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原创 POJ 1179 Interval DP

https://vjudge.net/problem/POJ-1179You should not only DP the Maxbut also DP the minAnd using the double lengththe time will from the n^4 reduce to the n^3Code of AC:#include<iostream>using nam...

2018-05-31 22:33:09 199

原创 BZOJ 3527 FFT

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=3527A easy problem of FFTYou just have a try and do a MultiThe you will find secret of this problemCode of AC:#include<bits/stdc++.h>using names...

2018-05-31 21:28:57 195

原创 BZOJ 2179 FFT

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=2179 Two Biginteger to MultiplicationUsing the FFT to reduce the time of running时隔半年了当时第二轮选拔赛时的题当时还不会FFT然后偷懒耍赖皮使用了Java后来发现WildCow学长当时的题没有卡 square n 入坑半...

2018-05-30 21:48:34 209

原创 NowCoder HNU Competition J

https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/125/JA combinatorics problem我发现有些东西我英语表达不出来无法达到抒发感情的目的所以以后还是写点汉语吧这题蛮简单的不知道为什么过的人这么少(这话听起来有点装逼(大雾)母函数的思想运用乘法运算乘两个前缀和好好加油争取明年蓝桥杯水个国二诶?不对可能我会卡在省赛因为我不会写暴力,哈哈哈(大雾)Code ...

2018-05-30 20:33:15 136

原创 BZOJ 2697 Watery Problem

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=2697A Watery ProblemJust using the Greedy Algorithm to solve itcode of AC:#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int A[2000];int main(){ ...

2018-05-30 16:29:29 102

原创 HDU 3966 Heavy Light Decomposition

https://vjudge.net/problem/HDU-3966The bare problem of the heavy light decompositionBut it is my first HLDAn amazing DataStructureCode of AC:#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const in...

2018-05-28 22:11:38 259

原创 BZOJ 3339&3585 Persistent Segment Tree

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=3339https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=3585An amazing algorithmYou should record the rightest appear in the arrowAnd using the Segment Tr...

2018-05-25 23:15:51 209

原创 Codeforce 559C DP

The Dynamic Programming is extensive and profound!This problem you should think from the black cellsCode of AC:#include<bits/stdc++.h>#define x first#define y secondusing namespace std;typed...

2018-05-21 14:31:05 180

原创 BZOJ 1613 DP

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=1613One Y! beautiful Z ZA easy problem by DPyou should record the time and fatigue and the statusand DP one by one is just OK!code of AC:#include<bi...

2018-05-19 08:39:18 229

原创 BZOJ 1861 SplayTree

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=1861A simple problem in SplayMay I write the Splay it will take me almost two hourscode of AC:#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const ...

2018-05-16 16:51:20 192

原创 BZOJ 1552 SpalyTree

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=1552I just want to fuckThis problem has take me almost two afternoonsIt's my second time to write the Splayan amazing Data structureBut it's too diffic...

2018-05-15 19:03:17 206

原创 POJ 2226 Kőnig's Theorem

http://poj.org/problem?id=2226The problem is same as the minimum vertex cover bipartite graph problema cell is covered by the row or the column or bothso you can build the graph by the continuous row ...

2018-05-15 15:22:39 245

原创 POJ 1325 Kőnig's Theorem

http://poj.org/problem?id=1325The minimum vertex cover bipartite graphAccording to the Kőnig's theoremThe problem is same 

2018-05-15 14:31:25 221

原创 BZOJ 3223 SplayTree

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=3223this is the first time I get in touch with the SplayTreeAn miraculous Data StructureFor this problemyou should use the rotateto make the intervals ...

2018-05-13 21:53:08 147


http://codeforces.com/contest/978I came to water the DIV3the first time AK in codeforcesthe problems is waterybut because the velocity of my hand is too slowand WA easilyso the rank is not so good

2018-05-13 18:47:17 863

原创 HDU3791 BST

https://vjudge.net/problem/HDU-3791#This is the first the time I write the Binary Search Tree by my selfI use the dfs to judge weather the two tree are sameand another methord if the pruferThe code of...

2018-05-13 09:38:10 125

原创 NewCoder Wannafly 15 C Thinking Problem

https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/112/CNot too difficultWe can use the recursion to solve itThe code of AC#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef unsigned long long ll;ll solve(...

2018-05-11 22:14:14 94

原创 BZOJ 1059 Hungarian Algorithm

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=1059The provincial competition we didn't solve this problemIt's a pityThe problem is just the maximum matching of bipartite graphThe Wildcow mentor sai...

2018-05-10 20:50:46 138

原创 HDU 3729 Hungarian algorithm

http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3729Obviously,the maxmun matching of bipartite graphthen I use the algorithm of Hungarian algorithmif you memset before every dfsthe time will 900+msbut if yo...

2018-05-10 20:05:00 194

原创 HDU3549 NetWork Flow Problem

https://vjudge.net/problem/HDU-3549The rudiments of Network ProblemI use the algorithm of Edomonds-KarpYou should pay attention to the double edgeAnd to improve my English powerI will write in English...

2018-05-09 20:38:35 262

原创 BZOJ1854 匈牙利算法

https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=1854刚学的匈牙利算法由于每个点最多连两条边所以复杂度是线性的上代码:#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int N=2e6+10;int ver[N],head[N],Next[N],match[N],v[N];in...

2018-05-09 16:32:35 200

原创 HDU 2063 匈牙利算法

https://vjudge.net/problem/HDU-2063二分图找最大匹配入门#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int N=2e3+10;int head[N],ver[N],Next[N],v[N],match[N];int tot=0;void add(int x,int y){ ver[...

2018-05-09 15:46:39 130

原创 Ubuntu 17.10打不开wifi的问题

sudo modprobe -r ideapad_laptop

2018-05-09 13:50:48 384

转载 关于Euler-Poisson积分的几种解法


2018-05-07 14:15:34 5126

原创 2018山东省浪潮杯反思

这次浪潮杯十分惊险刺激最后我们压线金不过这都是龙哥的功劳和我应该是一点关系都没有首先我先吐槽一下这次比赛F题6分钟被1血然后我看了F题发现这题是一个容斥定理但是并不好写自己先先在纸上写一个公式发现也写不出来后来才知道其实这题并不是一道签到题只是数据有问题只有return 0也是可以过的我想那个六分钟把F一血的人一定是看错题了因为我也看错了当时就有一种想写的冲动好像大奶牛学长也是这样后来我就一直看题...

2018-05-06 23:44:47 242

转载 POJ 2279 杨氏矩阵与钩子公式

本题是lyd神犇的进阶指南上的DP题,状态转移方程看懂了,但是看似简单去实现有点复杂啊,于是取搜罗本题的勾长公式的解法。 杨表由有限的方格组成。 对于一个正整数,给定一个整数分拆λ(10=1+4+5),则对应一个杨表(注意这是一个递降的过程,也就是说下面一行的方格数要大于等于上一行的方格数)。   一个(1,4,5)分拆表示的杨表 杨表与整数分拆λ一一对应。 给定一个杨表,一共有n个方格。那么把1...

2018-05-03 21:05:51 461

转载 Young tableaus(杨氏矩阵)的分析

简介    杨氏矩阵是在很多面试和讨论中用到比较多的一个话题。它本身独特的构造使得它的一些增删查改的操作和堆排序以及二分搜索的思想很类似。它本身问题不难,实际操作的时候会稍微有点繁琐。问题    假定我们有一个mxn的矩阵,它的每一行以及每一列都是排好序的。我们可以称这个矩阵为Young tableaus(杨氏矩阵)。在这个矩阵里,可以有某些元素不存在的情况,也就是说,这些位置的值被设置为无穷大(...

2018-05-03 20:34:42 339

原创 POJ3666 DP


2018-05-03 19:29:50 153

原创 Python 将多个excel表格合成一个

学了半天,总算搞会了看代码:import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport globfilearray=[]filelocation="文件地址"for filename in glob.glob(filelocation+"*.xlsx"): filearray.append(filename)res=pd.read_excel(fil...

2018-05-02 19:20:48 3312





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