

This page gives installation instructions specific to the MySQL graph templates, shows examples of graphs in the MySQL template collection, and shows what they do. You might want to look at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-status-variables.html to learn the meaning of the status variables contained in the graphs.

This document should be correct and complete as of version 1.1.8 of the graphs. Please use the issue tracker or the mailing list to report any errors or omissions. If you have any sample graphs that are better than those shown, please contribute!

Installation Notes

The MySQL templates work by executing a PHP script. that gathers information from MySQL servers and returns it to Cacti. The script. makes an ordinary MySQL connection to gather its input.

It is highly recommended that you use the same MySQL username and password for all servers you want to graph, to ease the installation and configuration. If you don’t, you will need to follow the instructions in InstallingTemplates andCustomizingTemplates to accommodate your installation.

The script. requires that you be able to connect to MySQL from your Cacti server. You can test this with the mysql command-line program. Debugging MySQL connection problems is beyond the scope of this documentation; refer to the MySQL manual if you have trouble.

To install,

  1. Create a MySQL user with the SUPER and PROCESS privileges on each server you want to monitor. Assuming you use “cacti” and “s3cret” as your username and password, execute the following command on each server: GRANT SUPER, PROCESS ON *.* TO 'cacti'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "s3cret";
    1. If you want to monitor replication with mk-heartbeat from the Maatkit toolkit (recommended), you must grant SELECT on the heartbeat table also. Assuming the mk-heartbeat table is maatkit.heartbeat, execute GRANT SELECT ON maatkit.heartbeat TO 'cacti'@'%';
    2. See below for detailed information on the privileges.
  2. Copy ss_get_mysql_stats.php into your Cacti installation’s scripts/ directory.
  3. All other steps are the same as mentioned in InstallingTemplates.

If you want to specify a different MySQL port for various servers, see how to accept input in each data source.

User Privileges

The suggested user privileges mentioned above are sufficient for the common case. In some cases you might not want or have such access. The following list explains the queries that the data-gathering script. executes, the functionality, and how to disable if it’s unwanted:

  • SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
    • This query requires no special privileges and is necessary for core functionality.
    • This query requires no special privileges and is necessary for core functionality.
    • This query requires either SUPER or REPLICATION CLIENT. It is necessary for tracking replication lag on replication slaves, which is enabled by default. To disable, edit the $chk_options array in the configuration.
    • Alternatively, use mk-heartbeat and grant SELECT on the heartbeat table.
    • If disabled, parts of the the MySQL Replication Status and MySQL Binary/Relay logs graphs will be empty.
    • This query is used to count up the size of binary logs. It requires the SUPER privilege.
    • If disabled in the $chk_options array, then part of the MySQL Binary/Relay logs graph will be empty.
    • This query requires the PROCESS privilege to generate the MySQL Processlist graph.
    • You can disable this query by editing the $chk_options array in the configuration.
    • This query requires the SUPER privilege. It is required for all of the InnoDB graphs.
    • You can disable this query by editing the $chk_options array in the configuration.
    • In MySQL 5.1.24 and greater, the required privilege is PROCESS, not SUPER. See MySQL bug 32710.

If you disable significant portions of the functionality, such as the InnoDB graphs, then you might want to edit the Host Template to remove unwanted graphs.

InnoDB Active/Locked Transactions

This template shows InnoDB transaction counts:

  • An active transaction is a transaction that’s currently open. It’s possible for transactions to be in “not started” status, which really means that this connection to MySQL doesn’t actually have a transaction open. A transaction is active between BEGIN and COMMIT. It’s also active whilst a query is running, although it might commit immediately due to auto-commit, if applicable. This graph really just shows how much transactional activity is happening on the database.
  • A locked transaction is in LOCK WAIT status. This usually means it’s waiting for a row lock, but in some cases could be a table lock or an auto-increment lock. If you start to see lock waits, you need to check SHOW INNODB STATUS and search for the string “LOCK WAIT” to examine what’s waiting. Lock waits can come from several sources, including too much contention on busy tables, queries accessing data through scans on different indexes, or bad query patterns such as SELECT .. FOR UPDATE.

InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index

This graph shows the hash index’s cells total and cells used. There isn’t really anything actionable about this graph: the adaptive hash index isn’t designed to be user-tunable, although you can disable it. However, should something go wrong with performance, this graph might provide diagnostic information.

InnoDB Buffer Pool

This graph shows the current status of the InnoDB buffer pool: the size, free pages, used (database) pages, and dirty (modified) pages. Keep an eye on the dirty pages. If too much of the buffer pool fills with dirty pages and InnoDB starts to flush aggressively to reduce that number, you could see cyclical behavior. This might be correlated with intense disk activity and/or periods of reduced throughput. Recent versions of the InnoDB plugin, the Percona patches, and XtraDB have various solutions for this problem, should you experience it.

The example graph shows what happens when InnoDB restarts: the buffer pool empties and then fills again. You can see the corresponding activity in the InnoDB Checkpoint Age graph example below.

InnoDB Buffer Pool Activity

This graph shows activity inside the buffer pool: pages created, read, and written. You can consider it roughly equivalent to the Handler graphs. If you see a sudden change in the graph, you should try to trace it to some change in your application.

InnoDB Buffer Pool Status

This graph is from an old version of the templates, and is replaced by InnoDB Buffer Pool.

InnoDB Checkpoint Age

This graph shows the InnoDB checkpoint age, which is the same thing as the number of uncheckpointed bytes, and thus the amount of recovery that’ll have to be performed if there’s a crash. If the uncheckpointed bytes begin to approach the combined size of the InnoDB log files, your system might need larger log files. In addition, a lot of un-checkpointed data might indicate that you’ll have a long and painful recovery if there’s a crash. If you are writing a tremendous amount of data to the log files, and thus need large log files for performance, you might want to take a look at the Percona enhancements to recovery performance, to reduce downtime in the event of a crash.

The example is from the same server and time period as the InnoDB Buffer Pool graph.

InnoDB Current Lock Waits

This graph shows the total number of seconds that InnoDB transactions have been waiting for locks. This is related to the InnoDB Locked Transactions graph above, except that it’s the sum of the lock wait time. You might have only one transaction in LOCK WAIT status, but it might be waiting a very long time if innodb_lock_wait_timeout is set to a large value. So if you see a large value on this graph, you should investigate for LOCK WAIT transactions, just as described above.

InnoDB Insert Buffer

This graph shows information about InnoDB’s insert buffer: inserts, merge operations, and merged records. This is not generally actionable, because the insert buffer is not user-configurable. However, you can use it to diagnose certain kinds of performance problems, such as furious disk activity after you stop the server from processing queries, or during particular types of queries that force the insert buffer to be merged into the indexes. (The insert buffer is sort of a delayed way of updating non-unique secondary indexes.) If the insert buffer is causing problems, the Percona version of MySQL might help, because it has some configuration parameters for the buffer.

InnoDB Insert Buffer Usage

This graph shows the total cells in the insert buffer, and the used and free cells. This is diagnostic only, as in the previous graph. You can use it to see the buffer usage, and thus correlate with server activity that might be hard to explain otherwise.

InnoDB Internal Hash Memory Usage

This graph shows how much memory InnoDB uses for various internal hash structures: the adaptive hash index, page hash, dictionary cache, filesystem, locks, recovery system, and thread hash. This is available only in Percona-enhanced versions of InnoDB, and these structures are generally not configurable. However, you might use it to diagnose some kinds of performance problems, such as much greater than expected memory usage. In standard InnoDB, the internal data dictionary tends to consume large amounts of memory when you have many tables, for example. The Percona version of InnoDB lets you control that with some features that are similar to MySQL’s table cache.

InnoDB I/O Activity

This graph shows InnoDB’s I/O activity: file reads and writes, log writes, and fsync() calls. This might help diagnose the source of I/O activity on the system. Some of this can be influenced with InnoDB settings, especially innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit. There are more tunables in the Percona version of InnoDB, XtraDB, and the InnoDB plugin.

InnoDB I/O Pending

This graph shows InnoDB’s pending synchronous and asynchronous I/O operations in various parts of the engine. Pending I/O is not ideal; ideally you’d like InnoDB’s background thread(s) to keep up with writes, and you’d like the buffer pool large enough that reads are not an issue. If you see a lot of pending I/O, you might need more RAM, a bigger buffer pool (or use O_DIRECT to avoid double-buffering), or a faster disk subsystem.

InnoDB Lock Structures

This graph shows how many lock structures InnoDB has internally. This should correlate roughly to the number of row locks transactions are currently holding, and might be useful to help diagnose increased lock contention. There is no hard rule about what’s a good or bad number of locks, but in case many transactions are waiting for locks, obviously fewer is better.

The data comes from lines in SHOW INNODB STATUS such as the following:

         # 23 lock struct(s), heap size 3024, undo log entries 27
         # LOCK WAIT 12 lock struct(s), heap size 3024, undo log entries 5
         # LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 368

It is the sum of all of the N lock struct(s) values.

InnoDB Log Activity

This graph shows InnoDB log activity: the log buffer size, bytes written, flushed, and unflushed. The example graph is illustrating issue 10 , which really needs to be fixed. After that, you might be able to use this graph to find problems with your log buffer size, or with a disk system that’s not fast enough. If transactions need to write to the log buffer and it’s either not big enough or is currently being flushed, they’ll stall. You don’t want that. You can also influence this buffer’s activity through innodb_flush_logs_at_trx_commit.

InnoDB Memory Allocation

This graph shows InnoDB’s total memory allocation, and how much of that is in the additional pool (as opposed to the buffer pool). If a lot of memory is in the additional memory pool, you might suspect problems with the internal data dictionary cache; see above for more on this. Unfortunately, in standard InnoDB it’s a bit hard to know where the memory really goes.

InnoDB Row Lock Time

This graph is new in version 1.1.7 of the graphs. It shows the amount of time, in milliseconds, that InnoDB has waited to grant row locks. This comes from the Innodb_row_lock_time status variable, which is only available in MySQL 5 and newer.

InnoDB Row Lock Waits

This graph is new in version 1.1.7 of the graphs. It shows the number of times that InnoDB has waited to grant row locks. This comes from the Innodb_row_lock_waits status variable, which is only available in MySQL 5 and newer.

InnoDB Row Operations

This graph shows row operations InnoDB has performed: reads, deletes, inserts, and updates. These should be roughly equivalent to Handler statistics, with the exception that they can show internal operations not reflected in the Handler statistics. These might include foreign key operations, for example.

InnoDB Semaphores

This graph shows information on InnoDB semaphore activity: the number of spin rounds, spin waits, and OS waits. You might see these graphs spike during times of high concurrency or contention. These graphs basically indicate different types of activity involved in obtaining row locks or mutexes, both of which are causes of poor scaling in standard InnoDB. XtraDB, the InnoDB plugin, and the Percona-patched MySQL are much improved in this regard.

InnoDB Tables In Use

This graph shows how many tables InnoDB has in use and how many are locked. If there are spikes in these graphs, you’ll probably also see spikes in LOCK WAIT and other signs of contention amongst queries.

InnoDB Transaction Activity

This graph shows information about transactions within InnoDB: transactions created, open, active time, lock wait time, MVCC read views, and the length of the history list. This graph has been deprecated, and its information is moved to other graphs, such as InnoDB Active/Locked Transactions, and InnoDB Transactions.

InnoDB Transactions

This graph shows information about transactions within InnoDB.

  • Total transactions ever created is the internal transaction counter.
  • The current transactions are all transactions, no matter what status (ACTIVE, LOCK WAIT, not started, etc).
  • The length of the history list shows how old the oldest unpurged transaction is. If this grows large, you might have transactions that are staying open a very long time. This means InnoDB can’t purge old row versions. In PostgreSQL terms, it can’t VACUUM. It will get bloated and slow as a result. Commit your transactions as quickly as you can.
  • The number of read views open shows how many transactions have a consistent snapshot of the database’s contents, which is achieved by MVCC.

Some of the things on this graph really belong on the Active/Locked graph, where they would make more sense, but I don’t want to break backwards compatibility by doing that. The current transactions and the number of transactions with read views open would be more sensible on that graph. Cross reference that graph to make sense of these metrics.

MyISAM Indexes

This graph shows information about how many logical and physical reads and writes took place to MyISAM indexes. Probably the most important one is the physical reads. Contrary to the popular wisdom, the ratio between logical and physical reads is utterly meaningless and is a red herring that wastes a lot of time and money. Instead, you should look at the absolute number of physical reads per second, and compare it to what your disks are capable of. (RRDTool normalizes everything to units of seconds, so this graph’s absolute value is the number you’re looking for.)

MyISAM Key Cache

This graph is new in release 1.1.7. It shows the size of the key buffer, how much of it is used, and how much is unflushed. Memory that isn’t used might not really be allocated; the key buffer isn’t allocated to its full size.

MySQL Binary/Relay logs

This graph shows information about the space used by the server binary and relay logs. The variations in the sizes are when the logs are purged, probably due to expire_logs_days being set. If this suddenly grows large, look for problems in purging, which might be caused by a configuration change, or by someone manually deleting a file and causing the automatic purge to stop working.

MySQL Command Counters

This graph shows counters for various MySQL commands. These are derived from the Com counters from SHOW STATUS. If there is a change in the graph, it indicates that something changed in the application.

MySQL Connections

This graph shows information about the connection parameters and counters inside MySQL: connections permitted, connections used, connections aborted, clients aborted, current connections, and connections created. Probably the most interesting are the aborted clients and connections, which might indicate a malfunctioning application that disconnects ungracefully, an idle connection timing out, network problems, bad authentication attempts, or similar.

MySQL Files and Tables

This graph shows status of MySQL’s table cache and file handles: the size of the cache, and how many open files and tables there are. This graph is not likely to be exciting.

MySQL Handlers

This graph shows the various Handler counters, which record how many operations MySQL has done through the storage engine API. Changes in indexing will probably show up clearly here: a query that used to do a table scan but now has a good index to use will cause different Handler calls to be used, for example. If you see sudden changes, it probably correlates with schema changes or a different mixture of queries. The example graph shows a large spike of Handler_read_rnd_next, which probably means something was doing a lot of table scans. (I generated that graph synthetically by running a table-scan query in an infinite loop for a while.)

Here is another graph, generated from an active production server.

MySQL Network Traffic

This graph shows network traffic to and from the MySQL Server, in bytes.

MySQL Processlist

The MySQL Processlist shows the number (count) of queries from SHOW PROCESSLIST in given statuses. Some of the statuses are lumped together into the “other” category. This is basically a “scoreboard” type of graph. In most cases, you should see mostly Other, or a few of the statuses like “Sending data”. Queries in Locked status are the hallmark of a lot of MyISAM table locking. Any mixture of statuses is possible, and you should investigate sudden and systemic changes.

MySQL Query Cache

This graph shows information about the query cache inside MySQL: the number of queries in the cache, inserted, queries not cached, queries pruned due to low memory, and cache hits.

MySQL Query Cache Memory

This graph shows information on the query cache’s memory usage: total size, free memory, total blocks and free blocks. Blocks are not of a uniform. size, despite the name.

MySQL Query Response Time (Microseconds)

This graph displays a histogram of the query response time distribution available in Percona Server. Because the time units are user-configurable, exact unit labels are not displayed; rather, the graph simply shows the values. There are 14 time units by default in Percona Server, so there are 13 entries on the graph (the 14th is non-numeric, so we omit it).

The graph actually displays the amount of response time spent by the server on queries of various lengths. See the Percona documentation for more. The units are in microseconds on the graph, because RRDtool cannot store floating-point values.

MySQL Query Time Histogram (Count)

This graph displays a histogram of the query response time distribution available in Percona Server. Because the time units are user-configurable, exact unit labels are not displayed; rather, the graph simply shows the values. There are 14 time units by default in Percona Server, so there are 13 entries on the graph (the 14th is non-numeric, so we omit it).

The graph displays the number of queries that fell into each time division. See the Percona documentation for more.

MySQL Replication Status

This graph displays the status of the replication thread. There are two ways to measure the replication delay:

  1. By looking at SHOW SLAVE STATUS’s Seconds_behind_master column, which is shown as Secs Behind Master
  2. By looking at a heartbeat table such as those supported by mk-heartbeat. You must configure the ss_get_mysql_stats.php file to do this. Examine the comments in the header of the file (TODO: get that documentation online.)

When replication is running, there is an AREA of the same size as the replication delay, colored green. When it’s stopped, there’s an AREA of the same size as the replication delay, colored red. What this means is that you’ll see a graph of replication delay, colored in with the appropriate color (green or red) to indicate whether replication was stopped at that moment. If replication isn’t delayed, you won’t see any green or red. If you’re using Seconds_behind_master instead of mk-heartbeat to measure delay, it’s impossible to measure delay when the slave is stopped, so you won’t see any red. This is one of the many reasons Seconds_behind_master from SHOW SLAVE STATUS is not terribly useful.

The graph also shows open temporary tables and retried transactions.

MySQL Select Types

This graph shows information on how many of each type of select the MySQL server has performed: full join, full range join, range, range check, and scan. Like the Handler graphs, these show different types of execution plans, so any changes should be investigated. You should strive to have zero Select_full_join queries! The graph shows some of those.

MySQL Sorts

This graph shows information about MySQL sort operations: rows sorted, merge passes, and number of sorts triggered by range and scan queries. Over-analyzing this data and trying to tweak sort buffer sizes is the hallmark of an inexperienced database administrator who will soon be wondering why the server is slow. However, the graphs may react favorably (get smaller) in response to query optimization, increasing your feeling of satisfaction and giving you something to show your boss. If the graphs react unfavorably (grow), check your EXPLAIN plans.

MySQL Table Locks

This graph shows information about table-level lock operations inside MySQL: locks waited, locks granted without waiting, and slow queries. Locks that have to wait are generally caused by MyISAM tables. Even InnoDB tables will cause locks to be acquired, but they will generally be released right away and no waiting will occur.

MySQL Temporary Objects

This graph shows information about temporary objects created by the MySQL server: temporary tables, temporary files, and temporary tables created on disk instead of in memory. Like sort data, this is easy to over-analyze. The most serious one is the temp tables created on disk. Dealing with these is complex, but is covered well in High Performance MySQL.

MySQL Transaction Handler

This graph shows the transactional operations that took place at the MySQL server level. If you see a lot of BEGIN and COMMIT, that might be an indication that you’re using a dumb ORM or connection software that inserts spurious queries that you don’t know about, and adds latency to your application.

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