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原创 IBM fp-go 开源项目常见问题解决方案

IBM fp-go 开源项目常见问题解决方案 fp-go functional programming library for golang 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/fpg/fp-...

2025-01-27 10:03:00 281

原创 WatsonWebserver 项目常见问题解决方案

WatsonWebserver 项目常见问题解决方案 WatsonWebserver Watson is the fastest, easiest way to build scalable RESTful web servers and services in C#. ...

2025-01-26 09:44:18 312

原创 Batman Arkham Combat开源项目常见问题解决方案

Batman Arkham Combat开源项目常见问题解决方案 Batman-Arkham-Combat Recreating the Combat System from the Batman Arkham Series 项目...

2025-01-26 09:22:15 286

原创 FityIt 开源项目常见问题解决方案

FityIt 开源项目常见问题解决方案 FityIt An iOS "one-tap" shapes game 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/fi/FityIt ...

2025-01-26 09:08:14 234

原创 开源项目Cincinnati常见问题解决方案

开源项目Cincinnati常见问题解决方案 cincinnati 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ci/cincinnati 1...

2025-01-26 09:08:12 212

原创 SQLite To Rest 项目常见问题解决方案

SQLite To Rest 项目常见问题解决方案 sqlite-to-rest 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/sq/sqlite-to-rest ...

2025-01-25 09:08:32 241

原创 Nebulous.nvim 项目常见问题解决方案

Nebulous.nvim 项目常见问题解决方案 nebulous.nvim Minimalist Collection of Colorschemes for Neovim Written in Lua 项目地址: https:...

2025-01-24 10:10:06 673

原创 Aragorn 项目常见问题解决方案

Aragorn 项目常见问题解决方案 Aragorn A tool to upload or manage files by object storage sdk 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirr...

2025-01-24 09:53:26 740

原创 Roblox Core-Scripts 项目常见问题解决方案

Roblox Core-Scripts 项目常见问题解决方案 Core-Scripts All of ROBLOX's core client scripts. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirro...

2025-01-23 10:40:06 886

原创 Reviewpad 项目常见问题解决方案

Reviewpad 项目常见问题解决方案 reviewpad Next generation pull requests and issues ???? 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/re/r...

2025-01-23 09:45:21 247

原创 CDEmptyView 项目常见问题解决方案

CDEmptyView 项目常见问题解决方案 CDEmptyView 没网、没数据占位视图 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/cd/CDEmptyView ...

2025-01-22 09:56:04 676

原创 KubeOperator 项目常见问题解决方案

KubeOperator 项目常见问题解决方案 KubeOperator KubeOperator 是一个开源的轻量级 Kubernetes 发行版,专注于帮助企业规划、部署和运营生产级别的 K8s 集群。 项目地址: https...

2025-01-22 09:09:06 767

原创 Laravel Migrate Fresh 项目常见问题解决方案

Laravel Migrate Fresh 项目常见问题解决方案 laravel-migrate-fresh An artisan command to build up a database from scratch 项目地址:...

2025-01-21 10:17:30 777

原创 SerializationDumper 项目常见问题解决方案

SerializationDumper 项目常见问题解决方案 SerializationDumper A tool to dump Java serialization streams in a more human readable form. ...

2025-01-21 10:10:06 304

原创 开源项目HorizontalProgress常见问题解决方案

开源项目HorizontalProgress常见问题解决方案 HorizontalProgress Simple horizontal progress bar with animation 项目地址: https://gitco...

2025-01-21 09:11:19 448

原创 Little Go 项目常见问题解决方案

Little Go 项目常见问题解决方案 littlego Little Go. An iOS application that lets you play the game of Go on the iPhone or iPad. ...

2025-01-20 09:20:31 254

原创 Android-nRF-Beacon 项目常见问题解决方案

Android-nRF-Beacon 项目常见问题解决方案 Android-nRF-Beacon The nRF Beacon application lets you explore the full range of possibilities for beacons using Bluetooth Smart te...

2025-01-19 09:14:58 923

原创 开源项目常见问题解决方案:tcpraw

开源项目常见问题解决方案:tcpraw tcpraw Sending packets through TCP 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/tc/tcpraw ...

2025-01-19 09:13:58 316

原创 PyTorch Beam Search Decoding 项目常见问题解决方案

PyTorch Beam Search Decoding 项目常见问题解决方案 PyTorch-Beam-Search-Decoding PyTorch implementation of beam search decoding for seq2seq models ...

2025-01-18 09:55:27 401

原创 《hack-requests》项目常见问题解决方案

《hack-requests》项目常见问题解决方案 hack-requests The hack-requests is an http network library for hackers 项目地址: https://gitc...

2025-01-18 09:43:44 263

原创 Vue对话框组件库v-dialogs常见问题解决方案

Vue对话框组件库v-dialogs常见问题解决方案 v-dialogs A simple and clean instructional dialog plugin for Vue2, dialog type including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast ...

2025-01-17 10:16:11 223

原创 GraphQL网关项目常见问题解决方案

GraphQL网关项目常见问题解决方案 graphql-gateway-apollo-express Creating high performance and secure GraphQL APIs with Node.js, Apollo server, GraphQL and TypeScript ...

2025-01-16 12:50:34 643

原创 React Native Falling Drawer 项目常见问题解决方案

React Native Falling Drawer 项目常见问题解决方案 react-native-falling-drawer A customizable falling drawer for React Native 项...

2025-01-16 11:42:00 734

原创 Fastify MongoDB 连接插件推荐

Fastify MongoDB 连接插件推荐 fastify-mongodb Fastify MongoDB connection plugin 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/fa/fa...

2025-01-14 10:31:40 726

原创 Sentinel-Crawler:一款多语言的分布式爬虫框架

Sentinel-Crawler:一款多语言的分布式爬虫框架 sentinel-crawler Xenomorph Crawler, a Concise, Declarative and Observable Distributed Crawler(Node / Go / Java / Rust) For Web, RD...

2025-01-14 10:23:06 613

原创 GraphQL Java DateTime:日期时间处理利器

GraphQL Java DateTime:日期时间处理利器 graphql-java-datetime GraphQL ISO Date is a set of RFC 3339 compliant date/time scalar types to be used with graphql-java. ...

2025-01-14 09:18:30 524

原创 Unity3D中的贝塞尔曲线实现——Bezier3D项目推荐

Unity3D中的贝塞尔曲线实现——Bezier3D项目推荐 Bezier3D Unity3D: Simple core bezier functionality featuring interpolation and orientation. ...

2025-01-13 11:00:26 223

原创 Binary Ninja 插件:Voltron 集成

Binary Ninja 插件:Voltron 集成 binjatron Binary Ninja plugin for Voltron integration 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirro...

2025-01-13 10:17:07 365

原创 Flake8-Builtins:防止Python内置名称冲突的利器

Flake8-Builtins:防止Python内置名称冲突的利器 flake8-builtins Check for python builtins being used as variables or parameters 项...

2025-01-13 09:53:27 820

原创 Matcher:简易通配符匹配工具

Matcher:简易通配符匹配工具 matcher Simple wildcard matching 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/matc/matcher ...

2025-01-12 10:31:50 390

原创 Base64编码解码工具——轻量级开源项目介绍

Base64编码解码工具——轻量级开源项目介绍 base64 A small and simple tool to encode and decode base64. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mi...

2025-01-12 10:31:19 284

原创 Kubernetes OIDC 助手:简化集群身份验证

Kubernetes OIDC 助手:简化集群身份验证 k8s-oidc-helper Helper tool for authenticating to Kubernetes using Google's OpenID Connect ...

2025-01-12 09:38:59 326

原创 gogetdoc:Go 语言代码文档生成工具

gogetdoc:Go 语言代码文档生成工具 gogetdoc Gets documentation for items in Go source code. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirror...

2025-01-12 09:28:12 300

原创 Yii2 插件系统模块 —— 提升Yii2项目插件管理的利器

Yii2 插件系统模块 —— 提升Yii2项目插件管理的利器 yii2-plugins-system Yii2 plugins system module with event manager and https://github.com/loveorigami/yii2-shortcodes-pack ...

2025-01-11 10:53:02 360

原创 RecyclerViewSwipeDismiss 项目推荐

RecyclerViewSwipeDismiss 项目推荐 RecyclerViewSwipeDismiss A very easy-to-use and non-intrusive implement of Swipe to dismiss for RecyclerView. ...

2025-01-11 09:36:48 235

原创 轻量级Linux内存映射文件解析库——proc_maps_parser

轻量级Linux内存映射文件解析库——proc_maps_parser proc_maps_parser a lightweight library to parse Linux's /proc/[pid]/maps file, which contains the memory map of a process ...

2025-01-11 09:12:26 252

原创 AngularWAMP:让AngularJS与WAMPv2无缝集成

AngularWAMP:让AngularJS与WAMPv2无缝集成 angular-wamp An AngularJS library for AutobahnJS (WAMP v2) 项目地址: https://gitcode....

2025-01-10 10:47:04 315

原创 开源项目推荐:Kaiju

开源项目推荐:Kaiju kaiju Open source discussion server 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/kaiju/kaiju ...

2025-01-10 09:57:42 350

原创 MVSelectorScrollView:简单易用的滚动选择控件

MVSelectorScrollView:简单易用的滚动选择控件 MVSelectorScrollView Simple scrollable horizontal control, alternative to UISegmentedControl ...

2025-01-09 12:10:19 428

原创 CSS像素回退处理器——Pixrem

CSS像素回退处理器——Pixrem node-pixrem CSS post-processor that generates pixel fallbacks for rem units. 项目地址: https://gitco...

2025-01-09 11:31:21 342



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