Linux CD Command Tutorial

The cd command is used to change the current directory (i.e., the directory in which the user is currently working) in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. It is similar to the CD and CHDIR commands in MS-DOS.

cd's syntax is

cd [option] [directory]

The items in square brackets are optional. When used without specifying any directory name, cd returns the user to the previous current directory. This provides a convenient means of toggling between two directories.

When a directory name is provided, cd changes the current directory to it. The name can be expressed as an absolute pathname (i.e., location relative to theroot directory) or as a local pathname (i.e., location relative to the current directory). It is usually more convenient to use a local pathname when changing to a subdirectory of the current directory.

As an example, the following would change the current directory, regardless of where it is on the system (because it is an absolute path), to the root directory (which is represented by a forward slash):

cd /

Likewise, the following would change the current directory, regardless of its location, to the /usr/sbin directory (which contains non-vital system utilities that are used by the system administrator):

cd /usr/sbin

If a user currently in the directory /usr/local/share/man/ desired to change to the directory /usr/local/share/man/man2, which is a subdirectory of the current directory, it would be possible to change by using the absolute pathname, i.e.,

cd /usr/local/share/man/man2

However, it would clearly be much less tedious to use the relative pathname, i.e.,

cd man2

On Unix-like operating systems the current directory is represented by a singledot and its parent directory (i.e., the directory that contains it) is represented by two consecutive dots. Thus, it is possible (and often convenient) to change to the parent of the current directory by using the following:

cd ..

Another convenient feature of cd is the ability for any user to return directly to its home directory by merely using a tilde as the argument. A home directory, also called a login directory, is the directory on a Unix-like operating system that serves as the repository for a user's personal files, directories and programs. It is also the directory that a user is first in after logging into the system. A tilde is a short, wavy, horizontal line character that represents the home directory of the current user. That is, any user can return immediately to its home directory by typing the following and then pressing the Enter key:

cd ~

This is easier than typing the full name of the user's home directory, for instance, /home/josephine in the case of a user named josephine. (And it is just one of the numerous shortcuts that help make the command line on Unix-like operating systems so easy to use.)

When followed by a space and then a hyphen, cd both returns the user to the previous current directory and reports on a new line the absolute pathname of that directory. This can further enhance the already convenient toggling capability of cd. Toggling is particularly convenient when at least one of the two directories has a long absolute pathname, such as /usr/local/share/man/man2.

cd has only two options, and neither of them are commonly used. The -P option instructs cd to use the physical directory structure instead of following symbolic links. The -L option forces symbolic links to be followed.

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VR(Virtual Reality)即虚拟现实,是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机技术。它利用计算机生成一种模拟环境,是一种多源信息融合的、交互式的三维动态视景和实体行为的系统仿真,使用户沉浸到该环境中。VR技术通过模拟人的视觉、听觉、触觉等感觉器官功能,使人能够沉浸在计算机生成的虚拟境界中,并能够通过语言、手势等自然的方式与之进行实时交互,创建了一种适人化的多维信息空间。 VR技术具有以下主要特点: 沉浸感:用户感到作为主角存在于模拟环境中的真实程度。理想的模拟环境应该使用户难以分辨真假,使用户全身心地投入到计算机创建的三维虚拟环境中,该环境中的一切看上去是真的,听上去是真的,动起来是真的,甚至闻起来、尝起来等一切感觉都是真的,如同在现实世界中的感觉一样。 交互性:用户对模拟环境内物体的可操作程度和从环境得到反馈的自然程度(包括实时性)。例如,用户可以用手去直接抓取模拟环境中虚拟的物体,这时手有握着东西的感觉,并可以感觉物体的重量,视野中被抓的物体也能立刻随着手的移动而移动。 构想性:也称想象性,指用户沉浸在多维信息空间中,依靠自己的感知和认知能力获取知识,发挥主观能动性,寻求解答,形成新的概念。此概念不仅是指观念上或语言上的创意,而且可以是指对某些客观存在事物的创造性设想和安排。 VR技术可以应用于各个领域,如游戏、娱乐、教育、医疗、军事、房地产、工业仿真等。随着VR技术的不断发展,它正在改变人们的生活和工作方式,为人们带来全新的体验。
VR(Virtual Reality)即虚拟现实,是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机技术。它利用计算机生成一种模拟环境,是一种多源信息融合的、交互式的三维动态视景和实体行为的系统仿真,使用户沉浸到该环境中。VR技术通过模拟人的视觉、听觉、触觉等感觉器官功能,使人能够沉浸在计算机生成的虚拟境界中,并能够通过语言、手势等自然的方式与之进行实时交互,创建了一种适人化的多维信息空间。 VR技术具有以下主要特点: 沉浸感:用户感到作为主角存在于模拟环境中的真实程度。理想的模拟环境应该使用户难以分辨真假,使用户全身心地投入到计算机创建的三维虚拟环境中,该环境中的一切看上去是真的,听上去是真的,动起来是真的,甚至闻起来、尝起来等一切感觉都是真的,如同在现实世界中的感觉一样。 交互性:用户对模拟环境内物体的可操作程度和从环境得到反馈的自然程度(包括实时性)。例如,用户可以用手去直接抓取模拟环境中虚拟的物体,这时手有握着东西的感觉,并可以感觉物体的重量,视野中被抓的物体也能立刻随着手的移动而移动。 构想性:也称想象性,指用户沉浸在多维信息空间中,依靠自己的感知和认知能力获取知识,发挥主观能动性,寻求解答,形成新的概念。此概念不仅是指观念上或语言上的创意,而且可以是指对某些客观存在事物的创造性设想和安排。 VR技术可以应用于各个领域,如游戏、娱乐、教育、医疗、军事、房地产、工业仿真等。随着VR技术的不断发展,它正在改变人们的生活和工作方式,为人们带来全新的体验。


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