
一个master节点,多个salver节点,从节点默认只能查询,一个哨兵节点,哨兵节点负责监控主节点状态,在主节点服务挂掉之后可以在从节点中选举从新的主节点使缓存服务立刻恢复工作;通过jedis自带的 JedisSentinelPool 实现,但是 JedisSentinelPool 只支持哨兵监听一个主节点,如果我们需要更多的主节点支持,目前jedis版本自带的 JedisSentinelPool 无法很好的支持,所以我们需要自己改造支持多个主节点的pool连接池,
目前的jedis版本自带支持哨兵监听一个主master节点的连接池方式 JedisSentinelPool,通过jedisSentinelPool连接哨兵的demo示例:
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool;
public class JedisSentinelPoolUtil {
        private static Logger logger = Logger. getLogger ( "JedisPoolUtil" );
        private static   JedisSentinelPool pool = null ;
        * 创建连接池        
        static {
              JedisPoolConfig config = new JedisPoolConfig();
               config .setMaxIdle(10);
               config .setMaxTotal(200);
               config .setMaxWaitMillis(1000 * 10);
               config .setTestOnBorrow( true );
              Set<String> sentinels = new HashSet<String>();
               sentinels .add( "" );
               pool = new JedisSentinelPool( "master1" , sentinels , config );
        * 获取连接池 jedis 对象
        * @return
        public static Jedis getJedis() {
               return pool .getResource();
        public static String set(String key , String value ) {
              Jedis jedis = null ;
              String result = null ;
               try {
                      if ( jedis == null ) {
                            jedis = pool .getResource();
                      result = jedis .set( key , value );
              } catch (Exception e ) {
                      logger .info( e .getMessage());
              } finally {
                      jedis .close();
                      // pool.destroy();
               return result ;
        public static String get(String key ) {
              Jedis jedis = null ;
              String result = null ;
               try {
                      if ( jedis == null ) {
                            jedis = pool .getResource();
                      result = jedis .get( key );
              } catch (Exception e ) {
                      logger .info( e .getMessage());
              } finally {
                      jedis .close();
               return result ;
        public static void main(String[] args ) {
               for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
                     JedisSentinelPoolUtil. set ( "key" + i , "value" + i );
                     System. out .println(JedisSentinelPoolUtil. get ( "key" + i ) + " " );

查看 JedisSentinelPool源码的构造方法:
public JedisSentinelPool(String masterName , Set<String> sentinels ,
      final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig , final int connectionTimeout , final int soTimeout ,
      final String password , final int database , final String clientName ) {
    this . poolConfig = poolConfig ;
    this . connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout ;
    this . soTimeout = soTimeout ;
    this . password = password ;
    this . database = database ;
    this . clientName = clientName ;
    HostAndPort master = initSentinels( sentinels , masterName );
    initPool( master );
private HostAndPort initSentinels(Set<String> sentinels , final String masterName ) {
    HostAndPort master = null ;
    boolean sentinelAvailable = false ;
    log .info( "Trying to find master from available Sentinels..." );
    for (String sentinel : sentinels ) {
      final HostAndPort hap = HostAndPort. parseString ( sentinel );
      log .fine( "Connecting to Sentinel " + hap );
      Jedis jedis = null ;
      try {
        jedis = new Jedis( hap .getHost(), hap .getPort());
        List<String> masterAddr = jedis .sentinelGetMasterAddrByName( masterName );
        // connected to sentinel...
        sentinelAvailable = true ;
        if ( masterAddr == null || masterAddr .size() != 2) {
          log .warning( "Can not get master addr, master name: " + masterName + ". Sentinel: " + hap
              + "." );
          continue ;
        master = toHostAndPort( masterAddr );
        log .fine( "Found Redis master at " + master );
        break ;
      } catch (JedisException e ) {
        // resolves #1036, it should handle JedisException there's another chance
        // of raising JedisDataException
        log .warning( "Cannot get master address from sentinel running @ " + hap + ". Reason: " + e
            + ". Trying next one." );
      } finally {
        if ( jedis != null ) {
          jedis .close();
    if ( master == null ) {
      if ( sentinelAvailable ) {
        // can connect to sentinel, but master name seems to not  monitored
        throw new JedisException( "Can connect to sentinel, but " + masterName  + " seems to be not monitored..." );
      } else {
        throw new JedisConnectionException( "All sentinels down, cannot determine where is "  + masterName + " master is running..." );
    log .info( "Redis master running at " + master + ", starting Sentinel listeners..." );
    for (String sentinel : sentinels ) {
      final HostAndPort hap = HostAndPort. parseString ( sentinel );
      MasterListener masterListener = new MasterListener( masterName , hap .getHost(), hap .getPort());
      // whether MasterListener threads are alive or not, process can be stopped
      masterListener .setDaemon( true );
      masterListeners .add( masterListener );
      masterListener .start();
    return master ;
传入哨兵地址集合 sentinels和主节名称 masterName参数,
通过循环哨兵列表,在循环体内然后通过哨兵的jedis对象调用 sentinelGetMasterAddrByName方法获取哨兵监控的主节点的地址信息host和port信息放入list<String>类型的 masterAddr中
通过 masterAddr传入 toHostAndPort方法 获取到一个简单封装了 主节点地址host和端口port属性的 HostAndPort类 master

这里在得到master对象后,再次循环了哨兵列表得到哨兵的 HostAndPort对象,这里创建一个MasterListener线程来通过哨兵监听master节点变化,如果主节点发生变化,重新获取选举的新的主节点信息,重新初始化连接池。
  protected class MasterListener extends Thread {
    protected String masterName ;
    protected String host ;
    protected int port ;
    protected long subscribeRetryWaitTimeMillis = 5000;
    protected volatile Jedis j ;
    protected AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean( false );
    protected MasterListener() {
    public MasterListener(String masterName , String host , int port ) {
      super (String. format ( "MasterListener-%s-[%s:%d]" , masterName , host , port ));
      this . masterName = masterName ;
      this . host = host ;
      this . port = port ;
    public MasterListener(String masterName , String host , int port ,
        long subscribeRetryWaitTimeMillis ) {
      this ( masterName , host , port );
      this . subscribeRetryWaitTimeMillis = subscribeRetryWaitTimeMillis ;
    public void run() {
      running .set( true );
      while ( running .get()) {
        j = new Jedis( host , port );
        try {
          // double check that it is not being shutdown
          if (! running .get()) {
            break ;
          j .subscribe( new JedisPubSub() {
            public void onMessage(String channel , String message ) {
              log .fine( "Sentinel " + host + ":" + port + " published: " + message + "." );
              String[] switchMasterMsg = message .split( " " );
              if ( switchMasterMsg . length > 3) {
                if ( masterName .equals( switchMasterMsg [0])) {
                  initPool(toHostAndPort(Arrays. asList ( switchMasterMsg [3], switchMasterMsg [4])));
                } else {
                  log .fine( "Ignoring message on +switch-master for master name "
                      + switchMasterMsg [0] + ", our master name is " + masterName );
              } else {
                log .severe( "Invalid message received on Sentinel " + host + ":" + port
                    + " on channel +switch-master: " + message );
          }, "+switch-master" );
        } catch (JedisConnectionException e ) {
          if ( running .get()) {
            log .log(Level. SEVERE , "Lost connection to Sentinel at " + host + ":" + port
                + ". Sleeping 5000ms and retrying." , e );
            try {
              Thread. sleep ( subscribeRetryWaitTimeMillis );
            } catch (InterruptedException e1 ) {
              log .log(Level. SEVERE , "Sleep interrupted: " , e1 );
          } else {
            log .fine( "Unsubscribing from Sentinel at " + host + ":" + port );
        } finally {
          j .close();
    public void shutdown() {
      try {
        log .fine( "Shutting down listener on " + host + ":" + port );
        running .set( false );
        // This isn't good, the Jedis object is not thread safe
        if ( j != null ) {
          j .disconnect();
      } catch (Exception e ) {
        log .log(Level. SEVERE , "Caught exception while shutting down: " , e );
run方法中通过哨兵的jedis对象 subscribe方法监听广播消息,并用当前masterName与广播消息中的节点名称比较,如果相等说明产生新的主节点,调用 org . apache . commons . pool2 . impl . GenericObjectPool GenericObjectPool方法返回连接池。只有产生新的主节点才会广播信息。

  private void initPool (HostAndPort master ) {
    if (! master .equals( currentHostMaster )) {
      currentHostMaster = master ;
      if ( factory == null ) {
        factory = new JedisFactory( master .getHost(), master .getPort(), connectionTimeout ,
            soTimeout , password , database , clientName , false , null , null , null );
        initPool( poolConfig , factory );
      } else {
        factory .setHostAndPort( currentHostMaster );
        // although we clear the pool, we still have to check the
        // returned object
        // in getResource, this call only clears idle instances, not
        // borrowed instances
        internalPool .clear();
      log .info( "Created JedisPool to master at " + master );

得到jedisFactory工厂类之后,调用实现了Closeable接口的 Pool<T>类的initPool方法
  public void initPool ( final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig , PooledObjectFactory<T> factory ) {
    if ( this . internalPool != null ) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e ) {
    this . internalPool = new GenericObjectPool<T>( factory , poolConfig );
这里直接new一个 org . apache . commons . pool2 . impl . GenericObjectPool 实现的 GenericObjectPool方法返回连接池。
public static  Jedis getJedis() {
     return pool .getResource();





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