Troubleshooting agents

This article introduces tools you can use to troubleshoot Domino 4.6 agents, and looks at some common problems with agents and their solutions. (For help with R5 and Notes/Domino 6, see the LDD Today article Troubleshooting agents in Notes/Domino 5 and 6.)

Julie Kadashevich, Software Engineer, Lotus

02 March 1998

  • +Table of contents

When you've designed a great agent, what do you do when it won't run? In my previous articles forIris Today, we talked about the factors that affect who can run agents in "Controlling the agents in your system," and when the agents run in "Minimizing delays in the Agent Manager." This time, we'll look at the specific steps you can take to troubleshoot agents to find outwhy your agents won't run.

This article will first introduce you to the differenttools available for troubleshooting agents, includingNotes.ini settings, the LotusScript NotesLog class, andserver console commands. Then, we'll look at some commonproblems you may run into when developing agents, andexplain the possible causes and solutions for eachsituation.

Note that this article describes troubleshooting agents inNotes/Domino 4.6. For information on troubleshooting agentsin R5 and Notes/Domino 6, see theLDD Today article, "Troubleshooting agents in Notes/Domino 5 and 6."

Some background

Before we begin examining the tools for troubleshooting, we should review a few points about agents and the Agent Manager. Whenever you find that your agent won't run, you should first look at the Agent Log. The Agent Log will show you the last time the agent executed, and whether it completed its execution. For more detailed information, you should examine the server console or Notes Log (under Miscellaneous events) for any messages from the Agent Manager.

If you don't have physical access to the actual server console, you might have access to the live console by choosing File - Tools - Server Administration and clicking the Console button. If you don't have access to the server console, you will not be able to issue the commands that we will cover later in this article, but you will be able to see the output generated by the Agent Manager in the Notes Log.

As you may know, you can easily test agents by choosingActions - Test, and view the results in the Test Run AgentLog. And, if you're using LotusScript, you can use theLotusScript debugger by choosing File - Tools - DebugLotusScript. However, these tests only work for agentsrunning in the foreground. As you may remember from myprevious articles about the Agent Manager, agents that runin the background do not behave the same as agents that runin the foreground. For one thing, agent security (that is,agent restrictions and ACL rights) works differently whenan agent runs in the foreground, compared to when it runsin the background. Also, the UI classes are not supportedin the background. So, we'll also look at how you can usethe NotesLog class to debug background agents.

Debugging with Notes.ini settings

When you discover that your agent won't run, the first thing you can do is to modify your Notes.ini file to turn on Agent Manager debugging. To do this, you simply add the following line to your server's Notes.ini file.

Debug_AMgr = flag

whereflagcan be one or more of the following: (listed in alphabetical order)

c - to output agent control parameters
e - to output information about Agent Manager events
l - to output agent loading reports
m - to output agent memory warnings
p - to output agent performance statistics
r - to output agent execution reports
s - to output information about Agent Manager scheduling
v - verbose mode, which outputs more messages about agent loading, scheduling, and queues
* - to output all of the above information (same as turning on all the flags)

The output appears in the console log and the Notes Log. I usually run with the setting "Debug_Amgr=*", but it may generate more output that you are interested in. Also, be aware that having all debugging flags turned on has approximately 5% performance cost on the average user response time.

You can also turn on agent execution logging by addingthe following line to the Notes.ini file. (You can alsodo this in the server's Server Configuration documentin the Public Address Book.)

Log_AgentManager = value

wherevalue can be one of the following:

0 - do not show logging
1 - to show partial and complete successes
2 - to show complete successes

The Log_AgentManager setting provides you with a subsetof the debugging information that Debug_AMgr generates. This option provides less output, but it has a smaller impact on performance. Some people keep the Log_AgentManager setting turned on even when there are no problems, just to have additional information in the log. If you have both Notes.ini variables specified, Debug_AMgr settings will take precedence.

Background agents (by definition) cannot generateoutput to UI. All output generated by the backgroundagent (for example, print statements) goes to theserver console (and to the Notes Log underMiscellaneous events). The same is true of the errorand warning messages generated by the Agent Manager onbehalf of the agent. So, it is important to alwaysexamine the server console or Notes Log for informationfrom the Agent Manager.

You also can output the server console messages to atext file by adding the DEBUG_OUTFILE setting to yourserver's Notes.ini file. For example,DEBUG_OUTFILE="C:\mydebug.txt". I find that sometimesit is easier to search this file rather than theentries in the Notes Log or the server console. Ofcourse, the extra I/O is costly in terms ofperformance, and you should use this techniquejudiciously.

If you are running locally scheduled agents, thedebugging information does not appear on the serverconsole, because the Agent Manager is running locallyrather than on the server. In this case, you can outputthe information to a text file by adding theDEBUG_OUTFILE setting to your client's Notes.ini file.Then the file will be created locally on yourworkstation.

Debugging using the NotesLog class

To debug LotusScript and Java agents that run in the background, you can use the NotesLog class to output information to the Agent Log. The Agent Log is useful for error handling and checking variable values, as well as checking the logic of your agent. For example, you can see whether the Search Builder is picking up the documents you expected the agent to find.

Here is an example of a LotusScript agent thatprocesses all unprocessed documents and then puts thetitle of each document into the Agent Log. The fourlines of code you need to add to your agent to generatean Agent Log are highlighted in bold.

Dim agentLog As New NotesLog("Agent log")Call agentLog.OpenAgentLog
Set s = New NotesSession
     Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
     Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments
     Set note = collection.GetFirstDocument
     count = collection.Count
     Do While (count > 0)
          Subject = note.Subject
Call agentLog.LogAction( "Processing: "+Subject(0)) Set note = collection.GetNextDocument (note)
          count = count - 1
Call agentLog.Close 

To find the generated log, select your agent, andchoose Agent - Log (or right-click and select Log).Here is what the Agent Log generated by my sample agentlooks like.

Figure 1. Agent Log
Agent Log

Instead of logging errors to the Agent Log, you mightprefer to write them to a text file. Here is an exampleof an error handler that writes the errors to a file.

On Error DivisionByZero Goto LogError
	Dim errorLog As New NotesLog( "Errors" )
	Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer
	Call errorLog.OpenFileLog( "c:\errlog.txt" )
	y = 13
	z = 0
	rem The following line will generate an error for this example
	x = y / z
	Call errorLog.Close
	Exit Sub
	Call errorLog.LogError( ErrDivisionByZero, Error$( ErrDivisionByZero )
Resume Next

Debugging at the server console

The Agent Manager supports the following server commands that are useful for troubleshooting:

  • Tell amgr schedule
  • Tell amgr status
  • Tell amgr debug

Tell amgr schedule

The "Tell amgr schedule" command shows the Agent Manager schedule of all the agents scheduled to run for the current day. This is useful for debugging purposes, because you can see if your agent is waiting in one of the Agent Manager queues.

The Agent Manager has three different queues: a queue foragents that are eligible to run (E), another queue foragents that are scheduled to run (S), and a third forevent-triggered agents that are waiting for their event tooccur (V). Scheduled agents (the ones that have any of theschedule triggers) are queued in the "Scheduled" queue.When the time they are scheduled to run arrives, they aremoved into the "Eligible to run" queue. Event-triggeredagents (new mail and document creation/modification agents)are queued in the "Event" queue until an event they arewaiting for occurs. When the event occurs, the agents moveinto the "Scheduled" queue and then into the "Eligible torun" queue.

Here is a sample output from the "Tell amgr schedule"command:

E S 04:03 PM Today agent1 CENTRAL.NSF
S S 05:04 PM Today agent2 CENTRAL.NSF

The first column of the output contains the AgentManager queue type. The second column contains theagent trigger type, whereS means the agent is scheduled,M represents a new mail-triggered agent, andU represents a new/updated document-triggered agent. These columns are followed by the time the agent is scheduled to run, the name of the agent, and the database name.

In the sample output above, agent1 is a scheduled agentthat has been moved to the "Eligible to run" queue, andit will run as soon as the Agent Manager is free to runit. Agent2 is a scheduled agent that is waiting in the"Scheduled" queue for its scheduled time to arrive.Agent3 is an event-triggered agent waiting in the"Event" queue for a document to be created or modified.

Note that the agents take about a minute or so toappear in queues, or to move from one queue to another.For information on the different factors that controlscheduling, see the "Minimizing delays in the AgentManager" article.

Tell amgr status

The "Tell amgr status" command shows a snap shot of the Agent Manager status. You can see the status of the various Agent Manager queues and control parameters. This information is useful for reviewing all the parameters that are currently in effect.

Here's the sample output:

12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: Status report at '12/26/97 10:30:15 AM'
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM Agent Manager has been running since '12/22/97 02:18:25 PM'
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM There are currently '1' Agent Executives running
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM There are currently '4' agents in the Scheduled Task Queue
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM There are currently '0' agents in the Eligible Queue
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM There are currently '0' databases containing agents triggered by new mail
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM There are currently '0' agents in the New Mail Event Queue
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM There are currently '3' databases containing agents triggered by document updates
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM There are currently '3' agents in the Document Update Event Queue
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: Current control parameters in effect:
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: Daily agent cache refresh is performed at '12:00:00 AM'
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: Currently in Daytime period
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: The maximum number of concurrently executing agents is '1'
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: The maximum number of minutes a LotusScript/Java agent is allowed to run is '10'
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: The maximum percentage of time agents are allowed to execute is '90'
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: Executive '1', total agent runs: 414
12/26/97 10:30:15 AM AMgr: Executive '1', total elapsed run time: 273

Tell amgr debug

You can use the "Tell amgr debug" command to either display the current debug settings for the Agent Manager, or to set new ones. When using this command to set debug values, you can use the same flags as shown earlier for the Notes.ini setting Debug_AMgr. These settings take effect immediately; you do not need to restart the Agent Manager or the server.

Here is a sample output:

>tell amgr debug
02/12/98 02:03:15 PM AMgr: Current debug control setting is 'mecvrspl'

Common problems

Now that you understand the debugging tools that are available, let's look at the common problems you may run into when developing agents. And, more importantly, let's look at the solutions for those problems.

Deploying on different servers

If you develop an agent and then need to deploy it on many different systems, you will find yourself in a situation where:

  • The server names on which you need to deploy are different from the name of your server. In addition, you may not know the server names in advance.
  • The agent developer's signature is different from the end-user's signature.
  • The development server does not have a certificate in common with the production server.

We will look at several approaches to solving the first two issues, which in turn, will make the certification issue irrelevant.

Changing the server name

When you create an agent, the name of the server on which the agent is supposed to run is stored in the agent. By default, the server name is the server on which you're developing the agent. In order for the agent to run on a different server, the server name needs to change. There are three ways to do this. The first approach is to deploy your agent as disabled, click the Schedule button in the Agent Builder, and select the option "Choose when agent is enabled." When the user first enables the agent, a prompt appears from which the user can choose a server name for running the agent.The second approach (which requires Release 4.6 or later) is to specify that the agent can run on any server. To do this, you can click the Schedule button in the Agent Builder, and enter a wildcard "*" as the server name in the "Run only on" field. Note that if you have replication set up between different servers and the agent modifies the same documents on those servers, you may end up with replication conflicts. The screen shot below illustrates both of these options.

figure 2. Agent Schedule dialog box
Agent Schedule dialog box

The third approach is to write an agent thatprogrammatically sets the server name of another agent.To do this, you can use the following code fragment:


whereServerName is the new server name, which you can read from a database, or obtain from the end user. You need to save the agent in order to update the server name. For security reasons, this method is only supported for agents that run in the foreground.

Signing the agent

When you develop an agent, your signature is stored in the agent. You need the user's signature to replace yours in the agent, so the agent can run in the background with the user's rights. There are two ways to do this. Both approaches are based on the fact that enabling an agent re-signs that agent with the signature of the person who enabled it. In addition, both approaches require that you deploy the agent as disabled. The first approach relies on the end user to manually enable the agent by clicking on the enable checkbox.

The second approach is to enable the agentsprogrammatically. This approach is more appropriate ifyou need to deploy a large number of agents. In thatcase, you may prefer to write an agent that enablesother agents. The end user will run this agent, and itwill enable all the other agents. Here is the code thatyou need to include in your agent in order toprogrammatically enable other agents.

agent.IsEnabled = TrueCall

You need to save the agent in order to update theIsEnabled property. For security reasons, the IsEnabledmethod is only supported for agents in the foreground.Note that if you enable the agent programmatically, youcannot also prompt the user to select what server torun on when the agent is enabled. If you try to doboth, the agent will never run.

As I mentioned before, enabling and setting the servername methods are only valid in the foreground. If yourbackground agent attempts to either set the server nameor enable the agent, the following error message willbe generated:

02/04/98 05:14:35 PM AMgr: Agent ('DoEnable' in 'test1.nsf') error message: You must have permission to sign documents for server based agents

My agent runs from the UI, but not as a scheduled agent

Typically, this is the result of one of two things: either the problem is in the security or you used a UI class in the agent. For information on agent security, see the sidebar "Agent security at a glance."

When any of the UI classes are used in a backgroundagent, even if it is just a dim statement forNotesUIWorkspace, the agent will not run in thebackground. As you may know, back-end classes performoperations on Notes databases, while front-end classesmanipulate the UI (NotesUIWorkspace, NotesUIDatabase,NotesUIView, NotesUIDocument). Back-end classes can runanywhere (in the background or foreground, server orworkstation), whereas front-end classes can only run inthe foreground on the workstation. If you run an agentcontaining a reference to one of the front-end classesin the background, the UI classes will not be found andthe agent will not run. You'll then receive thefollowing error:

"Error loading USE or USELSX module: XXX"

This error is generated to the server console and NotesLog, so if you are not watching either of these, youmay miss this clue to the cause of your problem.

My agent containing script libraries runs from the UI, but not as a scheduled agent

This problem generally occurs when you use a script library and do not account for case sensitivity of the server file naming. For example, let's say the script library is called "TestLib." If you specify "Use TestLib" in the agent, the agent will work both if invoked from the workstation (for example, when invoked through the menu) as well as from the server.

But, if the agent instead contains "Use testlib," theagent will work from the workstation, but not from theserver. The following error will be generated on theserver console and the Notes Log:

12/11/97 01:35:58 PM AMgr: Agent ('test' in 'Test.nsf') error message: Error loading USE or USELSX module: testlib

Background agents stop running

If your agents run for a while and then stop running, and start running normally again if you restart the server, the most common cause of the problem is that the load on the Agent Manager is higher that the "Max% busy before delay" parameter allows. The "Max% busy before delay" setting is defined in the Agent Manager section of the Server document. If you have the Agent Manager debugging for scheduling turned on (AMGR_DEBUG=s or AMGR_DEBUG=*), you will see the following warning:

AMgr: Percentage of time agents allowed to run exceeded, delaying additional agent executions

If you see these warnings on a consistent basis, it isan indication that the "Max% busy before delay"parameter is set too low for the load on your system.You should adjust the settings higher and/or increasethe number of concurrent agents that your system isexecuting. For more information on the "Max% busybefore delay" setting, see the "Minimizing delays in the Agent Manager" article.

My mail agents do not run

Mail agents are defined to run on the home mail server of the agent owner (not the agent invoker). If the agent is replicated from your home mail server to another system, or if you are trying to run an agent that was written by someone else, then your home mail server will not match the server on which you are attempting to run the mail agent, and the agent will not run. You can suppress the check for the home mail server by adding the following Notes.ini setting (which is supported in Release 4.5 and later):

AMgr_DisableMailLookup =value

wherevalue can be 0, to check for the home mail server; or 1, to not check for the home mail server. The default is 0.

My formula mail agents are not running

If you create a shared agent that contains formulas and you would like it to be triggered by a new mail trigger, in many cases, the agent will not be triggered. This happens because with the 4.5 (or later) clients, formula agents are saved in the V3 format (to be compatible with prior releases), and they are missing some information that new mail-triggered agents need. To work-around this problem, you can do one of the following:

  • Force the formula agent to be saved in V4 format. For example, you can click the Options button in the Agent Builder, select any of the options, and click OK. You will then receive a warning that your agent will be saved in V4 format, and will no longer be editable by V3 systems.
  • Call your formula agent from a simple agent.
  • Call your formula agent from a LotusScript agent.

My scheduled agents do not run in MAIL.BOX

If scheduled or event-triggered agents are created in the MAIL.BOX database, these agents will never be automatically scheduled to be executed. This happens because MAIL.BOX is an internal database -- it is not treated as a regular database, and the Agent Manager does not scan it for scheduled tasks.

I've assigned execution rights to users, but they're still rejected

As you know, you assign execution rights for users in the Agent Restrictions fields in the Agent Manager section of the Server document. These fields have a maximum limit of 256 characters. Any names entered beyond 256 characters will not be seen by the server, and those users are rejected as not having the proper execution rights. If you exceed this limit, you will receive a warning while editing the field as well as periodically while the Agent Manager is running. You'll receive the following warning on the server console:

01/12/97 14:05:45 AMgr: Agent execution ACL is longer than 256 characters. Use groups.

To solve this problem, you should switch to using groupnames in the Agent Restrictions fields.

Something is disabling my agent

Does it seem like something goes around at night and mysteriously disables your agents? If you use agents defined in a template, every time the template design is updated, by default, the agent design will be updated as well. When the agent design is updated, all elements that comprise an agent are updated, which includes the enabled state as well as the signature on the agent. You can suppress the agent design update by selecting the option "Do not allow design refresh/replace to modify" in the agent properties.

I want my server-based agent to run immediately

You can write a foreground agent that invokes a server-based agent using a method RunOnSever in the Agent class. Then, the user can invoke the agent through the UI, which in turn, runs the agent on the server. To do this, you can use the following code fragment:


whereagent is the agent you want to execute on the server. The call is synchronous, so the workstation waits for the agent to complete before returning. This agent will run on the same server as the database in which it resides. One of the benefits of this method is that if you have an agent that performs database operations, you do not need to have a copy of the database software on the client. This method was introduced as hidden in 4.6, and is unhidden in 4.61.

The security for this type of agent works differently forthe portion that runs on the workstation and the portionthat runs on the server. They follow their respectiverules:

  • For the calling agent running on the workstation, the ACL rights are determined by the rights of the invoker and agent restrictions are not used.
  • For the called agent running on the server, the ACL rights and the agent restrictions are determined based on the signer of that agent.

For more information on agent security, and how it can affect when your agents run, see the sidebar "Agent security at a glance."


In this article we've covered some of the techniques for debugging agents, including Notes.ini settings, the NotesLog class and server console commands. In addition, we've looked at some of the common pitfalls people encounter. I hope you find these techniques and solutions helpful when it comes time to troubleshoot your own agents.





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