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原创 OctoML PyTorch Profiler 项目教程

OctoML PyTorch Profiler 项目教程 octoml-profile Home for OctoML PyTorch Profiler 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/o...

2024-10-11 08:03:50 281

原创 Jupyter Contrib_nbextensions 安装与使用指南

Jupyter Contrib_nbextensions 安装与使用指南 jupyter_contrib_nbextensions A collection of various notebook extensions for Jupyter ...

2024-10-11 07:48:53 564

原创 iOS私有API检查工具使用教程

iOS私有API检查工具使用教程 iOS-private-api-checker 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ios/iOS-private-api-checker ...

2024-10-11 07:34:30 447

原创 HTMLReader 开源项目教程

HTMLReader 开源项目教程 HTMLReader A WHATWG-compliant HTML parser in Objective-C. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ht...

2024-10-11 07:20:34 374

原创 探索地理信息新维度:rlayers - 为React打造的OpenLayers组件库

探索地理信息新维度:rlayers - 为React打造的OpenLayers组件库 rlayers React Component Library for OpenLayers 项目地址: https://gitcode.com...

2024-10-11 07:06:16 653

原创 阿里云ODPS JDBC驱动:高效连接MaxCompute的利器

阿里云ODPS JDBC驱动:高效连接MaxCompute的利器 aliyun-odps-jdbc JDBC Driver for ODPS 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/al/aliy...

2024-10-10 08:42:29 633

原创 探索libbacktrace:高效生成符号化回溯的C库

探索libbacktrace:高效生成符号化回溯的C库 libbacktrace A C library that may be linked into a C/C++ program to produce symbolic backtraces ...

2024-10-10 08:28:43 646

原创 推荐开源项目:Hands-On Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading

推荐开源项目:Hands-On Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading Hands-On-Machine-Learning-for-Algorithmic-Trading Hands-On Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading, pub...

2024-10-10 08:14:51 643

原创 Nova Fields:为Laravel Nova定制化字段的开源利器

Nova Fields:为Laravel Nova定制化字段的开源利器 nova-fields A collection of customizable Nova Fields. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com...

2024-10-10 08:01:11 500

原创 Haskell MOOC 项目教程

Haskell MOOC 项目教程 haskell-mooc Haskell MOOC University of Helsinki 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ha/haskell-...

2024-10-10 07:47:16 587

原创 Formbricks:开源隐私优先的用户体验管理平台

Formbricks:开源隐私优先的用户体验管理平台 formbricks Open Source Survey Toolbox 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/fo/formbricks...

2024-10-10 07:33:13 870

原创 Paint-by-Example 项目使用教程

Paint-by-Example 项目使用教程 Paint-by-Example Paint by Example: Exemplar-based Image Editing with Diffusion Models 项目地址:...

2024-10-10 07:19:55 809

原创 MathJax-demos-web 项目教程

MathJax-demos-web 项目教程 MathJax-demos-web A repository with examples using mathjax-v3 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_m...

2024-10-10 07:06:19 813

原创 Algorithmia 开源项目使用教程

Algorithmia 开源项目使用教程 Algorithmia Algorithm and data-structure library for .NET 4.5.2+/Netstandard 2.0+. Algorithmia contains sophisticated algorithms and data-st...

2024-10-09 09:18:44 366

原创 UnitySteerExamples 使用指南

UnitySteerExamples 使用指南 UnitySteerExamples Project with usage examples for UnitySteer. This project contains *only* the examples, and has the actual UnitySteer ...

2024-10-09 09:02:15 291

原创 DropboxBrowser: iOS上的简易Dropbox PDF文档浏览器搭建指南

DropboxBrowser: iOS上的简易Dropbox PDF文档浏览器搭建指南 DropboxBrowser A simple ios Dropbox PDF Document Browser - list Dropbox, browse directory, download PDF Documents ...

2024-09-28 07:51:38 301

原创 Thingiview.js 开源项目教程

Thingiview.js 开源项目教程 thingiview.js Javascript 3D Model Viewer 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/th/thingiview.js...

2024-09-28 07:36:44 844

原创 BART: 计算磁共振成像工具箱使用教程

BART: 计算磁共振成像工具箱使用教程 bart BART: Toolbox for Computational Magnetic Resonance Imaging 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_m...

2024-09-28 07:22:04 956

原创 Open Distro Index Management 使用教程

Open Distro Index Management 使用教程 index-management ???? Open Distro Index Management 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirr...

2024-09-27 07:10:29 736

原创 Godot 调色板插件:简化你的色彩管理

Godot 调色板插件:简化你的色彩管理 godot-color-palette Manage color palettes from within Godot to make coloring and theming easier! ...

2024-09-26 08:39:54 276

原创 sqlite-http 项目教程

sqlite-http 项目教程 sqlite-http A SQLite extension for making HTTP requests purely in SQL 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh...

2024-09-26 08:24:58 674

原创 Nheko 项目安装与使用指南

Nheko 项目安装与使用指南 nheko Desktop client for Matrix using Qt and C++20. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/nh/nheko ...

2024-09-26 08:10:00 883

原创 Mainflux 项目教程

Mainflux 项目教程 mainflux Industrial IoT Messaging and Device Management Platform 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors...

2024-09-26 07:54:59 781

原创 atom-typescript 使用教程

atom-typescript 使用教程 atom-typescript The only TypeScript package you will ever need 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mi...

2024-09-26 07:40:25 552

原创 Polylidar3D 开源项目教程

Polylidar3D 开源项目教程 polylidar Polylidar3D - Fast polygon extraction from 3D Data 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirror...

2024-09-26 07:25:47 447

原创 ZenML 项目教程

ZenML 项目教程 zenml-projects A repository for all ZenML projects that are specific production use-cases. 项目地址: https:/...

2024-09-26 07:10:00 648

原创 Laravel Discord Logger 使用教程

Laravel Discord Logger 使用教程 laravel-discord-logger Logging to a discord channel in Laravel 项目地址: https://gitcode.co...

2024-09-25 08:47:21 876

原创 Resonance Audio:开启沉浸式音频体验的新纪元

Resonance Audio:开启沉浸式音频体验的新纪元 resonance-audio Resonance Audio Source Code 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/re/r...

2024-09-25 08:33:37 782

原创 Afterglow HTML5 视频播放器使用教程

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2024-09-25 08:20:30 595

原创 Python学习项目教程

Python学习项目教程 learning-python Learning Python Concepts with easy to understand code examples, lab exercises, real-world examples. ...

2024-09-25 08:07:44 528

原创 RouteFlow 项目教程

RouteFlow 项目教程 RouteFlow CPqD's version of RouteFlow. For the community version (more frequently updated) see: http://routeflow.github.io/RouteFlow/ ...

2024-09-25 07:55:18 901

原创 推荐使用 Terraform Provider for PagerDuty:高效管理您的监控与告警

推荐使用 Terraform Provider for PagerDuty:高效管理您的监控与告警 terraform-provider-pagerduty Terraform PagerDuty provider 项目地址: h...

2024-09-25 07:42:48 906

原创 Click That 'Hood:一款开源的互动地图游戏

Click That 'Hood:一款开源的互动地图游戏 click_that_hood A game where users must identify a city's neighborhoods as fast as possible ...

2024-09-25 07:30:02 295

原创 ExporterHub.io 项目教程

ExporterHub.io 项目教程 exporterhub.io A Curated List of Prometheus Exporters 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ex/e...

2024-09-24 08:17:39 391

原创 让数学与化学之美跃然纸上:Obsidian TikZJax插件推荐

让数学与化学之美跃然纸上:Obsidian TikZJax插件推荐 obsidian-tikzjax Render LaTeX and TikZ diagrams in your notes 项目地址: https://gitco...

2024-09-24 08:03:17 339

原创 推荐项目:gem_rbs_collection - 打开Ruby类型签名新纪元的宝藏库

推荐项目:gem_rbs_collection - 打开Ruby类型签名新纪元的宝藏库 gem_rbs_collection A collection of RBS for gems. 项目地址: https://gitcode....

2024-09-24 07:49:17 278

原创 Mir 开源项目指南

Mir 开源项目指南 mir Mir (backports): Sparse tensors, Hoffman 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/mir2/mir ...

2024-09-22 07:10:28 722

原创 AnyMock 开源项目安装与使用教程

AnyMock 开源项目安装与使用教程 AnyMock 通用接口Mock平台 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/an/AnyMock ...

2024-09-21 07:08:33 807

原创 COMIT-RS 项目使用教程

COMIT-RS 项目使用教程 comit-rs Reference implementation of COMIT, an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ...

2024-09-16 07:57:21 620

原创 RunNC 项目使用教程

RunNC 项目使用教程 runnc OCI-interfacing Container runtime for Nabla Containers 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ru...

2024-09-16 07:42:45 339



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