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Principles of economics

这本《经济学原理》于1998年由美国德赖登(Dryden)出版社初版,作者是哈佛大学的一位青年经济学教授格列高里﹒曼昆(N. Gregory Mankiw)。这本书1998年在美国出版时创造了两项吉尼斯世界记录:一是这本书还没有完稿时,出版商就出价250万美元买下版权,从而创下经济学著作卖价的吉尼斯世界记录;二是这本书一出版便很快风行美国,其畅销速度和畅销数量又创下吉尼斯世界记录。《美国新闻和世界报道》早在1998年4月6日就报道说,格列高里﹒曼昆的《经济学原理》已经被美国大约350所大学用作经济学教科书。这时这本书问世还不到3个月。 这本书之所以迅速火暴,其主要原因是这本书从内容、体系结构到表述、体例都体现了“经济学学生的入门教科书”的定位。作者说,他在写这本书时,极力把自己放在一个经济学初学者的位置上,他强调的重点是学生学习经济学时感兴趣的那些材料。他认为,职业经济学家写教科书时,往往有一种接受经济学家们的观点并强调那些使他和其他经济学家着迷的论题的诱惑,而他在本书中要尽量避免这种诱惑。曼昆的这本书确实...


The C Programming Language

The book is organized as follows. Chapter 1 is a tutorial on the central part of C. The purpose is to get the reader started as quickly as possible, since we believe strongly that the way to learn a new language is to write programs in it. The tutorial does assume a working knowledge of the basic elements of programming; there is no explanation of computers, of compilation, nor of the meaning of an expression like n=n+1. Although we have tried where possible to show useful programming techniques, the book is not intended to be a reference work on data structures and algorithms; when forced to make a choice, we have concentrated on the language. Chapters 2 through 6 discuss various aspects of C in more detail, and rather more formally, than does Chapter 1, although the emphasis is still on examples of complete programs, rather than isolated fragments. Chapter 2 deals with the basic data types, operators and expressions. Chapter 3 threats control flow: if−else, switch, while, for, etc. Chapter 4 covers functions and program structure − external variables, scope rules, multiple source files, and so on − and also touches on the preprocessor. Chapter 5 discusses pointers and address arithmetic. Chapter 6 covers structures and unions. Chapter 7 describes the standard library, which provides a common interface to the operating system. This library is defined by the ANSI standard and is meant to be supported on all machines that support C, so programs that use it for input, output, and other operating system access can be moved from one system to another without change. Chapter 8 describes an interface between C programs and the UNIX operating system, concentrating on input/output, the file system, and storage allocation. Although some of this chapter is specific to UNIX systems, programmers who use other systems should still find useful material here, including some insight into how one version of the standard library is implemented, and suggestions on portability. Appendix A contains a language reference manual. The official statement of the syntax and semantics of the C language is the ANSI standard itself. That document, however, is intended foremost for compiler writers. The reference manual here conveys the definition of the language more concisely and without the same legalistic style. Appendix B is a summary of the standard library, again for users rather than implementers. Appendix C is a short summary of changes from the original language. In cases of doubt, however, the standard and one's own compiler remain the final authorities on the language.



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