

<span style="white-space:pre">	</span><p>Client client = new TransportClient.Builder()
                .settings(Settings.settingsBuilder().put("discovery.type", "zen") //发现集群方式
                        .put("discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes", 2) //最少有2个master存在  
                        .put("discovery.zen.ping_timeout", "200ms") //集群ping时间,太小可能会因为网络通信而导致不能发现集群  
                .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 9300)));</p><span style="white-space:pre">	</span>SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch("users")
                .setQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery("name", "fox")) // Query
                .setFilter(FilterBuilders.rangeFilter("age").from(20).to(30)) // Filter
        SearchHits hits = response.getHits();
        for (int i = 0; i < hits.getHits().length; i++) {

检索的第一步是对集群的工作方式进行一些必要的设置,Settings即是对elasticsearch配置的封装,它使用了建造者模式(Builder Pattern)。

    public static Builder builder() {
        return new Builder();

     * Returns a builder to be used in order to build settings.
    public static Builder settingsBuilder() {
        return new Builder();

     * A builder allowing to put different settings and then {@link #build()} an immutable
     * settings implementation. Use {@link Settings#settingsBuilder()} in order to
     * construct it.
    public static class Builder {

        public static final Settings EMPTY_SETTINGS = new Builder().build();

        private final Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        private Builder() {

     * Builds a {@link Settings} (underlying uses {@link Settings}) based on everything
     * set on this builder.
    public Settings build() {
        return new Settings(Collections.unmodifiableMap(map));




public static class Builder {
         * The settings to configure the transport client with.
        public Builder settings(Settings.Builder settings) {
            return settings(settings.build());
         * Builds a new instance of the transport client.
        public TransportClient build() {
            Settings settings = InternalSettingsPreparer.prepareSettings(this.settings);
            settings = settingsBuilder()
                    .put(NettyTransport.PING_SCHEDULE, "5s") // 5秒ping一次服务器,心跳机制
                    .put("network.server", false)
                    .put("node.client", true)//以客户端的方式进行连接
                    .put(CLIENT_TYPE_SETTING, CLIENT_TYPE)

            PluginsService pluginsService = new PluginsService(settings, null, null, pluginClasses);
            this.settings = pluginsService.updatedSettings();

            Version version = Version.CURRENT;

            final ThreadPool threadPool = new ThreadPool(settings);//创建线程池
            NamedWriteableRegistry namedWriteableRegistry = new NamedWriteableRegistry();

            boolean success = false;
            try {
                ModulesBuilder modules = new ModulesBuilder();
                modules.add(new Version.Module(version));
                // plugin modules must be added here, before others or we can get crazy injection errors...
                for (Module pluginModule : pluginsService.nodeModules()) {
                modules.add(new PluginsModule(pluginsService));
                modules.add(new SettingsModule(this.settings));
                modules.add(new NetworkModule(namedWriteableRegistry));
                modules.add(new ClusterNameModule(this.settings));
                modules.add(new ThreadPoolModule(threadPool));
                modules.add(new TransportModule(this.settings, namedWriteableRegistry));
                modules.add(new SearchModule() {
                    protected void configure() {
                        // noop
                modules.add(new ActionModule(true));
                modules.add(new ClientTransportModule());
                modules.add(new CircuitBreakerModule(this.settings));


                Injector injector = modules.createInjector();
                final TransportService transportService = injector.getInstance(TransportService.class);

                TransportClient transportClient = new TransportClient(injector);
                success = true;
                return transportClient;
            } finally {
                if (!success) {
                    ThreadPool.terminate(threadPool, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

创建好客户端后,我们就可以进行查询了,首先进行一些查询方式的设置,client.prepareSearch对查询进行一些预处理,主要是设置索引indices对象和创建查询请求。然后setTypes()设置文档类型,setSearchType()设置检索行为,与搜索精度有关(比如更精确的计算词频并排序)。紧接着设置过滤器,查询对象(符合Query DSL灵域专用语言),设置分页,执行查询。然后返回一组结果SearchHits。它包含一组SearchHit对象,每个对象包括词型,得分,原文,索引,高亮显示等属性。

public interface SearchHit extends Streamable, ToXContent, Iterable<SearchHitField> {

     * The score.
    float score();

     * The score.
    float getScore();

     * The index of the hit.
    String index();

     * The index of the hit.
    String getIndex();

     * The id of the document.
    String id();

     * The id of the document.
    String getId();

     * The type of the document.
    String type();

     * The type of the document.
    String getType();

     * If this is a nested hit then nested reference information is returned otherwise <code>null</code> is returned.
    NestedIdentity getNestedIdentity();

     * The version of the hit.
    long version();

     * The version of the hit.
    long getVersion();

     * Returns bytes reference, also un compress the source if needed.
    BytesReference sourceRef();

     * Returns bytes reference, also un compress the source if needed.
    BytesReference getSourceRef();

     * The source of the document (can be <tt>null</tt>). Note, its a copy of the source
     * into a byte array, consider using {@link #sourceRef()} so there won't be a need to copy.
    byte[] source();

     * Is the source empty (not available) or not.
    boolean isSourceEmpty();

     * The source of the document as a map (can be <tt>null</tt>).
    Map<String, Object> getSource();

     * The source of the document as string (can be <tt>null</tt>).
    String sourceAsString();

     * The source of the document as string (can be <tt>null</tt>).
    String getSourceAsString();

     * The source of the document as a map (can be <tt>null</tt>).
    Map<String, Object> sourceAsMap() throws ElasticsearchParseException;

     * If enabled, the explanation of the search hit.
    Explanation explanation();

     * If enabled, the explanation of the search hit.
    Explanation getExplanation();

     * The hit field matching the given field name.
    public SearchHitField field(String fieldName);

     * A map of hit fields (from field name to hit fields) if additional fields
     * were required to be loaded.
    Map<String, SearchHitField> fields();

     * A map of hit fields (from field name to hit fields) if additional fields
     * were required to be loaded.
    Map<String, SearchHitField> getFields();

     * A map of highlighted fields.
    Map<String, HighlightField> highlightFields();

     * A map of highlighted fields.
    Map<String, HighlightField> getHighlightFields();

     * An array of the sort values used.
    Object[] sortValues();

     * An array of the sort values used.
    Object[] getSortValues();

     * The set of query and filter names the query matched with. Mainly makes sense for compound filters and queries.
    String[] matchedQueries();

     * The set of query and filter names the query matched with. Mainly makes sense for compound filters and queries.
    String[] getMatchedQueries();

     * The shard of the search hit.
    SearchShardTarget shard();

     * The shard of the search hit.
    SearchShardTarget getShard();

     * @return Inner hits or <code>null</code> if there are none
    Map<String, SearchHits> getInnerHits();

     * Encapsulates the nested identity of a hit.
    public interface NestedIdentity {

         * Returns the nested field in the source this hit originates from
        public Text getField();

         * Returns the offset in the nested array of objects in the source this hit
        public int getOffset();

         * Returns the next child nested level if there is any, otherwise <code>null</code> is returned.
         * In the case of mappings with multiple levels of nested object fields
        public NestedIdentity getChild();

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