
1.       如何使用 HQL 语句

HQL 语句一般写在 XML 配置文件中, Web 系统启动时,引导初始化配置文件,同时也就把 HQL 语句加载了。这么用的好处是,给程序员维护项目留有灵活的手段。缺点也有,开发的时候不太好调试。


Hibernate + Spring + Struts 框架群的用法如下:

(1)    包结构

(2)    web.xml 配置文件

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>

< web-app version = "2.5"

     xmlns = "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"

     xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

     xsi:schemaLocation = "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee

     http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_5.xsd" >


     <!-- log4j configuration listener -->

     < context-param >

         < param-name > webAppRootKey </ param-name >

         < param-value > hydropubilc.root </ param-value >

     </ context-param >

     < context-param >

         < param-name > log4jConfigLocation </ param-name >

         < param-value > /WEB-INF/log4j.properties </ param-value >

     </ context-param >

     < context-param >

         < param-name > log4jRefreshInterval </ param-name >

         < param-value > 60000 </ param-value >

     </ context-param >

     < listener >

         < listener-class > org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener </ listener-class >

     </ listener >


     <!-- spring context loader listener -->

     < context-param >

         < param-name > contextConfigLocation </ param-name >

         < param-value >




         </ param-value >

     </ context-param >

     < listener >

     < listener-class > org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener </ listener-class >

     </ listener >


     <!-- CXF servlet -->

    < servlet >

         < servlet-name > CXFServlet </ servlet-name >

         < servlet-class > org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet </ servlet-class >

         < load-on-startup > 1 </ load-on-startup >

     </ servlet >


     < servlet-mapping >

         < servlet-name > CXFServlet </ servlet-name >

         < url-pattern > /CXF/* </ url-pattern >

     </ servlet-mapping >


     <!-- struts2 filter -->

     < filter >

        < filter-name > struts2 </ filter-name >

< filter-class > org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ng.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter </ filter-class >

    </ filter >


    < filter-mapping >

        < filter-name > struts2 </ filter-name >

        < url-pattern > /view/* </ url-pattern >

    </ filter-mapping >


     < welcome-file-list >

         < welcome-file > index.jsp </ welcome-file >

     </ welcome-file-list >

</ web-app >


  • CXF Servlet ”配的是 Apache CXF Web Service ,不需要可以不配。

  • Spring 配置文件被分割成三部分,分别是:


app-DB-Context.xml ,管理数据库连接和 Hibernate 配置文件。

app-Beans-Context.xml ,管理 Spring Bean

app-EndPoint-Context.xml ,管理 CXF Web Service


(3)    Spring 配置文件

这里只讲讲 app-DB-Context.xml 配置文件,另外两个配置文件就不讲了,它们与 HQL 没有关系。


app-DB-Context.xml 内容如下:

< bean id = "dataSource" class = "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method = "close" >

         < property name = "driverClass" value = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />

         < property name = "jdbcUrl" value = " 。。。 " />

         < property name = "user" value = " 。。。 " />

         < property name = "password" value = " 。。。 " />

         < property name = "maxPoolSize" value = "20" />

         < property name = "minPoolSize" value = "1" />

         < property name = "initialPoolSize" value = "1" />

         < property name = "maxIdleTime" value = "20" />

</ bean >


< bean id = "sessionFactory" class = "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >

         < property name = "dataSource" ref = "dataSource" />

         < property name = "mappingResources" >

              < list >

                   < value > /com/gw/hbm/ImportClasses.hbm.xml </ value >


                   < value > /com/gw/hbm/oracle/ 各种表映射文件 .hbm.xml </ value >

                   < value > 。。。 </ value >


                   < value > /com/gw/hbm/oracle/HQLOracle.hbm.xml </ value >

              </ list >

         </ property >

         < property name = "hibernateProperties" >

            < props >

                < prop key = "hibernate.dialect" > org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect </ prop >

                <!-- 正式运行时 hibernate.show_sql 设置为 false -->

                < prop key = "hibernate.show_sql" > true </ prop >

                <!-- 正式运行时 hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto 这行要注释掉 -->

<!--                <prop key="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">validate</prop>-->

                < prop key = "hibernate.jdbc.batch_size" > 20 </ prop >

                < prop key = "hibernate.query.factory_class" > org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory </ prop >

            </ props >

        </ property >

</ bean >


< bean id = "daoTemplate" abstract = "true" >

     < property name = "sessionFactory" ref = "sessionFactory" />

</ bean >


ImportClasses.hbm.xml 配置文件主要用来导入 HQL 语句中用到的实体类。


ImportClasses.hbm.xml 内容如下:

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>

<! DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

"http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >




< hibernate-mapping >

     < import class = "com.gw.model.entity.EnAlarm" />

     < import class = "com.gw.model.entity.EnDYP" />

     < import class = "com.gw.model.entity.EnRealInfoPptn" />

     < import class = "com.gw.model.entity.EnRealInfoRiver" />

     < import class = "com.gw.model.entity.EnRealInfoRsvr" />

</ hibernate-mapping >


HQLOracle.hbm.xml 配置文件主要用来保存 HQL 语句。所保存的语句都是 For Oracle 版的,如果要针对 SQL Server MySQL 数据库,就再分别另写一套。


HQLOracle.hbm.xml 内容如下:

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>

<! DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

"http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >


     User custom query


< hibernate-mapping >

     < query name = " 查询名称 1" >


              HQL 语句 1


    </ query >


    < query name = " 查询名称 2" >


              HQL 语句 2


</ query >



(4)    程序中的调用

package com.gw.dao.impl;


import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.HibernateDaoSupport;

import com.gw.dao.IAlarmDAO;

import com.gw.model.entity.EnAlarm;


@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )

public class AlarmDAOImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements IAlarmDAO {


     public List<EnAlarm> findRiverWrz(String startDate, String endDate, String abs) throws Exception {

         String[] names = new String[]{ "startDate" , "endDate" , "abs" };

         Object[] values = new Object[]{startDate, endDate, Double.parseDouble (abs)};


         return this .getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedQueryAndNamedParam( " 查询名称 1 " , names, values);



       说明:“查询名称 1 要和 HQLOracle.hbm.xml 文件中的“查询名称 1 相对应。



2.       如何适应不同类型数据库

实际项目中会碰到同时连接多个数据库,特别是多个不同类型的数据库的情况。只要调整 Sping 的配置文件 app-DB-Context.xml 就可以。


app-DB-Context.xml 内容如下:

< bean id = "dataSource1" class = "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method = "close" >

         <property name = "driverClass" value = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />


</ bean >


< bean id = "sessionFactory1" class = "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >

         < property name = "dataSource" ref = "dataSource1" />


</ bean >


< bean id = "daoTemplate" abstract = "true" >

     < property name = "sessionFactory" ref = "sessionFactory1" />

</ bean >


< bean id = "dataSource2" class = "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method = "close" >

         < property name = "driverClass" value = "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" />


</ bean >


< bean id = "sessionFactory2" class = "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >

         < property name = "dataSource" ref = "dataSource2" />


</ bean >


< bean id = "daoTemplate2" abstract = "true" >

     < property name = "sessionFactory" ref = "sessionFactory2" />

</ bean >



3.       Select 子查询的使用

< query name = "queryGetRsvrFsr" >


              select distinct new EnRealInfoRsvr(a.id.stcd, c.stnm, a.id.tm, a.rz, a.w, a.inq, a.otq, b.fsltdz, round(a.rz-b.fsltdz, 2))

              from StRsvrR as a, StRsvrfsrB as b, StStbprpB as c

              where a.id.stcd = b.id.stcd and a.id.stcd = c.stcd

                   and a.rz - b.fsltdz > 0

                   and a.id.stcd <= '99999999'

                   and (a.id.stcd, a.id.tm) in


                            select a.id.stcd, max(a.id.tm)

                            from StRsvrR as a

                            where a.id.tm between to_date(:startDate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date(:endDate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')

                                 and a.rz is not null

                            group by a.id.stcd


                   and to_char(a.id.tm, 'mmdd') between b.id.bgmd and b.edmd

              order by a.id.stcd


</ query >


4.       like 操作符传值问题


public List<EnRealInfoPptn> getPptnByLocality(String tm, String locality) {

         String[] names = new String[]{ "tm" , "locality" };

         Object[] values = new Object[]{tm, "%" + locality + "%" };


         return this .getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedQueryAndNamedParam( "queryGetPptnByLocality" , names, values);



       HQL 语句这样写:

< query name = "queryGetPptnByLocality" >


              select new EnRealInfoPptn(a.id.stcd, b.locality, b.rvnm, b.stnm, a.id.tm, a.dyp, a.wth)

              from StPptnR as a, StStbprpB as b

              where a.id.stcd = b.stcd and

                   a.dyp is not null and

                   a.id.tm = to_date(:tm, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and

                   a.id.stcd <= '99999999' and

                   b.locality like :locality

              order by a.id.stcd


</ query >


5.       in 操作符传值问题

HQL 支持 Where 子句中的 in 操作符,不过怎样把 in 括号内的值传入呢?

比如说,我们要执行这样一句 SQL 语句:

select stpptnr0_.STCD as col_0_0_, ststbprpb1_.STNM as col_1_0_, stpptnr0_.TM as col_2_0_, stpptnr0_.DRP as col_3_0_, stpptnr0_.INTV as col_4_0_

from cwRWDB.dbo.ST_PPTN_R stpptnr0_, cwRWDB.dbo.ST_STBPRP_B ststbprpb1_

where (stpptnr0_.STCD=ststbprpb1_.STCD )and(stpptnr0_.DRP is not null )

and(stpptnr0_.STCD in ('61535000','61333250','61127500','61804110','60109100','60802310'))

and(stpptnr0_.TM>='2010-08-01 00:00:00' )and(stpptnr0_.TM<='2010-08-05 20:00:00' )

order by   stpptnr0_.STCD , stpptnr0_.TM

如何把“ '61535000','61333250','61127500','61804110','60109100','60802310' ”作为查询条件传给配置文件中的 HQL 语句呢?答案:利用数组。



public List<EnRainfall> findPptnOfTime(String stcds, String startDate, String endDate) throws Exception {

//stcds = '61535000','61333250','61127500','61804110','60109100','60802310'

         String[] arrStcds = stcds.replaceAll( "'" , "" ).split( "," );

         if (arrStcds. length > 0) {

              String[] names = new String[]{ "stcds" , "startDate" , "endDate" };

              Object[] values = new Object[]{arrStcds, startDate, endDate};


              return this .getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedQueryAndNamedParam( "queryFindPptnOfTime" , names, values);


         } else {

              return null ;




       HQL 语句这样写:

< query name = "queryFindPptnOfTime" >


              select new EnRainfall(a.id.stcd, b.stnm, a.id.tm, a.drp, a.intv)

              from StPptnR as a, StStbprpB as b

              where a.id.stcd = b.stcd

                   and a.drp is not null

                   and a.id.stcd in (:stcds)

                   and a.id.tm >= :startDate and a.id.tm <= :endDate

              order by a.id.stcd, a.id.tm


</ query >


6.       dialect 方言的处理

Hibernate 方言对 Oracle 支持的比较好,基本 Oracle 的数据库内置函数都可以调用。但是对 MS SQL Server 数据库就支持的差一点了,很多 SQL Server 数据库内置函数都不能用。为什么会这样?不知道 - -!


可是项目里用 SQL Server 库,又想使用 SQL Server 内置函数写 sql 语句,怎么办?


改造 For SQL Server dialect 方言。



package org.hibernate.dialect;


import org.hibernate.Hibernate;

import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate;


public class GWSQLServerDialect extends SQLServerDialect {


     public GWSQLServerDialect() {

         super ();

         registerFunction( "varchar" , new SQLFunctionTemplate(Hibernate. STRING , "varchar(?1)" ));

         registerFunction( "convert" , new SQLFunctionTemplate(Hibernate. STRING , "convert(?1,?2,?3)" ));





       Spring 配置文件 app-DB-Context.xml 中这样创建 sessionFactory bean

< bean id = "sessionFactoryForecast" class = "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >

         < property name = "dataSource" ref = "dataSourceForecast" />

         < property name = "mappingResources" >

              < list >

                   < value > /com/gw/hbm/ImportClasses.hbm.xml </ value >


                   < value > /com/gw/hbm/sql/FForecast.hbm.xml </ value >

                   < value > /com/gw/hbm/sql/FForecastC.hbm.xml </ value >


                   < value > /com/gw/hbm/sql/HQLSqlServer.hbm.xml </ value >

              </ list >

         </ property >

         < property name = "hibernateProperties" >

            < props >

                < prop key = "hibernate.dialect" > org.hibernate.dialect.GWSQLServerDialect </ prop >

                <!-- 正式运行时 hibernate.show_sql 设置为 false -->

                 < prop key = "hibernate.show_sql" > true </ prop >

                <!-- 正式运行时 hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto 这行要注释掉 -->

<!--                <prop key="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">validate</prop>-->

                < prop key = "hibernate.jdbc.batch_size" > 20 </ prop >

                 < prop key = "hibernate.query.factory_class" > org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory </ prop >

            </ props >

        </ property >

</ bean >


       说明:“ hibernateProperties ”属性中的“ hibernate.dialect ”设置为新创建的方言类。



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