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转载 how to get toolchain from android source -make windows sdk

最近在移植一个库,所以比较多的牵扯到了编译(compile)。  因为这个库很大程度上的依赖c++,stl,所以仅仅使用android prebuilt好的toolchain就有些显得不够了。  首先下载源代码(Goto:http://android.git.kernel.org/pub/,里面有android-ndk-toolchain-20090323.tar.bz2和android-

2012-04-12 00:47:28 627

原创 Eclipse Java UI with jigloo

<br />找了半天的JAva GUI工具,最后收到jigloo还是比较简单<br /> <br />1. go to help-> install software <br />2. add http://www.cloudgarden.com/jigloo<br />3. install the jigloo<br />4. go to window->preference->java, check if the jigloo is installed<br />5. new->other->GUI f

2010-10-07 09:59:00 549

原创 enable home screen lock

 problem, the screen lock can not be enabled, because            in KeyguardViewMediator class, log show here:  if (!lockedOrMissing && !provisioned) {                if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "do

2010-03-03 00:34:00 2074

原创 实战tips of svn installation

 1. sudo apt-get install apache2 2. sudo apt-get install subversion 3. sudo apt-get install libapache2-svn    // install mod of svn 4. sudo mkdir /home/svn 5. sudo usermod -G subversion -a w

2010-01-21 15:58:00 544

原创 review for svn installation

网上找了一篇比较接近的文章很不错:refer to:http://www.wemaster.com.cn/blog/?p=26 这里加了点自己的安装感受:ubuntu 下 svn的安装和配置SubVersion服务安装设置 原文出处:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SubVersion 原文作者:ubuntu.com 授权许可:创作共享协议 翻译人员:X

2010-01-21 15:44:00 1185

原创 Eclair setup

Eclair need java 5 to compile1. install java 5 on Ubuntusudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdkif installed java6 already, need to change current java and javac sudo update-alternatives --set jav

2009-12-05 17:00:00 365

原创 review the large issues (LCD, Flash, PSensor, call drop .....) solved during the project

 1. LCD FlickeringDue to LCD (SHARP LCD) not have its own clock to maintain the refreshing, and the clock source was coming from CPU Pclock, so this cause the flickering while DVFM happens (Sharp LC

2009-11-29 09:34:00 487

原创 Making new Android HOME screen

 1. android home tags                                                                                         2. in order to make new Home, above tags must be in AndroidManifest.xml, when the ap

2009-11-29 08:45:00 546

转载 Network interface study

   http://www.linux.it/~rubini/docs/vinter/vinter.html by Alessandro Rubini Figure One: The data flow through insane (INterface SAmple for Network Errors), which simulates random packet

2009-11-08 19:24:00 972

原创 LCD flicking issue - close

after long time debugging this issue is closed unexpectly.pxa935 + 2502a + sharp LCD is not good combination because the LCD is too sensitive on HSS change.advice:  better chose LCD with its own

2009-09-26 01:47:00 593 1

原创 debugging on capacitive touch screen

if you are the engineer for develop driver with a vendor who just enter into this area (junior vendor), the following experience might help. 1. android UI which handle the touch points is pretty m

2009-09-26 01:26:00 451

原创 google IO 2009 video collection


2009-09-07 00:18:00 383

原创 CMCC-Fota

所实话,CMCC的fota不是一般的烂,不过没有办法还是得测。经过一轮一轮的轰炸,项目的DM的测试算是告一段落。其中出现了很多问题总结如下: 由于硬件上用的TAVOR P65 + NAND,所以在Fota的NAND的Driver上出现了问题。问题1: 初次运行FOTA,由于FOTA的实现跟OBM很类似,是一段在flash上的可执行的代码段,所以FOTA也有自己的Flash的分区。

2009-08-26 23:52:00 1137

原创 Device Management

 when running the device management, and set FOTA flag for FOTA process, FOTA program start read flash for verification and write the difference patch into flash, during this process, due to the drive

2009-07-29 22:38:00 721

原创 GPRS 上不去了,郁闷

经过检查 用 adb logcat -b radio看过log, at cmd没什么问题,就是当ccinet0 up的时候怎么都up不起来,不知道怎么回事。 以为是mavell的arm编译器的问题,结果改成google eabi以后,还是上不去。累。。。。。 希望明天有个好的开始。

2009-06-17 23:27:00 473

原创 key and mouse simulation

 /system/bin/input input [text/keyevent]input motionevent input motionevent-batch  check the the service call: service call window 2011 see the parsel data

2009-06-09 23:36:00 643

原创 make ramdisk.img and system.img

a. unpack the ramdisk.img  1. mkdir tmp   2.  mv ramdisk.img ramdisk.img.gz  3 . gzip -d ramdisk.img.gz  4. cd tmp & cpio -i -F ../ramdisk.img  4. modify changeb. pack to ramdisk.img  1. fin

2009-06-07 23:07:00 748

原创 dvfm effect on LCD continue

 After the kernel is updated to latest version, during the test on the patch, for fixing the lcd flickering, just set pcd before hss is updated when hss is changed from low to high. and set pcd after

2009-06-07 23:03:00 783

原创 关于marvell pxa935 dvfm 变频对LCD的影响

pxa935 dvfm 是marvell arm CPU省电的一个特色,现在对于使用marvell的诸多厂家为了节省成本,在挑选LCD时往往会选择便宜的不带Gram或clock的屏,而直接通过CPU的clock作为LCD的clock 源。由此产生了当CPU变频的时候会影响LCD. LCD会闪烁。 解决办法是:在刷屏的每一贞之间现set pcd, 然后在update HSS,通过这两个计算出

2009-06-02 09:11:00 11489

原创 using dd to clear space in Nand flash

 mtd0: 00100000 00020000 "Bootloader"mtd1: 00040000 00020000 "security"mtd2: 00800000 00020000 "BP IMAGE"mtd3: 000c0000 00020000 "NVM"mtd4: 00040000 00020000 "logo"mtd5: 00300000 00020000 "Kernel"mtd6

2009-06-01 09:13:00 574

原创 tips for android source code getting

Ubuntu8.10 1. install prerequiries: sudo apt-get install flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential python valgrind curl git zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev  2. ref

2009-06-01 09:06:00 839

原创 obm 的merge工作终于搞定了

经过3天的努力,终于把obm和blob给merge完了。总结一下: 1. 刚拿到的obm与原来的差距太大,开始犯了个错,想把新的版本merge到老版本上,错了。。。,内容太多,搞得焦头烂额还浪费一天时间。最后得出结论,每次拿到新版,都要把自己的东西merge到新版上工作量最小。2. merge过程中没有把UART的GPIO改对,应该看看硬件的结构图再改,搞得还得借JTAG。3. 在

2009-05-31 23:16:00 930 3

原创 又开始在新的地方写些东西,google的blogger上不去了

 在google上写了两个星期的东西,谁知道上不去了,气死了,可惜了那些文章。刚开始想骂google,谁知道发现好像source.android.com and developer.android.com www.blogger.com 被block了,不知道谁搞得鬼,耐心的等吧。 发现CSDN很不错,写些android开发的体会跟大家共享。

2009-05-31 23:08:00 444

串口工具,支持telnet and ssh

串口工具,支持telnet and ssh






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