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原创 使用VB生成没有限制的函数DLL

使用VB生成没有限制的函数DLL    大家都知道,VB6现在可以生成一种特殊的DLL:ActiveX DLL,但是无法控制编译过程中函数的导出,导致无法生成通用的函数DLL。于是网上便出现了各种各样的通过中断编译过程,来控制函数导出的方法、软件。但是,我们会发现,没用一种方法、一款软件可以满足我们需要,因为现在大部方法都是通过ActiveX DLL工程加上输出函数控制,但是ActiveX D

2007-02-11 22:37:00 651

CMVision 论文

Vision systems employing region segmentation by color are crucial in real-time mobile robot applications, such as RoboCup[1], or other domains where interaction with humans or a dynamic world is required. Traditionally, systems employing real-time color-based segmentation are either implemented in hardware, or as very specific software systems that take advantage of domain knowledge to attain the necessary efficiency. However, we have found that with careful attention to algorithm efficiency, fast color image segmentation can be accomplished using commodity image capture and CPU hardware. Our paper describes a system capable of tracking several hundred regions of up to 32 colors at 30 Hertz on general purpose commodity hardware. The software system is composed of four main parts; a novel implementation of a threshold classifier, a merging system to form regions through connected components, a separation and sorting system that gathers various region features, and a top down merging heuristic to approximate perceptual grouping. A key to the efficiency of our approach is a new method for accomplishing color space thresholding that enables a pixel to be classified into one or more of up to 32 colors using only two logical AND operations. A naive approach could require up to 192 comparisons for the same classification. The algorithms and representations are described, as well as descriptions of three applications in which it has been used.



SetSuspendState API调用程序,基于VC2010开发,包含源代码。 使用方法 REM 待机命令 SetSuspendState 0 0 0 REM 休眠命令 SetSuspendState 1 0 0 具体详见帮助


PPT文档保护软件【Protect PPT V1.0.0819】

一款十分完美的PowerPoint保护软件。 许多人可能会遇到这样的问题:当自己做的PPT文件不想拷给别人,怕被别人盗用,但是又不得不拷贝给别人时,会陷入两难的境地。有些人会选择将PPT打印成PDF,但这样却会丢失一切动画效果和全屏演示的功能,PPT的精髓已经被消除了。 然而Protect PPT的出现解决了这个问题,您只需要在您的PPT中加入自己的Logo,然后使用Maker制作成PMF文件即可。对方收到PMF文件时可以使用Reader完美的观看与原来PPT一模一样的效果,但却无法编辑此PMF文件或将其中的任何资源拷出。 该软件完全完全免费,并且其Reader部分为单文件的绿色程序,能够在任何电脑直接运行。Reader的运行不需要PowerPoint的支持,也就是说在一台没有安装PowerPoint的电脑上也能够正常的播放PMF文件。


Protect PPT

一款十分完美的PowerPoint保护软件。 许多人可能会遇到这样的问题:当自己做的PPT文件不想拷给别人,怕被别人盗用,但是又不得不拷贝给别人时,会陷入两难的境地。有些人会选择将PPT打印成PDF,但这样却会丢失一切动画效果和全屏演示的功能,PPT的精髓已经被消除了。 然而Protect PPT的出现解决了这个问题,您只需要在您的PPT中加入自己的Logo,然后使用Maker制作成PMF文件即可。对方收到PMF文件时可以使用Reader完美的观看与原来PPT一模一样的效果,但却无法编辑此PMF文件或将其中的任何资源拷出。


DriverStudio 3.2 Code For VisualStudio 2005

DriverStudio 3.2 For VisualStudio 2005 程序代码补丁<br><br>解决DriverStudio 3.2的库代码在VisualStudio 2005中无法编译通过的问题。<br><br>由于VC++ 2005编译器更加符合C++标准,所以DriverStudio的DriverWorks库的代码不能在VC++ 2005下成功编译,这主要是由于DriverWorks两方面的程序设计缺陷:一是循环变量生命期问题,一是函数返回值的缺省类型问题。修改后DriverWorks可以在VC++ 2005 SP1下成功编译。<br>


DriverStudio 3.2 For VisualStudio 2005 补丁

DriverStudio 3.2 For VisualStudio 2005 补丁<br><br>解决DriverStudio 3.2插件在VisualStudio 2005中无法使用的问题。<br><br>原文件说明:<br><br>Compuware DriverStudio – DriverSuite<br>Version 3.2<br><br>Version 3.2 VisualStudio 2005 Integration fix.<br>The purpose of this update is to allow DriverStudio – DriverSuite to integrate into the VisualStudio 2005 environment<br><br>After extracting the files the result should have been two files and this read me. To install perform the steps below.<br><br>· Close all development environment windows.<br><br>· Copy the file DSDDKEnv8.dll into the <INSTALL_DIR>\DriverStudio\Common\Bin directory. Select "yes" if prompted to copy over an existing one.<br><br>· Copy the file DSDDKEnv8UI.dll into the <INSTALL_DIR>\DriverStudio\Common\Bin\1033 directory. Select "yes" if prompted to copy over an existing one.<br><br>· Then unregister the older version. Go to start->run and type "regsvr32 -u "<INSTALL_DIR>\DriverStudio\Common\Bin\dsddkenv8.dll"<br><br>· Then register the new copy. Go to start->run and type "regsvr32 "<INSTALL_DIR>\DriverStudio\Common\Bin\dsddkenv8.dll"<br><br>Contacting Technical Support<br>For Non-Technical Issues<br>Customer Service is available to answer any questions you might have regarding upgrades, serial numbers and other order fulfillment needs. Customer Service is available from 8:30am to 5:30pm EST, Monday through Friday. Call:<br><br>· In the U.S. and Canada: 1-888-283-9896<br><br>· International: +1-603-578-8103<br><br>For Technical Issues<br>Technical Support can assist you with all your technical problems, from installation to troubleshooting. Before contacting Technical Support, please read the relevant sections of the product documentation and the Readme files.<br><br>You can contact Technical Support by:<br><br>· E-Mail: Include your serial number and send as many details as possible to:<br><br>nashua.support@compuware.com<br><br>· World Wide Web: Submit issues and access additional support services at:<br><br>http://frontline.compuware.com/nashua/<br><br>· Fax: Include your serial number and send as many details as possible to:<br><br>1-603-578-8401<br><br>· Telephone: Telephone support is available as a paid* Priority Support Service from 8:30am to 5:30pm EST, Monday through Friday. Have product version and serial number ready.<br><br>·In the U.S. and Canada, call: 1-888-686-3427<br><br>·International customers, call: +1-603-578-8100<br><br>*Installation Issues: Technical Support handles installation and setup issues free of charge.<br><br>When contacting Technical Support, please have the following information available:<br><br>· Product/service pack name and version.<br><br>· Product serial number.<br><br>· Your system configuration: operating system, network configuration, amount of RAM, environment variables, and paths.<br><br>· The details of the problem: settings, error messages, stack dumps, and the contents of any diagnostic windows.<br><br>· The details of how to reproduce the problem (if the problem is repeatable).<br><br>· The name and version of your compiler and linker and the options that you used in compiling and linking.<br><br> <br><br>Copyright 2005 Compuware Corporation<br>


DriverStudio 3.2 升级补丁

DriverStudio 3.2 升级补丁<br><br>将DriverStudio 3.2升级至DriverStudio 3.2.1<br><br>原说明如下:<br><br>Compuware DriverStudio – DriverSuite<br>Version 3.2 ONLY<br><br>Version 3.2 patch.<br>The purpose of this patch is to update DriverStudio – DriverSuite to fix several bugs that have been found. It also has the operating system update patch.<br><br>After extracting the files the result should have been two directories a host directory and a target directory.<br><br>This corresponds to the two distinct parts of the debug environment.<br><br>· The Host – The machine that will host the debugging applications.<br><br>· The Target – The machine that will be running the binary that will be tested.<br><br>NOTE: On a single machine-debugging environment (When the debugging and the testing machine are the same machine) you will need to do the host AND the target portions described below.<br><br>Softice is a typically a single machine environment and VisualSoftice is typically a two machine environment.<br><br> <br><br>Host<br><br>· Copy the files osinfo.dat and osinfob.dat from the host directory into the following directories.<br><br> <Install Directory>\Compuware\DriverStudio<br><br> < Install Directory>\Compuware\DriverStudio\VisualSoftICE<br><br> <br><br>· Copy the file DS.exe the host directory into the following directory<br><br> <Install Directory>\Compuware\DriverStudio<br><br> <br><br>Target<br><br>· Copy all the .sys and all the .dat files found in the root of the target directory to the system32\drivers directory.<br><br>· Copy the siksym.sys from the appropriate subdirectory (IA64, AMD64 or X86) into the system32 drivers directory. Note: only copy the one that applies to that specific target.<br><br> <br><br>Bug Fixes<br>· Enumeration of printers that were removed causing memory exception in DriverWorkbench (ds.exe).<br><br>· Update support for XP SP2 and future operating systems.<br><br>· Occasional keyboard lockups.<br><br> <br><br>Contacting Technical Support<br>For Non-Technical Issues<br>Customer Service is available to answer any questions you might have regarding upgrades, serial numbers and other order fulfillment needs. Customer Service is available from 8:30am to 5:30pm EST, Monday through Friday. Call:<br><br>· In the U.S. and Canada: 1-888-283-9896<br><br>· International: +1-603-578-8103<br><br>For Technical Issues<br>Technical Support can assist you with all your technical problems, from installation to troubleshooting. Before contacting Technical Support, please read the relevant sections of the product documentation and the Readme files.<br><br>You can contact Technical Support by:<br><br>· E-Mail: Include your serial number and send as many details as possible to:<br><br>nashua.support@compuware.com<br><br>· World Wide Web: Submit issues and access additional support services at:<br><br>http://frontline.compuware.com/nashua/<br><br>· Fax: Include your serial number and send as many details as possible to:<br><br>1-603-578-8401<br><br>· Telephone: Telephone support is available as a paid* Priority Support Service from 8:30am to 5:30pm EST, Monday through Friday. Have product version and serial number ready.<br><br>·In the U.S. and Canada, call: 1-888-686-3427<br><br>·International customers, call: +1-603-578-8100<br><br>*Installation Issues: Technical Support handles installation and setup issues free of charge.<br><br>When contacting Technical Support, please have the following information available:<br><br>· Product/service pack name and version.<br><br>· Product serial number.<br><br>· Your system configuration: operating system, network configuration, amount of RAM, environment variables, and paths.<br><br>· The details of the problem: settings, error messages, stack dumps, and the contents of any diagnostic windows.<br><br>· The details of how to reproduce the problem (if the problem is repeatable).<br><br>· The name and version of your compiler and linker and the options that you used in compiling and linking.<br><br> <br><br>Copyright 2005 Compuware Corporation<br>





DLL Link

大家都知道,VB6现在可以生成一种特殊的DLL:ActiveX DLL,但是无法控制编译过程中函数的导出,导致无法生成通用的函数DLL。于是网上便出现了各种各样的通过中断编译过程,来控制函数导出的方法、软件。但是,我们会发现,没用一种方法、一款软件可以满足我们需要,因为现在大部方法都是通过ActiveX DLL工程加上输出函数控制,但是ActiveX DLL本身有很多限制,且使用很不方便。于是我编写了一个基于EXE工程类型的DLL函数输出控制程序,打破的ActiveX DLL的限制。



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