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翻译 Fortify分析翻译1

 一。分析方法概述: 1.       以下为Fortify工具归纳的几种项目代码漏洞类型: 1.1. Analyzers: Data Flow数据流分析 原文:Follows the propagation of tainted data starting from a Source (function that introduces any input source to the progra

2008-09-02 20:51:00 9983

翻译 Fortify分析翻译3

 7. Poor style:Confusing naming(Structural):7.1.BPCodeConstants.java    private static  final String RATING_BP_CODE = "WF001";     public static String RATING_BP_CODE() {}7.2.The class contains a fiel

2008-09-02 20:50:00 2003

翻译 Fortify分析翻译2

 4. Poor error handling:Empty ctach block(structual): 4.1.BizElementMapping.java     } catch (BizException e) {} 4.2.Ignoring an exception can cause the program to overlook unexpected states and condi

2008-09-02 20:50:00 1470

翻译 Fortify分析翻译4

10.System Information Leak(Data Flow): 10.1.BizApplicationApprovalBackingBean.java.      logger.error("BizApplicationApprovaBB 出错:" + e.getMessage()); 10.2.Revealing system data or debugging informati

2008-09-02 20:49:00 2853

翻译 Fortify分析翻译5

 13. Poor error handling:Overly broad catch(Structural):13.1.AcceptApplicationBackingBean.javacatch(Exception e){13.2.原文:The catch block handles a broad swath of exceptions, potentially trapping dissi

2008-09-02 20:48:00 1419

翻译 Fortify分析翻译6

 16. Code correctness:Erroneous String compare(Structural): 16.1.源文件:BizApplicationApprovalBackingBean.java 代码:  if ((briefBizTaskVO.getDeptCode() != null) && (briefBizTaskVO.getDeptCode() != "")) { 1

2008-09-02 20:47:00 2398

翻译 Fortify分析翻译8

  22.Process Control(Data Flow): 22.1.源文件:AgentServlet.java. 代码:obj = this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(servletName).newInstance(); 22.2.原文:Loading libraries from an untrusted source or in

2008-09-02 20:46:00 2416

翻译 Fortify分析翻译7

 19.Missing XML validation(Control Flow): 19.1.源文件:QueryPrivilegeConfig.java. 代码:db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); 19.2.原文:Failure to enable validation when parsing XML gives an attacker the opportunity

2008-09-02 20:46:00 2108

翻译 Fortify分析翻译9

 24.Http response splitting(Data Flow):24.1.源文件:WorkPageDispatcher.java.代码:rep.sendRedirect(url);24.2.原文:Including unvalidated data in an HTTP response header can enable cache-poisoning, cross-site sc

2008-09-02 20:45:00 1580

翻译 Fortify分析翻译10

 25.Denial of service(Data Flow): 25.1.源文件:Metronome.java 代码:sleep(thisTime); 25.2.原文:An attacker could cause the program to crash or otherwise become unavailable to legitimate users. 翻译:攻击者可以使程序崩溃,否则

2008-09-02 20:42:00 3165

翻译 Beanshell翻译1

 1.bsh.Interpreter: 说明:The BeanShell scrīpt interpreter. An instance of Interpreter can be used to source scrīpts and evaluate statements or expressions. Beanshell脚本解释者。一个解释的实例可以用作发起脚本或者计算申明或者表达式。 Her

2008-09-02 20:37:00 1075 2

翻译 Beanshell翻译2

 Introduction 介绍 This document is about BeanShell. BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable Java source interpreter with object scrīpting language features, written in Java. BeanShell executes standard

2008-09-02 20:36:00 835

翻译 Beanshell翻译4

 1.Basic Syntax 基本语法 BeanShell is, foremost, a Java interpreter. So you probably already know most of what you need to start scrīpting with BeanShell. This section describes specifically what portion

2008-09-02 20:35:00 741

翻译 Beanshell翻译3

 1.Quick Start 快速开始 Welcome to BeanShell. This is a crash course to get you going. Well leave out many important options and details. Please see the rest of the users guide for more information. 欢迎来

2008-09-02 20:35:00 736

翻译 Beanshell翻译5

 1.In BeanShell you may access JavaBean properties as if they were fields: 在Beanshell中你可以访问JavaBean中的属性: button = new java.awt.Button(); button.label = "my button"; // Equivalent to等价于: b.setLabel("my

2008-09-02 20:34:00 815

翻译 Beanshell翻译6

 1.Document Friendly Entities 友好的文档 BeanShell supports special overloaded text forms of all common operators to make it easier to embed BeanShell scrīpts inside other kinds of documents (e.g XML). Bea

2008-09-02 20:33:00 813

翻译 Beanshell翻译8

 1.scrīpting Interfaces 脚本接口 One of the most powerful features of BeanShell is the ability to scrīpt Java interfaces. This feature allows you to write scrīpts that serve as event handlers, listeners,

2008-09-02 20:29:00 601

翻译 Beanshell翻译7

 1.The this reference this引用 As in most languages, an executing method in BeanShell has its own "local" scope that holds argument (parameter) variables and locally declared variables. For example,

2008-09-02 20:29:00 656

翻译 Beanshell翻译9

 1.Interface Types and Casting 接口和类型转换 It is legal, but not usually necessary to perform an explicit cast of a BeanShell scrīpted object to an interface type. For example: 这是合法的,但是通常不需要,将Beanshell脚本对象

2008-09-02 20:27:00 658

翻译 Beanshell翻译10

1.Special Variables and Values 特殊的变量和值In addition to the scope modifiers: this, super, global, BeanShell supports a number of pre.defined system variables, "magic" values, and methods. 为了增加作用域的使

2008-09-02 20:26:00 702

翻译 Beanshell翻译11

1.Undefined Variables 没有定义的变量You can test to see if a variable is defined using the special value void. For example: 你可以看一下,当一个变量用特殊的值void来进行定义的时候,例如:if ( foobar == void ) // undefined 没有定义You can ret

2008-09-02 20:25:00 581

翻译 Beanshell翻译12

 1.Files and Directories 文件和目录 The following commands work with files, directories, and the working directory: 下面的命令和文件,目录,工作目录一起工作: cd(), pwd(), dir(), rm(), mv(), cat() Unix Style file commands. Uni

2008-09-02 20:21:00 666



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