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转载 视图的基本概念

视图是原始数据库数据的一种变换,是查看表中数据的另外一种方式。可以将视图看成是一个移动的窗口,通过它可以看到感兴趣的数据。    视图是从一个或多个实际表中获得的,这些表的数据存放在数据库中。那些用于产生视图的表叫做该视图的基表。一个视图也可以从另一个视图中产生。    视图的定义存在数据库中,与此定义相关的数据并没有再存一份于数据库中。通过视图看到的数据存放在基表中。    视图看上去非常象数据

2008-05-21 09:56:00 1028

转载 linux修改root密码

昨天想用虚拟机上的linux做实验的时,才发现自己忘记了密码,汗ing!后来从网上找到了以下文章,进行了修改,终于解决。1.在Grub引导程序中,在下面给出了一系列提示。有兴趣的朋友可以都去试验一下。我们这里按“e”键进入系统启动前的Grub配置。(如果你的系统引导程序是LILO,和Grub大体类似,请自行参照LILO给出的提示操作)  2.然后我们选择中间那一项:“kernel /vml

2008-05-19 10:57:00 3677

转载 Oracle并行服务器(OPS)

Oracle并行服务器(OPS) -------------------------- http://doc.linuxpk.com/49010.html 本文以问答的方式阐述了Oracle并行服务器的相关概念。   1、什么是OPS   OPS(Oracle Parallel Server)可以让位于不同系统的多个实例同时访问同一个数据库。并行服务器可以有效地提高系统的可用性和

2008-05-19 10:45:00 1094

原创 ORACLE自增字段的创建

   本文简单介绍Oracle自增字段创建的一种方法。             描述:将测试记录表pipe_test的字段id设置为自增字段。           pipe_test的表结构      SQL> desc pipe_test;Name     Type          Nullable Default Comments -------- 

2008-05-08 10:21:00 867




The Art of SQL

There used to be a time when what is known today as "Information Technology" or IT was less glamorously known as "Electronic Data Processing." And the truth is that for all the buzz about trendy techniques, the processing of data is still at the core of our systemsand all the more as the volume of data under management seems to be increasing even faster than the speed of processors. The most vital corporate data is today stored in databases and accessed through the imperfect, but widely known, SQL languagea combination that had begun to gain acceptance in the pinstriped circles at the beginning of the 1980s and has since wiped out the competition. You can hardly interview a young developer today who doesn't claim a good working knowledge of SQL, the lingua franca of database access, a standard part of any basic IT course. This claim is usually reasonably true, if you define knowledge as the ability to obtain, after some effort, functionally correct results. However, enterprises all over the world are today confronted with exploding volumes of data. As a result, "functionally correct" results are no longer enough: they also have to be fast. Database performance has become a major headache in many companies. Interestingly, although everyone agrees that the source of performance issues lies in the code, it seems accepted everywhere that the first concern of developers should be to provide code that workswhich seems to be a reasonable expectation. The thought seems to be that the database access part of their code should be as simple as possible, for maintenance reasons, and that "bad SQL" should be given to senior database administrators (DBAs) to tweak and make run faster, with the help of a few magic database parameters. And if such tweaking isn't enough, then it seems that upgrading the hardware is the proper course to take. It is quite often that what appears to be the common-sense and safe approach ends up being extremely harmful. Writing inefficient code and relying on experts for tuning the "bad SQL" is actually sweeping the dirt under the carpet. In my view, the first ones to be concerned with performance should be developers, and I see SQL issues as something encompassing much more than the proper writing of a few queries. Performance seen from a developer's perspective is something profoundly different from "tuning," as practiced by DBAs. A database administrator tries to get the most out of a systema given hardware, processors and storage subsystem, or a given version of the database. A database administrator may have some SQL skills and be able to tune an especially poorly performing statement. But developers are writing code that may well run for 5 to 10 years, surviving several major releases (Internet-enabled, ready-for-the-grid, you name it) of the Database Management System (DBMS) it was written forand on several generations of hardware. Your code must be fast and sound from the start. It is a sorry assessment to make but if many developers "know" SQL, very few have a sound understanding of this language and of the relational theory.



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