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原创 UDT复用器
UDP Multiplexer A UDP multiplexer is used to handle concurrent UDT connections sharing the same UDP port. The multiplexer dispatch incoming UDT packets to the corresponding UDT sockets a
2014-07-05 22:07:58 1050
原创 将VIM打造成一个IDE
2014-07-05 17:22:30 1047
原创 UDT拥塞控制算法协议及源码分析
此节对应与UDT协议文本的第七节。7. Configurable Congestion Control (CCC) The congestion control in UDT is an open framework so that userdefined control algorithm can be easily implemented and switched. Parti
2014-06-12 17:25:22 3559
原创 UDT4之握手分析
UDT supports two different connection setup methods, the traditional client/server mode and the rendezvous mode. In the latter mode, both UDT sockets connect to each other at (approximately) the same
2014-04-30 11:38:38 3199
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