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原创 ControlM服务器AJF作业状态含义

Job Statuses(CMR_AJF): 0 Wait for Scheduling Criteria to be evaluated1 Wait for Confirmation from User2 Submitted to Agent3 Not Submitted to Agent4 Executing5 Ended6 Analyzed Post Proces

2012-06-08 14:43:25 1180

原创 not in浅谈

 06年在水木bbs上的一篇心得: 从表中选取不在另一张表中的记录的方法    假设我们想从A表中选择一些记录,记录中的部分字段的取值是B表所不存在的,这里定义A表为源表,B表为参照表。例如,常见的例子部门表(Department)作为源表,员工表(Employee)作为参照表,可以从部门表中列举出那些员工表中所不包含的部门id来,即找出那些没有员工的部门。    一般类来说,如果数据

2008-07-23 20:38:00 609 1

原创 Join-随笔(3)

对于Join操作中的Where子句,正是因为对历史的兼容性造成了一些误解.从SQL 92标准以后,Join语法规范中并不包含Where子句. 对于外联结来说,Where只是提供Join操作结果集上的过滤或者说是搜索.对于outer join来说,良好的书写习惯是:用on子句说明联结条件,用Where子句来说明search条件.如果把search条件放到了on子句中,会出现意想不到的结果,看下例

2008-07-22 20:12:00 432 1

原创 Join-随笔(2)

Outer Join和Inner Join的区别就在于未匹配行在结果集中的出现情况.标准语法格式如下:--left table -- LEFT --------------- JOIN -- right table -- ON -- join_condition             |_ RIGHT_||_ OUTER _|             |_ FULL _|也就是说,outer有时

2008-07-22 20:11:00 548

原创 SQL: Join-随笔

实际应用中最常见join的类型大致有:1. Inner Join(内联结)2. Outer Join(外联结)   2.1 Full (全外联结)   2.2 Left (左外联结)   2.3 Right (右外联结)3. Cross Join (交叉联结)4. Self Join(自联结)其中4实际上是一种特殊的Inner Join.理论上,把Join抽象成模型后可以归纳为Natural和Th

2008-07-22 19:58:00 859

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python-机器学习Python篇(第2版)

This book is for Python programmers who want to learn how to perform machine learning using open source libraries. We will walk through the basic modes of machine learning based on realistic examples. This book is also for machine learners who want to start using Python to build their systems. Python is a flexible language for rapid prototyping, while the underlying algorithms are all written in optimized C or C++. Thus the resulting code is fast and robust enough to be used in production as well.


Python 网络编程(foundations of python network programming)

2010年英文原版书籍 This second edition of Foundations of Python Network Programming targets Python 2.5 through Python 2.7, the most popular production versions of the language. Python has made great strides since Apress released the first edition of this book back in the days of Python 2.3. The advances required new chapters to be written from the ground up, and others to be extensively revised.


Oracle 10g 参考大全 (The Complete.Reference)

Oracle 10g 参考大全. 大而全,但是不够精, 当手册查吧. 英文原版


Pro Oracle SQL (2010)

2010原版英文参考书 作者是Karen Morton及其团队 Pro Oracle SQL unlocks the power of SQL in the Oracle Database—one of the most potent SQL implementations on the market today. To master it requires a three-pronged approach: learn the language features, learn the supporting features that Oracle provides to help use the language effectively, and learn to think and work in sets


ubuntu linux 入门指南(第三版) practical-guide-to-ubuntu-linux

The Most Complete, Easy-to-Follow Guide to Ubuntu Linux The #1 Ubuntu server resource, fully updated for Ubuntu 10.4 (Lucid Lynx)–the Long Term Support (LTS) release many companies will rely on for years! Updated JumpStarts help you set up Samba, Apache, Mail, FTP, NIS, OpenSSH, DNS, and other complex servers in minutes Hundreds of up-to-date examples, plus comprehensive indexes that deliver instant access to answers you can trust


objective-c for iphone developers a beginners guide

Objective-C for Absolute Beginners will teach you how to write software for your Mac, iPhone,or iPad using Objective-C, an elegant and powerful language with a rich set of developer tools. Using a hands-on approach, you’ll learn to think in programming terms, how to use Objective-C to build program logic, and how towrite your own applications and apps.


web mining and social networking techniques and applications

This book examines the techniques and applications involved in the Web Mining, Web Personalization and Recommendation and Web Community Analysis domains, including a detailed presentation of the principles, developed algorithms, and systems of the research in these areas. The applications of web mining, and the issue of how to incorporate web mining into web personalization and recommendation systems are also reviewed. Additionally, the volume explores web community mining and analysis to find the structural, organizational and temporal developments of web communities and reveal the societal sense of individuals or communities. The volume will benefit both academic and industry communities interested in the techniques and applications of web search, web data management, web mining and web knowledge discovery, as well as web community and social network analysis.


pro oracle database 11g rac on linux

Pro Oracle Database 11g RAC on Linux provides full-life-cycle guidance on implementing Oracle Real Application Clusters in a Linux environment. Real Application Clusters, commonly abbreviated as RAC, is Oracle’s industry-leading architecture for scalable and fault-tolerant databases. RAC allows you to scale up and down by simply adding and subtracting inexpensive Linux servers. Redundancy provided by those multiple, inexpensive servers is the basis for the failover and other fault-tolerance features that RAC provides.



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