/* set termout off
define PROMTP=idle
column PROMTP new_value PROMTP
select '_user'||chr(39)||'@'||chr(39)||'_connect_identifier' PROMTP from dual;
select '_user'||chr(39)||'_S:'||m.sid||'_P:'||p.spid||'_'||chr(39)||'_connect_identifier' PROMTP
from v$session s,v$mystat m,v$process p
where s.sid=m.sid
and s.paddr=p.addr
and rownum=1;
set sqlprompt "&PROMTP> "
set termout on
set serveroutput on
set trimspool on
set long 5000
set linesize 100
set pagesize 9999
column plan_plus_exp format a80
DEFINE _EDITOR = "vim" /* linux */
-- DEFINE _EDITOR = "notepad" /* windows */
col PROPERTY_VALUE for a20
col DESCRIPTION for a40
col event for a58
col P1TEXT for a30
col OPTIONS for a30
col file_name for a45
col tablespace_name for a15
col table_name for a25
col column_name for a25
col member for a45
col status for a10
col segment_name for a25
col SID for 9999999999
col NAME for a50
col DISPLAY_VALUE for a15
col ISSPECIFIED for a12
col UPDATE_COMMENT for a15
col TOPNSQL for a20
col retention for a20
col SNAP_INTERVAL for a20
col DESCRIPTION for a50
col OBJECT_NAME for a30
col parameter for a30
col error for a20
col FILE_NAME for a45