docker run源码分析(二)之Docker daemon--container start

上一篇咱们简单的分析了docker run命令在Docker daemon中的create实现,接下来咱们开始start的分析。源码基于Docker-ce17.09

1、daemon端对container start的处理,即 r.postContainersStart() 函数。



func (s *containerRouter) postContainersStart(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {

	version := httputils.VersionFromContext(ctx)
	var hostConfig *container.HostConfig
	// A non-nil json object is at least 7 characters.
	//非nil 的json对象至少为7个字符。一系列检查
	if r.ContentLength > 7 || r.ContentLength == -1 {
		if versions.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(version, "1.24") {
			return bodyOnStartError{}
		if err := httputils.CheckForJSON(r); err != nil {
			return err
		c, err := s.decoder.DecodeHostConfig(r.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		hostConfig = c
	if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
		return err
	checkpoint := r.Form.Get("checkpoint")
	checkpointDir := r.Form.Get("checkpoint-dir")
	if err := s.backend.ContainerStart(vars["name"], hostConfig, checkpoint, checkpointDir); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

1.3、源码: backend.ContainerStart()函数 和  ContainerStart()函数

// ContainerStart starts a container.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStart(name string, hostConfig *containertypes.HostConfig, checkpoint string, checkpointDir string) error {
	if checkpoint != "" && !daemon.HasExperimental() {
		return validationError{errors.New("checkpoint is only supported in experimental mode")}
	container, err := daemon.GetContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err := daemon.containerStart(container, checkpoint, checkpointDir, true); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

下面的containerStart()  没看懂,再补充

// containerStart prepares the container to run by setting up everything the
// container needs, such as storage and networking, as well as links
// between containers. The container is left waiting for a signal to
// begin running.
func (daemon *Daemon) containerStart(container *container.Container, checkpoint string, checkpointDir string, resetRestartManager bool) (err error) {
	start := time.Now()
	defer container.Unlock()

	if resetRestartManager && container.Running { // skip this check if already in restarting step and resetRestartManager==false
		return nil

	if container.RemovalInProgress || container.Dead {
		return stateConflictError{errors.New("container is marked for removal and cannot be started")}

	// if we encounter an error during start we need to ensure that any other
	// setup has been cleaned up properly
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			// if no one else has set it, make sure we don't leave it at zero
			if container.ExitCode() == 0 {
			if err := container.CheckpointTo(daemon.containersReplica); err != nil {
				logrus.Errorf("%s: failed saving state on start failure: %v", container.ID, err)

			// if containers AutoRemove flag is set, remove it after clean up
			if container.HostConfig.AutoRemove {
				if err := daemon.ContainerRm(container.ID, &types.ContainerRmConfig{ForceRemove: true, RemoveVolume: true}); err != nil {
					logrus.Errorf("can't remove container %s: %v", container.ID, err)

	if err := daemon.conditionalMountOnStart(container); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := daemon.initializeNetworking(container); err != nil {
		return err

	spec, err := daemon.createSpec(container)
	if err != nil {
		return systemError{err}

	createOptions, err := daemon.getLibcontainerdCreateOptions(container)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if resetRestartManager {

	if checkpointDir == "" {
		checkpointDir = container.CheckpointDir()

	if daemon.saveApparmorConfig(container); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := daemon.containerd.Create(container.ID, checkpoint, checkpointDir, *spec, container.InitializeStdio, createOptions...); err != nil {
		return translateContainerdStartErr(container.Path, container.SetExitCode, err)



	return nil

1.4、daemon.containerd.Create()中的Create是在client 接口里面,client提供对容器功能的访问。下面分析Create()函数 ,位置

func (clnt *client) Create(containerID string, checkpoint string, checkpointDir string, spec specs.Spec, attachStdio StdioCallback, options ...CreateOption) (err error) {
	defer clnt.unlock(containerID)

	if _, err := clnt.getContainer(containerID); err == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Container %s is already active", containerID)

	uid, gid, err := getRootIDs(spec)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	dir, err := clnt.prepareBundleDir(uid, gid)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	container := clnt.newContainer(filepath.Join(dir, containerID), options...)
	if err := container.clean(); err != nil {
		return err

	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
	if err := idtools.MkdirAllAndChown(container.dir, 0700, idtools.IDPair{uid, gid}); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
		return err
	f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(container.dir, configFilename))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer f.Close()
	if err := json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(spec); err != nil {
		return err
	return container.start(&spec, checkpoint, checkpointDir, attachStdio)


该函数主要功能是发送CreateContainerRequest RPC请求给 docker-containerd。(不明白)

func (ctr *container) start(spec *specs.Spec, checkpoint, checkpointDir string, attachStdio StdioCallback) (err error) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()
	ready := make(chan struct{})

	fifoCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {

	iopipe, err := ctr.openFifos(fifoCtx, spec.Process.Terminal)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var stdinOnce sync.Once

	// we need to delay stdin closure after container start or else "stdin close"
	// event will be rejected by containerd.
	// stdin closure happens in attachStdio
	stdin := iopipe.Stdin
	iopipe.Stdin = ioutils.NewWriteCloserWrapper(stdin, func() error {
		var err error
		stdinOnce.Do(func() { // on error from attach we don't know if stdin was already closed
			err = stdin.Close()
			go func() {
				select {
				case <-ready:
				case <-ctx.Done():
				select {
				case <-ready:
					if err := ctr.sendCloseStdin(); err != nil {
						logrus.Warnf("failed to close stdin: %+v", err)
		return err
	//CreateContainerRequest对象,应该是保存一些容器信息给libcontainer start时使用
	r := &containerd.CreateContainerRequest{
		Id:            ctr.containerID,
		BundlePath:    ctr.dir,
		Stdin:         ctr.fifo(unix.Stdin),
		Stdout:        ctr.fifo(unix.Stdout),
		Stderr:        ctr.fifo(unix.Stderr),
		Checkpoint:    checkpoint,
		CheckpointDir: checkpointDir,
		// check to see if we are running in ramdisk to disable pivot root
		NoPivotRoot: os.Getenv("DOCKER_RAMDISK") != "",
		Runtime:     ctr.runtime,
		RuntimeArgs: ctr.runtimeArgs,

	if err := attachStdio(*iopipe); err != nil {
		return err
	//发送CreateContainerRequest RPC请求给docker containerd(不懂)
	resp, err := ctr.client.remote.apiClient.CreateContainer(context.Background(), r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ctr.systemPid = systemPid(resp.Container)

	return ctr.client.backend.StateChanged(ctr.containerID, StateInfo{
		CommonStateInfo: CommonStateInfo{
			State: StateStart,
			Pid:   ctr.systemPid,




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This error message indicates that the Docker daemon is not running on your system, or that the Docker client is unable to connect to it. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Start the Docker daemon: You can do this by running the command `sudo systemctl start docker` on Linux or `docker run hello-world` on Windows or macOS. This will start the Docker daemon and allow the Docker client to connect to it. 2. Check if the Docker daemon is running: You can run the command `sudo systemctl status docker` on Linux or `docker ps` on Windows or macOS to check if the Docker daemon is running. If it is not running, you will need to start it as described in step 1. 3. Check Docker socket permissions: Ensure that the Docker socket file (/var/run/docker.sock) has the correct permissions. You can run the command `ls -l /var/run/docker.sock` to check the permissions. The owner should be root and the group should be docker. If the permissions are incorrect, you can change them by running the command `sudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock`. 4. Check if Docker is installed: If you have recently installed Docker, make sure that it is installed correctly. You can run the command `docker version` to check if Docker is installed and running correctly. 5. Check if Docker is running in a container: If you are running Docker in a container, make sure that the container is running and that the Docker daemon is started within the container. If none of these steps resolve your issue, you may need to refer to the Docker documentation or seek assistance from the Docker community.


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