
'将打印设置为横向打印:ChngPrinterOrientationLandscape Me
'将打印设置为纵向打印:ChngPrinterOrientationPortrait Me

'Constants   used   in   the   DevMode   structure
  Private Const CCHDEVICENAME = 32
  Private Const CCHFORMNAME = 32
  'Constants   for   NT   security
  Private Const PRINTER_ACCESS_USE = &H8
  'Constants   used   to   make   changes   to   the   values   contained   in   the   DevMode
  Private Const DM_MODIFY = 8
  Private Const DM_IN_BUFFER = DM_MODIFY
  Private Const DM_COPY = 2
  Private Const DM_OUT_BUFFER = DM_COPY
  Private Const DM_DUPLEX = &H1000&
  Private Const DMDUP_SIMPLEX = 1
  Private Const DMDUP_VERTICAL = 2
  Private Const DMDUP_HORIZONTAL = 3
  Private Const DM_ORIENTATION = &H1&
  Private PageDirection     As Integer
  'The   DevMode   structure   contains   printing   parameters.
  'Note   that   this   only   represents   the   PUBLIC   portion   of   the   DevMode.
  '     The   full   DevMode   also   contains   a   variable   length   PRIVATE   section
  '     which   varies   in   length   and   content   between   printer   drivers.
  'NEVER   use   this   User   Defined   Type   directly   with   any   API   call.
  '     Always   combine   it   into   a   FULL   DevMode   structure   and   then   send   the
  '     full   DevMode   to   the   API   call.
  Private Type DEVMODE
          dmDeviceName   As String * CCHDEVICENAME
          dmSpecVersion   As Integer
          dmDriverVersion   As Integer
          dmSize   As Integer
          dmDriverExtra   As Integer
          dmFields   As Long
          dmOrientation   As Integer
          dmPaperSize   As Integer
          dmPaperLength   As Integer
          dmPaperWidth   As Integer
          dmScale   As Integer
          dmCopies   As Integer
          dmDefaultSource   As Integer
          dmPrintQuality   As Integer
          dmColor   As Integer
          dmDuplex   As Integer
          dmYResolution   As Integer
          dmTTOption   As Integer
          dmCollate   As Integer
          dmFormName   As String * CCHFORMNAME
          dmLogPixels   As Integer
          dmBitsPerPel   As Long
          dmPelsWidth   As Long
          dmPelsHeight   As Long
          dmDisplayFlags   As Long
          dmDisplayFrequency   As Long
          dmICMMethod   As Long                   '   //   Windows   95   only
          dmICMIntent   As Long                   '   //   Windows   95   only
          dmMediaType   As Long                   '   //   Windows   95   only
          dmDitherType   As Long                 '   //   Windows   95   only
          dmReserved1   As Long                   '   //   Windows   95   only
          dmReserved2   As Long                   '   //   Windows   95   only
  End Type
  '     The   definition   of   Printer_Defaults   in   the   VB5   API   viewer   is   incorrect.
  '     Below,   pDevMode   has   been   corrected   to   LONG.
          pDatatype   As String
          pDevMode   As Long
          DesiredAccess   As Long
  End Type
  Private Declare Function OpenPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "OpenPrinterA" (ByVal pPrinterName As String, phPrinter As Long, pDefault As PRINTER_DEFAULTS) As Long
  Private Declare Function SetPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "SetPrinterA" (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, pPrinter As Any, ByVal Command As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function GetPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "GetPrinterA" (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, pPrinter As Any, ByVal cbBuf As Long, pcbNeeded As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
  Private Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Long
  'The   following   is   an   unusual   declaration   of   DocumentProperties:
  '     pDevModeOutput   and   pDevModeInput   are   usually   declared   ByRef.     They   are   declared
  '     ByVal   in   this   program   because   we're   using   a   Printer_Info_2   structure.
  '     The   pi2   structure   contains   a   variable   of   type   LONG   which   contains   the   address
  '     of   the   DevMode   structure   (this   is   called   a   pointer).     This   LONG   variable   must
  '     be   passed   ByVal.
  '     Normally   this   function   is   called   with   a   BYTE   ARRAY   which   contains   the   DevMode
  '     structure   and   the   Byte   Array   is   passed   ByRef.
  Private Declare Function DocumentProperties Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "DocumentPropertiesA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal pDeviceName As String, ByVal pDevModeOutput As Any, ByVal pDevModeInput As Any, ByVal fMode As Long) As Long
  Private Sub SetOrientation(NewSetting As Long, chng As Integer, ByVal frm As Form)
          Dim PrinterHandle     As Long
          Dim PrinterName     As String
          Dim pd     As PRINTER_DEFAULTS
          Dim MyDevMode     As DEVMODE
          Dim Result     As Long
          Dim Needed     As Long
          Dim pFullDevMode     As Long
          Dim pi2_buffer()     As Long             'This   is   a   block   of   memory   for   the   Printer_Info_2   structure
                  'If   you   need   to   use   the   Printer_Info_2   User   Defined   Type,   the
                  '     definition   of   Printer_Info_2   in   the   API   viewer   is   incorrect.
                  '     pDevMode   and   pSecurityDescriptor   should   be   defined   As   Long.
          PrinterName = Printer.DeviceName
          If PrinterName = "" Then
                  Exit Sub
          End If
          pd.pDatatype = vbNullString
          pd.pDevMode = 0&
          'Printer_Access_All   is   required   for   NT   security
          pd.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS
          Result = OpenPrinter(PrinterName, PrinterHandle, pd)
          'The   first   call   to   GetPrinter   gets   the   size,   in   bytes,   of   the   buffer   needed.
          'This   value   is   divided   by   4   since   each   element   of   pi2_buffer   is   a   long.
          Result = GetPrinter(PrinterHandle, 2, ByVal 0&, 0, Needed)
          ReDim pi2_buffer((Needed / 4))
          Result = GetPrinter(PrinterHandle, 2, pi2_buffer(0), Needed, Needed)
          'The   seventh   element   of   pi2_buffer   is   a   Pointer   to   a   block   of   memory
          '     which   contains   the   full   DevMode   (including   the   PRIVATE   portion).
          pFullDevMode = pi2_buffer(7)
          'Copy   the   Public   portion   of   FullDevMode   into   our   DevMode   structure
          Call CopyMemory(MyDevMode, ByVal pFullDevMode, Len(MyDevMode))
          'Make   desired   changes
          MyDevMode.dmDuplex = NewSetting
          MyDevMode.dmFields = DM_DUPLEX Or DM_ORIENTATION
          MyDevMode.dmOrientation = chng
          'Copy   our   DevMode   structure   back   into   FullDevMode
          Call CopyMemory(ByVal pFullDevMode, MyDevMode, Len(MyDevMode))
          'Copy   our   changes   to   "the   PUBLIC   portion   of   the   DevMode"   into   "the   PRIVATE   portion   of   the   DevMode"
          Result = DocumentProperties(frm.hwnd, PrinterHandle, PrinterName, ByVal pFullDevMode, ByVal pFullDevMode, DM_IN_BUFFER Or DM_OUT_BUFFER)
          'Update   the   printer's   default   properties   (to   verify,   go   to   the   Printer   folder
          '     and   check   the   properties   for   the   printer)
          Result = SetPrinter(PrinterHandle, 2, pi2_buffer(0), 0&)
          Call ClosePrinter(PrinterHandle)
          'Note:   Once   "Set   Printer   =   "   is   executed,   anywhere   in   the   code,   after   that   point
          '             changes   made   with   SetPrinter   will   ONLY   affect   the   system-wide   printer     --
          '             --   the   changes   will   NOT   affect   the   VB   printer   object.
          '             Therefore,   it   may   be   necessary   to   reset   the   printer   object's   parameters   to
          '             those   chosen   in   the   devmode.
          Dim p     As Printer
          For Each p In Printers
                  If p.DeviceName = PrinterName Then
                          Set Printer = p
                          Exit For
                  End If
          Next p
          Printer.Duplex = MyDevMode.dmDuplex
  End Sub
  Public Sub ChngPrinterOrientationLandscape(ByVal frm As Form)
          PageDirection = 2
          Call SetOrientation(DMDUP_SIMPLEX, PageDirection, frm)
  End Sub
  Public Sub ResetPrinterOrientation(ByVal frm As Form)
          If PageDirection = 1 Then
                  PageDirection = 2
                  PageDirection = 1
          End If
          Call SetOrientation(DMDUP_SIMPLEX, PageDirection, frm)
  End Sub
  Public Sub ChngPrinterOrientationPortrait(ByVal frm As Form)
          PageDirection = 1
          Call SetOrientation(DMDUP_SIMPLEX, PageDirection, frm)
  End Sub

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