推荐文章:探索复古计算魅力——8088 BIOS开源项目

推荐文章:探索复古计算魅力——8088 BIOS开源项目

8088_biosBIOS for Intel 8088 based computers项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/80/8088_bios


在数字化的浪潮中,复古计算机爱好者们仍在挖掘并维护着那些奠定现代技术基础的经典。8088 BIOS项目正是这样一款为复古硬件爱好者定制的开源BIOS方案,它旨在支持Micro 8088、NuXT和Xi 8088系统。这个项目通过现代的开发方式复苏了古老的IBM PC兼容机的灵魂,使历史的轮迹得以延续。




对于收藏老式电脑、自制复古计算机或是电子工程教育领域而言,8088 BIOS是无价之宝。它不仅让老旧硬件重焕生机,还为学习早期PC工作原理提供了鲜活教材。用户可以借助这些BIOS映像文件,将自己的Micro 8088或类似系统升级至更稳定、兼容性更强的BIOS版本,或者为复古电脑项目选择合适的启动环境。此外,对于怀旧游戏开发者和模拟器制作者来说,准确的BIOS模拟也是不可或缺的一环。


  • 跨平台兼容:支持多种经典硬件配置,包括不同的8088衍生系统。
  • 社区贡献:项目得益于多位贡献者的智慧结晶,涵盖从代码优化到文档增强的方方面面。
  • 易于构建:提供详细的Linux和Windows下构建指导,鼓励用户参与修改与编译。
  • 持续更新:不断加入新特性和修复,比如近期增加了对Book8088的支持和针对不同芯片集的优化。
  • 详尽的发布记录:每一次迭代都伴有清晰的变更说明,确保用户了解每个版本的新增功能和修正问题。

通过这个项目,你不仅能够体验到与历史对话的乐趣,还能深入学习低层硬件编程的魅力。对于技术探索者和复古计算机发烧友,8088 BIOS无疑是一扇通往过去的技术宝藏的大门,邀请着每一位好奇的心灵去揭开它的秘密。无论是复原老旧机器的辉煌,还是探索计算机科学的根源,这个项目都是一个不可多得的资源。

8088_biosBIOS for Intel 8088 based computers项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/80/8088_bios

优秀的,完整的BIOS 代码 page ,132 title . PROCESSOR_TIMER_PARITY_REFRESH_NMI TEST ;*****************************************************************; ;*****************************************************************; ;** **; ;** (C)Copyright 1985-1996, American Megatrends Inc. **; ;** **; ;** All Rights Reserved. **; ;** **; ;** 6145-F, Northbelt Parkway, Norcross, **; ;** **; ;** Georgia - 30071, USA. Phone-(770)-246-8600. **; ;** **; ;*****************************************************************; ;*****************************************************************; ;---------------------------------------; include mbiosequ.equ ; bios global constants include mbiosmac.mac ; bios coding macro definition include cf.equ ;---------------------------------------; extrn check_point_no_stack:near extrn check_point_stack:near public bios_suru public shutdown_0 public shutdown_77 public shutdown_88 extrn shutdown_1:near ; shutdown after memory error extrn shutdown_2:near ; v_mode exception intr error extrn _shutdown_33:near ; shutdown after memory test extrn shutdown_4:near ; boot loader request shutdown extrn shutdown_5:near ; user defined shutdown routine extrn _shutdown_66:near ; shutdown during memory test to display memory size extrn shutdown_7:near ; unused, (chipset memory detection) extrn shutdown_8:near ; unused, (soft reset) extrn shutdown_9:near ; shutdown after block move extrn shutdown_a:near ; user defined shutdown routine extrn init_8259_80287:near ; shut 4/5, init 8259, 80287 extrn disable_video:near extrn clear_64k_memory:near extrn int_isr:near extrn _power_on_delay:byte extrn _software_delay:byte extrn ram_segment:word extrn flush_all_cache:near extrn power_on_init:near public power_on_init_end extrn hreset_clear:near public hreset_clear_end extrn sreset_clear:near public sreset_clear_end extern StopUsbHostController(dummy_ret):near extrn dummy_ret:near extrn disable_all_cache:near extrn shutdown_init:near public shutdown_init_end extrn decompress_post_init:near ;---------------------------------------; ; C O D E S E G M E N T ; ;---------------------------------------; cgroup group _text _text segment word public 'CODE' assume cs:cgroup .486p ;---------------------------------------; public _BIOS_STARTS _BIOS_STARTS label byte ; marks start of module ;---------------------------------------; ; FLAGS TEST (SF,ZF,PF,CF) ; ; ;---;---;---;---;---;---;---;---; ; ; ; S ; Z ; x ; A ; x ; P ; x ; C ; ; ; ;---;---;---;---;---;---;---;---; ; ; HARD RESET OR SHUTDOWN RESET ; ;---------------------------------------; ; SHUTDOWN PROCESSING ; ;---------------------------------------; bios_suru: cli ; test under CLI mode cld ; ensure direction mov ax,cs mov ss,ax ; $$$CORE0036+ >>> extern wake_up(wake_up_end):near public wake_up_end jmp wake_up ; check for wakeup wake_up_end: ; control will come here only if wake up is not needed ; $$$CORE0036+ <<< jmp power_on_init power_on_init_end: in al,kb_stat_port ; if sys_flag bit is set test al,00000100b ; then soft reset else power on jnz shut_5 ; not power-on ;---------------------------------------; ; VANILLA MEMORY PATCH ; ;---------------------------------------; ifdef VANILLA_BIOS ;---------------------------------------; ; save CPUID in cmos 35h(DL), 36h(DH) extrn cmos_data_out:near extrn _refresh_value:byte mov ebp,edx mov al,0b5h mov ah,dl ret_sp cmos_data_out mov al,0b6h mov ah,dh ret_sp cmos_data_out ; start memory refresh.. mov al,00h ; initialise DMA-PAGE reg. out 8fh,al ; (used in MEMORY REFRESH) io_delay mov al,01010100b ; start CH_1 (REFRESH) out 43h,al ; one byte count used io_delay mov al,cgroup:_refresh_value; low byte count out 41h,al mov cx,100h ; 400h..01/11/95 xor di,di mov es,di wpulse1: stosb loop wpulse1 ;---------------------------------------; extrn vanilla_patch_offset:near cmp cgroup:word ptr vanilla_patch_offset,0ffffh jz ret_off ; no routine mov sp,offset cgroup:sp_ret_off jmp vanilla_patch_offset-1 even sp_ret_off: dw offset cgroup:ret_off dw 0f000h ret_off: endif ;---------------------------------------; jmp hreset_clear ; hard reset init (if any) ;;;;hreset_clear_end: ;;;; jmp shutdown_0x ; hard reset, goto regs. test shut_5: jmp sreset_clear ; GA20 disable and other.... sreset_clear_end: mov al,8fh ; shutdown address out cmos_addr_port,al ; mask NMI & select shut byte jcxz short $+2 ; i/o delay jcxz short $+2 ; i/o delay in al,cmos_data_port ; read shutdown code mov ah,00 mov si,ax ; save in (SI) mov al,8fh ; shutdown address jcxz short $+2 ; i/o delay out cmos_addr_port,al mov al,00 ; clear shutdown byte jcxz short $+2 ; i/o delay jcxz short $+2 ; i/o delay out cmos_data_port,al mov ax,cs mov ss,ax mov ax,si ; restore shutdown code cmp al,04h ; for BOOT loader shutdown jz shut_1 ; & for USER defined shutdown cmp al,05h ; initialize 8259 (#1, #2) jz shut_1 ; and (DS), (SS), (SP), STI cmp al,0ah ; if shut code > 10 jbe shut_2 ; bypass intr. init jmp short shutdown_0 ; then hard reset ;---------------------------------------; ; INIT 8259 for SHUTDOWN 04, 05 ; ;---------------------------------------; shut_1: mov bx,level_2_int*256+level_1_int ret_sp init_8259_80287 ; shut 4/5, init 8259, 80287 ;---------------------------------------; ; INTERNAL CACHE IS ALWAYS ON ; ;---------------------------------------; shut_2: jmp shutdown_init shutdown_init_end: mov ax,40h ; global data segment (ah) = 0 mov ds,ax ; setup (DS) mov al,00h ; global extra segment (ah) = 0 mov es,ax ; setup (ES) mov al,30h ; global stack segment (ah) = 0 mov ss,ax ; setup (SS) mov sp,0100h ; setup (SP) shl si,1 ; prepare index jmp [si+cgroup:shut_jmp_tbl]; brunch with intr. disabled ;---------------------------------------; ; SHUTDOWN JMP TABLE ; ;---------------------------------------; even shut_jmp_tbl label word dw offset cgroup:shutdown_0; hard reset dw offset cgroup:shutdown_1; used for block move internal shutdown dw offset cgroup:shutdown_2; v_mode exception intr error dw offset cgroup:_shutdown_33; shutdown after memory test dw offset cgroup:shutdown_4; shutdown for boot loader dw offset cgroup:shutdown_5; shutdown (with intr. init) dw offset cgroup:_shutdown_66; shutdown during memory test to display memory size dw offset cgroup:shutdown_7; unused, (chipset memory detection) dw offset cgroup:shutdown_8; unused, (soft reset) dw offset cgroup:shutdown_9; shutdown after block move dw offset cgroup:shutdown_a; shutdown (w/o intr. init) ;---------------------------------------; hreset_clear_end: shutdown_0x: ; hard reset mov al,8dh out cmos_addr_port,al ; NMI OFF ;---------------------------------------; shutdown_0: ; hard reset shutdown_77: ; unused shutdown_88: ; unused check_point_si 03h ; ======== 03 mov ax,cs mov ss,ax xor bp,bp mov ds,bp ; set (DS) = 0 mov es,bp ; set (ES) = 0 jmp_di disable_video in al,kb_stat_port ; if sys_flag bit is set test al,00000100b ; then soft reset else power on jz not_cnt_alt_del ; power on cmp ds:word ptr [0472h],1234h jnz cnt_alt_del yes_cnt_alt_del: or bp,soft_reset_bit ; msb used for soft reset jmp short cnt_alt_del not_cnt_alt_del: cmp ds:word ptr [0472h],1234h jz yes_cnt_alt_del or bp,power_on_bit cnt_alt_del: ;;;; ret_sp clear_64k_memory ; clear segment 0 mov ax,30h mov ss,ax ; set stack mov sp,100h check_point 05h ; ======== 05 ;; call StopUsbHostController ; disable USB host controller ;; call disable_all_cache ; disable all cache call disable_all_cache ; disable all cache call StopUsbHostController ; disable USB host controller mov ax,cs mov ss,ax ret_sp clear_64k_memory ; clear segment 0 mov ax,30h mov ss,ax ; set stack mov sp,100h check_point 06h ; ======== 06 call decompress_post_init extrn _bios_to_rm:near jmp _bios_to_rm ;---------------------------------------; ;*****************************************************************; ;*****************************************************************; ;** **; ;** (C)Copyright 1985-1996, American Megatrends Inc. **; ;** **; ;** All Rights Reserved. **; ;** **; ;** 6145-F, Northbelt Parkway, Norcross, **; ;** **; ;** Georgia - 30071, USA. Phone-(770)-246-8600. **; ;** **; ;*****************************************************************; ;*****************************************************************; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; COPY_CONTROL_TO_RAM ; ; this routine copies 64k code to ram segment and give control to ram. ; ; input : ; ; none ; ; stack available ; ; output: ; ; none ; ; register destroyed..ALL except DS, ES, BP ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; extrn copy_64k_memory:near public copy_control_to_ram copy_control_to_ram proc near push es push ds mov es,cgroup:ram_segment push cs pop ds ; source segment call copy_64k_memory ; transfer control to ram segment.. push es ; ram_segment push offset cgroup:xxx retf xxx: pop ds pop es xxx_exit: ret copy_control_to_ram endp ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; COPY_TO_SHADOW ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; this routine copies the code to asked shadow. ; ; input : ; ; ES:DI destn seg:off ; ; DS:SI source segment:offset ; ; CX #of bytes to move ; ; 0000 = 64k copy ; ; stack available ; ; output: ; ; none ; ; register destroyed..ALL except DS, ES, BP ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; extrn move_bytes:near extrn enable_shadow_write:near extrn disable_shadow_write:near public copy_to_shadow copy_to_shadow proc near pushf cli ; disable interrupt call enable_shadow_write ; enable write to shadow call move_bytes ; move bytes call flush_all_cache ; flush all cache call disable_shadow_write ; enable write to shadow popf ret copy_to_shadow endp ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; extrn e000_read_rom_write_x:near extrn e000_read_ram_write_rom:near extrn e000_read_x_write_ram:near extrn f000_read_rom_write_x:near extrn f000_read_ram_write_rom:near extrn f000_read_x_write_ram:near public do_f000_read_rom_write_x public do_f000_read_ram_write_rom public do_f000_read_x_write_ram public do_e000_read_rom_write_x public do_e000_read_ram_write_rom public do_e000_read_x_write_ram ;---------------------------------------; ifdef VANILLA_BIOS do_f000_read_rom_write_x: call f000_read_rom_write_x mov al,15 ; offset to table of fn# jmp short vanilla_patch do_f000_read_ram_write_rom: call f000_read_ram_write_rom mov al,18 ; offset to table of fn# jmp short vanilla_patch do_f000_read_x_write_ram: call f000_read_x_write_ram mov al,21 ; offset to table of fn# jmp short vanilla_patch do_e000_read_rom_write_x: call e000_read_rom_write_x mov al,24 ; offset to table of fn# jmp short vanilla_patch do_e000_read_ram_write_rom: call e000_read_ram_write_rom mov al,27 ; offset to table of fn# jmp short vanilla_patch do_e000_read_x_write_ram: call e000_read_x_write_ram mov al,30 ; offset to table of fn# vanilla_patch: push bx mov bx,cgroup:word ptr vanilla_patch_offset inc bx jz dop_00 ; no routine dec bx cbw ; AX = offset to jmp table add bx,ax push cs push offset cgroup:dop_00 push cs push bx retf dop_00: pop bx ret ;---------------------------------------; else ; NORMAL BIOS CODE do_f000_read_rom_write_x: jmp f000_read_rom_write_x do_f000_read_ram_write_rom: jmp f000_read_ram_write_rom do_f000_read_x_write_ram: jmp f000_read_x_write_ram do_e000_read_rom_write_x: jmp e000_read_rom_write_x do_e000_read_ram_write_rom: jmp e000_read_ram_write_rom do_e000_read_x_write_ram: jmp e000_read_x_write_ram endif ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ;*****************************************************************; ;*****************************************************************; ;** **; ;** (C)Copyright 1985-1996, American Megatrends Inc. **; ;** **; ;** All Rights Reserved. **; ;** **; ;** 6145-F, Northbelt Parkway, Norcross, **; ;** **; ;** Georgia - 30071, USA. Phone-(770)-246-8600. **; ;** **; ;*****************************************************************; ;*****************************************************************; ;---------------------------------------; public _BIOS_ENDS _BIOS_ENDS label byte ; marks end of module ;---------------------------------------; _text ends end




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