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原创 ubuntu1404安装dockerce

1. 升级linux kernel。2. 手动下载deb包进行安装。

2024-04-04 20:39:16 919

转载 程序猿的鄙视链

最近这几年在世界各地突然吹起了一股全民写程序的风潮,连美国总统欧巴马都在写 JavaScript 了,但是身为一介靠写程序(以及在上班时间胡乱上网)来谋生的 developer(所谓的 developer 就是「软件工程师」的比较潮的说法),想要提醒那些想学习写程序的人一件重要的事:慎选你的第一个程序语言。  在软件工程师(中国叫做「程序员」或「码农」)的圈子里,文人相轻的现象可是非常严重

2016-05-28 15:44:57 520

原创 C++ Library Installation

Zbar: ./configure --disable-video --without-imagemagick --without-gtk --without-qt --without-x

2016-01-15 15:03:49 449

原创 C Exception Handling

The reason why exception handling statements such as: try ... except ... exists is that a programmer may do manually handling of all compilation error by coding corresponding handler function, he or s

2016-01-13 23:33:34 500

原创 GCC Linking

1. LD is looking for linking name:libmagic.so

2016-01-07 11:22:35 621

原创 IRC FreeNode Registeration

/msg nickserv register your_password your_email_address

2016-01-02 22:02:03 534

原创 Multi-threading

1. Join:"Join" means the thread who invokes another thread will pause and wait for the thread invoked to finish until it continues its own execution.thread_1.join() == thread_master.wait()

2016-01-01 22:59:15 355

原创 Python Concurrent Programming

1. Python2.7 supports the basic co-routine (generators) via the yield keyword, but a generator cannot take any arguments after it is defined.

2016-01-01 19:29:46 473

原创 OpenCV使用笔记

1. OpenCV 3.1 源码编译中的编译器错误:问题:CentOS 7下,假如用户使用Anaconda发行包安装python后,OpenCV 3.1自带的Cmake会在生成makefile的过程中将python包中附带的clang编译器作为默认编译器。然而Clang编译器和OpenCV源码不兼容,不在build过程中报错。# --------------------

2015-12-31 14:22:49 439

原创 Linux Network

1. Launch docker mobtitude/vpn-pptp app2. ip route add dev ppp0  (? Not Sure if has Any Effect)3. sudo route add -net ppp0

2015-12-29 00:16:34 669

原创 Programming Language Grammar Comparsion

1. Array DeclarationC:int a[5] C++:int* a = new a[5]Java:int[] a = new int[5]Scala:val a:Array[Int] = new Array[Int](5)Python:a = List(5)

2015-12-27 14:37:01 337

原创 C++ Stack Implementation Discussion

1. Q:  Why Stack::top is initialized to -1 ?A: Initialize top = -1 make push(char x){ item[++top] = x} method consistent with the API design that stack::top refers to the top element in the stack

2015-12-27 11:35:42 377

原创 Roy Docker Image Build

C Building Tools:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install build-essentialLinux Utilities:-------------

2015-12-25 13:44:33 352

原创 Docker technical notes

1. Mount a host directory into the docker containersudo docker run -i -t -v /home/ubuntu:/mnt/ubuntu d55e /bin/bash

2015-12-25 13:11:06 354

转载 #!bin/bash

It's a convention so the *nix shell knows what kind of interpreter to run.For example, older flavors of ATT defaulted to "sh" (the Bourne shell), while older versions of BSD defaulted to "csh" (th

2015-12-25 11:38:44 274

原创 Linux init.d

In linux, init is the first process started during booting of the computer system. Init is a daemon process that continues running until the system is shut down. It is the direct or indirect ancestor

2015-12-25 11:30:35 409

转载 Five Ways to Create a Scala List

Five ways to create a Scala ListBy Alvin Alexander. Last updated: Jan 5, 2015table of contents [hide]Create a Scala List in the Lisp styleCreate a Scala List in the Java styl

2015-12-21 09:29:21 390

转载 JAVA / Scala Multi Class in One Source File

Java:That is not correct and the basic rules are different.First let me give you a counter example:// This is the content of X.javaclass Y { void i() { System.out.println("!!!"); }}class Z

2015-12-18 10:18:04 478

原创 Graph Based Algorithms, why 2-D instead of 3-D ?

Graph Based Algorithms, why 2-D instead of 3-D ?

2015-12-04 15:04:42 429

转载 Git Cheetsheet

A Git cheat sheet (Git command reference)By Alvin Alexander. Last updated: Nov 9, 2015table of contents [hide]Git configuration (initial configuration)Initializing a Git repo

2015-11-19 08:23:38 451

原创 Git Technical Notes

1. Git working process:1) Create a git repository on github.com2) CD into the parent dir of the git dir that you want to host in, then git clone https://github.com/furaoing/roy_c.git3) Working o

2015-11-19 08:22:48 445

转载 github SSH authentication

Generating SSH keysMACWINDOWSLINUXALLSSH keys are a way to identify trusted computers, without involving passwords. The steps below will walk you through generating an SSH

2015-11-18 23:17:25 1352

原创 Mathmatical Prove of the Effectiveness of Quick Sort

1. The property of a sorted sequence are as follows:       a) For an element with index x in a sorted sequence p, the following expression always holds:          p[index-1]        b) Every element

2015-11-13 00:15:52 366

原创 C/C++ Char* and Char[]

1.C语言中char * 与char[]详解【规则】 1 、 string 为普通类型,不是数组型,只是其内容为字符串; 2 、 ’a’ 和 ”a” 的区别: ’a’ 为字符, ”a” 为字符串;单引号只能定义一个字符,双引号可以定义多个字符,即字符串。 3 、指针可以通过加减、自加减改变其值,数组不可以。 4 、以数组定义的字符串可以修改其中的字符

2015-11-11 22:43:00 824

原创 C语言如何在不定义函数的情况下实现递归

那么不定义函数是否可以实现递归呢?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#include int count = 0;int return_value;int main() {

2015-11-10 21:40:20 429

原创 D-Clustering: A Kernel Based Graph Clustering Algorithm

The weight of edges:                Page rank  -  The weight of the vertex divided by the forward link               D-Clustering - The weight of the edge decided by the kernel function ( End vert

2015-10-31 21:34:39 440

原创 Supervised Clustering v.s. Unsupervised Clustering

The traditional clustering techniques tries to assign data points to different groups based on their similarity or common property measured in a high dimensional space

2015-10-28 15:34:02 972

原创 Scala Studying Notes

1. Left Arrow Operator: generator    A generator can be used to generate individual values from a rangeExample:         for (var x {   Code here}

2015-10-22 13:15:15 374

原创 SimplyBrand Project Notes

1. Python 2.7The write method of file object can only accetp py2.7 str type object as the argument, unicode type object is not accepted !

2015-10-16 14:29:45 310

原创 Markov Model and Derivatives

1. Markov Chain:States in Markov Chain actually refers to "Events", a Markov Chain is essentially a event chain. However, the differences between a markov chain and a traditional event chain is that

2015-10-04 10:03:10 433

原创 An Interpretation of Neural Network

Neural Network is a computing device that updates its parameters ( or computational steps) according to the mistakes it made. In other words, the algorithm can learn from mistakes and improve its comp

2015-09-25 09:01:00 253

原创 Hot News Detection

1. Removing all non-noun words will have a negative impact on LDA training

2015-09-09 15:11:32 432

原创 Court Info Extraction Project

1. Php Unicode escape to utf8 bytefunction unescape($str) {    $str = rawurldecode($str);    preg_match_all("/(?:%u.{4})|&#x.{4};|&#\d+;|.+/U",$str,$r);    $ar = $r[0];    //print_r($ar); 

2015-09-07 12:16:41 290

原创 5 Principles in Human Computer Interaction

1. Simple and Natural DialogueDialogues should not contain irrelevant or rarely needed information. All information should appear in a natural and logical order.2. Speak the user's languageThe d

2015-09-01 08:20:46 454

原创 Shared Library, Static Library Technical Notes

1. Static Library10.1 Creating a library with the GNU archiverThe GNU archiver ar combines a collection of object files into a single archive file, also known as a library. An archive file

2015-08-24 08:31:17 417

原创 Apache Spark Technical Notes

1. Load data file from local file system:The absolute path of all files (identical) should be the same on all nodes (including the master node, even when no slaves is running on the same machine wit

2015-08-16 13:45:35 405

原创 An Interpretation of Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression is derived from liner regression to deal with the problem of binary classification. Intuitively, the work of logistic regression is to apply a transformation on the figure of liner

2015-08-10 09:04:39 383

原创 Why c-lang for deep learning, scala for cluster machine learning ?

The choice of programming language for different machine learning task (both for academic purposes and industry purposes) are made to achieve optimization of the algorithm in terms of execution speed.

2015-08-09 11:47:05 333

原创 ANSI C, Variable Length Array, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Memory Reservation and Late Binding

ISO C89/90 Standard does not support variable length array. However, gcc compiler provides variable length array functionality as an compiler extension, in which a VLA can be declared like any other a

2015-08-08 23:48:16 505

原创 Linux Technical Notes

1. SSH  SSH using account and passwordssh -l username IP-address

2015-08-06 23:08:54 301



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