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原创 Knowledge Conclusion - PART III: Entity framework & SQL Server

Knowledge Conclusion - PART III: Entity framework & SQL Server

2012-03-06 17:02:57 2681

原创 How to delete duplicate rows without children in sql server

/*************written by Jiangong SUN**************/I will introduce you how to delete unecessary duplicate rows in a parent table.There are two tables:1) Table DBO_Dealers, which is

2012-02-22 22:51:32 9588

原创 Generate sql script using sql server publishing wizard

/*by Jiangong SUN*/Here i want to introduce how to generate sql sripts of database and there are several steps.1) find out the publishing wizard pathIt's here : "$windows$\Program Files\Mi

2012-01-25 17:53:47 773

原创 More about using regular expression in notepad++

/*by Jiangong SUN*/I've written a blog in introducing regular expressions in notepad++, but it's kind of simple.SEEYou can type "Ctrl + r" at the same time for advanced use in notepad++.

2012-01-19 16:25:01 1527

原创 Knowledge Conclusion - PART I: ASP.NET

Knowledge Conclusion - PART I: ASP.NET

2012-01-16 02:21:55 803

原创 Let operator in linqtoentities

/*by Jiangong SUN*/Here I want to introduce "Let" operator in entity framework.Let operator can define a variable in your linq query and then use it in your query.For example : activit

2012-01-13 18:35:31 610

原创 Alternative solution for using IF condition with Eval in C# Repeater

/*by Jiangong SUN*/I have encountered the problem when i want to use IF condition for Eval in C# repeater a few days ago.The actuality is I can not use IF clause for Eval in a repeater. A solu

2012-01-04 17:42:34 979

原创 Create stored procedure and integrate it into linq to entities

/*by Jiangong SUN*/Here I create a stored procedure for searching dealers in my database, it can receive several parameters.USE DATABASENAME;GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER O

2012-01-04 04:59:09 1260


/*By Jiangong SUN*/This problem occurs when we calculate the offset for hidden div in ajax in our project. It's produced in IE 7.Here is the solution : In jquery.1.4.2.js,replace :

2011-12-15 05:02:08 1147

原创 Compare javascript strings with  

/*By Jiangong SUN*/Today I wanted to compare two string in javascript, they both have the same values but they are not equal when i compare them.Here is my html code:36-&-n-b-s-p-;759

2011-12-10 05:28:58 1063

原创 Some points about postback and multi-language drop down list

/*By Jiangong SUN*/Cultures.ascx.cs:public partial class Cultures : System.Web.UI.UserControl { public string SelectedCultureCode { get { return ddlCultures.SelectedValue

2011-11-29 16:57:34 749

原创 Introduction to CookieManager

/*By Jiangong SUN*/CookieManager.cs:public static class CookiesManager { public static string SelectedCulture { get { return GetCookieVar(ECookieKeys.SelectedCulture);

2011-11-29 01:03:59 759

原创 Sort a List using comparer

/*By Jiangong SUN*/Today is thanks giving day! LOL :)Firstly we have a list : List FeaturesList = new List();foreach (var feature in Model.Features) { for (int c = 0; c <

2011-11-24 21:58:40 903

原创 How to implement double currency

/*By Jiangong SUN*/The principe is get the two price at the same place and switch one to another depending on what you want to display.You can implement it by using ajax and javascript in

2011-11-16 21:43:01 763

原创 IIS configuration with support of multiple domain urls

IIS configuration with support of multiple domain urls

2011-11-08 05:46:52 887

原创 Read XML file easily with LINQ to XML

/*By Jiangong SUN*/How to read XML file easily?1. You can get your stream with a given url. private string GetStreamString(string url) { try {

2011-10-27 22:27:00 937

原创 Create Virtual Host in IIS 7

/*By Jiangong SUN*/1. Add your ideal host name in your local machineGO to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etcModify your "hosts" file as administrator Add your mapping line with your virtual

2011-10-27 21:56:58 1045

原创 Error 11011: Association End key property 'xxx' is not mapped

/*By Jiangong SUN*/This error probably occurs when you modify your tables and their relationships with other tables in your data model.  I've seen this error several times today when i update my

2011-09-28 22:48:11 1566

原创 Data Transfer Object (DTO)

/*By Jiangong SUN*/DTO pattern is used to "transfer data" using objectsDTO vs. VO(Value Objects)Value Object must be immutable, serializable and it’s content must be publicly accessi

2011-09-13 22:32:59 1019

原创 ASP.NET access modifiers

/*By Jiangong SUN*/publicThe type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same assembly or another assembly that references it. It is accessible for all.privateThe

2011-09-13 16:51:45 804

原创 Introduction to SVN(subversion)

/*By Jiangong SUN*/SVN (Subversion)Orgnization: - trunk- branches- tagsTrunk would be the main body of development, originating from the the start of the project until the pr

2011-09-13 16:30:33 667

原创 ASP.NET forms authentication

/*By Jiangong SUN*/To implement a form authentication, you need add the following code in web.config: enableCrossAppRedirects means authenticated users in this app

2011-09-07 00:01:57 815

原创 Browser cache problem(IE) for displaying new uploaded image with same name

/*By Jiangong SUN*/In images management page of my back office, all the uploaded images are displayed in it.But when i upload a new image with the same name for a existing image, the new uploaded

2011-09-06 22:29:58 843

原创 Use regular expression in notepad++

/*By Jiangong SUN*/Notepad++ is a good tool to use in daily work. It has strong fonctionalities. Here i want to introduce the usage of notepad++ in my work.1)  Replace the rest of the line

2011-09-01 23:38:46 1467

原创 ASP.NET程序向Event Viewer写入Event Log

/*By Jiangong SUN*/在web.config中的appsettings中写入在项目中global.asax中protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e){ Log.Configure(Settings.EventSource, Settings.EventLo

2011-09-01 23:20:46 1644

原创 SQL Server使用触发器删除重复的列(Delete duplicate rows using cursor in SQL Server)

/*By Jiangong SUN*/这里我使用的是cursor 加上top函数来删除重复的列的。先建立一个表格Create table employees(code nvarchar(20) Primary key, value nvarchar(200), description nvarchar(1000));插入数据Insert into e

2011-08-30 03:11:19 1210

原创 DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(DateFormat) 时间格式化问题

/*By Jiangong SUN*/正确代码如下:string DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm";string[] s = DateFormat.Split(' ');string d1 = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(s[0], System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.Invar

2011-08-26 23:34:25 3954

翻译 Introduction to IIS 7 Architecture

IntroductionInternet Information Services (IIS) 7 provides a new request-processing architecture that includes:A new service, Window

2011-08-19 03:09:06 1561

转载 ASP.NET Internals – IIS and the Process Model (IIS5, IIS6)

IntroductionMicrosoft Active Server Pages, also known as ASP, since its first release in late 1996 provided web developers with a rich

2011-08-19 02:50:40 1314

转载 Interview Questions for ASP.NET Part - 1

Dot Net - Asp.Net1 . Describe the role of inetinfo.exe, aspnet_isapi.dll andaspnet_wp.exe in the page loading process.inetinfo.exe i

2011-08-17 18:20:05 1164

原创 IIS服务器下ASP程序的配置问题-URL Rewriting && Multiple Site ID

/*By Jiangong SUN*/两个IIS服务器下ASP程序的配置问题1,错误:This collection already contains an address with scheme http.  There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection.分析:这时你的IIS服务器可能为一个ASP.N

2011-08-03 23:39:17 1489

原创 如何获得div的child

/******************************by Jiangong SUN****************************/见图下所示:

2011-05-04 19:52:00 887

原创 C#中压缩工具整理之二 : SharpZipLib

/***************By Jiangong SUN*****************//***************by garcon1986*****************/2, SharpZipLib 继续上一篇文章,这里列出两个解压zip文件的实例。PS: 所列出的所有代码都已验证可用//extract single fileusing (var fs =

2010-11-04 23:24:00 980

原创 C#中压缩工具整理之一 : DotNetZipLib

/****************by Jiangong SUN***************/整整两天半天的工作让我对在C#中的两个优质的压缩解压缩工具DotNetZipLib和SharpZipLib有了比较不错的了解. 1, DotNetZipLib//解压zip中指定的多个文件private static void Extract(){ var path = C

2010-11-04 22:46:00 2322

转载 VS 2008快捷键总结

代码调试:Ctrl+D,B: 断点窗口Ctrl+D,I: 即时窗口F9:断点F10:逐过程F11:逐语句F5:启动调试F6:生成解决方案  大纲Ctrl+M,O折叠所有大纲Ctrl+M,P: 停止大纲显示Ctrl+M,M: 隐藏或展开当前嵌套的折叠状态Ctrl+M,L: 将所有过程设置为相同的隐藏或

2010-11-02 06:25:00 653

转载 ASP.NET 2.0页面生存周期

<br />

2010-10-27 05:35:00 522

原创 ASP第一天

/**************by Jiangong SUN*****************/ 技术:- SQL Server 2005 SP4 (Version 9.005057)- ASP.NET, C#- Entity framework / LINQ- WCF- SVN (ANKHSVN & TortoiseSVN)新的概念:- ASP (Acti

2010-10-27 05:30:00 758

转载 设置Visual Studio 2008 command prompt

<br /><br />What I wanted in Studio<br /><br /><br />  <br />Steps:Open Visual StudioGo To "Menubar -->  Tools -->  External Tools"<br />Click "Add"<br /><br />Enter Information:<br /><br />Title: Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt<br />Command: cmd

2010-10-20 03:31:00 5290 1

原创 配置Zend framework环境

/***********by garcon1986********/配置Zend Framework1. PHP 5.2.0以上才可以运行ZF2. PHP需要开启PDO和PDO相关数据库引擎来运行ZF打开php.ini文件,去掉extension=php_pdo.dll之前的;或者直接在WAMP中开启PDO模块和PDO_mysql模块3. APACHE需要开启rewrite模块打开httpd.conf文件开启rewrite_module模块并开启.htaccess目录识别Al

2010-10-13 06:11:00 760

原创 如何让jquery datepicker 在同一页面使用多次

原理:script:    $(function(){        $('#my_date1').datepicker();        $('#my_date2').datepicker();        $('#my_date3').datepicker();        ...    });html:我的代码:

2010-10-13 04:13:00 2331

wcf service sample code for c#

a simple wcf service for c# developers


Unit Test Sample Code

a demostration for unit test in c#


JavaScript DOM 编程艺术(含源码)

英文原版DOM Scripting Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model,语言通俗易懂,适合dom和javascript初学者。


Excel VBA 开发技巧 800例

Excel VBA 开发技巧 800例。 一共有20章,下载的不是最全,缺一章,但经过我计算,一共有将近1100的例子。 非常好的资源,和大家共享!!


jquery reference guide 英文原版

jquery 参考指南。详细的jquery方法使用指南。包括dom操作,event方法,ajax方法等。


PHP Programming with PEAR XML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs

PHP Programming with PEAR XML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs 推荐!!!!


PHP and Smarty on Large-Scale Web Development

PHP and Smarty on Large-Scale Web Development PHP Smarty 开发


Core PHP Programming, Third Edition

Core PHP Programming, Third Editionchm 核心php编程,第三版。


Beginning Javascript with DOM Scripting and Ajax (From Novice to Professional)

Beginning Javascript with DOM Scripting and Ajax (From Novice to Professional) Javascript DOM和Ajax编程,从新手到专家!! 推荐!!!


Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional, Third Edition PDF

Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional, Third Edition PDF PHP,mysql从新手到专家,第三版。 推荐!!!


Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 From Novice to Professional, Second Edition

Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 From Novice to Professional, Second Edition.pdf php从新手到专家,第二版。推荐!


Advanced PHP for Web Professionals 2002

Advanced PHP for Web Professionals 高级php编程指导


php manual 英文版 2009年3月

php manual 英文版 2009年3月27日。 很不错的资料。可离线学习。


10dayphp rar版本

10dayphp rar版本, 给初学者一个基础的框架知识。


大话设计模式 之 小菜编程成长记

伍迷戏说面向对象程序设计 C#版 大话设计模式 之 小菜编程成长记


PHPfor Dummies, 2nd Edition 英文版

PHP for Dummies, 2nd Edition 英文版 初学者的不错选择。



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Windows 错误代码表查询

Windows 错误代码表查询 实用的错误查询工具。



EXCEL.2007.MACROS.MADE.EASY.Oct.2008 VBA学习的经典书籍,与大家共勉!!



正则表达式30分钟入门教程。 版本:v2.31 (2009-4-11) 作者:deerchao


Thinking in java 3rd edition 中文版

Thinking in java 3rd edition 中文版。 共16章,950页。



High.Performance.Web.Sites.Sep.2007 高性能的网站


Pro. PHP Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

OOP PHP,模式,框架,测试。 Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More,OOP PHP5



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