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原创 ProteinGenerator 项目使用教程

ProteinGenerator 项目使用教程 protein_generator Joint sequence and structure generation with RoseTTAFold sequence space diffusion ...

2024-09-27 07:11:15 451

原创 React Inline Edit Kit:让React应用中的表单编辑更简单

React Inline Edit Kit:让React应用中的表单编辑更简单 riek An set of common form components for React, editable in-line 项目地址: htt...

2024-09-26 08:40:41 223

原创 Sparklint 项目教程

Sparklint 项目教程 sparklint A tool for monitoring and tuning Spark jobs for efficiency. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_m...

2024-09-26 08:25:48 489

原创 FreeAPS X 项目教程

FreeAPS X 项目教程 freeaps FreeAPS X - an artificial pancreas system for iOS based on OpenAPS 项目地址: https://gitcode.com...

2024-09-26 08:10:50 681

原创 Next.js + Postgres + Sequelize 项目教程

Next.js + Postgres + Sequelize 项目教程 next-postgres-sequelize [OUTDATED] React 16.8.4 + NextJS 8.0.3 + Emotion + Sequelize 5/Postgres + Passport Local Auth + Googl...

2024-09-26 07:55:46 440

原创 Hugo Themes Site Builder 项目教程

Hugo Themes Site Builder 项目教程 hugoThemesSiteBuilder The source for https://themes.gohugo.io 项目地址: https://gitcode.c...

2024-09-26 07:41:12 371

原创 探索neutriNote:一款极致轻量级的多功能笔记应用

探索neutriNote:一款极致轻量级的多功能笔记应用 neutrinote neutriNote - extensible Markdown + Math note app in Just 3 MB! 项目地址: https:...

2024-09-26 07:26:38 487

原创 shineframe 开源项目教程

shineframe 开源项目教程 shineframe 高性能超轻量级C++开发库及服务器编程框架 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/sh/shineframe ...

2024-09-26 07:10:49 422

原创 Sketch Tailwind:设计与代码的无缝桥梁

Sketch Tailwind:设计与代码的无缝桥梁 sketch-tailwind A plugin that tries to bridge the gap between designs and code. Sketch Tailwind lets you export aspects of a design ma...

2024-09-25 08:48:03 714

原创 MonoLayout 项目使用教程

MonoLayout 项目使用教程 monolayout MonoLayout: Amodal Scene Layout from a single image 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirro...

2024-09-25 08:34:23 351

原创 Fanray:一款简洁优雅的开源博客系统

Fanray:一款简洁优雅的开源博客系统 Fanray A blog built with ASP.NET Core 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/fa/Fanray ...

2024-09-25 08:21:14 685

原创 Socialization:构建社交功能的Ruby Gem

Socialization:构建社交功能的Ruby Gem socialization Socialize your app with Likes, Follows and Mentions 项目地址: https://gitco...

2024-09-25 08:08:25 677

原创 root_numpy 项目教程

root_numpy 项目教程 root_numpy The interface between ROOT and NumPy 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ro/root_numpy...

2024-09-25 07:55:58 436


CEEMDAN_LSTM 项目教程 CEEMDAN_LSTM CEEMDAN_LSTM is a Python project for decomposition-integration forecasting models based on EMD methods and LSTM. ...

2024-09-25 07:43:29 592

原创 DeepLearning-NLP 项目教程

DeepLearning-NLP 项目教程 DeepLearning-NLP Introduction to Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing 项目地址: https://...

2024-09-25 07:30:44 345

原创 Angular-Three 开源项目指南

Angular-Three 开源项目指南 angular-three ???? THREE.js integration for Angular ???? 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/an/ang...

2024-09-24 08:18:24 359

原创 探索高效编程新境界:在线Vim编辑器开源项目推荐

探索高效编程新境界:在线Vim编辑器开源项目推荐 vim-online-editor Vim Editor. In the Browser 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/vi/vim-o...

2024-09-24 08:04:03 299

原创 Valtio 快速入门指南

Valtio 快速入门指南 valtio ???? Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/...

2024-09-24 07:50:01 312

原创 Artery 项目教程

Artery 项目教程 artery OMNeT++ V2X simulation framework for ETSI ITS-G5 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ar/artery...

2024-09-22 07:11:14 1017

原创 Beautiful Racket 项目教程

Beautiful Racket 项目教程 beautiful-racket Resources for the “Beautiful Racket”book [moved to https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/beautiful-racket] ...

2024-09-16 07:58:07 446

原创 Cluster: 地图标注聚类库简易安装与使用指南

Cluster: 地图标注聚类库简易安装与使用指南 Cluster Easy Map Annotation Clustering ???? 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/clu/Cluster...

2024-09-16 07:43:31 1009

原创 ExpressionTreeToString 项目教程

ExpressionTreeToString 项目教程 ExpressionTreeToString String representations of expression trees + library of expression tree objects ...

2024-09-16 07:29:16 707

原创 Atom Project Manager 使用手册

Atom Project Manager 使用手册 atom-project-manager Project manager for the Atom editor 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mir...

2024-09-16 07:15:12 275

原创 Reselect 使用指南

Reselect 使用指南 reselect reduxjs/reselect: Reselect 是一个用于 Redux 的选择器库,可以用于优化 Redux 应用程序的性能,支持多种 Redux 功能和工具,如 Redux,React-Redux,Reselect ...

2024-09-15 08:52:50 662

原创 Django Newsfeed 项目教程

Django Newsfeed 项目教程 django-newsfeed A news curator and newsletter subscription package for Django 项目地址: https://gi...

2024-09-15 08:25:02 763

原创 NATS 项目教程

NATS 项目教程 nats.docs NATS.io Documentation on Gitbook 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/na/nats.docs ...

2024-09-15 08:12:41 610

原创 graphql2chartjs: 使用GraphQL轻松构建实时图表

graphql2chartjs: 使用GraphQL轻松构建实时图表 graphql2chartjs graphql2chartjs reshapes your GraphQL data as per the ChartJS API. ...

2024-09-15 08:00:44 688

原创 探索高效安全的API密钥管理:Prefixed API Key (Seam-style)

探索高效安全的API密钥管理:Prefixed API Key (Seam-style) prefixed-api-key Module for generating a prefixed API Key 项目地址: https:...

2024-09-15 07:47:49 829

原创 Rails Ruby Bench:真实世界的Ruby性能基准测试工具

Rails Ruby Bench:真实世界的Ruby性能基准测试工具 rails_ruby_bench A Rails-based benchmark for Ruby development 项目地址: https://gitc...

2024-09-15 07:34:26 768

原创 **智能Vue2-Element管理UI框架安装与使用指南**

智能Vue2-Element管理UI框架安装与使用指南 smart-vue2-element-admin-ui 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/smar/smart-vue2-eleme...

2024-09-15 07:20:53 975

原创 Transformer-from-scratch 项目教程

Transformer-from-scratch 项目教程 Transformer-from-scratch 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/tra/Transformer-from-s...

2024-09-15 07:07:02 713

原创 Org模式语法速查表:提升文档编写效率的利器

Org模式语法速查表:提升文档编写效率的利器 refcard-org-mode Get organized and boost your productivity with our comprehensive Org mode syntax reference card! Get a quick access to he...

2024-09-14 08:47:30 266

原创 Agora-Uniapp-SDK:打造跨平台实时音视频应用的利器

Agora-Uniapp-SDK:打造跨平台实时音视频应用的利器 Agora-Uniapp-SDK 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ag/Agora-Uniapp-SDK ...

2024-09-14 08:19:37 346

原创 探索分布式系统的一致性:Ringpop-Go开源项目推荐

探索分布式系统的一致性:Ringpop-Go开源项目推荐 ringpop-go Scalable, fault-tolerant application-layer sharding for Go applications 项目地...

2024-09-14 08:01:10 293

原创 Dapper.FSharp:简化F与数据库交互的利器

Dapper.FSharp:简化F#与数据库交互的利器 Dapper.FSharp Lightweight F# extension for StackOverflow Dapper with support for MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite ...

2024-09-14 07:48:54 615

原创 Realtek RTL8811CU/RTL8821CU USB Wi-Fi 适配器驱动安装教程

Realtek RTL8811CU/RTL8821CU USB Wi-Fi 适配器驱动安装教程 rtl8821cu-nvidia-jetson-nano 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/...

2024-09-14 07:39:55 902

原创 ToolGood.Words.Pinyin 开源项目教程

ToolGood.Words.Pinyin 开源项目教程 ToolGood.Words.Pinyin pinyin 拼音 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/to/ToolGood.Words...

2024-09-14 07:31:06 302

原创 提升前端性能的利器:Front-End Performance Checklist

提升前端性能的利器:Front-End Performance Checklist Front-End-Performance-Checklist ???? 더 빠르게 작동하는 프론트엔드 성능 체크리스트 项目地址: https:/...

2024-09-14 07:14:57 228

原创 dabestr 项目使用指南

dabestr 项目使用指南 dabestr Data Analysis with Bootstrap Estimation in R 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/da/dabestr...

2024-09-13 09:06:25 475

原创 AOT-Benchmark 开源项目使用教程

AOT-Benchmark 开源项目使用教程 aot-benchmark An efficient modular implementation of Associating Objects with Transformers for Video Object Segmentation in PyTorch ...

2024-09-13 09:03:00 570



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