(1)前言——(10)jquery项目的历史(History of the jQuery project)

This book covers the functionality and syntax of jQuery 1.6.x, the latest version at the time of writing. The premise behind the library—providing an easy way to find elements on a web page and manipulate them—has not changed over the course of its development, but some syntax details and features have. This brief overview of the project history describes the most significant changes from version to version, which may prove helpful to readers working with legacy versions of the library.


•  Public Development Phase: John Resig first made mention of an improvement on Prototype's Behaviorlibrary in August of 2005. This new framework was formally released as jQuery on January 14, 2006.

公开开发阶段:John Resig在2005年八月首次做了一个要在Prototype行为库上做一个提升。这个新的框架在2006年一月十四日作为jquery正式发布。

•  jQuery 1.0(August 2006): This, the first stable release of the library, already had robust support for CSS selectors, event handling, and AJAX interaction.

jquery1.0 2006年8月,这是第一个稳定的发布版本,已经对css选择器,时间处理,ajax交互有了健壮的支持。

•  jQuery 1.1(January 2007): This release streamlined the API considerably. Many rarely-used methods were combined, reducing the number of methods to learn and document.

jquery1.1 2007一月,这一版使api变得更加合理,很多很少用的方法联合起来,减少了需要学习的方法和文档的数量。

•  jQuery 1.1.3(July 2007): This minor release contained massive speed improvements for jQuery's selector engine. From this version on, jQuery's performance would compare favorably to its fellow JavaScript libraries such as Prototype, Mootools, and Dojo.

jquery1.1.3 2007七月,这一个次要的发布版本包含了jquery选择器引擎的巨大的速度提升。从这一版开始,jquery的性能已经可以与其他js库比如Prototype,Mootools,Dojo相竞争了。

•  jQuery 1.2(September 2007): XPath syntax for selecting elements was removed in this release, as it had become redundant with the CSS syntax. Effect customization became much more flexible in this release, and plugin development became easier with the addition of namespaced events.

jquery1.2 2007年九月,选择元素的xpath语法在这一版中被移除,因为在有css选择器语法的情况下这已经是很多余的了。影响定制在这一版中变的更加灵活,添加了命名空间事件让插件开发变的更加容易。

•  jQuery UI(September 2007): This new plugin suite was announced to replace the popular, but aging, Interface plugin. A rich collection of prefabricated widgets was included, as well as a set of tools for building sophisticated elements such as drag-and-drop interfaces.

jquery ui 2007九月,新的插件库被宣布要替代流行但是陈旧的界面插件。很多预先想好的桌面装饰被包含了进来,同时还有一系列创建如同托拽的复杂元素的工具。

•  jQuery 1.2.6(May 2008): The functionality of Brandon Aaron's popular Dimensions plugin was brought into the main library.

jquery1.2.6 2008五月,Brandon Aaron的Dimensions插件功能被添加进入核心库中。

•  jQuery 1.3(January 2009): A major overhaul of the selector engine (Sizzle) provided a huge boost to the library’s performance. Event delegationbecame formally supported.

jquery1.3 2009一月,对选择器引擎(sizzle)的检查对jquery提供了一个巨大的性能提升。事件委托被正式支持。

•  jQuery 1.4(January 2010): This version, perhaps the most ambitious update since 1.0, brought many performance improvements to DOM manipulation, as well as a large number of new or enhanced methods to nearly every aspect of the library. Version 1.4 was accompanied by fourteen days of announcements and videos on a dedicated website, http://jquery14.com/.

jquery1.4 2010一月,这一版或许是自1.0以来最有雄心的更新,对DOM操控方面带来了很多性能提升。同时对jQuery几乎每一个方面都谭家了很多全新的或者增强的方法。1 .4版本在一个专用的网站http://jquery14.com上展示了14天的声明和视频。

•  jQuery 1.4.2(February 2010): Two new event delegation methods, delegate()and .undelegate(), were added, and jQuery’s entire event system saw a comprehensive overhaul for more flexible use and greater cross-browser consistency.

jquery1.4.2 2010年一月。两个新的事件委托方法.delegte().undelegate()被添加了进去,jquery的全部的事件系统对灵活的应用和浏览器方面更好的一致性看起来有了一个综合的修整。

•  jQuery Mobile(August 2010): The jQuery Project publicly outlined its strategy, research, and UI designs for mobile web development with jQuery and a new mobile framework at http://jquerymobile.com/.

jquery mobile2010年八月。jquery项目公开描述了使用jquery做手机网站的策略,研究和 ui设计,在http://jquerymobile.com发布了一个新的手机框架。

•  jQuery 1.5(January 2011): The Ajax component underwent a major rewrite, adding greater extensibility and performance. Additionally, jQuery 1.5 included an implementation of the Promise pattern for handling queues of both synchronous and asynchronous functions.

jquery 1.5 2011年一月。ajax组件经历了一次主要的重写,添加了更强大的延展性和性能提升。另外,jquery1.5包含了承诺处理同步和异步函数列队的实现。

•  jQuery 1.6(May 2011): The Attribute component was rewritten to more accurately reflect the distinction between HTML attributes and DOM properties. Also, the Deferred object, which was introduced in jQuery 1.5, received two new methods: .always()and .pipe().

jquery1.6 2011年五月。属性组件重写了更加精确的反映html属性和DOM属性之间的区别。同时,被添加到jquery1.5的延迟对象有了两个新方法。.always()和.pipe()。

Historical Details
Release notes for older jQuery versions can be found on the project's website at http://jquery.org/history.






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