W32.Downadup Removal Tool


1. U盘根目录下生成了一个antorun.inf,还有一个文件夹RECYCLER,病毒被放在I:RECYCLERS-5-3-42-2819952290-8240758988-879315005-3665jwgkvsq.vmx
2. autorun.inf和RECYCLER都可以手动删除,但重新拔插U盘,发现又有了 autorun.inf 和 RECYCLER 文件夹


1. 点击这里下载Symantec为这病毒研发的专杀工具,FixDownadup.exe;
2. 断掉网络,关闭全部程序;关闭系统还原;
3. 执行刚才下载的FixDownadup.exe;
4. 重启电脑;再执行FixDownadup.exe 以确保病毒完全清除;
5. 开启系统还原;链接网络;点击这里,寻找并安装微软系统安全补丁(KB958644)


P. S. 下面是原始的帖子的内容,懂英文的朋友可以自己看一下:

You have just to follow these instructions.

1. Download the FixDownadup.exe file from here
2. Save the file to a convenient location, such as your Windows desktop.

NOTE : If you are on a network or if you have a full-time connection to the Internet, disconnect the computer to the network or to the Internet connection.

3. Close all the running programs.
4. Turn off System Restore (this feature is not available in Windows 2000):

NOTE : Disabling System Restore will remove all your restore points. You can enable System Restore again after this procedure and create a new restore point.
- on Windows XP: right-click on My computer -> choose Properties -> go to System restore tab and check “Turn off System restore…”
- on Windows Vista: right-click on My computer and select Properties -> click on System protection then on the System protection tab -> uncheck all drives under “Available disks” -> press “Turn system restore off” when dialog appears

5. Locate the file that you just downloaded.
6. Double-click the FixDownadup.exe file to start the removal tool.
7. Click Start to begin the process, and then allow the tool to run.

NOTE: If you have any problems when you run the tool, or it does nor appear to remove the threat, restart the computer in Safe mode and run the tool again.

8. Restart the computer.
9. Run the removal tool again to ensure that the system is clean.
10. Reenable System Restore.
11. Install patch for the Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability by choosing your operating system.
12. Ensure that user accounts have strong passwords that are not in the list used by the worm.
13. If you are on a network or if you have a full-time connection to the Internet, reconnect the computer to the network or to the Internet connection.





Discovered: January 13, 2009
Type: Removal Information

This tool is designed to remove the infections of:

If you are on a network or have a full-time connection to the Internet, such as a DSL or cable modem, disconnect the computer from the network and Internet. Disable or password-protect file sharing, or set the shared files to Read Only, before reconnecting the computers to the network or to the Internet. Because this worm spreads by using shared folders on networked computers, to ensure that the worm does not reinfect the computer after it has been removed, Symantec suggests sharing with Read Only access or by using password protection.

For instructions on how to do this, refer to your Windows documentation, or the document: How to configure shared Windows folders for maximum network protection.

For further information on the vulnerability and patches to resolve it please refer to the following document:
Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

If you are removing an infection from a network, first make sure that all the shares are disabled or set to Read Only.

This tool is not designed to run on Novell NetWare servers. To remove this threat from a NetWare server, first make sure that you have the current virus definitions, and then run a full system scan with the Symantec antivirus product.

How to download and run the tool

Important: You must have administrative rights to run this tool on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.

Note for network administrators: If you are running MS Exchange 2000 Server, we recommend that you exclude the M drive from the scan by running the tool from a command line, with the Exclude switch. For more information, read the Microsoft knowledge base article: XADM: Do Not Back Up or Scan Exchange 2000 Drive M (Article 298924).

Follow these steps to download and run the tool:
Download the D.exe file from: http://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/global/removal_tool/threat_writeups/D.exe.
Save the file to a convenient location, such as your Windows desktop.
Optional: To check the authenticity of the digital signature, refer to the "Digital signature" section later in this writeup.

Note: If you are sure that you are downloading this tool from the Security Response Web site, you can skip this step. If you are not sure, or are a network administrator and need to authenticate the files before deployment, follow the steps in the "Digital signature" section before proceeding with step 4.

Close all the running programs.
If you are on a network or if you have a full-time connection to the Internet, disconnect the computer from the network and the Internet.
If you are running Windows Me or XP, turn off System Restore. For instructions on how to turn off System Restore, read your Windows documentation, or one of the following articles:

How to disable or enable Windows Me System Restore

How to turn off or turn on Windows XP System Restore

Locate the file that you just downloaded.
Double-click the D.exe file to start the removal tool.
Click Start to begin the process, and then allow the tool to run.

NOTE: If you have any problems when you run the tool, or it does nor appear to remove the threat, restart the computer in Safe mode and run the tool again.

Restart the computer.
Run the removal tool again to ensure that the system is clean.
If you are running Windows Me/XP, then reenable System Restore.
If you are on a network or if you have a full-time connection to the Internet, reconnect the computer to the network or to the Internet connection.
Run LiveUpdate to make sure that you are using the most current virus definitions.

When the tool has finished running, you will see a message indicating whether the threat has infected the computer. The tool displays results similar to the following:
Total number of the scanned files
Number of deleted files
Number of repaired files
Number of terminated viral processes
Number of fixed registry entries
What the tool does
The Removal Tool does the following:
Terminates the associated processes
Deletes the associated files
Deletes the registry values added by the threat
The following switches are designed for use by network administrators:
/HELP, /H, /?
Displays the help message.
Disables the registry repair (We do not recommend using this switch).
Enables the silent mode.
Creates a log file where [PATH NAME] is the location in which to store the tool's output. By default, this switch creates the log file, FixDwndp.log, in the same folder from which the removal tool was executed.
Scans the mapped network drives. (We do not recommend using this switch. See the following Note.)
Forces the tool to immediately start scanning.
Excludes the specified [PATH] from scanning. (We do not recommend using this switch. See the following Note.)
Disables the cancel feature of the removal tool.
Prevents the scanning of the file system.
Disables checking for unpatched files.

Important: Using the /MAPPED switch does not ensure the complete removal of the virus on the remote computer, because:
The scanning of mapped drives scans only the mapped folders. This may not include all the folders on the remote computer, which can lead to missed detections.
If a viral file is detected on the mapped drive, the removal will fail if a program on the remote computer uses this file.
Therefore, you should run the tool on every computer.

The /EXCLUDE switch will only work with one path, not multiple. An alternative is the /NOFILESCAN switch followed by a manual scan with AntiVirus. This will let the tool alter the registry. Then, scan the computer with AntiVirus with current virus definitions. With these steps, you should be able to clean the file system.

The following is an example command line that can be used to exclude a single drive:

"C:/Documents and Settings/user1/Desktop/D.exe" /EXCLUDE=M:/ /LOG=c:/FixDwndp.txt

Alternatively, the command line below will skip scanning the file system, but will repair the registry modifications. Then, run a regular scan of the system with proper exclusions:

"C:/Documents and Settings/user1/Desktop/D.exe" /NOFILESCAN /LOG=c:/FixDwndp.txt

Note: You can give the log file any name and save it to any location.

Digital signature
For security purposes, the removal tool is digitally signed. Symantec recommends that you use only copies of the removal tool that have been directly downloaded from the Symantec Security Response Web site.

If you are not sure, or are a network administrator and need to authenticate files before deployment, you should check the authenticity of the digital signature.

Follow these steps:
Go to http://www.wmsoftware.com/free.htm.
Download and save the Chktrust.exe file to the same folder in which you saved the removal tool.

Note: Most of the following steps are done at a command prompt. If you downloaded the removal tool to the Windows desktop, it will be easier if you first move the tool to the root of the C drive. Then save the Chktrust.exe file to the root of C as well.

(Step 3 to assume that both the removal tool and Chktrust.exe are in the root of the C drive.)

Click Start > Run.
Type one of the following:

Windows 95/98/Me:

Windows NT/2000/XP:

Click OK.
In the command window, type the following, pressing Enter after typing each line:

cd downloads
chktrust -i D.exe

You should see one of the following messages, depending on your operating system:

Windows XP SP2:
The Trust Validation Utility window will appear.

Under Publisher, click the Symantec Corporation link. The Digital Signature Details appears.
Verify the contents of the following fields to ensure that the tool is authentic:

Name: Symantec Corporation
Signing Time: 05/02/2009 08:25:37 AM

All other operating systems:
You should see the following message:

Do you want to install and run "D.exe" signed on May 2, 2009 8:25:37 AM and distributed by Symantec Corporation?

The date and time in the digital signature above are based on Pacific time. They will be adjusted your computer's time zone and Regional Options settings.

If you are using Daylight Saving time, the displayed time will be exactly one hour earlier.

If this dialog box does not appear, there are two possible reasons:

The tool is not from Symantec: Unless you are sure that the tool is legitimate and that you downloaded it from the legitimate Symantec Web site, you should not run it.

The tool is from Symantec and is legitimate: However, your operating system was previously instructed to always trust content from Symantec. For information on this and on how to view the confirmation dialog again, read the document: How to restore the Publisher Authenticity confirmation dialog box.

Click Yes or Run to close the dialog box.
Type exit, and then press Enter. (This will close the MS-DOS session.)

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电脑染上这个可恶的病毒很长时间了,一直懒得弄。主要是除了每次插U盘都会在U盘下生成隐藏的RECYCLER文件夹和autorun.inf之外,好像并没有危害过我别的东西。可每次拿我的U盘去别人电脑那里总被告知有毒,实在不爽,于是下决心干掉它! Google了一下,试了好几种办法都没有效果(有的方法还很麻烦),下了n个u盘杀毒程序也不都管用。最后在德国杀毒软件小红伞的官方论坛找到了解决办法(小红伞其实根本就对这个病毒毫无反应-_-!!!)。 废话少说,你先看看你中的毒是不是和我一样,一样的话按这个办法去解决,保证简单有效。 病毒描述: 1. U盘根目录下生成了一个antorun.inf,还有一个文件夹RECYCLER,病毒被放在I:RECYCLERS-5-3-42-2819952290-8240758988-879315005-3665jwgkvsq.vmx 2. autorun.inf和RECYCLER都可以手动删除,但重新拔插U盘,发现又有了 autorun.inf 和 RECYCLER 文件夹 解决办法: 1. 点击这里下载Symantec为这病毒研发的专杀工具,FixDownadup.exe; 2. 断掉网络,关闭全部程序;关闭系统还原; 3. 执行刚才下载的FixDownadup.exe; 4. 重启电脑;再执行FixDownadup.exe 以确保病毒完全清除; 5. 开启系统还原;链接网络;点击这里,寻找并安装微软系统安全补丁(KB958644) 6、打开【运行】对话框(Windows徽标键+R),输入CMD 7、输入cd /d G:\ 。其中G:\为我的存储卡 输入 md autorun.inf\免疫..\ 8、输入md RECYCLER\S-5-3-42-2819952290-8240758988-879315005-3665\jwgkvsq.vmx\免疫..\ 免疫成功,大功告成!有任何问题欢迎在此页CSDN留言。
build_w32.bat 闪退通常是由于一些常见问题引起的。以下是一些常见问题和解决方法: 1. 缺少必要的软件或库:在执行build_w32.bat之前,确保已安装所有必要的软件和库。这可能包括编译器、构建工具和其他依赖项。在闪退之前,你可以检查是否满足所有的先决条件,并进行必要的安装或更新。 2. 配置错误:检查build_w32.bat文件中的配置是否正确。可能存在错误的路径、输入参数或其他设置选项。确保所有的路径和设置都正确无误,并与你的系统环境相一致。 3. 内存不足:如果你的机器没有足够的内存来执行编译过程,那么build_w32.bat可能会闪退。尝试关闭其他的程序,释放一些内存资源,然后重新尝试运行build_w32.bat。 4. 病毒或恶意软件:有时,电脑中的病毒或恶意软件可能会干扰批处理文件的正常执行。运行一个杀毒软件,确保你的系统是安全的,然后再次尝试运行build_w32.bat。 5. 编译脚本错误:build_w32.bat文件本身可能存在语法错误或其他错误。检查文件内容,确保没有任何明显的错误。如果有必要,尝试使用其他工具或方法来构建你的项目。 总之,build_w32.bat闪退可能有多种原因,你可以根据上述的解决方法来逐一排查。如果问题仍然存在,你可能需要更多的细节或错误消息来帮助我们更好地理解问题,并提供更具体的解决方案。


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