【科技】Computer poker计算机扑克牌

Computer poker


The perfect card sharp


A machine has discovered the best possible strategy for one version of poker


Jan 10th 2015 | From the print edition

Computer says “fold”

NOUGHTS and crosses (known as tic-tac-toe in America) is one of the first games children learn. The moreinquisitive( wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people) among them soon realise there are strategies that always win if your opponent makes a mistake, and guarantee a drawa a situation in which each team in a game has equal points and neither side wins) even if he does not. (The best is to start out in one of the grid’s corners.) When aprovably ideal strategy such as this is discovered for any given game,mathematicians (someone who studies, teaches, or is an expert in mathematics)describe that game as being “solved”.


Using computers, quite a few games have now been solved in this formal mathematical sense. These include Connect Four, nine-men’s morris and draughts. One thing those examples have in common is that they are “perfect information” games, meaning each player knows, at all times, everything that is going on. Not all perfect information games have been so solved. Chess has not. Neither has Go. But no non-trivial “imperfect information” game, such as one involving playing cards, has ever been solved formally.


Strictly speaking, this remains true. But, as he reports in a paper in this week’sScience, Michael Bowling of the University of Alberta has come close enough to solving a version of poker called Heads-Up Limit Hold’Em (HULHE) that a player armed with his strategy can virtually guarantee coming out ahead of any opponent who is not using it. Such a player would not expect to lose, even over a lifetime of games against an error-free opponent.

严格意义上讲,这仍然是正确的。但是,Alberta大学的Michael Bowling在本周的科学杂志上刊登的一片论文指出,他几乎已经解决了一种叫做HULHE的扑克牌游戏。一个使用他所开发策略的玩家几乎可以保证领先其他不使用该策略的玩家。这样的玩家几乎不可能失败,即使面对一个没有失误的对手持续玩一生的时间。

Dr Bowling picked HULHE because, in poker terms, it is about as simple as it gets. Only two can play, and betting is heavily restricted. This means only 1.38x1013 (13.8 trillion) different circumstances can arise within it. Still, that is quite a large number, so previous attempts at solving even this form of poker have involved some simplification. But such simplification means losing important details, and the resulting strategies are an imperfect fit to the real game. By speeding up the algorithms, Dr Bowling’s team managed to bring the full game within reach of computational brute force, in the form of 200 computers, each sporting 24 processors, working in parallel for more than two months.

Bowling博士之所以选择了HULHE是因为,在扑克牌的领域,这是一个相对简单的游戏。只有两个玩家和非常严格的押注限制。这意味着在这个游戏中只有1.38x1013 (138亿)种不同的情况。这仍然是一个非常大的数字,所以即使是这种形式的扑克牌游戏在前期的尝试性解决中也引入了一些简化。但是这种简化意味着丢掉了重要的细节,而且得出的策略并不能完美的应用于实际的游戏中。通过加速算法,Bowling博士的团队成功的引入了整个的游戏通过所谓的运算暴力,使用200个计算机,每个计算机支持24个处理器,同时运行2个多月。

Admittedly, the result will not be of immediate use to card sharps. Although the researchers have built a webpage that contains a strategy tool based on their results (readers can try playing against the machine atpoker.srv.ualberta.ca), they have deliberately hobbled its response times to avoid giving succour to cheats.


Mechanising poker is not, though, Dr Bowling’s primary purpose in developing this software. Many problems that do not look like games, from airport security to medical diagnosis, can nevertheless be modelled as such, and he hopes his algorithm can be adapted to analyse those, too. The program has, nevertheless, answered several bar-room debates about HULHE. It has quantified the well-known advantage that the dealer enjoys. It also suggests that “limping”—a betting strategy favoured by some strong players with certain hands, which involves resisting the temptation to raise the bet as their first action—is usually a bad idea.


Whether computers will ever be able to solve other forms of poker remains doubtful. Merely removing the betting restrictions on HULHE, for instance, boosts the range of possibilities to 6.38x10161, a figure so mind-bogglingly big that it far exceeds the number of subatomic particles in the observable universe. No amount of improvement in computer hardware will ever make such a problem tractable. The only hope is an enormous, and unlikely, conceptual breakthrough in how to attack the question.


There are, of course, poker-playing programs out there already that play more complicated versions of the game than HULHE. The best are better than most humans. But they, like chess-playing programs, do not actually solve the game in a mathematically rigorous sense. They just process more data that a human brain can cope with, and thus arrive at a better answer than most such brains can manage.


The most interesting computational solution to poker, though, would be one that did work more like a human brain, for instance by looking for the famous “tells” that experienced players claim give away their opponent’s state of mind, or even bluffing those opponents about its own intentions. When computers can do that, mere humans—and not just poker players—should really start worrying.


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