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原创 User roles identify

Its important to identify user roles before writing user storiesSystem Roles isnt important since it will not disturb functionalityRefinement 

2011-06-04 15:10:00 183


KOMODO IDE a useful tool for script


The Enterprise and Scrum

From a leader in the agile process movement, learn best practices for moving agile development with Scrum from the skunk works (small team) to the shop floor (the enterprise). Managers get case studies and practical guidance for managing the change processes for applying Scrum in the enterprise.


Scrum in Action: Agile Software Project Management and Development

Andrew Pham’s book is an answer to the prayers of newbies to Agile/Scrum. Right from assessment techniques for your project/enterprise for agility, to guidance on implementing it—he has included, not only theoretical aspect, but also human and practical aspects. Simply put, for all the impediments he and his team faced over years he has put together a learning guide and answered for us most of the questions which we might face to start with Agile transformation. A great tool for any team trying to explore the Agile path!


97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

Programers have a lot on their minds . Programming languages, programming techniques, development environments, coding style, tools, development process, deadlines, meetings, software architecture, design patterns, team dynamics, code, requirements, bugs, code quality. And more. A lot. There is an art, craft, and science to programming that extends far beyond the program. The act of programming marries the discrete world of computers with the fluid world of human affairs. Programmers mediate between the negotiated and uncertain truths of business and the crisp, uncompromising domain of bits and bytes and higher constructed types. With so much to know, so much to do, and so many ways of doing so, no single person or single source can lay claim to “the one true way.” Instead, 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know draws on the wisdom of crowds and the voices of experience to offer not so much a coordinated big picture as a crowdsourced mosaic of what every programmer should know. This ranges from code-focused advice to culture, from algorithm usage to agile thinking, from implementation know-how to professionalism, from style to substance. The contributions do not dovetail like modular parts, and there is no intent that they should—if anything, the opposite is true. The value of each contribution comes from its distinctiveness. The value of the collection lies in how the contributions complement, confirm, and even contradict one another. There is no overarching narrative: it is for you to respond to, reflect on, and connect together what you read, weighing it against your own context, knowledge, and experience.





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Product Description The Software Insider’s Guide to Getting Hired and Getting to the Top! Here’s all the information you need to jumpstart your software career: the best ways to get hired, move up, and blaze your way to the top! The software business has radically changed, and this book reveals today’s realities–everything your professors and corporate managers never told you. In his 20 years at IBM as a software architect, senior manager, and lead programmer, Sam Lightstone has briefed dozens of leading companies and universities on careers, new technology, and emerging areas of research. He currently works on one of the world’s largest software development teams and spends a good part of his time recruiting and mentoring software engineers. This book shares all the lessons for success Sam has learned…plus powerful insights from 17 of the industry’s biggest stars. Want to make it big in software? Start right here! Discover how to • Get your next job in software development • Master the nontechnical skills crucial to your success • “Work the org” to move up rapidly • Successfully manage your time, projects, and life • Avoid “killer” mistakes that could destroy your career • Move up to “medium-shot,” “big-shot,” and finally, “visionary


Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks

The book arises from the conviction that it is necessary to re-think the basic philosophy governing the electricity distribution systems. In the authors’ opinion there is a need to exploit fully the potential advantages of renewable energy sources, distributed generation, energy storage and other fa









C# 3.0 contains several new features that enable LINQ. One of the main goals of this new edition of the book is to lay out these features in detail. Explaining LINQ and the technologies that enable it is no easy task, and Mark has rallied all his formidable skills as a writer and teacher to lay out this technology for the reader in terms that are clear and easy to understand. All the key technologies that you need to know if you want to under- stand LINQ are carefully explained in this text. These include:


Apress Expert F#(Take functional programming to the next level )

According to Wikipedia, “Scientists include theoreticians who mainly develop new models to explain existing data and experimentalists who mainly test models by making measurements— though in practice the division between these activities is not clear-cut, and many scientists perform both.” The domain-specific language that many scientists use to define their models is mathematics, and since the early days of computing science, the holy grail has been to close the semantic gap between scientific models and executable code as much as possible. It is becoming increasingly clear that all scientists are practicing applied mathematics, and some scientists, such as theoretical physicists, are behaviorally indistinguishable from pure mathematicians. The more we can make programming look like mathematics, the more helpful we make it to scientists and engineer


REAL-TIME SYSTEMS Formal Specification and Automatic Verification

Computers are used more and more to provide high-quality and reliable products and services, and to control and optimise production processes. Such computers are often embedded into the products and thus hidden to the human user. Examples are computer-controlled washing machines or gas burners, electronic control units in cars needed for operating airbags and braking systems, signalling systems for high-speed trains, or robots and automatic transport vehicles in industrial production lines


UML for Mere Mortals

Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (November 5, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 0321246241 ISBN-13: 978-0321246240 Format: CHM Description: Need to get results with UML... without unnecessary complexity or mind-numbing jargon? You need UML for Mere Mortals™. This easy-to-read introduction is perfect for technical professionals and business stakeholders alike: anyone who needs to create, understand, or review UML models, without becoming a hard-core modeler.


Functional Programming for the Real World: With Examples in F sharp and C sharp

Paperback: 500 pages Publisher: Manning Publications (October 28, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 1933988924 ISBN-13: 978-1933988924 Format: PDF Description: Functional programming languages like F#, Erlang, and Scala are attracting attention as an efficient way to handle the new requirements for programming multi-processor and high-availability applications. Microsoft"s new F# is a true functional language and C# uses functional language features for LINQ and other recent advances. Real World Functional Programming is a unique tutorial that explores the functional programming model through the F# and C# languages. The clearly presented ideas and examples teach readers how functional programming differs from other approaches. It explains how ideas look in F#-a functional language-as well as how they can be successfully used to solve programming problems in C#. Readers build on what they know about .NET and learn where a functional approach makes the most sense and how to apply it effectively in those cases. The reader should have a good working knowledge of C#. No prior exposure to F# or functional programming is required.


Addison Wesley How To Run Successful Projects III The Silver.chm

How to manage the successful project Addison Wesley How To Run Successful Projects III The Silver.chm


10 Minute Guide To Investing In Stocks

10 Minute Guide To Investing In Stocks



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