

Bash (Bourne Again Shell) 是一个解释器,负责处理 Unix 系统命令行上的命令。它是由 Brian Fox 编写的免费软件,并于 1989 年发布的免费软件,作为 Sh (Bourne Shell) 的替代品。

您可以在 Linux 和 MacOS 机器上使用 Bash,甚至可以通过适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统在 Windows 10 机器上使用。


  • 下载源码包:



  • 放于指定路径:

这里 Bash Shell 脚本的全局变量 STORAGE 指定的存放源码包的路径 /home/goufeng 可进行修改。

  • 执行 Bash Shell 脚本:

输入 /[路径名]/[脚本名].sh 即可进行自动编译部署,过程中提示输入 (y/n) 输入 y 则进行下一步,这样分阶段确认的原因是为了确保能够看到上一个源码编译结果中可能的错误和提示。


#! /bin/bash
# Create By GF 2023-03-20 10:31

# --------------------------------------------------
# Install First: 
# * GCC / Clang

# ---------------- Compiler - CMake ----------------
# Need File: cmake-2.8.5.tar.gz
# ----------------- MySQL - 5.5.11 -----------------
# Need File: mysql-5.5.11.tar.gz

# ##################################################
# C11 标准(ISO/IEC 9899:2011): Year 2011 / GCC 4.9 (或更高) / Clang 3.3 (或更高) / Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.8 (或更高)
# ..................................................
# C17 标准(ISO/IEC 9899:2018): Year 2018 / GCC 9.0 (或更高) / Clang 6.0 (或更高) / Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.8 (或更高)
# --------------------------------------------------

# ##################################################
# C++11 标准 (ISO/IEC 14882:2011): Year 2011 / GCC 4.8.1 (或更高) / Clang 3.3 (或更高) / Visual Studio 2010 版本 2.0  (或更高)
# ..................................................
# C++17 标准 (ISO/IEC 14882:2017): Year 2017 / GCC 7.0   (或更高) / Clang 5.0 (或更高) / Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.3 (或更高)
# --------------------------------------------------

# ##################################################

# ######################################### Compiler - CMake #########################################

# Function: 编译安装(Compile Install) CMake-2.8.5
# ##################################################
function Compile_Install_CMake_2_8_5() {

    if [[ ! -d "/opt/cmake-2.8.5" ]]; then
        local VERIFY
        local STEP_UNZIPPED=0
        local STEP_CONFIGURED=0
        local STEP_INSTALLED=0
        # ------------------------------------------
        read -p "[Confirm] Compile and Install ( cmake-2.8.5 )? (y/n)>" VERIFY
        if [[ "$VERIFY" != "y" ]]; then exit 1; fi

        # ------------------------------------------
        tar -zxvf $STORAGE/cmake-2.8.5.tar.gz && STEP_UNZIPPED=1
        # ------------------------------------------
        cd $STORAGE/cmake-2.8.5 && ./configure --prefix=/opt/cmake-2.8.5 && STEP_CONFIGURED=1
        # ------------------------------------------
        make && make install && STEP_INSTALLED=1
        # ------------------------------------------
        if [[ $STEP_INSTALLED == 1 ]]; then
            # Skip # ln -sf /opt/cmake-2.8.5/bin/cmake /usr/local/bin/
            echo "Skip the Establishing of CMake Symbolic Link."

        # ------------------------------------------
        cd $STORAGE && rm -rf $STORAGE/cmake-2.8.5 && return 0
        echo "[Caution] Path: ( /opt/cmake-2.8.5 ) Already Exists."
        # ------------------------------------------
        return 0

# ########################################## MySQL - 5.5.11 ##########################################

# Function: 构建安装(Build Install) MySQL-5.5.11
# ##################################################
function Build_Install_MySQL_5_5_11() {

    # Warning: If it is under 5.7 and includes 5.7, still using utf8, cannot add -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8mb4
    # ..............................................
    # 在 MySQL 5.7 以前, 使用 SET PASSWORD 语句来修改密码, 从 MySQL 5.7 开始, 推荐使用 ALTER USER 语句来修改密码。
    # ..............................................
    # MySQL 5.5.11 "my.cnf" Location                    : /opt/mysql-data/conf/my.cnf && Need: chmod 644
    # MySQL 5.5.11 Initialize                           : /opt/mysql-5.5.11/scripts/mysql_install_db --basedir=/opt/mysql-5.5.11 --user=mysql
    # MySQL 5.5.11 Manually Copying Startup Files       : cp /opt/mysql-5.5.11/support-files/mysql.server [/etc/rc.d | /etc/init.d]
    # MySQL 5.5.11 Root Initial Password                : Empty(空), 直接使用 mysql -uroot -p 登录, 提示输入密码, 直接 Enter 键。
    # MySQL 5.5.11 View Password Verification VARIABLES : mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'validate_password%'; (如果 "my.cnf" 中没有密码相关环境变量的设定, 则无法查询出相关信息)
    # MySQL 5.5.11 Password Modification Policy         : mysql> set global validate_password.policy=0; (Optional: 0 or LOW / 1 or MEDIUM / 2 or STRONG | 直接设置为临时生效, 永久生效需要写入 "my.cnf") 
    # MySQL 5.5.11 Modify Password Length               : mysql> set global validate_password.length=6; (直接设置为临时生效, 永久生效需要写入 "my.cnf") 
    # MySQL 5.5.11 Password Modification                : mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('gf123456');
    # MySQL 5.5.11 Refresh Privileges                   : mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; (必要步骤, 否则新密码可能不会立即生效)

    if [[ ! -d "/opt/mysql-5.5.11" ]]; then
        local VERIFY
        local STEP_UNZIPPED=0
        local STEP_CREATED=0
        local STEP_BUILDED=0
        local STEP_INSTALLED=0
        local GROUP_NAME="None"
        local USER_NAME="None"
        # ------------------------------------------
        read -p "[Confirm] Build and Install ( mysql-5.5.11 )? (y/n)>" VERIFY
        if [[ "$VERIFY" != "y" ]]; then exit 1; fi

        # ------------------------------------------
        tar -zxvf $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11.tar.gz && STEP_UNZIPPED=1
        # ------------------------------------------
        # C++11 Error Handling:
        if [[ $CHECK_CPP_STD -ge 11 ]]; then
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: Cerror: ISO C++11 does not allow access declarations; use using declarations instead
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/log.h 中 351 行的 "MYSQL_LOG" 改为 "using MYSQL_LOG"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/log.h 中 352 行的 "MYSQL_LOG" 改为 "using MYSQL_LOG"。
            # ......................................
            sed -i "351 s/MYSQL_LOG/using MYSQL_LOG/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/log.h
            sed -i "352 s/MYSQL_LOG/using MYSQL_LOG/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/log.h
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: error: constant expression evaluates to -1 which cannot be narrowed to type 'unsigned long' [-Wc++11-narrowing]
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/ 中 10980 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/ 中 11087 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/ 中 11149 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/ 中 11211 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/ 中 11216 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/ 中 11226 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            #            ...........................
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/plugin/semisync/ 中 182 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/plugin/semisync/ 中 196 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            #            ...........................
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/plugin/semisync/ 中 164 行的 "~0L" 改为 "static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)"。
            # ......................................
            sed -i "10980 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/
            sed -i "11087 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/
            sed -i "11149 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/
            sed -i "11211 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/
            sed -i "11216 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/
            sed -i "11226 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/storage/innobase/handler/
            #            ...........................
            sed -i "182 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/plugin/semisync/
            sed -i "196 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/plugin/semisync/
            #            ...........................
            sed -i "164 s/~0L/static_cast<unsigned long>(~0L)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/plugin/semisync/
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: error: constant expression evaluates to 18446744073709551615 which cannot be narrowed to type 'longlong' (aka 'long long') [-Wc++11-narrowing]
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 5731 行的 "ULONG_MAX" 改为 "static_cast<longlong>(ULONG_MAX)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 5859 行的 "ULONG_MAX" 改为 "static_cast<longlong>(ULONG_MAX)"。
            #            ...........................
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/client/ 中 1553 行的 "ULONG_MAX" 改为 "static_cast<longlong>(ULONG_MAX)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/client/ 中 1557 行的 "ULONG_MAX" 改为 "static_cast<longlong>(ULONG_MAX)"。
            #            ...........................
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/client/ 中 1141 行的 "(ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0)" 改为 "static_cast<longlong>((ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/client/ 中 1142 行的 "(ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0)" 改为 "static_cast<longlong>((ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0))"。
            # ......................................
            sed -i "5731 s/ULONG_MAX/static_cast<longlong>(ULONG_MAX)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "5859 s/ULONG_MAX/static_cast<longlong>(ULONG_MAX)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            #            ...........................
            sed -i "1553 s/ULONG_MAX/static_cast<longlong>(ULONG_MAX)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/client/
            sed -i "1557 s/ULONG_MAX/static_cast<longlong>(ULONG_MAX)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/client/
            #            ...........................
            sed -i "1141 s/(ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0)/static_cast<longlong>((ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0))/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/client/
            sed -i "1142 s/(ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0)/static_cast<longlong>((ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0))/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/client/
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'HA_CREATE_INFO *' (aka 'st_ha_create_information *') with an rvalue of type 'ulonglong' (aka 'unsigned long long')
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 283 行的 "(ulonglong)0" 改为 "(HA_CREATE_INFO *)0"。
            # ......................................
            sed -i "283 s/(ulonglong)0/(HA_CREATE_INFO *)0/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'int' to 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 682 行的 "len" 改为 "static_cast<size_t>(len)"。
            # ......................................
            sed -i "682 s/len/static_cast<size_t>(len)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'int' in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 193 行的 "my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definitions_list)"      改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definitions_list))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 198 行的 "my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definition_modes_list)" 改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definition_modes_list))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 203 行的 "my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definers_list)"         改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definers_list))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 208 行的 "my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, client_cs_names)"       改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, client_cs_names))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 213 行的 "my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, connection_cl_names)"   改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, connection_cl_names))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 218 行的 "my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, db_cl_names)"           改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, db_cl_names))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 227 行的 "my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definition_modes_list)" 改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definition_modes_list))"。
            #            ...........................
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 726 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, select_stmt)"             改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, select_stmt))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 729 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, md5)"                     改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, md5))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 732 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, updatable_view)"          改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, updatable_view))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 735 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, algorithm)"               改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, algorithm))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 738 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, definer.user)"            改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, definer.user))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 741 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST,"            改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST,"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 744 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_suid)"               改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_suid))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 747 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, with_check)"              改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, with_check))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 750 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, timestamp)"               改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, timestamp))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 753 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, file_version)"            改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, file_version))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 756 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, source)"                  改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, source))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 759 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_client_cs_name)"     改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_client_cs_name))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 762 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_connection_cl_name)" 改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_connection_cl_name))"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 765 行的 "my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_body_utf8)"          改为 "static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_body_utf8))"。
            # ......................................
            sed -i "193 s/my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definitions_list)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definitions_list))/"           $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "198 s/my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definition_modes_list)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definition_modes_list))/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "203 s/my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definers_list)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definers_list))/"                 $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "208 s/my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, client_cs_names)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, client_cs_names))/"             $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "213 s/my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, connection_cl_names)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, connection_cl_names))/"     $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "218 s/my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, db_cl_names)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, db_cl_names))/"                     $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "227 s/my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definition_modes_list)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definition_modes_list))/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            #            ...........................
            sed -i "726 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, select_stmt)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, select_stmt))/"                         $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "729 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, md5)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, md5))/"                                         $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "732 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, updatable_view)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, updatable_view))/"                   $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "735 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, algorithm)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, algorithm))/"                             $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "738 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, definer.user)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, definer.user))/"                       $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "741 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST,<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST,"                       $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "744 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_suid)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_suid))/"                             $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "747 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, with_check)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, with_check))/"                           $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "750 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, timestamp)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, timestamp))/"                             $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "753 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, file_version)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, file_version))/"                       $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "756 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, source)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, source))/"                                   $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "759 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_client_cs_name)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_client_cs_name))/"         $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "762 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_connection_cl_name)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_connection_cl_name))/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "765 s/my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_body_utf8)/static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(TABLE_LIST, view_body_utf8))/"                   $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'unsigned int' to 'int' in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中  92 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_CPU"         改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_CPU)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中  93 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_CPU"         改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_CPU)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中  94 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_CONTEXT"     改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_CONTEXT)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中  95 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_CONTEXT"     改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_CONTEXT)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中  96 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_BLOCK_IO"    改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_BLOCK_IO)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中  97 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_BLOCK_IO"    改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_BLOCK_IO)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中  98 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_IPC"         改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_IPC)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中  99 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_IPC"         改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_IPC)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 100 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS" 改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 101 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS" 改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 102 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_SWAPS"       改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_SWAPS)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 103 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE"      改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 104 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE"      改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE)"。
            #            将 mysql-5.5.11/sql/ 中 105 行的 "profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE"      改为 "static_cast<int>(profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE)"。
            # ......................................
            sed -i "92 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_CPU/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_CPU)/"                  $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "93 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_CPU/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_CPU)/"                  $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "94 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_CONTEXT/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_CONTEXT)/"          $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "95 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_CONTEXT/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_CONTEXT)/"          $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "96 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_BLOCK_IO/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_BLOCK_IO)/"        $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "97 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_BLOCK_IO/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_BLOCK_IO)/"        $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "98 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_IPC/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_IPC)/"                  $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "99 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_IPC/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_IPC)/"                  $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "100 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "101 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "102 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_SWAPS/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_SWAPS)/"             $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "103 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_SOURCE/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_SOURCE)/"           $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "104 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_SOURCE/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_SOURCE)/"           $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            sed -i "105 s/profile_options \& PROFILE_SOURCE/static_cast<int>(profile_options \& PROFILE_SOURCE)/"           $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/sql/
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: error: constant expression evaluates to 239 which cannot be narrowed to type 'char' [-Wc++11-narrowing]
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/plugin/semisync/ 中 30 行的 "ReplSemiSyncBase::kPacketMagicNum" 改为 "static_cast<char>(ReplSemiSyncBase::kPacketMagicNum)"。
            # ......................................
            sed -i "30 s/ReplSemiSyncBase::kPacketMagicNum/static_cast<char>(ReplSemiSyncBase::kPacketMagicNum)/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/plugin/semisync/
            # ......................................
            # * Problem: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to 'char *' from 'char'
            #            ...........................
            #   - Solve: 将 mysql-5.5.11/client/ 中 2627 行的 "field_names[i][num_fields*2]= '\0';" 改为 "field_names[i][num_fields*2]= 0;"。
            # ......................................
            sed -r -i "2627 s/field_names\[i\]\[num_fields\*2\]= .*;/field_names\[i\]\[num_fields\*2\]= 0;/" $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/client/
        # ------------------------------------------
        mkdir $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/my-build && STEP_CREATED=1
        # ------------------------------------------
        # Create Group and User For MySQL.
        GROUP_NAME=`cat /etc/group | grep -o "mysql"`
        # ..........................................
        if [[ -z "$GROUP_NAME" ]]; then addgroup --system mysql; fi
        # ..........................................
        USER_NAME=`cat /etc/passwd | grep -o "mysql"`
        # ..........................................
        # The difference between "adduser" and "useradd":
        #     "adduser" is not a standard Linux command, it is essentially a Perl script.
        #     Calling the "useradd" command in the background makes this advanced utility more efficient when creating users in Linux.
        #     "useradd" provides options for creating a home directory, setting passwords, and other parameters.
        # ..........................................
        # useradd Option Description:
        #     -c: Add note text and save it in the note column of passwd.
        #     -d: Specify the user's home directory when logging in, replace the system default value of /home/<username>.
        #     -g: Specify the group to which the user belongs. The value can be either a group name or a GID. The user group must already exist, with a default value of 100, which is users.
        #     -s: Specify the shell that the user will use after logging in. The default value is /bin/bash.
        #     -u: Specify the user ID number. This value must be unique within the system. 0~499 is reserved for the system user account by default, so the value must be greater than 499.
        #     -m: Automatically establish the user's login directory.
        #     -M: Do not automatically establish a user's login directory
        # ..........................................
        if [[ -z "$USER_NAME" ]]; then useradd mysql -s /sbin/nologin -g mysql -M; fi
        # ------------------------------------------
        # Create The Required Directory For MySQL.
        if [[ ! -d "/opt/mysql5-data" ]]; then
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/run
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/data
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/tmp
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/conf
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/log/bin_log
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/log/error_log
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/log/query_log
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/log/general_log
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/log/innodb_ts
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/log/undo_space
            mkdir -p /opt/mysql5-data/log/innodb_log
        # ------------------------------------------
        # Granting mysql5-data Permissions To MySQL Users.
        chown -R mysql:mysql /opt/mysql5-data
        # ------------------------------------------
        # *  Option: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release: Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as the default may produce unoptimized binaries.
        #                                        指定一个适用于包的稳定版本的构建类型, 因为默认情况下可能会生成未优化的二进制文件。
        # ..........................................
        cd $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11/my-build && /opt/cmake-2.8.5/bin/cmake ../ -G "Unix Makefiles" \
                                                                            -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mysql-5.5.11 \
                                                                            -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/opt/mysql5-data/data \
                                                                            -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=/opt/mysql5-data/run/mysql.sock \
                                                                            -DSYSCONFDIR=/opt/mysql5-data/conf \
                                                                            -DMYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 \
                                                                            -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
                                                                            -DCOMPILATION_COMMENT="GF Self Use Edition" \
                                                                            -DWITH_INNOBASE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \
                                                                            -DWITH_ARCHIVE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \
                                                                            -DWITH_BLACKHOLE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \
                                                                            -DWITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \
                                                                            -DWITHOUT_EXAMPLE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 \
                                                                            -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8 \
                                                                            -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci \
                                                                            -DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=ALL && \
        # ------------------------------------------
        make && make install && STEP_INSTALLED=1
        # ------------------------------------------
        if [[ $STEP_INSTALLED == 1 ]]; then
            if [[ ! -d "/opt/lib" ]]; then mkdir /opt/lib; fi
            if [[ ! -d "/opt/lib/pkgconfig" ]]; then mkdir /opt/lib/pkgconfig; fi
            # ......................................
            ln -svf /opt/mysql-5.5.11/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
            # ......................................
            # Skip # rsync -av /opt/mysql-5.5.11/include/ /usr/local/include/
            # ......................................
            # Skip # rsync -av /opt/mysql-5.5.11/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
        # ------------------------------------------
        # Copy or Create MySQL Configure File: "my.cnf".
        # Skip # cp /opt/mysql-5.5.11/support-files/my-medium.cnf /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
        # ..........................................
        if [[ $STEP_INSTALLED == 1 && ! -f "/opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf" ]]; then
            touch /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            # ......................................
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "[mysqld]"                              >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "# Class: Database Server"              >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "port=3306"                             >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "user=mysql"                            >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "# Class: Database Directory"           >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "basedir=/opt/mysql-5.5.11"             >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "datadir=/opt/mysql5-data/data"         >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "# Class: Database Storage"             >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "default-storage-engine=INNODB"         >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "# Class: Database Connection"          >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "max_connections=10000"                 >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "max_connect_errors=10"                 >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "# Class: Database Character"           >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "character-set-server=utf8mb4"          >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "lower_case_table_names=1"              >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "[mysql]"                               >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "# Class: MySQL Command Line Character" >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "default-character-set=utf8"            >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "[client]"                              >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "# Class: Client Connection"            >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "port=3306"                             >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "# Class: Client Character"             >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo "default-character-set=utf8"            >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
            echo ""                                      >> /opt/mysql5-data/conf/my.cnf
        # ------------------------------------------
        # Copy MySQL Startup File: "mysqld".
        if   [[ $STEP_INSTALLED == 1 && -d "/etc/rc.d" ]]; then
            cp -v /opt/mysql-5.5.11/support-files/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/mysqld
            # ......................................
            sed -r -i ".bak" "s#^basedir\=.*#basedir\=/opt/mysql-5.5.11#" /etc/rc.d/mysqld
            sed -r -i ".bak" "s#^datadir\=.*#datadir\=/opt/mysql5-data/data#" /etc/rc.d/mysqld
            # ......................................
            chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/mysqld
        # ..........................................
        elif [[ $STEP_INSTALLED == 1 && -d "/etc/init.d" ]]; then
            cp -v /opt/mysql-5.5.11/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld
            # ......................................
            sed -r -i "s#^basedir\=.*#basedir\=/opt/mysql-5.5.11#" /etc/init.d/mysqld
            sed -r -i "s#^datadir\=.*#datadir\=/opt/mysql5-data/data#" /etc/init.d/mysqld
            # ......................................
            chmod 700 /etc/init.d/mysqld

        # ------------------------------------------
        cd $STORAGE && rm -rf $STORAGE/mysql-5.5.11 && return 0
        echo "[Caution] Path: ( /opt/mysql-5.5.11 ) Already Exists."
        # ------------------------------------------
        return 0

function main() {

    # -------------- Compiler - CMake --------------
    # --------------- MySQL - 5.5.11 ---------------



以上就是关于 Linux运维 Bash脚本 构建安装MySQL-5.5.11 的全部内容。


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