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原创 英文翻译26

OpenJudge - 31:Candies描述There are N bags. Each bag has some candies. You can take some of the bags. the total number of candies in these bags should be a multiple of K because you want to divide the candies equally between K friends. How many candies c

2022-02-15 11:28:21 5796

原创 英文翻译25

OpenJudge - 30:Exactly Equal

2022-02-15 11:23:53 4265

原创 英文翻译24

OpenJudge - 29:Divisor Problem描述Find the minimum positive number A, so that both A and (M minus A) are divisors of N.输入Two positive integers N (N <= 10000) and M (M <= 10000).输出Two integers A and (M-A).翻译:找到最小正整数A,使得A和M-A都能整除N输入:两

2022-02-15 11:20:12 5909

原创 英文翻译23

OpenJudge - 28:Sum Number描述Given a sequence of N number. How many numbers in the sequence are there which equal to the sum of two different numbers in the sequence.输入First line: one positive integers N (N <= 100).Second line: N positive integer

2022-02-15 11:17:18 5669

原创 英文翻译22

OpenJudge - 26:The Nearest Number描述Given a sequence of N number and K. Find the nearest number X in the sequence that the absolute value of (X minus K) is minimum.输入First line: two positive integers N (N <= 100) and K (K <= 100000).Second li

2022-02-13 22:32:42 77

原创 英文翻译21

OpenJudge - 24:Divisor and Multiple描述Given D and M. D is the divisor of both A and B, while M is the multiple of both A and B. Find A and B.输入Two positive integer D and M (D,M <= 100).输出Two integers A and B.翻译:给出D和M。D是A和B的除数,M是A和B的乘积。找出A

2022-02-12 18:31:07 146

原创 英文翻译20

OpenJudge - 23:Multiple of 3 Or 5描述How many positive integers are there which is less than N and is a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 5.输入One positive integer N (N <= 100000).输出One integer.翻译:是三或五的倍数且小于N的数有多少个?输入:一个正整数N输出:一个数。...

2022-02-11 19:36:30 50

原创 英文翻译19

OpenJudge - 22:Indeterminate Equation描述Given A, B and C. Find X and Y so that A times X plus B times Y equals to C.输入Three positive integer A, B, C (A, B, C <= 100).输出Two integers X and Y.翻译:给出A,B,C。找到X和Y使得AX+BY=C输入:三个正整数A,B,C输出:两个数x

2022-02-10 23:23:03 256

原创 英文翻译18

OpenJudge - 18:Coins描述There are N kinds of coins. Each kind of coins has a value V and a weight W. Tony wants to go traveling. Unfortunately, he can only carry coins of which the total weight is not greater than K. How much total value of coins can he

2022-02-09 22:09:00 337

原创 英文翻译17

OpenJudge - 17:The Largest City Nearby描述There are N cities, the length of edges between cities is given. Please find the city with the largest index id satisfying that there exisits a path between city 1 and city id and the length of this path is no mo

2022-02-08 20:28:17 318

原创 英文翻译16

OpenJudge - 16:Maximum Sum Not Exceeding K描述Given N numbers, find two different numbers from them such that the sum of the two numbers is maximum but not exceeding K.输入First line: two positive integers N (N <= 1000) and K (K <= 1000000).Seco

2022-02-08 20:22:39 374

原创 英文翻译15

OpenJudge - 15:Sum is K描述Given a sequence of N numbers. Find different numbers A and B in the sequence so that the sum of A and B equals to K.输入First line: two positive integers N (N <= 1000) and K (K <= 1000000).Second line: N positive inte

2022-02-05 21:36:06 563

原创 英文翻译14

OpenJudge - 14:Children's Apples描述There are N children. Each child has a positive number, and the numbers are different from each other. Given the sum of all numbers of children. Find a possible assignment.输入Two positive integers N (N <= 10) and

2022-02-05 21:31:11 326

原创 英文翻译13

OpenJudge - 13:Same Remainder描述Given A and B. Find the smallest X that X is greater than 1 and A modulo X equals to B modulo X.输入Two positive integers A and B (A,B <= 10000).输出One integer X.翻译:给出A和B,找到最小的X,X满足A模X等于B模X。输入;两个正整数A和B输出;

2022-01-29 20:50:50 148

原创 英文翻译12

OpenJudge - 12:Maximum Product of Sequence描述Find a sequence of M positive numbers with the maximum product, while the sum of them is N.输入Two positive integers M (M <= 10) and N (N <= 100).输出One line contains M integers.翻译:求一个有M个正整数的的数

2022-01-28 21:30:04 1436

原创 英文翻译11

OpenJudge - 11:Goldbach Conjecture描述Given the sum of prime A and prime B, find A and B.输入One positive integer indicating the sum (<= 10000).输出Two integers A and B.翻译:给出两个数A和B的和,求A和B。输入:一个正整数表示和。输出:两个整数A和B...

2022-01-27 22:17:11 63

原创 英文翻译10

OpenJudge - 10:Chickens and Rabbits描述In the yard were C chickens and R rabbits. Each chicken has one head and two legs. Each rabbit has one head and four legs. There are total 27 heads and 86 legs in the yard. Calculate C and R.输入N/A输出Two integ

2022-01-26 23:44:36 44

原创 英文翻译9

OpenJudge - 09:Least Common Multiple描述Given A and B. Find the least positive M which is a common multiple of both A and B.输入Two positive integers A and B (A,B <= 10000).输出One integer M.翻译:给出A和B,找到A和B的最小公倍数。输入:两个正整数A和B输出:一个整数M...

2022-01-25 22:56:29 50

原创 英文翻译8

OpenJudge - 08:Greatest Common Divisor描述Given A and B. Find the greatest D which is a common divisor of both A and B.输入Two positive integers A and B (A,B <= 10000).输出One integer D.翻译:给出A和B。找到A和B的最大公约数D。输入:两个正整数A和B。输出:一个数D...

2022-01-24 12:34:26 116

原创 英文翻译7

OpenJudge - 07:Shortest Path描述There is a graph with N nodes. Given the length of each edge between the nodes. Find the shortest path from S to E.输入First line: three positive integer number N (N <= 100), S (S <= N), E(E <= N).Next N lines:

2022-01-23 22:21:30 1147

原创 英文翻译6

OpenJudge - 05:Grocery Problem描述Find the prices of 4 items so that the sum of prices is 711 and the product of prices is 711000000. The prices of items are in ascending order.输入N/A输出One line contains four integers, indicating the prices of the

2022-01-22 22:37:30 53

原创 英文翻译五

ltOpenJudge - 04:0/1 Knapsack描述Given the weights and values of N items, put a subset of items into a knapsack of capacity C to get the maximum total value in the knapsack. The total weight of items in the knapsack does not exceed C.输入First line: tw

2022-01-21 22:27:04 910

原创 英文翻译4

描述Find a sequence of N numbers. Each number is equal to the count of (its index minus 1) in the sequence.输入One positive integer N (N <= 10).输出N lines: the i-th line contains one integer indicating the i-th number in the sequence.翻译:找到一个数的序

2022-01-20 23:00:41 133

原创 英文翻译3

描述A banana cake takes 250 flour, 2 bananas, 75 sugar and 100 butter, and a chocolate cake takes 200 flour, 75 cocoa, 150 sugar and 150 butter. The profit of a chocolate cake is 45 and the profit of a banana cake is 40. And we have 4000 flour, 6 bananas,

2022-01-19 22:02:36 116

原创 英文翻译2

描述Select some of N values. The selected values are all different and the number of the selected values is maximum.输入First line: one positive integers N (N <= 100).Second line: N positive integers (<= 10000).输出One line contains several sele

2022-01-18 12:50:16 737

原创 英文翻译1

Given edges of a graph with N nodes. There are three colors that can be used for coloring nodes. Determine the color of each node so that the colors of nodes of each edge should be different.输入First line: one positive integer N (N <= 20).Next N lin

2022-01-17 20:12:58 96



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