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原创 敏捷-《如何准备ACP考试》知识图谱

作为PMI-ACP的指导书籍,高屋建瓴的提炼了敏捷知识体系相关的概念,有助于入门者迅速进入角色,用较短的时间掌控敏捷知识。一.全书知识结构如下​:前言 PMI-ACP认证简介第1章 敏捷的理念第2章 价值驱动交付第3章 干系人管理第4章 打造高绩效团队第5章 适应性计划第6章 发现与解决问题第7章 持续改进第8章 敏捷的实践第9章 PMI-ACP答题技巧附录A ...

2019-04-28 21:06:07 2927

原创 敏捷-《敏捷项目管理与PMI-ACP应试指南》知识图谱

作为PMI-ACP的指导书籍,高屋建瓴的提炼了敏捷知识体系相关的概念,有助于入门者迅速进入角色,用较短的时间掌控敏捷知识。 全书知识结构如下​:第1章 理解敏捷第2章 关于PMI-ACP认证考试第3章 敏捷宣言和准则第4章 项目论证第5章 团队与团队协作第6章 敏捷计划第7章 应用敏捷第8章 敏捷教练第9章 敏捷方法论第10章 怎样通...

2019-04-22 21:50:13 1304

原创 TestOps-知识平台架构图

2018-09-09 20:09:49 1829

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-Difference between UAT and usability testing?

Difference between UAT and usability testing?

2020-09-10 16:48:39 221

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What is unit testing?

What is unit testing?

2020-09-10 16:48:02 220

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-Difference between alpha and beta testing?

Difference between alpha and beta testing?

2020-09-10 16:47:21 215

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-Difference between sanity and smoke testing?

Difference between sanity and smoke testing?

2020-09-10 16:46:28 141

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What is regression testing with an example?

What is regression testing with an example?

2020-09-10 16:45:49 143

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What is the difference between system, integration, and E2E testing?

What is the difference between system, integration, and E2E testing?

2020-09-10 16:41:53 109

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What are the different types of functional testing?

What are the different types of functional testing?

2020-09-10 16:40:55 160

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-How do you determine the priority and severity of a defect?

How do you determine the priority and severity of a defect?

2020-09-10 16:40:08 106

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-How do you log defects?

How do you log defects?

2020-09-10 16:39:11 126

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-How do you go about writing test conditions and cases for new functionality?

How do you go about writing test conditions and cases fornew functionality?

2020-09-10 16:38:09 92

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-Why do we need a separate test environment?

Why do we need a separate test environment?to be continued

2020-09-09 09:16:49 323

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What are the different environments in a software development team?

What are the different environments in a software development team?to be continued

2020-09-09 09:16:14 115

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-How would you go about testing a new requirement? What‘s the process?

How would you go about testing a new requirement? process?to be continued

2020-09-09 09:15:00 240

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What are the different layers in a app, how do they communicate with each other

What are the different layers in a software application, and how do they communicate with each other?to be continued

2020-09-09 09:14:10 128

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What is STLC?

What is STLC?Software Testing Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to a testing process which has specific steps to be executed in a definite sequence to ensure that the quality goals have been met. In the STLC process, each activity is carried out in a planned and

2020-09-09 09:11:19 137

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What is SDLC?

What is SDLC?The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to a methodology with clearly defined processes for creating high-quality software. in detail, the SDLC methodology focuses on the following phases of software development:Requirement analy

2020-09-09 09:10:48 150

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-How does software get developed?

How does software get developed?To get requirements from different roles, such asTop Management,Product Designer,Market Operator,Customer,Technical Member When requirements passed thefeasibility analysis will start to design When then design g...

2020-09-09 09:09:54 198

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-What is a cloud service?

What is a cloud service?Normally, we classify cloud service to private cloud service, public cloud service, and hybrid cloud service.Private cloud service: need to have a professional operations team not flexible incr...

2020-09-09 09:06:53 136

原创 Basic Test Knowledge-How does software get hosted?

How does software get hosted?Clients request a URL; CDN interpret URL and route to the nearest network; When request safety pass the 1st network, will get to the distribution layer such as nginx(whatever the public cloud or private cloud); The Ngin.

2020-09-09 09:05:11 111

原创 Basic Test Knowledge

MANUAL TESTING - BASICS AND TEST DESIGN -Week 1OutlineHow software gets built? [week 1]SDLC [week 1]Testing process [week 1]How to write test conditions and cases [week 1]Defect management [week 1]Different test types [week 1]Agile methodology [.

2020-09-08 15:51:32 209

转载 Python-centos7安装和使用python3虚拟环境virtualenv(转)

背景使用不同python版本开发python项目,或隔离多个项目之间的配置,可通过python虚拟环境virtualenv实现以上目的下载安装下载python3.6编译安装1 、建立一个soft 文件夹 用来存放下载文件mkdir soft环境准备yum install openssl-devel bzip2-devel expat-devel gdbm-devel rea...

2019-07-05 14:37:12 517

转载 Python-windows10安装和使用python3虚拟环境virtualenv(转)

环境信息 操作系统:windows10 python版本:3.6.3 安装下载安装python3.6.3 进入官网:https://www.python.org/downloads(windows) 选择:Windows x86-64 web-based installer Windows x86-64 web-based installer # 指的...

2019-07-05 14:12:35 1764

转载 Python-CentOS7安装Python3.7.0(转)

环境:虚拟机下的CentOS7,Python-3.7.0.tar.xz步骤:1,可选则安装Python之前更新yum,当然需要管理员权限,注意即可。简单起见,整个安装过程可以都采用管理员运行,在安装CentOS7的时候可能不同需求安装的初始包也不相同,比如有的安装了开发工具(Development Tools),有的没有安装,没有安装的可能需要手动安装一下。因为我们要安装的是3.7,3.7...

2019-07-05 11:05:50 580

转载 敏捷-细说敏捷建模思想与实践(转)

敏捷建模的价值观AM的价值观包括了XP的四个价值观:沟通、简单、反馈、勇气,此外,还扩展了第五个价值观:谦逊。 沟通. 建模不但能够促进你团队内部的开发人员之间沟通、还能够促进你的团队和你的project stakeholder之间的沟通。  简单. 画一两张图表来代替几十甚至几百行的代码,通过这种方法,建模成为简化软件和软件(开发)过程的关键。这一点对开发人员而言非常重要-它简单,容易发...

2019-04-07 22:14:15 1200

转载 敏捷-细说产品路线图(转)


2019-04-06 19:07:17 3587

转载 敏捷-年金、净现值NPV、IRR、现值PV、终值FV、EAR概念与案例(转)


2019-04-06 13:14:13 5691

转载 Shell-编写登录界面系统的实例(转)

//login.sh#!/bin/sh #FileName:login.sh #Function:一个简单的登陆系统 #Version:V0.1 #Author:Sunrier #Date:2012-07-20 if["root"!="$LOGNA...

2019-03-16 01:06:00 1185

转载 Jmeter-监控插件使用(转)


2019-03-16 01:04:09 150

转载 Jmeter-分布式部署实例


2019-03-16 01:02:50 197

转载 Zabbix-mysql性能监控

今天来看看zabbix如何监控mysql性能,这边使用mysql自带的模板,可以监控如下内容:OPS(增删改查)、mysql请求流量带宽,mysql响应流量带宽,最后会附上相应的监控图!编写check_mysql.sh脚本用于获取mysql性能指标数据,你需要修改相应的数据库信息 1 # vim /usr/local/zabbix-2.4.4/scri...

2019-03-16 01:01:48 442

转载 Jmeter-Jenkins+Jmeter+Ant自动化环境搭建及报告生成(转)


2019-03-16 00:58:22 474

转载 Shell-实现多级菜单(转)

演示效果:1、一级菜单2、二级菜单3、执行操作脚本参考:复制代码代码如下:#!/bin/bash#author lic(oldboy linux student)#date 1304DISK_NO="/dev/sda1"NGINX_DIR="/usr/local/tdoa/nginx/sbin/nginx"MYSQL_DIR="/usr/loc...

2019-03-16 00:56:16 1583

转载 Excel-利用函数获取工作表标签名称(转)

方法一  常规方法 cell函数  也可以这样取得工作表名,在任一单元格输入:=RIGHT(CELL("filename"),LEN(CELL("filename"))-FIND("]",CELL("filename")))方法二  取工作表名及路径=CELL("filename",$A$1)取工作簿及表名=MID(CELL("filename",$A$1),FIND(&

2019-03-16 00:53:13 13992

转载 Excel-利用自定义函数获取所有工作表名(转)


2019-03-16 00:51:30 1369

转载 Excel-编写项目甘特图(转)


2019-03-16 00:48:09 825

转载 Centos-添加历史操作ip追踪(转)

1、firewalld的基本使用启动: systemctl start firewalld关闭: systemctl stop firewalld查看状态: systemctl status firewalld开机禁用 : systemctl disable firewalld开机启用 :systemctl enable firewalld2.syste...

2019-03-16 00:45:22 577

转载 Appium-iOS定位方式iOSNsPredicate详解(转)


2019-03-16 00:42:23 382



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