
Option Explicit
'1  英国人住红色房子                     cYG=fRed
'2  瑞典人养狗                           cRD=wDog
'3  丹麦人喝茶                           cDM=jTea
'4  绿色房子在白色房子左面               fGreen=fWhite-1
'5  绿色房子主人喝咖啡                   fGreen=jCoffee
'6  抽Pall Mall香烟的人养鸟              yPallMall=wBird
'7  黄色房子主人抽Dunhill香烟            fYellow=yDunhill
'8  住在中间房子的人喝牛奶               jMilk=3
'9  挪威人住第一间房                     cNW=1
'10 抽Blends香烟的人住在养猫的人隔壁     Abs(yBlens-wCat)=1
'11 养马的人住抽Dunhill香烟的人隔壁      Abs(wHorse-yDunhill)=1
'12 抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒              yBlueMaster=jBeer
'13 德国人抽Prince香烟                   cDG=yPrince
'14 挪威人住蓝色房子隔壁                 Abs(cNW-fBlue)=1
'15 抽Blends香烟的人有一个喝水的邻居     Abs(yBlends-jWater)=1

'绿房子 蓝房子 红房子 黄房子 白房子
'挪威人 德国人 英国人 丹麦人 瑞典人
'咖啡 水 牛奶 茶 啤酒
'鸟 猫 马 鱼 狗
Dim cDG, cDM, cNW, cRD, cYG                           '国籍
Dim fBlue, fGreen, fRed, fWhite, fYellow              '房子
Dim jBeer, jCoffee, jMilk, jTea, jWater               '酒
Dim wBird, wCat, wDog, wFish, wHorse                  '宠物
Dim yBlends, yBlueMaster, yDunhill, yPallMall, yPrince '烟

Private Sub PLYan()  '全排列烟
'yBlends , yBlueMaster, yDunhill, yPallMall, yPrince '烟


    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim s As String
    For yBlends = 1 To 5
    If Abs(yBlends - wCat) = 1 And Abs(yBlends - jWater) = 1 Then
        yBlueMaster = jBeer
        If yBlueMaster <> yBlends Then
            yDunhill = fYellow
            If yDunhill <> yBlends And yDunhill <> yBlueMaster And Abs(wHorse - yDunhill) = 1 Then
                yPallMall = wBird
                If yPallMall <> yBlends And yPallMall <> yBlueMaster And yPallMall <> yDunhill Then
                    yPrince = 15 - yBlends - yBlueMaster - yDunhill - yPallMall
                    If yPrince = cDG Then
    '                    print cDG, cDM, cNW, cRD, cYG
    '                    print fBlue, fGreen, fRed, fWhite, fYellow
    '                    print jBeer, jCoffee, jMilk, jTea, jWater
    '                    print wBird, wCat, wDog, wFish, wHorse
    '                    print yBlends, yBlueMaster, yDunhill, yPallMall, yPrince
                        'print cDG, cDM, cNW, cRD, cYG
                        s = ""
                        For i = 1 To 5
                            If cDG = i Then s = s & "德国          "
                            If cDM = i Then s = s & "丹麦          "
                            If cNW = i Then s = s & "挪威          "
                            If cRD = i Then s = s & "瑞典          "
                            If cYG = i Then s = s & "英国          "
                        Next i
                        Print s
                        'print fBlue, fGreen, fRed, fWhite, fYellow
                        s = ""
                        For i = 1 To 5
                            If fBlue = i Then s = s & "蓝            "
                            If fGreen = i Then s = s & "绿          "
                            If fRed = i Then s = s & "红           "
                            If fWhite = i Then s = s & "白            "
                            If fYellow = i Then s = s & "黄             "
                        Next i
                        Print s
                        'print jBeer, jCoffee, jMilk, jTea, jWater
                        s = ""
                        For i = 1 To 5
                            If jBeer = i Then s = s & "啤酒            "
                            If jCoffee = i Then s = s & "咖啡         "
                            If jMilk = i Then s = s & "牛奶         "
                            If jTea = i Then s = s & "茶            "
                            If jWater = i Then s = s & "水            "
                        Next i
                        Print s
                        'print wBird, wCat, wDog, wFish, wHorse
                        s = ""
                        For i = 1 To 5
                            If wBird = i Then s = s & "鸟          "
                            If wCat = i Then s = s & "猫            "
                            If wDog = i Then s = s & "狗           "
                            If wFish = i Then s = s & "鱼           "
                            If wHorse = i Then s = s & "马             "
                        Next i
                        Print s
                        'print yBlends, yBlueMaster, yDunhill, yPallMall, yPrince
                        s = ""
                        For i = 1 To 5
                            If yBlends = i Then s = s & "Blends       "
                            If yBlueMaster = i Then s = s & "BlueMaster       "
                            If yDunhill = i Then s = s & "Dunhill       "
                            If yPallMall = i Then s = s & "PallMall      "
                            If yPrince = i Then s = s & "Prince      "
                        Next i
                        Print s
                        If cDG = wFish Then s = "德国人养鱼"
                        If cDM = wFish Then s = "丹麦人养鱼"
                        If cNW = wFish Then s = "挪威人养鱼"
                        If cRD = wFish Then s = "瑞典人养鱼"
                        If cYG = wFish Then s = "英国人养鱼"
                        Print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                        Print s
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Next yBlends
End Sub

Private Sub PLChWu()  '全排列宠物
'wBird, wCat, wDog, wFish, wHorse                  '宠物

    wDog = cRD
    For wBird = 1 To 5
        For wCat = 1 To 5
        If wCat <> wBird Then
            If wDog <> wBird And wDog <> wCat Then
                For wFish = 1 To 5
                If wFish <> wBird And wFish <> wCat And wFish <> wDog Then
                    wHorse = 15 - wBird - wCat - wDog - wFish
                End If
                Next wFish
            End If
        End If
        Next wCat
    Next wBird
End Sub

Private Sub PLJiu()  '全排列酒
'jBeer, jCoffee, jMilk, jTea, jWater               '酒

    jMilk = 3
    jTea = cDM
    For jBeer = 1 To 5
        jCoffee = fGreen
        If jCoffee <> jBeer Then
            If jMilk <> jBeer And jMilk <> jCoffee Then
                If jTea <> jBeer And jTea <> jCoffee And jTea <> jMilk Then
                    jWater = 15 - jBeer - jCoffee - jMilk - jTea
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next jBeer

End Sub

Private Sub PLFangZi()  '全排列房子
'fBlue, fGreen, fRed, fWhite, fYellow              '房子


    For fBlue = 1 To 5
    If Abs(cNW - fBlue) = 1 Then
       For fGreen = 1 To 5
        If fGreen <> fBlue Then
            fRed = cYG
            If fRed <> fBlue And fRed <> fGreen Then
                fWhite = fGreen + 1
                If fWhite <> fBlue And fWhite <> fRed And fWhite < 6 Then
                    fYellow = 15 - fBlue - fGreen - fRed - fWhite
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Next fGreen
    End If
    Next fBlue
End Sub

Private Sub PLGuoJI()  '全排列国籍
' cDG, cDM, cNW, cRD, cYG
    cNW = 1
    For cDG = 2 To 5
        For cDM = 2 To 5
        If cDM <> cDG Then
            For cRD = 2 To 5
            If cRD <> cDM And cRD <> cDG Then
                cYG = 15 - cDG - cDM - cNW - cRD
            End If
            Next cRD
        End If
        Next cDM
    Next cDG

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Me.AutoRedraw = True
End Sub

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