaScript libraries for the client. Since the client heavily will rely on more
    DHTML features such as Layers we will walk through some DHTML first. See
    上面的示例展示了Pushlet 原理,但这里存在一些等待解决的问题和需
    要增添的特性。于是我建立了一个小型的server 端Pushlet 框架(其类结构
    图表将会展示在下面),添加了一些用在client 中的JavaScript 库。由于client
    需要依赖更多的DHTML 特性(比如Layers),我们将首先粗略地温习一些
    DHTML 知识。示例代码见examples/dhtml。
    just Java - Dynamic HTML)
    Long gone (in Internet time) are the days when websites could be
    produced by the local sysop who scanned in some images from the company's
    brochure and knew a few HTML-tags. The possibilities for manipulating
    content and user interaction within the browser are expanding through
    something called "Dynamic HTML" (DHTML). As a Java programmer using
    servlets and JSPs, DHTML is something that should become part of your
    那些扫描一些公司小册子的图像和知道一些HTML 标签的系统操作员
    行用户交互的扩展能力。就像Java 开发者使用servlet 和JSP 那样,DHTML
    DHTML refers to a combination of HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),
    JavaScript and the browser's Document Object Model (DOM). Traditionally a
    page could only be altered by reloading a new page from the server. DHTML
    allows full control an HTML document within a browser after its page has been
    loaded. You probably have seen examples on the web such as "image
    roll-overs", pop-up content and collapsabe menus. DHTML is supported by
    most version 4 browsers, albeit with some differences in standards (see
    "Cross-browser DHTML" below).
    DHTML 涉及到HTML、级联样式表(CSS)、JavaScript 和文档对象模型
    (DOM)。传统的页面只能通过重新装载来自server 新页面的方式进行更
    新。DHTML 提供了在页面被装载完毕后对浏览器内的HTML 文档的完全控
    页面,它们便是使用DHTML 技术实现的。尽管存在一些标准上的差异(见
    下面的“跨浏览器DHTML”),多数兼容JavaScript1.4 版本的浏览器(后面
    将简称为“版本4 的浏览器”)都支持DHTML。
    From a programmer's point of view the entire document in the browser,
    i.e. its frames, images, paragraphs, tables etc., is represented as an
    hierarchical object model, the DOM (not to be confused with the XML DOM).
    Through JavaScript you can manipulate the elements of the DOM and thereby
    change the content/appearance of the document. Also, you can capture user
    events from these elements such as mouse moves and form submission, and
    subsequently process these to modify DOM elements. For example, a mouse
    moving over an image may produce a "mouse-over" event that is processed by
    changing the image by a highlighted version or popping up explanatory text.
    Document elements may even be animated by moving them around. This
    sounds great doesn't it ? We just need to get familiar with the DHTML
    standard and off we go ! Hmm, but who defines the DHTML standard ?
    它们都可以表示为具有层次的对象模式――DOM。通过使用JavaScript 可以
    维护DOM 的成员,不但可以改变文档的内容和外观,而且还可以捕捉例如
    鼠标移动、表单提交这些用户事件,而后对DOM 进行相应修改。例如鼠标
    就熟悉一下DHTML 标准!但是谁定义了DHTML 标准?
    This hits an issue that has witheld many developers from embracing
    DHTML. First of all you need a version 4+ browser. The "official" standards
    body for DHTML-related specifications is the World Wide Web Consortium
    (W3). However the Microsoft and Netscape type 4+ browsers each have
    proprietary DHTML extensions that you must track as well.
    这是一些DHTML 初学者首先遇到的问题。首先,你需要一个版本4 以
    上的浏览器。DHTML 相关规范的官方标准出自World Wide Web Consortium
    (W3)。但是微软和Netscape 出品的版本4 以上的浏览器都有一些私有的
    DHTML 扩展,这是你必须注意的。
    Luckily the situation is much better now. Most users by now have type 4
    browsers, plus some people (in particular the "Dannymen", Dan Steinman and
    Danny Goodman, see References section) have done good work on creating
    cross-browser DHTML libraries that you can reuse. As a Java programmer you
    may appreciate the fact that you can do reasonably clean object-based or
    even object-oriented programming in JavaScript. In my basic DHTML demos
    you will find some examples, but it is worthwhile to check out the DHTML
    resources. Once you have browser issues hidden behind a facade of
    cross-browser libraries DHTML programming becomes real fun.
    幸运的是大多数用户都有版本4 以上的浏览器,而且一些开发者
    (Dannymen、Dan Steinman 和Danny Goodman)建造了跨越浏览器的、可
    重用的DHTML 库。作为一名Java 开发者,你要接受这个事实:你应该适当
    地明白基于对象、甚至面向对象的JavaScript 编程。在我的DHTML 中你将
    找到一些示例,但了解更多的DHTML 资源也是很值得的。尤其在使用跨越
    浏览器的DHTML 库对付那些顽固的浏览器问题时,一切都变得有趣、而不
    So with Java gaining more market on the server and DHTML having these
    powerful features on the client, my idea with Pushlets was to directly couple
    these two great technologies in a very direct way. For this I have implemented
    a lightweight framework for the server and some DHTML libraries for the
    client. These are discussed next in the Design section.
    就如Java 获得在广阔的server 端市场、DHTML 在client 领域具有许多
    强大特性那样,Pushlet 以一种直接的方式将这两项伟大的技术捆绑在一起。
    下一个章节将详细讨论Pushlet 这个server端轻量级框架和client 端DHTML
    6.框架设计(Design of the Framework)
    注意:本章节仅反映了Pushlet server 端框架的1.0 版本(随着版本升
    The Pushlet framework allows clients to subscribe to subjects within a
    server from which they subsequently receive events. The framework's basic
    design pattern is Publish-Subscribe also known as Observer and has both
    server and client components:
    Pushlet 框架允许client 订阅在server 端的主题(subject),而server
    则接收订阅,然后在server 端的订阅主题所对应的数据变化时推送数据到
    观察者(Observer)。它具有server 和client 两部分组建而成:
    Ø A server-side collection of Java classes designed around the Pushlet
    class (see UML class diagram).
    Ø Server 端:由围绕着Pushlet 类的Java 类集合构成(见下面的UML
    Ø A client-side reusable JavaScript library (pushlet.js) and HTML
    (pushlet.html) for receiving events within DHTML clients.
    Ø Client 端:可重用的JavaScript 库(pushlet.js)和用来在DHTML client
    Ø Client-side Java classes (JavaPushletClient.java and
    JavaPushletClientListener.java) for receiving events within Java
    Ø Client端Java:JavaPushletClient.java和JavaPushletClientListener.java,
    负责在Java client 中接收事件。
    Ø Cross-browser DHTML utility libraries (layer.js, layer-grid.js,
    layer-region.js) for displaying content in DHTML layers.
    Ø 跨越浏览器的DHTML 工具库:layer.js, layer-grid.js, layer-region.js,
    用来在DHTML 层中显示数据内容。
    Ø Generation of test events (EventGenerators.java) and example
    applications (e.g. temperature.html).
    Ø 最后,还有用于测试事件的生成工具类EventGenerators.java 以及
    6.1. 服务器端类设计Server-side class design
    Below is the UML class diagram of the server-side Java classes [reflects
    v0.0.4; rework required].
    下面是server 端Java 类的UML 图表
    图 1.Pushlet 框架类图
    Figure 1. Pushlet Framework Class Diagram.
    The key classes are the Pushlet servlet, the Publisher class, Subscriber
    interface, and the Event class (see class diagram). By invoking the Pushlet
    servlet through an HTTP request, clients subscribe to receive Events. In the
    request is indicated:
    关键的类:Pushlet、Publisher 类、Subscriber 接口和Event 类。通过HTTP
    请求调用Pushlet 这个servlet,client 订阅事件并接收事件。
    Ø for which "subject" they would like to receive Events.
    Ø in which format (JavaScript calls (default), XML or Java serialized
    objects) they should receive Events and,
    接收事件所采用的格式:默认为JavaScript 调用,还有XML 或者Java
    序列化对象者三种。目前Pushlet 2.0.2 版已经支持AJAX。
    Ø through which receiver protocol (future version)
    An example request for receiving AEX stock rates formatted as JavaScript
    through an HTTP response stream would be:
    示例:用于接收AEX 股票价格的请求,默认使用JavaScript 调用作为格式。
    Subject identifiers are organized as an hierarchical "topic-tree". For
    example, "/stocks" identifies all Events related to stock rates, while
    "/stocks/aex" identifies stock rates for the Amsterdam EXchange. Likewise the
    subject "/" indicates all events.
    Exchange 公司的股票价格。“/”表示所有事件。这并不时硬性规定,而是由
    Currently the only receiver protocol is a client HTTP response stream. In a
    future extension also the receiver protocol and address can be indicated, e.g.
    TCP, UDP, RMI, HTTP POSTing, or even SMTP (email).
    当前只有接收方协议是发送到client的HTTP响应流(response stream)。
    An Event is merely a set of name/value String pairs (implemented with
    java.util.Properties). The Publisher has an interface through which classes that
    generate Events can publish them. The Publisher keeps a list of Subscribers
    and sends each Event to those Subscribers whose subject matches to the
    Event's subject. Events may be originating within the server through
    EventGenerators who may listen to external events such as a stock feed. In
    addition clients may publish Events through HTTP with the Postlet class. The
    responsibilities of other classes in class diagram, PushletSubscriber and its
    contained classes can best be explained through scenario's.
    实现)的集合。产生Event 的方式:Publisher 类为生成的Event 提供了发布
    接口,它内部保存了订阅者(那些实现Subscriber 接口的类)列表,并把每
    个Event 发送给那些主题与Event 匹配的订阅者。Event 在server 端也可以
    通过能够侦听外部Event 的EventGenerators 类来生成。另外client 可以通
    过基于HTTP 通讯的Postlet 类来发布Event。在上面的图表中,为了适配不
    同请求源(浏览器、Java client 程序),PushletSubscriber 以及它所包含的
    6.1.1.场景:事件订阅(Scenario: Event Subscription)
    图 2.订阅序列图
    Figure 2. Subscribe Sequence Diagram.
    Above is the UML sequence diagram for a browser client subscribing for
    events from the Publisher.
    The Pushlet is invoked with the servlet method doGet(). Because multiple
    clients may invoke the same Pushlet object, it should itself not be a Subscriber.
    Instead it delegates all subscription (and subsequent Event handling) by
    creating a new PushletSubscriber object for each doGet() and letting it run
    until finished with eventLoop(). The PushletSubscriber is a Subscriber object
    towards the Publisher where it registers with the join() method.
    To deal with different client formats and protocols it creates a specialized
    ClientAdapter object, in this case a BrowserPushletAdapter. For browsers
    supporting Multipart MIME such as Netscape 4+, this would be a
    The final call in this scenario is a "wait for event loop". Note that
    deQueue() is a method that suspends the execution of the current thread until
    an Event becomes available (indicated with half-arrow). This is explained
    through the next scenario.
    上面的UML 程序图中,浏览器client 通过Publisher 订阅Event。
    Pushlet 作为servlet,通过doGet/doPost 方法被调用。由于多个client
    可以同时调用同一个Pushlet,所以Pushlet 本身不能作为订阅者。取而代之
    PushletSubscriber 对象、并使之运行直至事件循环(eventLoop)结束。
    PushletSubscriber 作为一个实现Subscriber 接口的对象,通过join()方法向
    Publisher 类进行注册的方式将自身添加到Publisher 的内部列表。
    面对不同的client 类型和协议,PushletSubscriber 建立一个相对的
    ClientAdapter 对象,在这个场景中是BrowserPushletAdapter 对象。而对于
    支持Multipart MIME的浏览器,将建立MultipartBrowserClientAdapter对象。
    最后的deQueue()调用是一个“等待Event 的循环”,deQueue 的意思为
    入队。注意此方法将挂起当前线程直到PushletSubscriber 的GuardedQueue
    6.1.2.场景:发送和派分事件Scenario: Sending and
    Dispatching Events
    图 3.发布序列图
    Figure 3. Publish Sequence Diagram.
    Above is the UML sequence diagram for sending an Event. It shows how
    an Event is generated and dispatched to the browser client. In this scenario an
    EventGenerator creates an Event and calls Publisher.publish() to have it
    dispatched. The Publisher walks through its list of Subscribers and asks each if
    the Event matches its subscription criteria (currently only the subject). If it
    matches it calls send() on the Subscriber.
    上图显示了发送一个事件所要经历的程序。它展现了Event 如何被生成、
    被派发给浏览器client。在这个场景中,EventGenerator 建立了一个Event
    对象,并调用Publisher.publish()将其派发到client。Publisher 遍历它内部的
    订阅者列表,询问这个Event 是否匹配订阅标准(目前只是主题匹配)。如
    Each PushletSubscriber object has a GuardedQueue object in which it
    queues incoming Events when send() is called. So why isn't it just directly
    pushing the Event to the BrowserPushletAdapter ? First of all we want to
    suspend execution of the BrowserPushletAdapter-thread until an Event
    becomes available, i.e. we don't want to do a "busy-wait" (a.k.a. as polling).
    The second reason is that a Publisher may notify multiple clients. Having a
    synchronous send() call a slow client on the other end of the line may block all
    other clients that are to be notified next. This is actually a design pitfall which
    I see also in RMI or CORBA callback examples where a list of clients is called
    back synchronously. Client #13 on a slow connection and 386 processor may
    spoil it for the rest.
    每个PushletSubscriber 对象都有一个GuardedQueue 对象,在其中以队
    Event 推送给BrowserPushletAdapter 呢?最重要的原因是我们期望挂起
    BrowserPushletAdapter 线程,直到GuardedQueue 中存在有效的Event,这
    Publisher 可以通知多个client,如果在执行同步的send()调用时,某个慢速
    的client 可能会堵塞所有其它正在等待通知的client。这正是我在RMI 或者
    CORBA 提供的一组client 进行同步回调的示例中所看到的设计缺陷。
    The GuardedQueue is a utility object that allows Objects to be
    en/dequeued using the readers-writers pattern with guarded suspension using
    java.lang.Object.wait() and notifyAll(). The thread of a client of GuardedQueue
    calling deQueue() will be suspended (using wait()) until there is an Object
    queued. Likewise a client enQueueing an Object will be suspended as long as
    the queue is full. When clients are fast enough the GuardedQueue is never
    filling up. After the BrowserPushletSubscriber has dequeued an Event object it
    will call push() on the BrowserPushletAdapter who will format the Event to a
    JavaScript element and send it to the browser. For example for a Philips stock
    rate of 123.45 the JavaScript element looks as follows.
    GuardedQueue 是个工具类,它使用了读/写模板(readers-writers
    的挂起。通过使用读/写模板,使GuardedQueue 类具有进行对象入队/出队
    (enqueue/dequeue)操作的能力。当队列为空时,GuardedQueue 调用
    获得出队的Event 对象后,它将调用BrowserPushletAdapter 的push()方法,
    后者将格式化Event 为JavaScript 代码或者XML 以及其它格式),并将它发
    送到浏览器。比如Philips 股票价格为123.45 的JavaScript 代码格式如下:
    6.2.客户端框架Client-side framework
    By now we have arrived on the client browser side. The Pushlet itself was
    assigned to a hidden HTML FRAME. The parent of that FRAME is called and has
    to implement the push() method. Since this is a common task for all browser
    clients, two reusable files are provided for the client: pushlet.html (see
    /src/nl/justobjects/pushlet/pushlet.html) and pushlet.js (see
    现在该介绍客户端浏览器了。Pushlet 本身是被附着在一个隐藏的
    HTML Frame 中。这个Frame 的parent 调用并实现push()方法。因为这是对
    于所有浏览器client 的通用任务,所以Pushlet Client 端框架提供了两个可
    重用的文件: pushlet.html 和pushlet.js。
    pushlet.html is meant to be included in a FRAME within the
    application-specific client HTML document. It can be parameterized with the
    subject identifier and a background color (such that it remains invisible). The
    most important thing it does is implementing the JavaScript push() method as
    pushlet.html :被包含在应用规范client端的HTML文档中的Frame中。
    现下面的push 方法:
    The function push() first creates a JavaScript object from the parameters
    passed in. Yes you can do object-based programming in JavaScript.
    Reminiscent of 'varargs' in C/C++, JavaScript functions may have variable
    number of arguments. A PushletEvent object is created with whatever
    arguments were passed to push() from the server. PushletEvent is
    implemented in pushlet.js shown next.
    Push() 函数首先根据传入的参数建立了一个JavaScript 对象
    接收Event 数据,如果parent frame 存在onPush()函数,则将前面建立的
    PushletEvent 对象作为参数调用parent frame 指定的处理方法。
    pushlet.js in turn uses a Map JavaScript object, a java.util.Hashtable-like
    object I've added.
    PushletEvent 使用了一个我增加的Map JavaScript 对象,它类似于
    Next push() calls updateStatusFrame() to show a blinking light to indicate
    we are still receiving events and if a parent.onPush() function exists, it calls it
    with the PushletEvent. parent.onPush() is the application-specific event
    handling function that in this case may update the 'philips' stock-related Layer
    in a DHTML page.
    在接受事件,如果parent.onPush()函数存在,它通过ushletEvent 访问。
    DHTML 页面更新'Philips'股票相关的层。
    This ends the description of the basic framework design.
    Pushlets allow many types of web applications to be developed. Since the
    framework also allows for clients to upload events (through the Postlet),
    possible applications are not just passive pushing of data. Each application can
    be categorized according to:
    Pushlet 可以开发多种类型的web 应用。因为此框架允许client 主动更
    Ø whether the events originate from the server or from clients or both,
    事件由server 发起、还是client 发起或者两者都有可能
    Ø if state is kept on the server or within the clients or both.
    状态是否保持在server、还是在client 或者两者都有可能。
    Also since live events are made available to JavaScripting, this allows also
    scriptable plug-ins to receive live updates. For example you may script your
    Macromedia Flash or VRML World application.
    由于事件不但被做成了对JavaScript 有效,而且也是其它脚本化的插件
    能够接收实时的事件更新。例如你可以脚本化Macromedia Flash 或者VRML
    Below is a range of applications. On the Pushlets website several simple
    demos are provided.
    为了说明Pushlet 应用的范围,下面提供了一些简单的demo。
    7.1. 监控Monitoring
    Various data sources may be monitored live such as stocks, weather,
    votes, flight arrivals and systems.
    See a real-world FX stocks/news application that I worked on at
    www.rabotreasuryweb.com (IE only).
    这是一个实时FX 股票/新闻应用:www.rabotreasuryweb.com (IE only).
    I also discovered other real-time stock/news sites that are deploying
    Pushlets or a variant: www.marketnews.com.
    另一个部署Pushlet 的实时股票/新闻应用:www.marketnews.com.
    7.2. 游戏Gaming
    From a two-user tic-tac-toe up and chess up to more elaborate Risk and
    7.3.分布式模型-视图-控制器Distributed Model View
    Controller (MVC)
    This refers to a design pattern often found in user interface frameworks
    such as Java Swing and Microsoft MFC. In the distributed variant a Model
    (often the data) resides on a server while clients hold the Views and Controls.
    Through the Controls the Model is modified. The Model will then notify all
    attached Views who will subsequently refresh themselves.
    这涉及到了在用户接口框架(例如Java Swing 和微软MFC)中常见的
    设计模板。在分布式MVC 的各种变体中,模式层位于server,而client 控
    制着是视图层和控制层。Client 通过控制进而修改模式,然后模式将通知所
    Many applications may have a web front-end through which data on the
    server is updated by multiple users. Examples are reservation systems and
    bookings. If one client makes an update, the others won't see the update
    unless they continuously refresh their pages. In some cases this is a simple
    and workable solution, but there are also cases where users need to be
    synchronized with the update as it happens. This type of application is easily
    done with Pushlets pushing a URL as the single event. When a client receives
    the URL it will refresh the page with it.
    一些应用具有web 前端(front end),其数据存放在server 上可被多
    个用户更新。比如预订系统和登记系统。如果一个client 完成一次更新,而
    其它client 却不能马上见到变化直至刷新页面。在某些情况下,这是很简单、
    应用可以使用Pushlet 简单地将URL 作为单一事件推送到client,client 接收
    到这个URL 后将刷新页面。
    One notable example are the much discussed Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).
    Although Java clients are able to talk directly to an EJB (through RMI or
    CORBA), more often servlets and JSPs are used as a front-end. In this case
    notification becomes much harder. With Pushlets an EJB could notify its
    attached web-clients whenever its state changes.
    另外一点值得注意的示例是争议颇多的EJB。尽管Java client 能够直接
    和EJB 对话(通过RMI 或者CORBA),但多数情况下则是由servlet 和作为
    client 前端的JSP 来完成。在这种情况下,“通知”工作变得很艰难。使用
    Pushlet,EJB 可以在其状态发生改变时通知依附于它的web client。
    7.4.Web表现层Web Presentations
    Also known as WebTours or like I dubbed once: "Are you being surfed ?".
    This is actually an application from which I derived Pushlets. I abandoned
    PowerPoint for making Java course content and developed a content
    management framework based on XML with presentation (slides etc) in HTML.
    Since in many situations the classroom had no beamer but all students a
    networked computer, I developed a simple application (WebPres) that allowed
    me to change HTML slides with all students automatically following them in
    their browsers.
    这是我运用Pushlets 的一个真实应用。在放弃使用PowerPonit 作Java
    课程讲解工具后,我开发了一个基于XML 的内容管理框架。由于在某些情
    7.5. 用户辅助User Assistance
    This type of application can also be useful in situations like call centers,
    banks or help-desks or e-commerce web applications in general. When I phone
    in with a question the agent may surf me to URLs with solutions, offers or
    other information.
    这种类型的应用可用于call center、银行、帮助桌面、电子商务web 应
    用。当你由于问题而拨打call center 电话时,代理程序可以使你通过上网的
    A real-world application where this example of Pushlet-technology is
    currently used is a foreign-exchange trading application I helped developing at
    one of my clients. See the result at www.rabotreasuryweb.com (IE only).
    一个当前使用Pushlet 技术开发应用的真实例子:我为一个客户开发
    的外汇交易应用。通过www.rabotreasuryweb.com (IE only)可以查看。
    Using a back-end of EJBs and a JSP front-end, clients can buy or sell
    foreign currencies. An "AutoTrader" object automates the offering process. If
    somehow the automatic offering fails or the client requests a human dealer, a
    "Dealer Intervention" takes place, whereby a dealer is notified and enters a
    new offer which is pushed to the client browser using Pushlet technology.
    使用EJB 作为后台和JSP 作为前台,client 可以买/卖外币。一个
    “AutoTrader”对象自动提供处理,如果自动处理失败或者client 请求人工处
    7.6.社区工具Community Tools
    Various applications where multiple users can join in a live session. I
    originally had a prototype of the framework where a multi-user session was
    realized as a collection of HTTP Session objects. I am planning to extend the
    Pushlet framework with these capabilities. For now I have a simple web-chat
    and what I call WCQ (in Dutch this sounds almost like We Seek You), a simple
    ICQ-like desktop window where you can monitor the presence of friends.
    这是一种多用户参加实时会话的应用。我正在计划扩充Pushlet 框架,
    使其支持多用户session 的特性。目前可以实现简单的web 聊天,我称之为
    WCQ,大家可以在Pushlet 源代码的example 中见到它。
    Other applications in this area include live forums and shared document
    This chapter describes the consequences of using Pushlets
    As with any mechanism or design pattern there are obvious advantages
    and disadvantages with Pushlets as compared to Java-based applet solutions
    that use messaging or client callbacks with CORBA/RMI.
    本章节对Pushlet 与使用消息和基于CORBA/RMI 的Java applet 解决方
    8.1. 优点Advantages
    Ø direct integration with DHTML within the browser: data generated by
    the server can be immediately integrated into the the page content
    of the browser. All the layout capabilities of HTML can be directly
    applied. Unless the entire client is implemented in the applet, it is
    hard to integrate the applet with its containing web page.
    Ø 直接与浏览器中的DHTML 集成:服务器产生的数据能立即集成到
    服务器端得页面内容中。所有的HTML 布局能力能被直接的应用。
    除了整个页面完全采用apple 之外,很难找到别的方法将client 端
    applet 和浏览器的页面内容集成在一起。
    Ø standard HTTP port and protocols: messaging and RMI/CORBA use
    non-standard ports which may not work through firewalls, or browser
    security restrictions may prevent callbacks or receiving data over
    Ø 标准的HTTP 端口和协议:消息和RMI/CORBA 使用非标准端口(相
    对HTTP 标准端口而言),遇到“防火墙”、“禁止回调”、“禁止接收
    UDP 数据”的浏览器安全限制时可能无法工作。
    Ø client weight: Java applets with RMI/CORBA often make the client
    more heavyweight in startup and resource consumption
    Ø client 负载:基于CORBA/RMI 的Java applet 使client 在启动时更加
    Ø no extra server: messaging and RMI/CORBA often require a dedicated
    server product to be maintained. Pushlets can in theory run on any
    servlet engine, using its functionalities such as connection
    management and multithreading (this may be disadvantage as well,
    see below).
    Ø 无需额外的server:消息和RMI/CORBA 需要单独的server 产品。
    Pushlet 理论上可以在任何server 引擎上运行,并具备连接管理和
    Ø small protocol overhead
    Ø 小协议开销
    Ø cross-browser DHTML: effort is required to make cross-browser
    DHTML libraries that work in all browser versions on all platforms.
    Ø 跨越浏览器的DHTML:Pushlet 需要使用能工作在任何平台、所有
    浏览器版本的DHTML 库。
    Ø scalability: When 100-'s of clients are connected through Pushlets
    they may hog resources such as threads and sockets. On this type of
    scale it would be better to serve Pushlets off a dedicated servlet
    server optimized for this type of usage. Scalability is also an issue
    with CORBA callbacks.
    Ø 可测量性:当100 个以上的client 通过Pushlet 连接到server 时,
    server 上的线程和socket 资源都将出现紧张。而解决这一问题的方
    式就是使用单独的Pushlet 服务器。
    Ø webserver issues: a webserver is usually not designed for long-lived
    connections. A solution is the same as applied with 'scalability'.
    Ø Web server 问题:一般的web server 往往不是为长连接而设计的。
    Ø proxy-buffering: one reviewer pointed me at the fact that some
    proxy-servers may buffer HTTP data.
    Ø 代理缓存:一个评阅者向我指出的事实:一些代理服务器可能缓存
    HTTP 数据。
    9.更进一步的工作(Further Work)
    I am further testing the viability of Pushlets. The Pushlet framework is
    actually a generic Publish/Subscribe pattern with HTTP-based Pushlet clients
    as a special case. I am evolving the framework with the following extensions
    我还进一步的测试了Pushlets 的可行性。Pushlet 框架实际上是一个基
    于HTTP Pushlet 客户端特例的通用发布/订阅模式。我将通过以下分支来扩
    展Pushlet 框架。
    9.1. 额外的客户端接收协议:例如TCP和UDP(Additional
    client receiver-protocols such as TCP and UDP)
    One interesting area is the possibility to call an applet that receives UDP
    messages from within the Pushlet frame on the client. This would mean that
    we don't keep the HTTP connection. In general clients will subscribe with a
    HTTP request on which they indicate through which protocol (TCP, UDP, RMI,
    HTTP-stream, HTTP POST) they want to receive events and in which format
    (XML, Java serialized objects,...). Where required the address of the receiver is
    specified. For example to receive XML formatted stock events through UDP on
    port 5001:
    的领域。这就意味着,我们不必一直保持HTTP 连接。通常,客户端使用
    HTTP 请求订阅事件,通过以下协议(TCP,UDP,RMI,HTTP 流,HTTP POST)
    和格式(XML,Java 的序列化对象,...) 。需要规范的接受者地址。例如通过
    UDP 端口5001 接受XML 格式的股票事件:
    With UDP a lease time may need to be specified (since the server would
    never know when the client leaves). If the lease is not renewed after this time
    the server will drop the client.
    UDP 需要指定租赁时间(因为服务器永远不会知道客户端什么时候离开)。
    9.2. 额外的服务器端发送协议additional client
    Currently events are generated internally or through the Postlet by using
    the HTTP POST request. Additional protocols such as RMI, TCP and UDP may
    be applied.
    目前,事件是由内部产生的或通过使用HTTP POST 请求的Postlet。额外
    9.3. 主题状态subject state
    Currently a subject is just an hierarchical string and a client that
    subscribes gets no history that may have been built up. For example in a chat
    some discussion may have been going on. In a next version subjects will
    become first class objects such that when clients subscribe they may implicitly
    get the current state or may explicitly request the state.
    9.4. 多用户multi-user
    Although some multi-user applications are possible there is no knowledge
    or management on the server. In earlier versions I have experimented with
    combining multiple HTTP Sessions into a multi-user HTTP session.
    中,我曾尝试将多HTTP 会话合并到多用户的HTTP 会话中。
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