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原创 Helios 项目使用教程

Helios 项目使用教程 Helios DirectX12 Graphics renderer used for implementing rendering techniques such as PBR / IBL, Deferred Shading, SSAO, Bloom, Shadow Mapping, etc...

2024-10-11 08:02:51 269

原创 x64dbg 开源项目使用教程

x64dbg 开源项目使用教程 x64dbg An open-source user mode debugger for Windows. Optimized for reverse engineering and malware analysis. ...

2024-10-11 07:47:55 219

原创 HP-Socket 开源项目教程

HP-Socket 开源项目教程 HP-Socket High Performance TCP/UDP/HTTP Communication Component 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirro...

2024-10-11 07:33:35 817

原创 Raylib-Python-CFFI 开源项目安装与使用教程

Raylib-Python-CFFI 开源项目安装与使用教程 raylib-python-cffi Python CFFI bindings for Raylib 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirr...

2024-10-11 07:19:38 235

原创 ReconstructionDataSet 项目使用教程

ReconstructionDataSet 项目使用教程 ReconstructionDataSet Set of images for doing 3d reconstruction 项目地址: https://gitcode....

2024-10-10 08:41:32 241

原创 Visual Studio Code 文档项目推荐

Visual Studio Code 文档项目推荐 vscode-docs vscode-docs: 是 Visual Studio Code 官方文档的仓库。适合开发者阅读和理解 Visual Studio Code 的各种功能和用法。 ...

2024-10-10 08:27:47 539

原创 eShopOnWeb 开源项目教程

eShopOnWeb 开源项目教程 eShopOnWeb eShopOnWeb是微软提供的一个基于ASP.NET Core实现的微服务架构示例应用,展示了如何构建现代化的电商平台,包括微服务设计、容器化部署等多个方面。对于学习和实践微服务架构设计和技术选型极具价值。 ...

2024-10-10 08:13:58 368

原创 LF AI & 数据景观:探索开源AI与数据领域的指南

LF AI & 数据景观:探索开源AI与数据领域的指南 lfai-landscape ???? Open Source AI & Data Landscape - provides overview of top tier projects in the open source AI and Data ecosys...

2024-10-10 08:00:12 412

原创 探索RoboSense雷达的强大驱动库:rs_driver

探索RoboSense雷达的强大驱动库:rs_driver rs_driver 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/rs/rs_driver ...

2024-10-10 07:46:21 603

原创 ContourNet 开源项目使用教程

ContourNet 开源项目使用教程 ContourNet A PyTorch implementation of "ContourNet: Taking a Further Step toward Accurate Arbitrary-shaped Scene Text Detection" (CVPR2020) ...

2024-10-10 07:32:20 662

原创 Human Image Gender Classifier:基于全身图像的性别分类器

Human Image Gender Classifier:基于全身图像的性别分类器 homogenus Human Image Gender Classifier for Expressive Body Capture 项目地址...

2024-10-10 07:19:03 487

原创 探索高效能的Node.js扩展:NAPI-RS

探索高效能的Node.js扩展:NAPI-RS napi-rs A framework for building compiled Node.js add-ons in Rust via Node-API 项目地址: https:...

2024-10-10 07:05:24 560

原创 Express Rate Limit 项目教程

Express Rate Limit 项目教程 express-rate-limit Basic rate-limiting middleware for the Express web server 项目地址: https://...

2024-10-09 09:33:25 371

原创 提升网页分页体验:Bootstrap Paginator v1.0 推荐

提升网页分页体验:Bootstrap Paginator v1.0 推荐 bootstrap-paginator Bootstrap Paginator is a jQuery plugin that simplifies the rendering of Bootstrap Pagination component. ...

2024-10-09 09:17:44 485

原创 Goo Engine 项目安装与使用教程

Goo Engine 项目安装与使用教程 goo-engine Custom build of blender with some extra NPR features. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_...

2024-10-09 09:01:13 351

原创 React Templates 项目教程

React Templates 项目教程 react-templates Light weight templates for react 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/re/react...

2024-09-28 07:50:39 771

原创 Patchwork UTF-8 for PHP:为PHP开发者打造的Unicode处理利器

Patchwork UTF-8 for PHP:为PHP开发者打造的Unicode处理利器 utf8 Portable and performant UTF-8, Unicode and Grapheme Clusters for PHP ...

2024-09-28 07:35:45 596

原创 LinqToQuerystring 项目教程

LinqToQuerystring 项目教程 LinqToQuerystring A lightweight subset of oData querystring conventions that works with any IQueryable ...

2024-09-28 07:21:04 719

原创 Coq-of-Rust开源项目安装与使用手册

Coq-of-Rust开源项目安装与使用手册 coq-of-rust Check 100% of execution cases of Rust programs ???? to make applications with no bugs! ✈️ ???? ⚕️ ???? Formal verification ...

2024-09-27 07:09:31 993

原创 schemeBeam:开源推荐营销应用,助您的产品迅速走红

schemeBeam:开源推荐营销应用,助您的产品迅速走红 schemeBeam Free viral/referral marketing tool built on React/Node/MySQL 项目地址: https:/...

2024-09-26 08:38:52 692

原创 AmongUsMenu 开源项目教程

AmongUsMenu 开源项目教程 AmongUsMenu AmongUsMenu is a Cheat Menu for the popular Game Among Us. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com...

2024-09-26 08:23:58 822

原创 rayfork 项目使用教程

rayfork 项目使用教程 rayfork C99 Game Library. XNA-like. Platform Independent. Allocator Aware. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com...

2024-09-26 08:09:02 744

原创 Amazon DynamoDB Storage Backend for JanusGraph 项目教程

Amazon DynamoDB Storage Backend for JanusGraph 项目教程 dynamodb-janusgraph-storage-backend amazon-archives/dynamodb-janusgraph-storage-backend: 这是一个JanusGraph图数据库的存...

2024-09-26 07:54:03 621

原创 Fenrir 开源项目使用教程

Fenrir 开源项目使用教程 Fenrir Simple Bash IOC Scanner 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/fe/Fenrir ...

2024-09-26 07:39:28 675

原创 Adobe XD 插件示例项目教程

Adobe XD 插件示例项目教程 plugin-samples Adobe XD Plugin API samples 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/plu/plugin-sample...

2024-09-26 07:24:45 776

原创 Sentinel Scanner 项目安装与使用教程

Sentinel Scanner 项目安装与使用教程 sentinel-scanner Next Generation Distributed Web Security Scanner with Futuristic Architecture and UI :dizzy: 混沌守望者(扫描器),多策略(爬虫扫描&POC...

2024-09-26 07:08:58 663

原创 LAZY Script 使用教程

LAZY Script 使用教程 lscript The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster. 项目地址: https://gitcode.co...

2024-09-25 08:46:29 933

原创 探索无限可能:SpatialOS GDK for Unity FPS 启动项目

探索无限可能:SpatialOS GDK for Unity FPS 启动项目 gdk-for-unity-fps-starter-project SpatialOS GDK for Unity FPS Starter Project ...

2024-09-25 08:32:45 560

原创 Laravel Vapor UI 项目教程

Laravel Vapor UI 项目教程 vapor-ui The Laravel Vapor UI. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/va/vapor-ui ...

2024-09-25 08:19:37 858

原创 jupyterplot 项目教程

jupyterplot 项目教程 jupyterplot Create real-time plots in Jupyter Notebooks. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ju/j...

2024-09-25 08:06:54 860

原创 Lumos 开源项目教程

Lumos 开源项目教程 lumos Code and data for "Lumos: Learning Agents with Unified Data, Modular Design, and Open-Source LLMs" ...

2024-09-25 07:54:28 657

原创 ng-katex 开源项目安装与使用指南

ng-katex 开源项目安装与使用指南 ng-katex Angular module to write beautiful math expressions in TeX syntax boosted by KaTeX library ...

2024-09-25 07:41:58 819

原创 Lively Web:实时开发与创新的Web应用环境

Lively Web:实时开发与创新的Web应用环境 LivelyKernel The Lively Web runtime and development environment 项目地址: https://gitcode.co...

2024-09-25 07:29:11 799

原创 React Reactive Forms:构建高效表单的利器

React Reactive Forms:构建高效表单的利器 react-reactive-form Angular like reactive forms in React. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/...

2024-09-24 08:16:44 291

原创 Oxen:构建人工智能数据共享的未来

Oxen:构建人工智能数据共享的未来 Oxen Oxen.ai's core rust library, server, and CLI 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ox/Oxen ...

2024-09-24 08:02:20 373

原创 PojavLauncher_iOS 使用教程

PojavLauncher_iOS 使用教程 PojavLauncher_iOS A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android and iOS based on Boardwalk. This repository contains source code for iOS/...

2024-09-24 07:48:21 335

原创 Mala 项目使用教程

Mala 项目使用教程 mala UI template for om, mesh, and core.async 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ma/mala ...

2024-09-22 07:09:31 663

原创 Unity Alembic至VAT转换器指南

Unity Alembic至VAT转换器指南 Unity-AlembicToVAT Alembic to VAT (Vertex Animation Texture) mini tool 项目地址: https://gitcode...

2024-09-21 07:07:35 917

原创 CSS Splitter 使用教程

CSS Splitter 使用教程 css_splitter Gem for splitting up stylesheets that go beyond the IE limit of 4095 selectors, for Rails 3.1+ apps using the Asset Pipeline. ...

2024-09-16 08:10:27 668

原创 Brave Core 开源项目指南

Brave Core 开源项目指南 brave-core Core engine for the Brave browser for Android, Linux, macOS, Windows. For issues https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues ...

2024-09-16 07:56:24 986



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