【卡米洛特工程】杰克.辛普森(Jake Simpson)的故事——世上最重大的秘密!



     与外星人的合作

     罗斯威尔事件

     超光速飞船

     太阳系巨型舰队

     艾森豪威尔会见ET

     AI[人工智能]定位、监视系统

     机密科技、机密太空计划

     类人ET种族

     人类的混合DNA

     “白帽黑客”

     金融危机原由

     “光子带”

     地下基地 国际网络

     21世纪前期的地球物理性变革

     澳大利亚-“世界方舟”

     第一、二时间线(时间轴)

     未来世界地图

     高速穿梭系统(已知美澳之间有)

     史前文明的防御设施—地球物理性事件的循环性

     地下基地(9000米深)

     秘密病毒

     Nibiru

     病毒的爆发

     未来的食物短缺问题

     进入其他维度/密度(空间)的技术

     空间交替

     巨资流漏

     人口Xue减

     宇宙(约束)法则

     光明、正义、自由
On return to Europe from the 2008 NEXUS Conference in Australia, flying out of Sydney, we stopped off in Thailand to visit a close friend who lives on the island of Koh Samui. Samui is well known as a travelers' international crossroads, and is also a place where a number of expats of all nationalities have settled.

在“2008年澳大利亚关系会议” 结束后,从悉尼飞往欧洲的时候,我们中途停留在泰国,去拜访一个住在苏梅岛之岛的亲密朋友。太过苏梅岛是众所周知的国际旅游者的十字路口/中转站,也是一个许多各民族的移民定居的地方。

There we had the good fortune to meet Jake Simpson [an agreed pseudonym]. We spent several days with him and got to know him, and his family, very well. His story, which we heard in great detail, was one of the most important and interesting we have ever heard.


None of the many long conversations we had were recorded, and we hope to capture an audio interview with Jake soon. The following concise summary was compiled upon return to the US, and has been checked for accuracy by Jake himself.


For reasons which will become obvious, we were at first quite unsure whether to release this at all. After a great deal of thought, and further consultation with Jake, we decided to make this information available. Assuming it is true - and we believe that it is - it could hardly be more significant. It dovetails with everything else we know. And in many ways, we wish that it did not.


Much of what follows is barely believable, so this may be its own best defense. Those who choose not to believe this information at all can relax - just a little, and maybe for a little while - with the knowledge that none of it can currently be proved. For the benefit of those whose jobs it is to monitor this information, we do not have any documentation of any kind. We are delighted, however, to consider Jake a close friend. We are absolutely certain that he is exactly who he says he is, and have talked with a number of people who have known him for many years.

In the report that follows, exact written quotes from Jake himself are presented indented and in italics, as in this closing paragraph.
Enhanced abilities

Jake Simpson was in a 'specialist field' [his preferred term] working for a nation friendly to the US. His early training, which is still with him, featured an enhancement of his ability to absorb written information. Incredibly, he has a reading speed of between 80,000 and 100,000 words per minute. To graduate from that class, he was given a copy of George Orwell's Animal Farm and had three minutes to read it before being tested on every detail. He scored 90%. This was adequate for a pass, but was not the highest score... another student scored 100%.

杰克.辛普森是在一个“专业领域” [他偏爱的术语]为一个亲美(对美国友好)的国家工作。他早期的训练-当然现在还在进行-对于加强他(急速)吸收(理解)书面信息的能力起了重要作用。难以置信的是,他的阅读速度竟达到了每分钟8至10万字。临毕业那堂课,老师发给每位学生一份乔治•奥威尔(英国小说家)的《动物庄园》,要求用三分钟的时间阅读完毕,之后老师会检测其中情节的每一个细节。他得到了90%的分数。他通过了测试(拿到了毕业资格),但其实他并不是最高得分。另一个学生得分达到100%。(真牛)

Jake is a very able psychic intuitive to this day. He is able to perceive when the AI [artificial intelligence] information gathering system was 'focused' in his direction and would periodically pick his exact moment to relate something to us. We observed this again and again. While it at all times seemed the same to us, sometimes Jake told us it was safe to talk, while at other times it was not. It took a little while for us to understand exactly what was going on here.


See below for more on this. We have not heard this information anywhere else in the literature, on the internet, or mentioned by any other witness. But I [Bill] had one experience that showed me directly that this was very real indeed.

Approaching Project Camelot

Jake had written to us by way of introduction:
I have spent many years previously working in abstract areas of national security on behalf of the various parties concerned. I have been very impressed by some of your interviewees' comments. Keep up the outstanding work.

Jake approached Project Camelot after our work had been brought to his attention by a friend. At first, he wasn't convinced that we were 'real'. However, his connections enabled him to do the requisite background checks, and he told us that it soon became clear that we passed muster.

He told us he knew everything about us, but that we had "nothing to worry about". Everyone who had ever tried to do something like we were doing before, apparently, had been killed. He told us he'd watched every one of our videos, admired what we did, and that we had a lot of courage. He assured us that some of what we have reported is very close to the truth, and that we had his respect.
他告诉我们他知道关于我们的一切,但还告诉我们 “没有什么好担心的” 。每一个曾经尝试做一些像我们所做的事情的人,很明显都已被杀害了。他告诉我们他已经看过了我们的每一个录像视频资料,还说他钦佩我们所做的,说我们很有勇气|胆量。他向我们保证我们报道的一些很接近于事实真相,他尊重我们。

Jake is one of many in military/ intelligence circles who are the 'white hats'. Idealistically motivated, he made his career choice when young, wanting to work for mankind and play his part in helping Planet Earth become a better place. Despite discovering the true, bewildering complexity of the world he had entered, he retained both his idealism and his job... and many years later decided to approach Project Camelot with a portion of what he now knew.

He told us that we had many of the correct puzzle pieces - and that, furthermore, it was understood that we work with integrity, and that we're not trying to breach any legitimate national security. He stressed that we were quite liked by a number of the 'white hats' who were monitoring us closely, despite our being on a number of 'watch lists' of every kind.

Jake helped us understand that if we kept our information general and didn't try to prove anything (with documentation or by any other means), we would remain safe. He stressed that it was very important not to get too
specific on certain sensitive issues, and to be very wary of ever getting hold of any definitive documentation.

杰克帮助我们理解:如果我们保持我们的信息一般中立,而不试图 (利用文件材料或者其他任何方式) 去证明任何事,我们仍将是安全的。他强调,非常重要的一点是:不要在某些特定的敏感问题上弄得太过详细、明确,要十分警觉地考虑究竟有没有掌握、得到任何决定性的权威文件。

Classified technology and the secret space program
机密科技 和 机密太空计划

Jake emphasized to us that the current state of classified technology was something like 10,000 [ten thousand] years ahead of public sector technology - and was accelerating away from public sector technology at a current rate of 1,000 years per calendar year.

杰克给我们强调说,机密科技的当前状况有点像是先于国营公共部门科技 发展了10,000年 - 并在以每一历年加速1000年的流速远离公共部门的技术。(知道某些国家的科技发展在受ET帮助,但不知道发展居然有这么快!)

This got our attention.

Jake did not blink when we mentioned time travel, the Mars base, or the advanced fleet of craft which we had been told by Henry Deacon serviced it. Jake told us that some of the advanced craft were capable of traveling from geostationary orbit (22,300 miles) to treetop height in five seconds. (Work it out: that's about 16 million miles per hour - although Jake made it clear that the craft would not actually be moving through space in the normal sense... and would also never be seen unless this was intended.) Some of the craft were "larger on the inside than outside".

当我们提到时间旅行,火星基地,或亨利.迪肯( Henry Deacon)告诉我们的由他维修保养的先进的太空舰队时,杰克都不带眨眼的。杰克告诉我们一些先进的太空船能在5秒钟之内从地球静止轨道的高度(距地面高度为35786千米 = 22863英里)下降至树梢(树顶)高度。[注:1英里约合1.609公里,一秒钟飞行7157千米?!我没算错吧..](计算一下:那大约是1600万英里的时速!——尽管杰克明确表示,飞船实际上不是以我们地球人正常观念所认为的形式穿越空间的…太空船也绝对不会随便被人看到,除非那是有意的行为.)一一些飞船是“里面要比外面/外观大”(什么意思?)

Had they traveled to the outer reaches of the solar system? Yes. Beyond our solar system? Yes. Are some of them superluminal (i.e. capable of faster-than-light travel)? Yes. Were some of them very large? Yes. By this time, we were no longer surprised by Jake's answers. The significance of the superluminal craft would be stressed in a subsequent conversation.
他们已经来到了太阳系外围吗?是的。我们的太阳系之外?是的。它们是超光速旅行 (也就是能够比光速更快的旅行) 吗?是的。他们(太空飞船)中的一些非常巨大,是吗?是的。到现在(发稿时),我们已经不再对杰克的答案感到惊讶了。超光速飞船的重要性/意义会在随后的会话中强调。

The human race had had contact with extraterrestrials since before World War II. Jake told us that it was very probable that Eisenhower's 1955 heart attack was at least partially induced by the stress of some of the information he had learned from the extraterrestrials who he had personally met a short time before (after several previous set-up meetings with senior military officials).
人类与天外来客(外星人)在二战之前就已经有过接触了。杰克告诉我们, 艾森豪威尔总统于1955年的心脏病发作或多或少(至少)是因为一些信息带来的压力所引发的-他从外星人那里学到、了解的信息,很可能是这样的,他(心脏病发作)之前曾亲自短时间地会见过一些外星人(当然这次会见发生在数个先前的外星人与高级军事官员们组织|计划会议之后)。(应该是安全考虑)

Taken all together, Jake told us, the ET visitors came from various races, systems and times, and that human DNA "was compatible" with hundreds of different races. All these ET races, in some meaningful sense, could be said to be "human or human-like”.

纵观来说,杰克告诉我们,ET(注:ET = 外星人)来客来自不同的种族、不同的(社会)制度以及不同的(文明)时代;人类的DNA“兼容”了数以百计的不同(外星)种族的(DNA丨片段、基因)。所有这些ET种族,在某种重大的意义上,可以称其为“人类 或者是类人种族”。

AI surveillance and access to knowledge

The AI surveillance system, Jake told us, was literally "out of this world". It operates hyperdimensionally, based on a highly advanced quantum computing model that is basically our development based on acquired alien technology. This system is so advanced that the ETs themselves are unhappy that we have it.
杰克告诉我们, 人工智能监视系统,字面意思就是“这个世界之外(的眼睛)”。它能多维运行、操作,基于高度发达的量子计算机信息处理技术模型-实际上这也是我们从获得的外星科技的基础上发展而来的。这个系统是如此先进,以至于ETs本身都对(地球)人类拥有这项技术而感到不快(不安)。

Not only does it enable access to what any given person is saying, or even thinking - if targeted for investigation - it can also transcend time itself and thereby access information about the thoughts and words of historical figures. Whether this system can look into the future - the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report, based on a story by the prolific author Philip K. Dick, comes to mind - we omitted to ask.


Jake's actions in being sensitive to this device (if device is the right word) - by waiting for exactly the right 'window' of opportunity to tell us certain things - were not fully understood by us until I (Bill Ryan) had the following experience.
杰克的行动对这个装置(如果装置是个合适的词的话) 很敏感——他要等待恰好合适的机会的“窗口”来告诉我们这些东西——直到我(比尔•瑞恩)获得了以下经验,我们才完全理解他为什么敏感:

On our last night together, sitting out in the open after a barbecue, at about 2 am, Jake decided to tell me some things he had not previously revealed, surveillance or no surveillance. As he began to speak, he immediately encountered problems, as if trying to force himself through a barrier. Simultaneously, I found I was being put to sleep and could hardly keep my eyes open. We both spotted what was happening, and remarked on it to one another.

Jake forced himself to keep talking, and I made myself keep listening through a spell of overwhelming dopiness. This episode lasted half an hour or maybe more. We were being forcibly stopped, in real time, from communicating effectively, as a direct and immediate response to our intentions.
杰克强迫自己说话,我也努力让自己在似乎施了魔法的迷糊状态中保持听力,这段情节持续了近半个小时、或许更多。我们的有效谈话及时被强制停下来 ,作为一个对我们的意图直接的即刻回应。

It's very important to understand that this was unconnected with electromagnetics, hidden microphones, targeted beams, or anything else of that nature. My own reference point for what happened was a kind of negative radionics (which also works hyperdimensionally, but as a positive health modality).
非常重要的一点是,这是与电磁、隐藏的传声器(麦克风)定向电波/光束或其他类似性质的东西毫无关联的。我自己对于发生此事的参考点是:那是一种负面的射电电子学(radionics) (也是多维工作,但是是作为一个积极健康的形式)。

In the end we concluded our conversation, now pretty tired. The next morning I simply could not recall what Jake had told me - and still can't. Upon meeting him again and reporting that I couldn't remember a thing about our conversation except for the weird effects we had both experienced, he replied wryly: Maybe it's just as well.


The biggest secret

The international network of deep underground bases, Jake confirmed, had been built in a continuing program since soon after the end of World War II costing trillions of dollars. The issue here was that military leaders had learned through ET contact that a potential catastrophe of huge magnitude, occurring early in the 21st century, was possible. This information was certainly known to Eisenhower, Jake said (and may have been partially responsible for his heart attack), and was very possibly known as early as World War II.
杰克证实,深层地下基地的国际网络在第二次世界大战结束不久后的一系列连续的规划后已经建成,成本为上万亿美元。(——金融危机的缘由之一.)问题是,军方领导人已经通过ET接触了解到,在21世纪前期存在着发生超大量级的大灾难的潜在可能。杰克说,艾森豪威尔当然是知道这个信息的, (可能是他心脏病发作的原由之一),并且很可能早在第二次世界大战的时候就已经知道了。

Just as we had presented in our important summary article The Big Picture, the problem is one which involves massive potential Earth changes that could, in extremis, threaten our civilization. The situation had been extensively studied and evaluated and the conclusion had been reached that the public could not be told.
正如我们在我们的重要概要文章《全景图》(The Big Picture)里所陈述的,这是一个涉及巨大的、潜在的地球变革(地球物理性事件)的问题,在极端情况下,这个可能威胁到我们的文明。形势已经被广泛的研究和评估,得出的结论是:(这个秘密)不能告知公众。(以免引起恐慌)

Jake described the threat - metaphorically - as a wave that was heading our way. It was unclear whether this 'wave' is a product of an area of space which the solar system is entering - or whether it is the result of a close fly-past by a large rogue celestial body, or even a combination of two or three simultaneous situations or other unusual and impending cosmological events. But when I asked how this is all known, the answer came back that the superluminal craft have gone out to take a good look at what is around, and have returned with the information.

Jake stressed that IT IS NOT KNOWN what the effects of this situation will be, nor precisely when this may occur. The military are preparing for worst case scenarios, which is what they do best. Readers familiar with our work will note the connection with the report from the Norwegian Politician, and also Dan Burisch's information which culminates in the report on Timeline 1, variant 83 [T1v83].
杰克强调这种情况的即将产生的影响还不被知道,或许不会恰好就在推测它发生的时候发生。军方正为最坏的情况准备着,这是眼下他们做的最好的(最致力于做的)事情。熟悉我们工作的读者会注意到与之有关的报告,比如《来自挪威政治家的一封信》( the report from the Norwegian Politician),还有《 丹.布瑞克的信息》(Dan Burisch's information),这些信息在《第一时间线,变体83[T1v83]》(Timeline 1, variant 83)的报告中有所总结。

Of particular interest is the contradiction with the T1v83 information, in which Dan told us that in the latter half of 2007 a highly classified time portal intelligence retrieval project (for lack of any better phrase) had analyzed a number of possible alternative future timelines and concluded that variant 83 - the most probable of the many that had been investigated - demonstrated that the 'Timeline 2' catastrophe had been averted and that while civilization would not be under threat, the next few years would bring major problems. These included nuclear exchanges in a prolonged period of global conflict, under an administration in which Hillary Clinton had been elected President of the US.
特别有趣的是(与)T1v83信息的否认/矛盾,丹告诉我们,在2007年下半年,高度机密的时间之门(time portal)情报检索程序(缺乏更好的词来描述)分析了许多可供选择的未来时间线(时间轴),并得出以下结论:经研究调查显示,变体83是最可能一种(时间变体),这条时间线表明:‘第二时间线’中的大灾难事故已经被避免了,并且,虽然(这次)文明不会受到威胁(这是07年时的评估),在接下来的几年内还是会带来重大的问题。这些问题包括长期的全球冲突之中的核交易(所)--全球冲突实则也是发生在某些行政机构的管理之下,希拉里•克林顿曾在此行政机构中被选举为美国总统.(暗指全球精英的影子政丨府)

Since that information was researched - a year ago at the time of writing this article - it has become very clear that that timeline variant has been 'broken', and that we are now instead hurtling along on another, uncharted timeline. In Dan's words to us a few months ago, "All bets are off" - and when we put Dan's phrase to Jake, he responded:
That's about right. I wouldn't disagree with that at all.
     由于这些信息是经过研究了的 – 就在一年前写这这篇文章的时候-已经变得非常清楚的一点是:这个时间线变体已经被“破坏”了,取而代之地,现在的我们正疾驰在另一条时间线上-- 一条未知的时间线上。按照几个月前丹给我们的话来说就是:“原来的预测不算数了|一切都成了未知数。” (什么事情都有可能发生的意思)-当我们把丹的措词告诉杰克时,他(杰克)回答道:

Jake's information is that it had never been certain that the catastrophe had been averted, and he confirmed that the governments of many first-world nations were continuing to make their detailed and extensive preparations. Australia, we were told, was the "Ark of the World", and had been designated as such many years previously.

Jake confirmed that he had personally seen some of the classified maps showing dramatically altered future coastlines, and also confirmed the possibility of a very advanced high-speed 'shuttle-like' system that connected many places, like the US and Australia under the Pacific Ocean - a longstanding but always uncorroborated rumor within the UFO community that had acquired semi-mythological status since the startling reports of John Lear and William Cooper in the late 1980s. Jake told us that
...the acceleration presses you back into your seat for a very long time.
     杰克证实,他曾亲自见过一些机密地图,上面显示了引人注目的(/戏剧性的)、改变了的未来 海岸线,同时他确证,未来可能会出现非常先进的高速运转的“梭子般的” (shuttle-like)系统,来连接许多地方,就像美国和太平洋下面的澳洲(之间的链接系统)-这是一个长期存在的,但却总是未被证实的、流传在UFO社区里的传闻;这个社区自从19世纪80年代末期约翰.李尔和威廉.库珀发表了令人吃惊的报告以来就取得了半个神话的地位。杰克告诉我们:

This has all happened before

One of the most startling snippets of information Jake revealed was that in some locations the base construction engineers had broken through into much older facilities that had been there for thousands of years prior - apparently built for an identical defensive purpose. All this, Jake had told us, had happened before: the catastrophic events are cyclic.

Because of what had been learned through breaking into older facilities built by a prior Earth culture, in some locations decisions had been made to increase the depth of the new facilities to as much as 30,000 feet [9000 meters].

The great classified libraries of the world, in the Vatican and elsewhere, all contained detailed accounts of the destruction of prior civilizations. The Flood Myth, as many anthropologists have described, is evident in many dozens of different cultures all over the world. All this is described in our article The Big Picture.
世界上为主要的分类图书馆,不管在梵蒂冈还是其他地方的,都包含了先前(当然就是史前喽)文明的毁灭性破坏的详细记录。大洪水神话,就像许多人类学家所描述的,在遍布世界各地的几十个不同文化中都有明显记录。所有这一切皆在我们的文章《全景图》(《The Big Picture》)中有描述。

The threat of stealth viruses

These catastrophic events, Jake told us, would happen not in 2012 but several years after that, though the dates were not precisely known. When we put Bob Dean's date of 2017 to him (in the context of the coming of Nibiru), Jake's response is that that would be close, as best he knew.
杰克告诉我们,这些灾难性事件不会发生在2012年,而是在这几年之后,尽管不知道精确日期。当我们把《鲍勃•迪恩 2017年的日子》(Bob Dean's date of 2017)给他看时(在尼碧汝[Nibiru]来临的背景下),杰克的回应是,尽他所知道的,那是很近(要发生)了.

More immediate, said Jake, was the threat of the deliberate release of viruses followed by
杰克说,更立即(将要发生)的,是紧随其后的故意的病毒释放所带来的威胁:(杰克的原话是:)...the hideous effects of spontaneous eruptions of new generations of opportunistic bacteria like Necrotizing Fasciitis and more advanced versions of golden staphylococci which would further reduce the world's population after the initial first line of worldwide disasters had occurred. This would trigger worldwide infrastructure breakdown, cause chaos, and make populations easier to control.

“新一代机会性感染细菌的自然爆发会产生可怕、丑陋的影响,包括如坏死性筋膜炎(Necrotizing Fasciitis)和金色葡萄球菌的更高级进化版本,在发生的全球性灾害的最初的第一线之后,这些病毒将进一步促进降低(削减)世界人口。这将引发全世界的基础设施的崩溃,引发混乱,从而使人口/人群更容易受控制。

Jake predicted that it was quite possible that sometime before the end of 2009 - or possibly early 2010 - there would be a sudden and rapid escalation of international reported outbreaks of extremely dangerous viruses (whether manmade or otherwise). He emphasized that announcements of a global pandemic could suddenly emerge from nowhere "within hours", and that it would be smart to be prepared: he stressed that some countries could quickly become quarantined, or choose to quarantine themselves, with major implications for international travel and port or airport controls.
杰克预测,很可能在2009年底之前——或者可能是2010年初,会有一个关于爆发了极其危险的病毒(不论是人为或其他因素引发的) 的国际报道突然而迅速的增加和升级。他强调了全球性的大规模流行病可能突然会不知从哪里 仅仅 “在几小时内”就出现 ,而这将会是被精明地准备、策划了的:他强调,有些国家(的人民)可能很快就被隔离检疫,或者他们(指国家)会自主选择要进行隔离检疫,主要涵盖国际旅行港口或机场的管制。

Coupled with these outbreaks there will be a very real possibility of food shortages. Even more importantly, there will very likely be shortages of quality foods containing all of the necessary levels of active and absorbable vitamins and minerals of the necessary types, and in the right or proportional quantities, to allow for the human body to properly and adequately nourish itself.

These shortfalls and omissions of some of the fundamental basic substances of various foods will prevent people's immune systems from operating at optimum levels, thus leaving them exposed to these new virulent types of diseases. This will leave literally hundreds of millions of people exposed to disease vectors through 2011-2012 onwards.

Technological access to other dimensions
Finally, Jake told us of research that had unlocked technology surrounding access to other dimensional states of existence.
最后,杰克告诉我们关于揭秘围绕“进入其他存在的空间/维度 状态”的技术的研究。他说:
“In these other alternate states of reality sometimes it turns out they can very briefly and spontaneously manifest, very occasionally quite naturally, here on Earth and in any other part of this universe. In very special circumstances, these can spontaneously manifest across not only this universe but indeed into alternative universal realities.”
“对于这些其他的现实的交替状态,结果有时候是可以暂时地、自然地、经常不定期地、很自然地(相互)显化,不管是在地球上或者是在这宇宙的其他地方(都会有这种情形出现)。在非常特殊的情况下,这些会自发地穿过(/跨越)不仅这个宇宙、甚至于交替的宇宙现实来显示(|显化出来)。 (参考多元宇宙、平行宇宙理论)

“There is a massive amount of research funding being applied to this very obscure part of the broad spectrum of the special access programs of the world’s budgetary allowance for these types of programs. These funds are managed and funneled from every imaginable area of the majority of the world’s countries through an amazing array of abstract instrumentalities and public funding projects.

“The research involved with this subject is at the top of the world’s power elite's priorities. This is why there are very selective sightings of some of the largest scientific programs, currently ongoing across the world.”

The geographical location (in three dimensions) is absolutely critical in some special cases. Jake wrote:
在某些特殊情况中,地理位置(在三维空间内)绝对是关键性的(决定性的) 。杰克写道:

“The Earth’s specific rotation is also of consideration and its relationship to the sun and the other planetary bodies contained within our solar system - especially the larger ones. There are very many localized effects experienced subtly, here on Earth in the course of a year, in relation to the specific location to other localized celestial bodies, apart
from our sun, contained within and without the heliosphere.”
“地球的旋光度(比旋度;specific rotation)也是考虑在内的,还包括它与太阳和其它太阳系的行星实体的关系——特别是大个头行星的。地球上有很多局限性效应在每一年期间精细巧妙地经历演化着,相对于其它狭小天体的特殊位置的(位置)关系-除我们的太阳之外(或译作:且不说太阳),(局限性效应)包含了日光层的内与外。”

On a larger scale, the position of our solar system in relation to our galaxy is also of vital importance. Jake's words again:
“Our galaxy’s position, speed and direction relative to several neighboring galaxies is also important. Beyond this is an understanding of a technology that not only allows for absolute universal travel and capitalization of the fantastic power that entails, but provides the ability to move or travel dimensionally.”   
“我们银河系相对于几个邻近星系的的位置、速度和方向也很重要。更超越这之外的,是对于一种技术的认知和理解,这种技术不仅允许绝对的宇宙(星际)旅行 和 必需的神奇力量的资本化,还可提供尺寸大小上的移位或旅行的(超)能力。”

Jake explained that this knowledge is essential to the next phase in 'Earth human' development...

“...if we Earth humans are ever to be freed from this particular part of existence and universal / multiversal constraints.”

Jake stated that as in every aspect of human history here on Earth, there have been supporters, detractors and outright enemies...

“...both on Earth and not from Earth. Nothing much has changed over all these eons of time. The play is still largely the same with all of the same motives and allegiances. The pursuit by some at the expense of the many seems to always end up to be the ultimate price, along with the loss of the Individual and Eternal Grand Self/ Soul/ Spirit, particularly when the individual sells out all that is sacred to the ongoing existence of our race.”                

魂/精神(或译作:身/心/灵)的亏损(遗失)一起,尤其是当个体出卖了所有对于人类种族生存前进来说 那些 神圣的东西(的时候) 。”

As Jake explained, some of these power elite's motives constituted
...a viable and sustainable level of a heavily manicured and vastly reduced human population, under the pretence of saving first the planet, and next the vast majority of all of the other diverse range of different species here on Earth.
Jake told us that it had been explained to him:

"You have to break a few eggs in order to create a really great meal. The Destroyer of Worlds [sic] brings with it the promise of massively renewed and clean prolific growth for yet another new direction in Earth Human evolution. Roaches will always be roaches. Someone’s got to keep them under control.”
(杰克引用别人的话:)“为了做一顿棒极了的饭,你必须打(破)几个鸡蛋。(类似地,)”世界的破坏者们”[原文如此: The Destroyer of Worlds]以他们的允诺(为借口)来破坏地球(物种),他们曾允诺了大量再度的(恢复性的)、干净多产的(物种/人口)成长和增长,以使地球人类进入进化的另一个新方向。蟑螂永远就是蟑螂。必须有人(站出来)将它们控制住。”
The quote reminded us of Henry Deacon's reported briefing in which he had been ordered to read The Report From Iron Mountain, and had been told: “There are the wolves and there are the sheep, and we are the wolves.”
这些 引用的话使我们想到了《亨利.迪肯的简报》(Henry Deacon's reported briefing),在这次访谈中,我们被要求读了《来自铁山(密歇根州)的报告》(The Report From Iron Mountain),并被告知说:“世界上有狼,也有羊,而我们 是羊。”

Jake said that what he had been told was highly disturbing to him, and stressed just how at odds he ultimately was
...with the paramount agenda of a significant element of the absolute power elite.

Jake’s strong personal ethics and morality always prevented him from receiving the rich benefits that he told us he knew could have been his. He told us he was
...happy to remain obscure while still contributing where appropriate to assist humankind in meaningful and positive ways.

魂/精神(或译作:身/心/灵)的亏损(遗失)一起,尤其是当个体出卖了所有对于人类种族生存前进来说 那些 神圣的东西(的时候) 。”

As Jake explained, some of these power elite's motives constituted
...a viable and sustainable level of a heavily manicured and vastly reduced human population, under the pretence of saving first the planet, and next the vast majority of all of the other diverse range of different species here on Earth.
Jake told us that it had been explained to him:

"You have to break a few eggs in order to create a really great meal. The Destroyer of Worlds [sic] brings with it the promise of massively renewed and clean prolific growth for yet another new direction in Earth Human evolution. Roaches will always be roaches. Someone’s got to keep them under control.”
(杰克引用别人的话:)“为了做一顿棒极了的饭,你必须打(破)几个鸡蛋。(类似地,)”世界的破坏者们”[原文如此: The Destroyer of Worlds]以他们的允诺(为借口)来破坏地球(物种),他们曾允诺了大量再度的(恢复性的)、干净多产的(物种/人口)成长和增长,以使地球人类进入进化的另一个新方向。蟑螂永远就是蟑螂。必须有人(站出来)将它们控制住。”
The quote reminded us of Henry Deacon's reported briefing in which he had been ordered to read The Report From Iron Mountain, and had been told: “There are the wolves and there are the sheep, and we are the wolves.”
这些 引用的话使我们想到了《亨利.迪肯的简报》(Henry Deacon's reported briefing),在这次访谈中,我们被要求读了《来自铁山(密歇根州)的报告》(The Report From Iron Mountain),并被告知说:“世界上有狼,也有羊,而我们 是羊。”

Jake said that what he had been told was highly disturbing to him, and stressed just how at odds he ultimately was
...with the paramount agenda of a significant element of the absolute power elite.

Jake’s strong personal ethics and morality always prevented him from receiving the rich benefits that he told us he knew could have been his. He told us he was
...happy to remain obscure while still contributing where appropriate to assist humankind in meaningful and positive ways.

魂/精神(或译作:身/心/灵)的亏损(遗失)一起,尤其是当个体出卖了所有对于人类种族生存前进来说 那些 神圣的东西(的时候) 。”

As Jake explained, some of these power elite's motives constituted
...a viable and sustainable level of a heavily manicured and vastly reduced human population, under the pretence of saving first the planet, and next the vast majority of all of the other diverse range of different species here on Earth.
Jake told us that it had been explained to him:

"You have to break a few eggs in order to create a really great meal. The Destroyer of Worlds [sic] brings with it the promise of massively renewed and clean prolific growth for yet another new direction in Earth Human evolution. Roaches will always be roaches. Someone’s got to keep them under control.”
(杰克引用别人的话:)“为了做一顿棒极了的饭,你必须打(破)几个鸡蛋。(类似地,)”世界的破坏者们”[原文如此: The Destroyer of Worlds]以他们的允诺(为借口)来破坏地球(物种),他们曾允诺了大量再度的(恢复性的)、干净多产的(物种/人口)成长和增长,以使地球人类进入进化的另一个新方向。蟑螂永远就是蟑螂。必须有人(站出来)将它们控制住。”
The quote reminded us of Henry Deacon's reported briefing in which he had been ordered to read The Report From Iron Mountain, and had been told: “There are the wolves and there are the sheep, and we are the wolves.”
这些 引用的话使我们想到了《亨利.迪肯的简报》(Henry Deacon's reported briefing),在这次访谈中,我们被要求读了《来自铁山(密歇根州)的报告》(The Report From Iron Mountain),并被告知说:“世界上有狼,也有羊,而我们 是羊。”

Jake said that what he had been told was highly disturbing to him, and stressed just how at odds he ultimately was
...with the paramount agenda of a significant element of the absolute power elite.

Jake’s strong personal ethics and morality always prevented him from receiving the rich benefits that he told us he knew could have been his. He told us he was
...happy to remain obscure while still contributing where appropriate to assist humankind in meaningful and positive ways.

魂/精神(或译作:身/心/灵)的亏损(遗失)一起,尤其是当个体出卖了所有对于人类种族生存前进来说 那些 神圣的东西(的时候) 。”

As Jake explained, some of these power elite's motives constituted
...a viable and sustainable level of a heavily manicured and vastly reduced human population, under the pretence of saving first the planet, and next the vast majority of all of the other diverse range of different species here on Earth.
Jake told us that it had been explained to him:

"You have to break a few eggs in order to create a really great meal. The Destroyer of Worlds [sic] brings with it the promise of massively renewed and clean prolific growth for yet another new direction in Earth Human evolution. Roaches will always be roaches. Someone’s got to keep them under control.”
(杰克引用别人的话:)“为了做一顿棒极了的饭,你必须打(破)几个鸡蛋。(类似地,)”世界的破坏者们”[原文如此: The Destroyer of Worlds]以他们的允诺(为借口)来破坏地球(物种),他们曾允诺了大量再度的(恢复性的)、干净多产的(物种/人口)成长和增长,以使地球人类进入进化的另一个新方向。蟑螂永远就是蟑螂。必须有人(站出来)将它们控制住。”
The quote reminded us of Henry Deacon's reported briefing in which he had been ordered to read The Report From Iron Mountain, and had been told: “There are the wolves and there are the sheep, and we are the wolves.”
这些 引用的话使我们想到了《亨利.迪肯的简报》(Henry Deacon's reported briefing),在这次访谈中,我们被要求读了《来自铁山(密歇根州)的报告》(The Report From Iron Mountain),并被告知说:“世界上有狼,也有羊,而我们 是羊。”

Jake said that what he had been told was highly disturbing to him, and stressed just how at odds he ultimately was
...with the paramount agenda of a significant element of the absolute power elite.

Jake’s strong personal ethics and morality always prevented him from receiving the rich benefits that he told us he knew could have been his. He told us he was
...happy to remain obscure while still contributing where appropriate to assist humankind in meaningful and positive ways.


We gained the impression that the power elite have largely left Jake alone. It was evident to us that he has an intimate knowledge of their culture and knows how to ensure his and his family's safety.   
我们得到的印象是,权力精英已经很大程度上使杰克孤立起来。我们明显能看得出来 杰克 精通着 他们(权力精英)的(内部)文化并且他(杰克)也懂得如何确保他和他的家人的安全。

We close here with this remarkable man's own words:
This suggests an even more powerful, off-world group or association that I may have a very special relationship with, that is lending a very discreet helping hand... where possible.       
   “   这暗示了(背后存在着)一个甚至更强大的、跨越世界(世界之外)的组织或联盟/协会,我(或许)与其有着一个非常特殊的关系;尽可能地,它(组织、联盟)非常谨慎地借给人们一支援助之手…”


We are hopeful that we might record a voice-disguised audio interview with Jake, and although this has been discussed it has not yet been arranged or agreed. We will post more information as soon as we can. 我们希望对杰克采访时可以记录到一个经过声音掩饰处理的音频,虽然这已经讨论过了,此举尚未经过安排或被同意。我们将尽快发布、张贴更多的信息。

We thank our friend here for his courage in providing this remarkable testimony. Kerry and I are as certain as we can be that this man is both well-informed and has the highest integrity.
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy
8 January 2009    


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