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OTN 光网络技术介绍,主要包括OTN基本原理和交换机制介绍





Traffic Grooming for Optical Networks_Foundations, Techniques and Frontiers (Optical Networks)

Traffic Grooming for Optical Networks_Foundations, Techniques and Frontiers (Optical Networks)






1 Biologically Inspired Networking 1 Kenji Leibnitz, Naoki Wakamiya and Masayuki Murata 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Principles of Biologically Inspired Networking 2 1.3 Swarm Intelligence 9 1.4 Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems 14 1.5 Conclusion 19 References 19 2 The Role of Autonomic Networking in Cognitive Networks 23 John Strassner 2.1 Introduction and Background 23 2.2 Foundations of Autonomic Computing 24 2.3 Advances in Autonomic Computing – Autonomic Networking 26 2.4 The FOCALE Architecture 34 2.5 Application to Wired and Wireless Cognitive Networks 44 2.6 Challenges and Future Developments 48 2.7 Conclusions 50 Glossary 50 References 51 3 Adaptive Networks 53 Jun Lu, Yi Pan, Ryota Egashira, Keita Fujii, Ariffin Yahaya and Tatsuya Suda 3.1 Introduction 53 3.2 Dynamic Factors 54 3.3 Network Functions 55 3.4 Representative Adaptation Techniques 59 3.5 Discussion 73 viii Contents 3.6 Conclusion 74 References 74 4 Self-Managing Networks 77 Raouf Boutaba and Jin Xiao 4.1 Introduction: Concepts and Challenges 77 4.2 The Vision and Challenges of Self-Management 78 4.3 Theories for Designing Self-Managing Networks 81 4.4 Self-Management Intelligence: To Know and to Act 83 4.5 Self-Management Advances in Specific Problem Domains 86 4.6 Benchmarking and Validation 90 4.7 Self-Stabilization 91 4.8 Conclusion 92 References 93 5 Machine Learning for Cognitive Networks: Technology Assessment and Research Challenges 97 Thomas G. Dietterich and Pat Langley 5.1 Introduction 97 5.2 Problem Formulations in Machine Learning 99 5.3 Tasks in Cognitive Networking 105 5.4 Open Issues and Research Challenges 113 5.5 Challenges in Methodology and Evaluation 116 5.6 Summary 117 Acknowledgements 118 References 118 6 Cross-Layer Design and Optimization in Wireless Networks 121 Vineet Srivastava and Mehul Motani 6.1 Introduction 121 6.2 Understanding Cross-Layer Design 123 6.3 General Motivations for Cross-Layer Design 124 6.4 A Taxonomy of Cross-Layer Design Proposals 129 6.5 Proposals for


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