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Hadoop: The Definitive Guide Tom White What’s New in the Fourth Edition? The fourth edition covers Hadoop 2 exclusively. The Hadoop 2 release series is the current active release series and contains the most stable versions of Hadoop. There are new chapters covering YARN (Chapter 4), Parquet (Chapter 13), Flume (Chapter 14), Crunch (Chapter 18), and Spark (Chapter 19). There’s also a new section to help readers navigate different pathways through the book (What’s in This Book?). This edition includes two new case studies (Chapters 22 and 23): one on how Hadoop is used in healthcare systems, and another on using Hadoop technologies for genomics data processing. Case studies from the previous editions can now be found online. Many corrections, updates, and improvements have been made to existing chapters to bring them up to date with the latest releases of Hadoop and its related projects.



C#于C++的差别 下表包含 C# 和本机 C++(它不使用 /clr)之间的重要比较信息。如果您是一位 C++ 程序员,此表将为您提供这两种语言的最重要差异。 1、继承:在 C++ 中,类和结构实际上是相同的,而在 C# 中,它们很不一样。C# 类可以实现任意数量的接口,但只能从一个基类继承。而且,C# 结构不支持继承,也不支持显式默认构造函数(默认情况下提供一个)。 2、数组:在 C++ 中,数组只是一个指针。在 C# 中,数组是包含方法和属性的对象。例如,可通过 Length 属性查询数组的大小。C# 数组还使用索引器(验证用于访问数组的各个索引)。声明 C# 数组的语法不同于声明 C++ 数组的语法:在 C# 中,“[]”标记出现在数组类型之后,而非变量之后。 。。。。。



CHM帮助文档 JScript Microsoft's powerful scripting language targeted specifically at the Internet. JScript version 5.6 is the next generation of Microsoft's implementation of the ECMA 262 language. VBScript Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition brings active scripting to a wide variety of environments, including Web client scripting in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Web server scripting in Microsoft Internet Information Services.



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