DarkAthena openGauss 2023-08-04 18:01 发表于四川
select to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') from dual; select to_char(0.1,'fm9990.00') from dual;
procedure proc1(p1 number,p2 varchar2,p3 out number); procedure proc1(p1 number,p2 varchar2);
而在openGauss中,支持在非package中重载存储过程,默认情况是只考虑存储过程名称以及入参的匹配,即上述两个同名存储过程由于都是有两个入参,且类型一致,会被识别为同一个存储过程,即不能重载。 不过,在openGauss中,有参数来控制是否支持重载
set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override';
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# show behavior_compat_options; behavior_compat_options ------------------------- (1 row) testdb=# create procedure test_outparam_1(p1 int,p2 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_1(p1 int,p2 out int)'; testdb$# end; testdb$# / CREATE PROCEDURE testdb=# create procedure test_outparam_1(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_1(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# end; testdb$# / ERROR: function "test_outparam_1" already exists with same argument types testdb=#
2.用create or replace procedure,会直接覆盖同名procedure
testdb=# create or replace procedure test_outparam_1(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_1(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# end; testdb$# / CREATE PROCEDURE testdb=# declare testdb-# x int; testdb-# begin testdb$# test_outparam_1(1,x); testdb$# end; testdb$# / ERROR: function "test_outparam_1" with 2 parameters doesn't exist CONTEXT: SQL statement "CALL test_outparam_1(1,x)" PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 4 at SQL statement testdb=# declare testdb-# x int; testdb-# y int; testdb-# begin testdb$# test_outparam_1(1,x,y); testdb$# end; testdb$# / NOTICE: this is test_outparam_1(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE testdb=#
testdb=# create or replace procedure test_outparam_1(p1 text,p2 out int,p3 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_1(p1 text,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# end; testdb$# / CREATE PROCEDURE testdb=# declare testdb-# x int; testdb-# y int; testdb-# begin testdb$# test_outparam_1(1,x,y); testdb$# end; testdb$# / NOTICE: this is test_outparam_1(p1 text,p2 out int,p3 out int) ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE testdb=# \df test_outparam_1 List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | fencedmode | propackage | prokind --------+-----------------+------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+------------+------------+--------- public | test_outparam_1 | record | p1 text, OUT p2 integer, OUT p3 integer | normal | f | f | p (1 row) testdb=#
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create function test_outparam_2(p1 int,p2 out int) return int is testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_2(p1 int,p2 out int)'; testdb$# return 1; testdb$# end; testdb$# / CREATE FUNCTION testdb=# create function test_outparam_2(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) return int is testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_2(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# return 1; testdb$# end; testdb$# / ERROR: function "test_outparam_2" already exists with same argument types testdb=#
2.用create or replace function ,会直接覆盖同名function
testdb=# create or replace function test_outparam_2(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) return int is testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_2(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# return 1; testdb$# end; testdb$# / CREATE FUNCTION testdb=# \df test_outparam_2 List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | fencedmode | propackage | prokind --------+-----------------+------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+------------+------------+--------- public | test_outparam_2 | integer | p1 integer, OUT p2 integer, OUT p3 integer | normal | f | f | f (1 row) testdb=#
testdb=# create or replace function test_outparam_2(p1 text,p2 out int,p3 out int) return int is testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_2(p1 text,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# return 1; testdb$# end; testdb$# / CREATE FUNCTION testdb=# \df test_outparam_2 List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | fencedmode | propackage | prokind --------+-----------------+------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+------------+------------+--------- public | test_outparam_2 | integer | p1 text, OUT p2 integer, OUT p3 integer | normal | f | f | f (1 row) testdb=#
testdb=# create function test_outparam_3(p1 int,p2 out int) returns int as $$ testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_3(p1 int,p2 out int)'; testdb$# return 1; testdb$# end;$$language plpgsql; CREATE FUNCTION testdb=# create function test_outparam_3(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) returns int as $$ testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_3(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# return 1; testdb$# end;$$language plpgsql; ERROR: function "test_outparam_3" already exists with same argument types testdb=#
2.用create or replace function ,会直接覆盖同名function
testdb=# create or replace function test_outparam_3(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) returns int as $$ testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_3(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# return 1; testdb$# end;$$language plpgsql; CREATE FUNCTION testdb=# \df test_outparam_3 List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | fencedmode | propackage | prokind --------+-----------------+------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+------------+------------+--------- public | test_outparam_3 | integer | p1 integer, OUT p2 integer, OUT p3 integer | normal | f | f | f (1 row) testdb=#
testdb=# create or replace function test_outparam_3(p1 text,p2 out int,p3 out int) returns int as $$ testdb$# begin testdb$# raise notice 'this is test_outparam_3(p1 text,p2 out int,p3 out int)'; testdb$# return 1; testdb$# end;$$language plpgsql; CREATE FUNCTION testdb=# \df test_outparam_3 List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | fencedmode | propackage | prokind --------+-----------------+------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+------------+------------+--------- public | test_outparam_3 | integer | p1 integer, OUT p2 integer, OUT p3 integer | normal | f | f | f public | test_outparam_3 | integer | p1 text, OUT p2 integer, OUT p3 integer | normal | f | f | f (2 rows) testdb=#
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create package test_outparam_4 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int); testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_4; testdb$# / ERROR: can not override out param:a LINE 2: procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int);
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override'; SET testdb=# create package test_outparam_4 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int); testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_4; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=#
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_4 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int); testdb$# procedure a(p1 text,p2 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_4; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# testdb=# create type int_table is table of int; CREATE TYPE testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_4 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int); testdb$# procedure a(p1 int_table,p2 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_4; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=#
openGauss=# create type test_ttyy as (a int,b int); CREATE TYPE openGauss=# create or replace package test_outparam_4 is openGauss$# procedure a(p1 test_ttyy,p2 out int); openGauss$# end test_outparam_4; openGauss$# / ERROR: "a" is already an attribute of type test_ttyy openGauss=#
5.特殊情况2,带inout的参数,在关闭重载选项时,只会判断in的参数个数,不会判断参数的数据类型,一个inout参数相当于一个in参数和一个out参数,下例两个procedure都只有一个in参数,因此创建报错;但打开重载选项后,可以创建成功,此时inout视为一个参数,判断重复的规则变成了 “存储过程名称+总参数个数+按相同顺序的参数inout类型+按相同顺序参数数据类型”
testdb=# create package test_out is testdb$# procedure p1(a date,b out text); testdb$# procedure p1(a inout int); testdb$# end test_out; testdb$# / ERROR: can not override out param:p1 LINE 2: procedure p1(a date,b out text); testdb=# set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override'; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_out is testdb$# procedure p1(a date,b out text); testdb$# procedure p1(a inout int); testdb$# end test_out; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package test_out is testdb$# procedure p1(a int,b out int); testdb$# procedure p1(a inout int); testdb$# end test_out; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package test_out is testdb$# procedure p1(a int,b out int); testdb$# procedure p1(a inout int,b out int); testdb$# end test_out; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_5 is testdb$# function f1(p1 int,p2 out int) return int; testdb$# function f1(p1 int,p2 out text) return int; testdb$# end test_outparam_5; testdb$# / ERROR: function declared duplicate: f1
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override'; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_5 is testdb$# function f1(p1 int,p2 out int) return int; testdb$# function f1(p1 int,p2 out text) return int; testdb$# end test_outparam_5; testdb$# / ERROR: "f1" functions with plpgsql language and out params are not supported Overloaded. DETAIL: N/A. testdb=#
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_5 is testdb$# function f1(p1 int,p2 out int) return int; testdb$# function f1(p1 text,p2 out int) return int; testdb$# end test_outparam_5; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=#
PLSQL block中使用
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override'; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int); testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# end; testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1*10; testdb$# p3:=p1*10; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# declare testdb-# x1 int:=1; testdb-# x2 int; testdb-# y1 int:=2; testdb-# y2 int; testdb-# y3 int; testdb-# begin testdb$# test_outparam_6.a(x1,x2); testdb$# test_outparam_6.a(y1,y2,y3); testdb$# raise notice '%,%',x1,x2; testdb$# raise notice '%,%,%',y1,y2,y3; testdb$# end; testdb$# / NOTICE: 1,1 NOTICE: 2,20,20 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE testdb=#
2.关闭选项,调用包内带出参的procedure (无重载的情况),可正常获取出参
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# declare testdb-# x1 int:=1; testdb-# x2 int; testdb-# begin testdb$# test_outparam_6.a(x1,x2); testdb$# raise notice '%,%',x1,x2; testdb$# end; testdb$# / NOTICE: 1,1 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE testdb=#
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override'; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_8 is testdb$# function a(p1 int,p2 out int) return int; testdb$# end test_outparam_8; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_8 is testdb$# function a(p1 int,p2 out int) return int is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# return p1+p2; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_8; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# declare testdb-# x1 int:=1; testdb-# x2 int; testdb-# r int; testdb-# begin testdb$# r:=test_outparam_8.a(x1,x2); testdb$# raise notice '%,%,%',x1,x2,r; testdb$# end; testdb$# / NOTICE: 1,1,2 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE testdb=#
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_8 is testdb$# function a(p1 int,p2 out int) return int; testdb$# end test_outparam_8; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_8 is testdb$# function a(p1 int,p2 out int) return int is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# return p1+p2; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_8; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# declare testdb-# x1 int:=1; testdb-# x2 int; testdb-# r int; testdb-# begin testdb$# r:=test_outparam_8.a(x1,x2); testdb$# raise notice '%,%,%',x1,x2,r; testdb$# end; testdb$# / NOTICE: 1,<NULL>,2 ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE testdb=#
1.关闭重载选项,使用select 方式调用package中的procedure,传参只能传in参数,不能传out参数(带默认值的in参数可以不传)
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# select test_outparam_6.a(1); a --- 1 (1 row) testdb=# select test_outparam_6.a(1,1); ERROR: function test_outparam_6.a(integer, integer) does not exist LINE 1: select test_outparam_6.a(1,1); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. CONTEXT: referenced column: a testdb=#
2.打开重载选项,使用select 方式调用package中的procedure,必须传满in和out参数,out参数只需要传对类型,值无实际意义(带默认值的in参数可以不传)
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override'; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# select test_outparam_6.a(1); ERROR: function test_outparam_6.a(integer) does not exist LINE 1: select test_outparam_6.a(1); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. CONTEXT: referenced column: a testdb=# select test_outparam_6.a(1,1); a --- 1 (1 row)
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int); testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_6 is testdb$# procedure a(p1 int,p2 out int,p3 out int) is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# p3:=p1*10; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_6; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# select * from test_outparam_6.a(1); p2 | p3 ----+---- 1 | 10 (1 row) testdb=# set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override';--打开重载 SET testdb=# select * from test_outparam_6.a(1); ERROR: function test_outparam_6.a(integer) does not exist LINE 1: select * from test_outparam_6.a(1); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. testdb=# select * from test_outparam_6.a(1,2,3); p2 | p3 ----+---- 1 | 10 (1 row) testdb=#
4.关闭重载选项,使用select 方式调用带出参的package内function
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options=''; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_8 is testdb$# function a(p1 int,p2 out int) return int; testdb$# end test_outparam_8; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_8 is testdb$# function a(p1 int,p2 out int) return int is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# return p1+p2; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_8; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# select test_outparam_8.a(1); a --- 2 (1 row) testdb=# select test_outparam_8.a(1,1); ERROR: function test_outparam_8.a(integer, integer) does not exist LINE 1: select test_outparam_8.a(1,1); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. CONTEXT: referenced column: a testdb=#
5.打开重载选项,使用select 方式调用带出参的package内function
testdb=# set behavior_compat_options='proc_outparam_override'; SET testdb=# create or replace package test_outparam_8 is testdb$# function a(p1 int,p2 out int) return int; testdb$# end test_outparam_8; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE testdb=# create or replace package body test_outparam_8 is testdb$# function a(p1 int,p2 out int) return int is testdb$# begin testdb$# p2:=p1; testdb$# return p1+p2; testdb$# end; testdb$# end test_outparam_8; testdb$# / CREATE PACKAGE BODY testdb=# select test_outparam_8.a(1); ERROR: function test_outparam_8.a(integer) does not exist LINE 1: select test_outparam_8.a(1); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. CONTEXT: referenced column: a testdb=# select test_outparam_8.a(1,1); a --- 2 (1 row) testdb=#
对于openGauss 一、以下两条不会由于重载选项的差异发生行为改变
1.使用ORACLE风格语法的procedure和function,创建规则和ORACLE一致,同名对象直接覆盖 2.使用PG风格的FUNCTION,支持入参不一致的重载创建;对于入参一致,仅出参有差异的,会直接覆盖(如果return类型变化,创建会报错)